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PF - The Omnibus Edition

FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
15 Nov 2011 /  #1381
Flagless, knowing that you are not stupid, I have to guess that natured wasn't generous about some other things. Why are you so mad?

where in all that am I mad..? Have a look in random chat, there you'll see one mad, froth at the mouth, individual... I just find bombastic pretentiousness coupled with hypersensitivity too good of a target. Lol Denmark is a nation of total piss takers more so than UK, I just take it a notch higher with my anarchistic Polish genes lol
sascha  1 | 824  
15 Nov 2011 /  #1382

Polish genes

quite unfortunate mix imo.

I just find bombastic pretentiousness coupled with hypersensitivity too good of a target

guessing that you dont quite understand what the comments are at all about intellectually, its time for you to educate yourself.

btw, why you are at all here? isnt your place at atp, together with gw, kitty hawk, bberlin62 or whatever nick she uses now? there the company is adequate.

here you are misplaced by only using your 'circus english' as an attraction is ziemlich arm.

greets to your buddies on atp. ;)
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
15 Nov 2011 /  #1383
btw, why you are at all here? isnt your place at atp, together with gw, kitty hawk, bberlin62 or whatever nick she uses now? there the company is adequate.

here you are misplaced by only using your 'circus english' as an attraction is ziemlich arm.

greets to your buddies on atp. ;)

Lol what is this..? Balkan Special Olympics with a Serbian bobsleigh team as a highlight..? Didn't know I needed to be on a team here. Call me stupid but I mistook this place for an open internet forum.. sorta place one normally would associate with individualism and freedom of expression... not a kindergarten with designated sandboxes
sascha  1 | 824  
15 Nov 2011 /  #1384
Serbian bobsleigh team as a highlight

that is called multicultural understanding and notifying your bs you spread around here. ;)

Balkan Special Olympics

is that where you would like to participate? then go to gym. schnell!

mistook this place for an open internet forum.

no you did not, but ranting is saved for the market place ;)

one normally would associate with individualism and freedom of expression

also correct, but as i said before, bs is saved for other places

not a kindergarten with designated sandboxes

that is your favorite place, not mine.

I needed to be on a team here

miss your buddies? go back then to atp. there are plenty like you.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
15 Nov 2011 /  #1385
Well, I got to try replying sascha style i.e. dissecting a whole cohesive message into individual sentences, thus conveniently taking them out of context and just reacting off of to each one of them. An obvious advantage of this approach is a zero reliance on creativity...who needs creativity anyway when you can spend your days transcribing news from Russian state-approved media and then sell it as an apogee of free thinking on polishforums, right? I wonder if this may be an offspring of this strange pack mentality... safety in numbers..the more disjointed sentences the merrier? Hey why stop there, why not just take a sentence and split it into words... That would completely absolve me of any imagination, how sweet! Shall we?






(agreed) called









your bs



(agreed) you


(agreed) spread


(agreed) around


(agreed) here


..hmm do i really need an emoticon to tell that i'm taking the fvck out of him..? What would sacha do..? ah yeah he would put one in lest the whole thing was mistaken for a X-mass card.

So there, end of the experiment I guess now I come across as an agrreable and amicable poster worthy PF according to sascha (but not yet the Balkan corner, no not there, there you need to go syllable by syllable just to make sure that all thinking is eliminated) . Way to go sascha!
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
15 Nov 2011 /  #1386
Aphrodisiac, at first I took your comment as a compliment, then your further posts confirmed that you have a problem with my ' divine' body, as well as with my confessions, and that you were sarcastic :(,

first of all this is an Omnibus thread where people have to/ should be sarcastic since it was started by Sszarlotka who I admire for his writing, observation, sarcastic skills. My bad. I am sarcastic to say the least. That is why I attempt to write here from time to time. He was writing about many people of this forum and nobody got offended, just the opposite, because everybody knew that this is the place to do that.

Sarcasm is not popular in some cultures, so some people may get offended, but it is a communication style as any other. For me sarcasm is like a reduced high quality sauce, which is cooked by the best chefs around the world, because it improves the flavour of food we have to eat every day.

Aphrodisiac, are you the Renaissance woman? :)

I don't know. I have many interests, but I would never put myself in that category. I can change the oil in the car - does that make me that woman?

I came to this forum a long time ago and I found many different cultures posting here. I often misunderstood their posts because of the different communication style.

Flagless is in his own category to say the least. He is a brilliant writer with a twisted sense of humour, but I love reading his posts because they add some sauce to PF.

