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PF - The Omnibus Edition

Daisy  3 | 1215  
8 Aug 2008 /  #241
We can always blame it on the return of the kilt into the fashion industry

I blame Lassie
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
8 Aug 2008 /  #242
Very good, miranda.

It would frighten the life out of me, if I had to write the Omnibus Edition.
Uncle Bob  2 | 82  
8 Aug 2008 /  #244
change his nationality on a whim and starts speaking to us like a good, old uncle

There's only one Uncle posting on the forum I believe.
VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
8 Aug 2008 /  #245
I had an uncle Bob from scotland. Is that you uncle Bob?
8 Aug 2008 /  #246
There's only one Uncle posting on the forum I believe.

yah, but you don't sound like one at all.

Very good, miranda.

It would frighten the life out of me,

hey, nobody is as good as Szarlotka. I was kind of scared to but now I know why he does it. Writing it puts things in perspective and I had a lot of fun while doing it.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
8 Aug 2008 /  #247
wow i got called a father :) something nice, or does that term hold something negative :)
Uncle Bob  2 | 82  
8 Aug 2008 /  #248
yah, but you don't sound like one at all.

Interesting. How does an uncle sound in your part of the world?
8 Aug 2008 /  #249
wow i got called a father :) something nice, or does that term hold something negative :)

should I change it to a mother goose then? LOL

How does an uncle sound in your part of the world?

not like you;) but Mr Logan in the Clouds.
8 Aug 2008 /  #250
lol....good job miranda...i enjoyed that and even understood every single word as it's not too hot here today... ;)
8 Aug 2008 /  #251
thanks guys, I hope Mr Pie is gonna return.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
8 Aug 2008 /  #252
should I change it to a mother goose then? LOL

lol, then i no you were taking the P*ss :):)

P.S. great job on the omnibus, much better than that Coro, Eastenders rubbish :):)
8 Aug 2008 /  #253
lol, then i no you were taking the P*ss :):)

Daisy  3 | 1215  
8 Aug 2008 /  #254
I hope Mr Pie is gonna return.

Sorry, you are now Pan Pie's self appointed deputy...and proven yourself to be worthy of the appointment.

I'm afraid you're stuck with the job until such time PF members appoint a replacement
8 Aug 2008 /  #255
Atta girl M. I enjoyed the synopsis. :-)
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
8 Aug 2008 /  #256
Speak or not to speak#2

Ah yes, I forgot about this one. I'd have posted my own sweet voice, but I couldn't figure out how to record a mp3 file in the first place. You'll just have to use your imagination....
szkotja2007  27 | 1498  
8 Aug 2008 /  #257
Well done M. Wonder what happened to the pie ?
Daisy  3 | 1215  
8 Aug 2008 /  #258
Wonder what happened to the pie ?

hhhmmm...I wonder if Miranda knows but isn't telling
8 Aug 2008 /  #259
I had an uncle Bob from scotland.

I never had an Uncle Bob from anywhere <cos all my uncles have polish names > but I've learnt that you have to be careful of some Uncle's on this forum....... You never quite know who they are ! LOL.

8 Aug 2008 /  #260
Sorry, you are now Pan Pie's self appointed deputy...and proven yourself to be worthy of the appointment.

I'm afraid you're stuck with the job until such time PF members appoint a replacement

I will see how it goes;)

Atta girl M. I enjoyed the synopsis. :-)

thanks Mr S;)

You'll just have to use your imagination....

I am stuck in the same spot. Could not manage to work the system yet.

Well done M. Wonder what happened to the pie ?

thanks Sz. I am wondering myself.

hhhmmm...I wonder if Miranda knows but isn't telling

the conspiracy theory lover, aren't you:)

You never quite know who they are ! LOL.

good uncles are hard to come by:)
VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
8 Aug 2008 /  #261
Well done M. Wonder what happened to the pie ?

Wasn't he muttering something about another gin fizz and getting that German off his sun lounger?

good uncles are hard to come by:)

So it would seem. But eveyone needs at least an honorary uncle to sort out the ice creams
10 Aug 2008 /  #262
that was a great round up Miranda ... im sure Sz would also appreciate the backroom editors do stand in for him occassionally and tell the world of PF just how it is .... :)
shopgirl  6 | 928  
10 Aug 2008 /  #263
Very good, miranda.

It would frighten the life out of me, if I had to write the Omnibus Edition.

That was good!
Pan Pie, it seems you've got a new member for the editorial staff! :)

Wroclaw, it would frighten any of us to have to write the Omnibus.....it would require slogging through posts we would rather not read! ;)
10 Aug 2008 /  #264
not a problem for me LOL

Wroclaw, I forgot to ask you you would be scared to write Omnibus?
Ecoprincess  - | 28  
12 Aug 2008 /  #265
thanks really enjoyed the omnibus edition :)
OP szarlotka  8 | 2205  
15 Aug 2008 /  #266
I hope Mr Pie is gonna return.

I'm back. Nice job Miranda. The Sorcerer's Apprentice is now the Sorcerer.

I pop away for a few days and all hell breaks loose. Countries get invaded. Olympic operning ceremonies get computer graphically enhanced and Sarah Brightman goes Chinese, What is the world coming to.
15 Aug 2008 /  #267
I'm back.

great. I was worried that I would have to write the edition every week form now on.

