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How do Polish people operate? what makes them tick?

z_darius  14 | 3960  
21 May 2011 /  #31
How typical, attacking America and it's policies. The thread is about Poles. You got you a** kicked here because you expected to have thing provided for you. You had been given opportunities. Just because you did not know how to take them, you are bitter. That's it.

I was given opportunities and I used them. I can't see your point.

We are talking about people, everyday folks.

Until everyday folks EVERYWHERE realize they are being screwed noting will change, not for Poles, not for Americans.
OP Havok  10 | 902  
21 May 2011 /  #32
I would like to let you know that don't feel being screwed .

That's one.

Darius would you like a visa to the US?
Eurola  4 | 1898  
21 May 2011 /  #33
I'm not feeling being screwed .

Me neither. God Bless America. No matter what the disgruntled people say. Their problem. Their loss. It just show that this country is not for former commie dwellers.
OP Havok  10 | 902  
21 May 2011 /  #34
LMAO Eurola
z_darius  14 | 3960  
21 May 2011 /  #36
Darius would you like a visa to the US?

Another fukctard american misconception.
I don't need a visa to the US.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
21 May 2011 /  #37
I'm glad you have a sense of humor about it! It shows that you are happy and adapted to living in this country. Down with miserables!!! :) WE don't need them here.

ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270  
21 May 2011 /  #38

c'mon, that's Havok's quote...
Eurola  4 | 1898  
21 May 2011 /  #39
I don't need a visa to the US.

If it was up to me - you would need one.
OP Havok  10 | 902  
21 May 2011 /  #40
Aren't you Polish? shouldn't you already know this?

I do but apparently the rest of us are in denial and don't wanna change for better.

Don't you remember a whole bunch of them jumped you and then you lost it and got banned? Well Ms. Puella changed her nick to Marisia and came after me with her Polish gang too. They don't forget.

I didn't get banned though maybe because i donated a $100 to this site.
21 May 2011 /  #41
her Polish gang too.

Havok you created a thread copying my comment from Random Chat Thread and entitled it including my name, and you are suprised that I replied? Basicly you've created a thread about yourself (as my comment was a reply on your question what's wrong with your attitude) so what's weird about people giving an opinion about your bahaviour? All opinions were moderate, they weren't mean. Yet you started again about Polish metality being a crapp and accusing Polish people of bringing you down. So why the heck you created that thread? And now you pretend to be a victim. All people who participated in that discussion were just random people who saw a new thread. If it was to be just a messege to me why haven't you sent a pm instead making from that a public debate? Now you cry because it seems that almost no one support your views. And that's low that you can accept it and get over it.

I'm off with that subject, and please don't talk gibberish about me that I set people against you or whatever you mean by it. You shouldn't also creat threads just to revenge on people. That's silly.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 May 2011 /  #42
Quite a few Poles have shown me one thing in particular. That they get a rise out of trying to be right when they are blatantly wrong. They often forget their own argument in the process. It's the OTT assertion of being right that is ultimately their downfall as it's a stubborn thing. Rather than calmly and rationally reflect, there are those that fly off the handle and lock horns.

APU, I'm talking about select Poles that exhibit this. Quite a lot will show it if you give them the chance. However, I know many that don't launch into a full-scale battle and take it easy.
21 May 2011 /  #43
you can

should be: you can't accept it and get over it. :)
Koala  1 | 332  
21 May 2011 /  #44
*looks at message boards all over the world*
No, that's just a common human trait.

My biggest problem with Poles is the work ethics. Not that we don't work hard, but we often don't put our hearts into it and want to get things done quickly, not right, which often results in having to redo the same work again.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 May 2011 /  #45
You shouldn't also creat threads just to revenge on people. That's silly.

It's common among those lower members of society who feel angry that they weren't dealt a better hand in life- usually through their own misfortune.

Being sacked from his toilet cleaning job really has made him a bitter, angry man.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 May 2011 /  #46
Yes but the focus is on Poland. Yet another reason why you can't say 'My Polacy, My Polacy' all the time, though :)
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 May 2011 /  #47
That is an interesting question - what makes Polish people tick? Naturally no matter what one says someone will counter that this is stereotyping and generalising. Nevertheless, sociological surveys show that different tendencies predominate in different countries. Wouldn't it be purposeful to create a comparative thumbnail sketch of different nationalities, for instance: Polish, German, Russian, Swedish, French, Italian, Irish, etc. Regional differences in many countries further complicate matters (eg Sicily and North Italy, Protestant north and Bavaria in Germany). One might consider such categories as:

truthfulness, punctuality, hospitality, bravery, industriousness, innovativeness, creativity, stubbornness, loyalty, altruism, patriotism, nationalism, tolerance, intolerance....etc.
21 May 2011 /  #48
'My Polacy, My Polacy'

I hate when people say "my, Polacy" (we, Poles) or "wy, Polacy" (you, Poles). Usually I'm trying to avoid this phrase. It makes me feel as if Polish people were somekind of one huge multicell organism which has one mind and thinks unanimously. No diversity there. It annoys me especially when one of those Polish Americans say that... no one made them spokesmen to talk in behalf of Polish nation.

