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Anglo-expat ingrate still insulting Poland's head of state

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Sep 2016 /  #1
cat Dud

And I'm wondering why the mods allow a poster to openly insult the democratically elected President of the Republic of Poland. It's one thing to call a complete nobody hairy or baldy or what have you, but the head of state in whose country a parasitic Anglo expat is allowed to live...at least he should show a minimum of civility and respect. But it's understadnable for someone who's got vitriol in his blood and hatred in his heart. Someone who hates Poland, the Polish people, culture, religion, food and most everything else and even violates Polish orthographic norms should head back to Merry Olde England without delay. Albion beckons!
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
26 Sep 2016 /  #2
"openly insult the democratically elected President of the Republic of Poland."

I thought this was against the law in Poland, is it still the case, or do the authorities turn a blind eye?
Marsupial  - | 871  
26 Sep 2016 /  #3
Big deal he needs to move to the kremlin to enjoy less criticism. Or put up.
26 Sep 2016 /  #4
a parasitic Anglo expat

That's a marvelous description of you, Po. You're an Anglo, as shown by your passport, and you're an expat. And you contribute less than nothing to Poland: you don't work and you don't pay taxes; all you do is make Poland a less pleasant place.

is allowed to live

The person who needs to be allowed to live here is you, American; us EU citizens have the legal right to live here. And if the truth about your past actions came out, for how much longer would you be allowed to live here?

I thought this was against the law in Poland, is it still the case, or do the authorities turn a blind eye?

It's still enforced. However, 'cat' is not an insult.

a person, especially a man.

No surprise that Po can't understand that, he's well known for getting his words wrong.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Sep 2016 /  #5
authorities turn a blind eye?

It has to be reported to the autorities and they take it from their. They probably don't even know what kind of slime they have let in.

your past actions

What past actions? More nasty insinuations like "government property at knock-down prices"?
When did you last type Cat Michnik, er ,um, sorry, Cat Jew-Michnik, Cat Schetyna, She-Cat Kopacz, Cat Petru?
26 Sep 2016 /  #6
It has to be reported to the autorities

Go right ahead, report me for calling Duda a man.

they take it from their.

Thanks for so promptly proving what I was saying about your knowledge of words.

They probably don't even know what kind of slime they have let in.

You haven't been deported yet, so clearly they don't. But perhaps the IPN still had files on an American draft-dodger who collaborated with the commies for decades. Let's hope so.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
26 Sep 2016 /  #7
Cat Jew-Michnik

She-Cat Kopacz

who is being insulting here exactly?
I suggest you crawl back under whatever stone you live under and stop annoying people.
Marsupial  - | 871  
26 Sep 2016 /  #8
Is it anything specifuc we can't say or just things his highness doesnt approve of?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Sep 2016 /  #9
American draft-dodger who collaborated with the commies

Any proof or more hairy bollocks!?
26 Sep 2016 /  #10
Any proof

Plenty, but it's all got your personal information on it, so I'd need your permission to post it. May I post it?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Sep 2016 /  #11
personal information

Go ahead. I already know it will not prove your groundless "hairy bollocks" style allegations.
26 Sep 2016 /  #12
Go ahead.

Just so were completely clear, you're giving permission for me to post your auto-biographies on PF, correct? And links to other online information that identifies you, yes?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Sep 2016 /  #13
giving permission

Come on. Get with it. I feel nauseous everytime I see you "snitching to mods" or grovelling to ask mods permission for something. Letter of the law, rules, regulations, procedures -- all very Pharisaical. I used to think it was Prussians who had that exaggerated "Ordnung muß sein" mentality, but it seems to be shared by some Anglo-expats.

stop annoying

And Cat Duda or the dud are not offensive to you?
26 Sep 2016 /  #14
Come on. Get with it.

No problem. Just confirm you're fine with me posting links to your auto-biographies. Today it has become crystal clear that the rules here don't apply to you, but I'm sure they still apply to me. The best solution would be for you to post a link to one of them yourself, the hilarious one you wrote to celebrate your 35th anniversary would be ideal really.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Sep 2016 /  #15
hilarious one

What was so hilarious about it? It's all true but that is an alien concept to a Liar Laureate, innit? To someone known for 1% fact and 99% malicious fabrication.
26 Sep 2016 /  #16
It's all true

Actually it isn't, as can be demonstrated by comparing the various texts you've written about yourself and by comparing it to historical records such as official transcripts of press conferences where you state you work not for the Jewish-owned agency but for an agency that exists only in your imagination, the same imagination that has 'cat' listed as an insult.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Sep 2016 /  #17
transcripts of press conferences

At no press conference was I ever asked about Jewish press agencies nor did anyone ever raise the question. That is another of your concoctions just like the state property at knock-down prices.

And this is what I should be deported for? You are sick, Hairy Cat! Now, American Jewess Ruth Gruber wr0okign for UPI in Warsaw was expelled during martial law and she did go to work for the Jewish Telegraphic agency.
26 Sep 2016 /  #18
At no press conference was I ever asked about Jewish press agencies nor did anyone ever raise the question.

No, but there certainly were press conferences where you did not identify yourself as working for the Jewish-owned agency your hilarious auto-biographies claim you worked for (in fact that agency had other staff representing it at those press conferences). Instead you identified yourself as working for an agency which exists only in the imagination of the man who thinks "cat" is an insult.

