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How do Polish people operate? what makes them tick?

urszula  1 | 253  
27 May 2011 /  #91
How do Polish people operate? what makes them tick?

Havok, you couldn't have said this any better! I sooo agree with you on everything you said. I had the "pleasure" of living in Poland for a few years and once I got back to my country, I couldn't get rid of all those negative emotions and vibrations hanging over me, which I experienced in Poland. People in Poland are always mad at something, never smile, always looking for ways to cheat you, to get more money out of you. I swear, that is the Polish norm, how to cheat one another and lie.

Very depressing. People over 40 in Poland say they are too old to do anything, a 40 year old person in Poland looks like a 60 year old in America. The recent tornados we experience here were devastating as well as the floods, but when you look at the news, the people here are positive, they will rebuild, they even joke about it, but in Poland when they had floods, everyone was angry at the government, at their country and everybody else, they were so negative and complaining about everything. Polish men are pigs, the pee all over the buildings and it stinks so bad. Must be because they drink all the time. And why do they smoke so much in Poland? I thought they don't have money for bread, but they got enough for piwo and papierosy.

I can go on, but going to the circus now.
OP Havok  10 | 902  
27 May 2011 /  #92
It was an honor and a pleasure and I'm proud to be a part of this nation. I fought for this country and I took the oath in the service and I would do it again.

I really mean it.

listen, I was a kid living in the street , I'm grateful for the opportunity they gave me. I would not get a chance like that in my old country.

Havok, you couldn't have said this any better!

Thank you :)
Wroclaw Boy  
27 May 2011 /  #93
I had the "pleasure" of living in Poland for a few years and once I got back to my country, I couldn't get rid of all those negative emotions and vibrations hanging over me, which I experienced in Poland.

Says it all really, if you felt like that after living in Poland for a few years of "pleasure" how would you have turned out if you were born into that society? You obviously dont know the meaning of the word PARAGRAPH so im thinking you probably were in some way, but not unlike Havok think you are some what superior.

people in Poland are always mad at something, never smile, always looking for ways to cheat you, to get more money out of you. I swear, that is the Polish norm, how to cheat one another and lie.

Do you think that is a trait portrayed significantly by Polish people purely because of the fact that they are Polish? or could it be the lives and societys they were raised in that made them that way? I mean if a baby was raised by a pack of dogs they would bark like dogs, eat like dogs even have sex like dogs. Just look at Havok he's a Pole but he doesn't portray any of these stereotypical so called Polish traits.

People over 40 in Poland say they are too old to do anything, a 40 year old person in Poland looks like a 60 year old in America.

Biased BS.

The recent tornados we experience here were devastating as well as the floods, but when you look at the news, the people here are positive, they will rebuild, they even joke about it, but in Poland when they had floods, everyone was angry at the government, at their country and everybody else, they were so negative and complaining about everything

US is the world leader in so called people well being, the government has cash to help even if it wasnt so well implemented in New Orleans (i wonder why), different situation from Poland all together, PL flooding was a totally different beast to the US from insurance purposes lets not even get into a governmental level.

Polish men are pigs, the pee all over the buildings and it stinks so bad. Must be because they drink all the time.

yeah we just walk around peeing on everything all the time.

Without getting to personal i BET you are one fat cheeseburgered up biatch. What you weighing in at right now about 110 KG?

I can go on, but going to the circus now.

Me too, i bet youre the main attraction. Cheeseburger eating competition awaits.
OP Havok  10 | 902  
27 May 2011 /  #94
Says it all really

Where is PGTX when you need her? This thread is about Poland, not about the US....

but not unlike Havok think you are some what superior

The only superiority i have over you is my positive thinking, my tendency to smile a lot to people and ability to enjoy my life.

You sound grumpy bro. You should move back to GB cuz living in PL is taking its toll on you. You don't wanna be 40 and think that you're too old to do anything... or do you?
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
27 May 2011 /  #95
And why do they smoke so much in Poland?

Because it is one of things we perceive as personal freedom of an individual.
Besides, I smoke Marlboros.

Havok, Urszula, do I look 70 being 50? And you know, funny thing, I learned playing guitar and bass in recent 4 years. I wonder what your comment related to Polish and Wroclaw Boy and age really meant...

OP Havok  10 | 902  
27 May 2011 /  #96
Besides, I smoke Marlboros.

Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
27 May 2011 /  #97
Show me your picture Havok, I need to see how well you look because of your wellbeing ;-)
Urszula is welcomed, too.
Wroclaw Boy  
27 May 2011 /  #98
listen, I was a kid living in the street , I'm grateful for the opportunity they gave me. I would not get a chance like that in my old country.

Thats all fair enough my man, were all humans right and we do what we have to do, yours is a tough one by its very circumstance and the beliefs you hold in spite of it. Your types of scenarios make me feel that the world is not ready for the resource based economy but the facts are your types of scenarios will always happen as long as the monetary system is in place, if its not Poland it will just run down to the next country on the list.