My biggest problem with Poles is the work ethics. Not that we don't work hard, but we often don't put our hearts into it and want to get things done quickly, not right, which often results in having to redo the same work again.

Yeah that's true. Common excuses are low salaries or a mean boss... ;)


Please, don't flame, especially when quoting me.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
21 May 2011 /  #49
If it was up to me - you would need one.

well, little is up to the unemployed.
first get a job, or if you really want to chase that American dream, take a nap.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
22 May 2011 /  #50
The mechanics is simple, find out the other person's weakness, point it out, and make yourself feel better and you win!

Having done exactly that, do you see yourself in the pattern you have just described?

Havok this is a forum not a psychologist's couch, you display an awful lot of the flaws you project on to others, maybe you should give it some thought?
Ironside  50 | 12946  
22 May 2011 /  #51
Well, Eurola that nice you are so patriotic and loyal to your new homeland. You defy all the nasty rumours that Poles do not want to integrate. Funny though that while PennBoy was prosecuted on this very forum by the couple of Bits living in Poland, you wasn't there to defend him.

Now, you defend some guy with obvious mental problems because he says ; I'm an American . You are a loyal U.S. citizen, no need to overdue it and become a zealot!

ItsAllAboutMe - a good screen-name- all you write here is about you, your projections, prejudices and all the others p...
Would you like to have a real debate here ? What don't you listen for a change and then reflect some or maybe research, it is shame that you being from such great country display all characteristics of a close-minded backwood barn dweller.

just my two cents .....

tick-tack ?
OP Havok  10 | 902  
24 May 2011 /  #52
Now, you defend some guy with obvious mental problems because he says ; I'm an American . You are a loyal U.S. citizen, no need to overdue it and become a zealot! ItsAllAboutMe - a good screen-name-

ItsAllAboutMe is my cute wife. She'd follow me into hell and back again and I would do the same for her.
For the record, we're not the same person, but if you want to start another conspiracy theory be my guest. Btw she thinks PF is the most psychotic and most racist forums on the net. I'm not sure why I even bother to make any point here, most of the time I just laugh at you, so I'm not sure what has happened recently to me...

This forum has this hypnotic Jerry Springer or Saved by the Bell type of grip over me.

That is an interesting question - what makes Polish people tick?

Majority of Polish people have problems adjusting outside of Poland. I was skeptical at first but now it's crystal clear to me.
The facts are overwhelming, look at Polish immigrants in Germany, Italy, GB, US, Canada... only about 0.1% of Polish became fully functional, and well adjusted members of those societies. 1 in 1000 Polish immigrants (born in Poland) accomplished something significant after they left Poland. It's a very sad truth so I understand your unconditional Polish jealousy and paranoia about me.

You're not going to be able to succeed outside of Poland if you don't change the way you think. It's simple as that.

Having done exactly that, do you see yourself in the pattern you have just described?

Sean, I'm adaptable, I've learned all those tricks from people like you. I've been a member for more than a year now.

tick-tack ?

I know you have no life, but i do. Like i said before i don't give a shit what most of you think about me. It' is not going affect my life and i have a really good one too. so go fuck yourself all you haters.
Ironside  50 | 12946  
24 May 2011 /  #53
ItsAllAboutMe is my cute wife

Is she now?

she thinks PF is the most psychotic and most racist forums on the net

Ah? and that is the reason she is writing here, interesting.

For the record, we're not the same person,

I take your word for that, you wouldn't lie about it ,would you? being polish er.... american, whichever you can be trusted.

I'm not sure why I even bother to make any point here,

I'm not sure either, you sucks ....so far you have not been able to make a point let alone defend your position.

most of the time I just laugh

Good, its better than intoxicate yourself silly and beat up your wife or something....

so I'm not sure what has happened recently to me...

See a doctor.

Majority of Polish people have problems adjusting outside of Poland.

What make you an expert?And anyway - who cares ?By the way Polonius3 is an American, B&B.

I know you have no life


Like i said before i don't give a shit what most of you think about me.

Likewise, I didn't care what you were saying till you started attacking everyone around like a mad dog, without reason, well sane reason.

i have a really good one too.

Good, congratulation.

so go fuck yourself all you haters.

you go fuck yourself you nasty bastard why did you even bother coming onto this forum if you don't like it i hate people that do that go and order another beer you drunken ass-hole American.

{The Ironsides Lady has spoken}
OP Havok  10 | 902  
24 May 2011 /  #54
Is she now?

Yes she is.

Ah? and that is the reason she is writing here, interesting.

She was checking up on me.

I take your word for that, you wouldn't lie about it ,would you? being polish er.... american, whichever you can be trusted.

I'm not sure what your point is here. Sorry.

I'm not sure either, you sucks ....so far you have not been able to make a point let alone defend your position.

I didn't have a lot of contact with Polish over the years but I wanted to see if anything changed.

Good, its better than intoxicate yourself silly and beat up your wife or something....