And this is what I should be deported for?

No, but the softball questions transcripts show you lobbed up for commie officials and your ability to be accredited as a journalist despite working for an agency which didn't exist and the way your pieces faithfully repeated a line very different to the rest of the western media give very strong hints as to what you should be deported for. It's something a lot worse than calling any politician the name of any animal.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Sep 2016 /  #19
for an agency which didn't exist

What is the name of that mythical phantom agency that didn't exist? When someone in the press corps raised thier hand and was called on by the Dumbo-the-elephant-eared Jew (Urban), they identified themsrelves as WashigntonPost, AP, Le Monde, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, ČTK, DPA or whatever. Not all were agencies but individual titles. I identifed myself as prasa polonijna w USA, That what I got accredited for and couldn't very well take up time at each presser enumerating 20+ Polonian press titles.

The bottom line is that hairy bollocks is back in the could've, should've, may've and might've mode of vicious insinuations and fabrications that are 99% false. It's good that you have allowed all PFers to see how their Liar laureate is perfoming true ot form.
26 Sep 2016 /  #20
That what I got accredited for

Interesting, given that your hilarious biographies always have you working for decades for a well known agency. And how fascinating that Poland decided to issue accreditation to a reporter from specialised local papers whose words were so often glaringly different to those of the national western media. Although I suppose that difference might have been due to your very individual understanding of what words mean, as exemplified by your understanding of a slang word for a man as being an insult. It might there have been another explanation?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Sep 2016 /  #21
slang word for a man

OK, so when will we be seeing you type Cat Michnik, Cat Schetyna and Cat Kijowski. They are men after all.

glaringly different to those of the national western media

And they remain so. The so-called Western media are controlled by and serve the interests of giant corporations and mainly represent a liberal-leftist slant on things. This can be seen since last October. GW badmouths the democratically elected government, NYT reprints it, CNN interviews some KODist and instead of impartial media we have biased, partisan newspapers and TV stations telling only the KOD side of the story. Is that and balanced journalism or poltical propaganda?
26 Sep 2016 /  #22
And they remain so.

Really? Where can I read them these days?

GW badmouths the democratically elected government

No, GW tells the truth about Poland, just as the Washington Post tells the truth about the Smolensk death cult. But I do understand that you may well see GW and the WaPo writing words that you think are badmouthing Poland, given that you appear to know so little about words that you think that calling somebody a cat is an insult.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Sep 2016 /  #23
GW tells the truth about Poland

Yeah, their truth about Poland is just as true as your 1% truth about Poland or anything else: distorted, biased and one-sided.
Calling the democratically elected president of a country a "cat" is highly disrespectful. That is why you have never applied that term to the seedy, creepy types you fancy: Michnik. Blumsztajn, Łuczywo, Sikorski, Schetyna, Wałęsa, Kopacz, Petru, etc.

But hey, you're off rambling about but where's the punch line: the numerous heinous crimes I have allegedly committed that qualify me for deportation?
Ironside  50 | 13053  
26 Sep 2016 /  #24
And I'm wondering why the mods allow a poster to openly insult the democratically elected

For goodness sake, just get over it. I know it can be annoying but for one there is freedom of speech, and there is a question of people with a mental instability issues.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Sep 2016 /  #25
calling somebody a cat is an insult.

If it's not disrespectful or an insult, then from now on you'll be referred to as a Hairy Cat.
27 Sep 2016 /  #26
from now on you'll be referred to as a Hairy Cat.

You are most welcome to refer to me as that cat Harry, just as I refer, and will continue to refer, to that cat Duda being that cat.

However, I would caution you against your hilarious misspelling of my name. Deliberately misspelling people's names is forbidden here; I myself was once banned for even asking if I could add the letter 'o' to a user's name. Of course, as your post above makes crystal clear, it's highly unlikely that a mod who has in the past threatened to ban me for so much as mentioning his name is going to apply to you the same rules that he demands everybody else follows, but I'm sure that he won't thank you for giving me lots of opportunities to point out his double standards and general unfitness for his post.

In much the same way, I'm sure that that cat Duda would prefer that people aren't given opportunities to remind everybody that he has defrauded the Polish taxpayer and is currently in clear breaches of the Polish constitution to such an extent that even his colleagues at the university of Krakow law school have publicly stated he's breaking the constitution.
jon357  72 | 23559  
27 Sep 2016 /  #27
And I'm wondering why the mods allow a poster to openly insult the democratically elected President of the Republic of Poland

Is it North Korea now, where you can only praise politicians?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Sep 2016 /  #28
only praise politicians

So put your money where your mouth is and start criticisng Wałęsa, Michnik, Kijowski, Schetyna and a few other characters. This isn't N. Korea so there's no reason to praise the above.
jon357  72 | 23559  
27 Sep 2016 /  #29
mouth is and start criticisng Wałęsa, Michnik, Kijowski, Schetyna

Don't be so silly Po, that post surpassed itself in stupidity, ignorance and vitriol. Why should I criticise a public figure I like any more than you criticise the fascistic pond life that you politically favour? Should I only praise the ones you approve of?

Grow up, Po and take a chill pill. Life may have treated you badly however that doesn't mean you have to write things online that read as if they were written by a very bitter, disappointed and unhappy individual.
Crow  154 | 9566  
27 Sep 2016 /  #30
Anglos are worse then Shiftars. Real pests.

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