That's what the monetary system does and will always do. Youre a smart guy look into the future, what does it hold within a monetary system? profit, corruption, exploitation of the Earths resources, only a few at the very top will profit. Whilst you and i are always dreaming and wanting for more money. Keep paying ever increasing taxes, keep being consumers fueling their greed, like little pawns on a friggen chess board.

We need a new resource based economy, a new world order is out there in thezeitgeistmovement.com if you think anything ive written makes sense sign up and create awareness. I fcuking hate the corporate world and everything it stands for 90% of the time it doesnt benefit society it only benefits CEO's at the very top but ALL in the name of profit and nothing less.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
27 May 2011 /  #99
The recent tornados we experience here were devastating as well as the floods, but when you look at the news, the people here are positive, they will rebuild, they even joke about it

Correct me if I’m wrong but I heard the nasty rumor that in order to give help to the tornado victims they have to cut spending somewhere else. The bankruptcy starts to rear its ugly head and Katrina was just a sign of how those types of disasters will be handled in the near future in US.

Polish men are pigs

I gather you didn’t have many dates while in Poland, wonder why?

the pee all over the buildings and it stinks so bad. Must be because they drink all the time.

Sort of like a stanch in New Orleans on Mardi Gras, you must have felt at home, but at least you don’t see a woman squat in the middle of a street with hundreds of people around to do her business and drinking a hurricane while doing it. I must admit, talented she was.

Must be because they drink all the time.

Yap my impression too.

And why do they smoke so much in Poland?

To annoy loud mouth Yanks.

I can go on, but going to the circus now.

That’s where you belong.
OP Havok  10 | 902  
27 May 2011 /  #100
Show me your picture Havok, I need to see how well you look because of your wellbeing ;-)

I wouldn't want my face or my name to be associated with this site. No self-respecting person would ever do that.

I'm on facebook and linkedin though.

That's what the monetary system does and will always do

I'm not a greedy person, I just want enough recourses to live my life with dignity.
I live in a country that can provide tools to anyone who wants to reach their full potential.
Personally, I feel like I have a fair chance against anyone here even though you think the US is some kind of evil corporate hell.

There are countless examples of people who came here with nothing and were able to turn their lives around for better. You don't hear those stories about Europe or especially about Poland.

So if you had to choose the lesser of two evils, which country would be your pick, Poland or the US? Simple logic my man... The question is how open minded are you and hard are you willing to work for it.

Correct me if I’m wrong but I heard

Dude you are a perfect example of a Polish conformist dumb ass.

Fuck this place i'm going river tubing.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
28 May 2011 /  #101
Fuck this place i'm going river tubing.

I hope you’re not going to the lake on the border, I heard there is Mexican greeting party ready to welcome Americans there.
Wroclaw Boy  
28 May 2011 /  #102
You don't hear those stories about Europe or especially about Poland.

This guy is gone almost a lost cause hes reading but hes not listening, what are the million + Poles that emigrated to the UK saying hey Havok? The ones that return to Poland year after year for Easter in ever better cars. What do you know about them? think about it and yes the answer is you know nothing, youre not the only successful Pole that left Poland over the past 15 years.

Many of us live in countries that can provide opportunities for individuals to carve out decent lives for themselves but thats not the big picture. Its the big picture for you considering youre poor background, you were brought up thinking that a nice house and perhaps a Mercedes car was the height of family living, im sure after achieving that youve realized its actually not, those material things do not actually bring true happiness you only think they do.

There are countless examples of people who came here with nothing and were able to turn their lives around for better

Please explain that in a non monetary fashion and my argument ends, please explain how people turned their lives around without the use of money....

**** this place i'm going river tubing.

In other words "im lucky i can do this, you should feel jealous", he'll get to river tubing and he'll be the same as we all are, he actually gets more of a buzz from thinking others envy him than the actual river tubing itself.

Weird isnt it, we all do it.
OP Havok  10 | 902  
28 May 2011 /  #103
I hope you're not going to the lake on the border, I heard there is Mexican greeting party ready to welcome Americans there.

I think you have it the other way around.

This guy is gone almost a lost cause hes reading but hes not listening, what are the million + Poles that emigrated to the UK saying hey Havok?

Honestly I'm not sure who is more brainwashed me or you. The sad truth is that million + Poles go to UK and most of them work some ****** jobs just to buy a new car. If you don't see what is wrong with that picture then i must congratulate you on a job well done on being well adjusted Pole, Brit. Your training has been completed.

My house is in a nice neighborhood 10 minutes drive from downtown Houston. I would lie if i said it doesn't make me happy to live here. I'm not much into cars though. I've already said what makes me happy.

Let me quote myself again:

In other words "im lucky i can do this, you should feel jealous", he'll get to river tubing and he'll be the same as we all are, he actually gets more of a buzz from thinking others envy him than the actual river tubing itself.
Weird isnt it, we all do it.

you're reading too much into it . What i said was, hey it's Friday, it's a nice weather, let's grab some some beer and relax at the river.

I gotta go now, have fun.

  • relax at the river

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