LMAO, you're an idiot.

The Ironsides Lady has spoken}

First of all i don't drink beer, i prefer wine... I hate racists and backwards people, yes, and the rest of this doesn't make much sense. Are you upset? Last time you were upset and tried to talk English you asked "If you fucked me" and something about "if i shaved my ass." Keep it calm bud.
Ironside  50 | 12946  
24 May 2011 /  #55
Keep it calm bud.

Hey it wasn't me, but my lady. She thinks that you are an ass-hole. I hope it is simple enough for you.

Last time you were upset and tried to talk English you asked "If you fucked me"

Upset?Last time I had my laugh at you. You sounded like a loon on crack !

I'm not sure what your point is here. Sorry.

My point: I don't care whatever you are one person with ten accounts on PF or ten people with one account.Whatever ....

I didn't have a lot of contact with Polish over the years but I wanted to see if anything changed.

So you are an idiot, because PF in reality is an American forum and number of Poles writing here regularly is about 5 or 6.
OP Havok  10 | 902  
24 May 2011 /  #56
Hey it wasn't me, but my lady. She thinks that you are an ass-hole. I hope it is simple enough for you.

How's that a secret? Anyways, my wife travels often to Pennsylvania to her office and she posted from there on multiple occasions while I was posting from TX at the same time. I think Ms. corrupted Pgtx knows it and that's why she is Polish- Jealous because a lot of things I've said checks out. Jealous jealous...

Upset?Last time I had my laugh at you. You sounded like a loon on crack !

I think the part of the problem is that sometimes I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say and i assume that you're trying to be mean to me, because most Polish are that way by default.

I'm adaptive and i can pick up on things quickly. Basically after a while i started to do exactly what you guys do. I guess i have a natural predisposition, and I'm good at it too!

My point: I don't care whatever you are one person with ten accounts on PF or ten people with one account.Whatever ....

I have only one account, i don't see a point in having more. Care to explain what would this be necessary? I'm not ashamed what i say and I don't care what people think about me either on PF

So you are an idiot, because PF in reality is an American forum and number of Poles writing here regularly is about 5 or 6.

I think you're wrong. The majority of people on this forum are Polish, it's really obvious. There are some who are from GB, but only a few maybe 5 or 6.

Iron don't let yourself be left behind.

aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
24 May 2011 /  #57
but Havok has plenty of good points all who responded reacted in the typical, miserable Polish way. Why? Toilets and stuff... And, why are mixing 'American way' into it?

I agree, he says it how it is and that does not sit comfortable with some people.

When you debate something in this country, I mean when regular folks talk), they will hear you first - then respond.

that is not a Polish way and it is so annoying.

Unlike my Polish compatriots, when they want to be heard but they don't know how to listen.

so true, I am finding it out again after moving back. Had to tell my bossy friends to shut it and now they are offended. Oh, well........
George8600  10 | 630  
24 May 2011 /  #58
A heart is what makes them tick....
Ironside  50 | 12946  
24 May 2011 /  #59
How's that a secret?

Eh?Sorry, you lost me here, care to explain what you had in mind?

Anyways, my wife travels often to Pennsylvania to her office and she posted from there on multiple occasions while I was posting from TX at the same time. I think Ms. corrupted Pgtx knows it and that's why she is Polish- Jealous because a lot of things I've said checks out. Jealous jealous...

Well, as I said I don't care either way. As for pgtx: it is her way, I'm on PF for about two years and she was that way all the time,being moderator or not, you cannot have a discussion with her, only a chat.

Why would she be jealous ?

I think the part of the problem is that sometimes I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say and i assume that you're trying to be mean to me, because most Polish are that way by default.

As I said, you started attacking everyone around like a mad dog. I have never commented on your writings here, I mean about Poles.
To be honest I couldn't care less. As for being mean to you nay, for some reason I'm not - I say what I think.

I have only one account, i don't see a point in having more. Care to explain what would this be necessary? I'm not ashamed what i say and I don't care what people think about me either on PF

As I said I don't care either way, but I think that you care what people think about you.

I think you're wrong. The majority of people on this forum are Polish, it's really obvious. There are some who are from GB, but only a few maybe 5 or 6.

Nope, majority on this forum consist from a people somehow connected to Poland or to Poles(wife,husband) but who are not Polish themselves. I'm talking about people writing regularly on PF.

Poles from Poland, living in Poland are an absolute minority on PF - 3/4. The rest (about 5) are Poles living abroad.
So, in total - from about 40/50 posters writing more or less regularly on PF - the number of Poles (B&B in Poland)on this forum is about nine.

The number would be higher if you would included peeps like you, born in Poland but living abroad most of their life's. Add two more and that is that.

Don't like Eminem for number of reasons.
video response:

24 May 2011 /  #60
I think you're wrong. The majority of people on this forum are Polish, it's really obvious.

Majority of that forum was Americans of Polish descent, Poles living in the USA or Canada for years and British people who live in Poland. Poles living in Poland are minority... that would be about 6 active users.

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