Nice job Miranda. The Sorcerer's Apprentice is now the Sorcerer.

well, thank you Sz - you are too kind, but it was really a one time thing and I hope things will be back to normal from now on.
OP szarlotka  8 | 2205  
15 Aug 2008 /  #268
You mean that the quality of the Omnibus Edition will revert to the level of my tabloid journalism style...

You've raised the quality bar M
15 Aug 2008 /  #269
here is this week's edition.

Blowing your own horn
Osiol decides to blown his own horn, even though he is a master banjo player. This time around he asked other members to join in. I know how lonely it could feel if you are the only one with the talent out there. Some keen members started to pour in and brag about their talents, and it appears that Osiol will soon regret asking PF members this question again.

Are we wired negatively?
Nature vs. nurture theory has been tested again. Wroclaw decided to restore some sanity and bring back the civil part of our human nature back by asking us to say something positive about the poster above. We were doing well for a while, that is until the Iron Man decided to break the code of conduct and just be himself.

War is for real this time around
After an extended time of playing with the possibility of having a real war (including the one on Scottland being liberated from England by Russia created by Crow), we actually have one now. Georgia has been attacked by Russia and that only added fuel to already strained relationships with our friend ConstantineK. He decided not to hide in his bunker/den and defend the name of Russia until the last drop of blood.

Some PF members wanted to volunteer and leave their boring lives behind in the name of fighting for freedom of another nation, but chose to watch TV instead. Even our leader offered his life at one point but I think he is still around.

Who is hotter
It appears that after many restless posts comparing the beauty of women around the world by Southern, he finally made a wise decision and gave women on the forum some scraps in a form of a thread comparing the hotness of German and Polish men. So far the Germans are in the lead according to female posters, although Shopgirl posted some links stating that Germans are one of the worst lovers in the world, followed by almost all other nations. She then understood that she might have hurt the feeling of our one and only German Boy, who calls himself sausage (why not), and posted a link of an American woman, who is very satisfied with German services. At this point nobody has presented any written links on Polish men, which might be due to the fact that they are fairly new to the game of international love and preferred to stick to their own in the past.

Wahdlo seem to be the only one who took the criticism constructively and decided to take a shower in order not to loose all the American birds to Germans this time around.

Shell developed a habit of searching for hunky Polish/ German men, even though she previously stated very clearly, that it is the Brits she values most. Is she going to change teams? We will see.

The end of the world is coming soon, if we don’t stay white
As if we don't have enough hearing about conspiracy theories.
According to some posters, we need to avoid any color at every chance we get.
I don’t know how that sounds to people who actually like suntanning. I think that they will be unhappy, especially those who spend loads of money on sunny destinations, suntanning salons or spray booths. It appears that even skin color is no longer immune to fashion trends these days.

The IQ issue
Some new members are spreading “old news” again about the superiority of certain nationalities due to higher IQ scores. It would be good if they rechecked their own scores before posting. One could never be too sure if MENSA refused them membership solely out of spite.

If anyone watches it, we really wouldn’t know about it. Since Poland hasn’t got any gold medals yet, the subject seem to be of little interest too many.

We have our own Olympics every so often and it is only available in full spectrum to PF members. Ukpolska suggested that the Ozie Dan and Harry should compare their sizes, to which Helena suggested that after all intellect and constructive criticism is of little value when real men are concerned.

*correction – Poland got ONE.

No more “ women in love”?
It appears that not only fashion but also behaviors change, especially in the relationship department. It is no longer shameful to admit by a man that his heart was broken. Texas girl is worried that it might strip males of the mucho characteristics to which we, as women got used to in the past, and flip all the relationship rules upside down and inside out.

Premium members
There is a mixed feeling about the members who actually pulled some cash out in order to support PF, instead of spending it all on drinking, women/men and gambling. I bet that the big, blue logo attached to their post is simply an eyesore to some. Good PR Adm.

Love is in the air
We have all been there at one point in our lives. The sun is shinning, the birds are singing and the lousy coffee tastes like Jamaica Blue Mountain brand and the piece of rubbery meat like Kobe steak.

Our long time member Wildrover spotted and caught yet another beautiful bird. He didn’t use a net, but fishing with the internet seem to be as successful as any other methods. We hope that this one is a keeper. After all, he had another 749 offers and it takes a real strength of character to turn them all down.

Interracial dating
I cannot be bothered to post anything on that issue but it sure stirs some emotions in people, and I am might be able to see it with a different light next week. Or not.

Speaking thread
When it all started it was going like crazy. Once the more brave members got it out of their system, it seems to slow down a bit. Babi came up with a video, so did Wyspi and for me it is just another roadblock, since I haven’t mastered recording yet, even though the help has been pouring in.

PS. Szarlotka is back but since I have already worked on this week’s issue I decided to post it. I hope he doesn’t mind
OP szarlotka  8 | 2205  
15 Aug 2008 /  #270
I just stand back and watch in admiration. In keeping with my new found status as a fully fledged, paid up Modern Man I shall leave to do some hoovering shortly. Can anyone tell me how to change the dust bag please?

Seriously, great job again Miranda

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