As for your divine body. It is just a body and we all have them. To make an altar of ones body is not in my culture at all. We have different values.

Now, here is an example of sarcasm taken to the net level:)
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
15 Nov 2011 /  #1387
Flagless is in his own category to say the least. He is a brilliant writer with a twisted sense of humour, but I love reading his posts because they add some sauce to PF.

nice... thanks aphro I was just about to start a new thread: FlaglessPole - what do you think of him? well no need for that now.. though a possible alternative could be: What about the rest of you cunts?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
15 Nov 2011 /  #1388
can't take a compliment, can you???????????????lol
Natasa  1 | 572  
15 Nov 2011 /  #1389
Aphrodisiac, my mistake then. But yours also, I think you used the concept wrongly.

Let's see the definition:

In sarcasm, ridicule or mockery is used harshly, often crudely and contemptuously, for destructive purposes. It may be used in an indirect manner, and have the form of irony, as in “What a fine musician you turned out to be!” or it may be used in the form of a direct statement, “You couldn't play one piece correctly if you had two assistants.” The distinctive quality of sarcasm is present in the spoken word and manifested chiefly by vocal inflection .

That would mean that you actually wanted to problematize my appearance, and sorry for that, but it is one objectively good looking body. For showing and sharing :)))) Objective in a meaning - according to very wide social consensus. That is why I missed it probably, the target of your sarcasm is simply the wrong one. This body is pure music ;)))

You could have used sarcastic comments accurately saying something about my face or personality, they could be legitimate targets of mocking and then sarcasm would be in its limits given by definition and used properly.

Behind sarcasm is hostility, and I'm afraid I don't feel hatred that often, I rarely feel anger, envy or any of those swinging low-high self esteem emotions that make people resort to devaluation of others in order to restore their feeling of self value that they find adequate.

Aphro, until this post, I didn't give you any material to feel animosity (only visual aspect could have had some impact?), so you have to think through what triggered this emotion that sadly materialized itself in failed attempt to be sarcastic about the last thing about me one could be sarcastic.

Culturally we differ, you are Canadian Pole, I am Serbian Serb, and I don't socialize with people who can't resist the urge to needlessly hurt people around them. They are present here too, but I tend to slip into working mode when I hear them, so hence avoidance of people in love with sarcasm.

Sarcasm that transcends the level of personal insults, used for some other purposes could be interesting even for me. A matter of level of performance.

A quote:

Fyodor Dostoyevsky, recognized in it a cry of pain: Sarcasm, he said, was "usually the last refuge of modest and chaste-souled people when the privacy of their soul is coarsely and intrusively invaded

So, for all, this thread is actually a place to share your painful complexes and private locus minoris with others? Careless moves, utterly. In this hostile environment. I wouldn't do it ; )

Flagless is battling privately against serious things, and his intelligence, although quite satisfying, is neither successfully used to amuse others, it ends with persecuting other posters, offenses, and it is destructive in its (ab)use. So, like it is not there. His verbal skills are his stronger side, but his conceptualization of the world as a battleground, winners and losers (victim of zero sum fallacy), is a again only evoking sympathy and some kind of sorrow that has no place here, a professional deviation, so he is on my ignore list with espana and one more person. I don't want to feel sorrow, sadness and empathize with other people's pain if I am not working. And that is what I feel on the other side. Also, his behavior triggers hypothesis production without verification or desire to do that, a loss of time.

Your motives remain a total mystery ;) (example of non insulting use of irony)
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
15 Nov 2011 /  #1390
I'm pretty much speechless when it comes to Natasa.. well no, not really, just tired and about to crash.. but seriously she is so painfully blind, carpet bombing on hope and prayer with random definitions... Not being able to see the forest for the trees doesn't even start to describe it.. it's like she is in midst of it, dressed up in a park ranger uniform staring at those mother-fucking trees all around her yet all she sees is a couple of fornicating squirrels, wondering if they per chance would fancy a threesome...
sascha  1 | 824  
15 Nov 2011 /  #1391
Well, I got to try replying sascha style

you soooo unfunny...but always trying to be the clown?

btw, missed gym for pf??? ;) at least that could have had some effect. the pics you put here are quite funny for me. hair like watte, smoking a joint...trying to show off sth or just being 'anarchistic', lol

your so overpretentious and arrogant that its funny. no wonder that with your 'circus language', but actually empty, you deserve the nick here on pf, stand-up comedian.

I'm pretty much speechless when it comes to Natasa

me too, somehow by looking at her pics. unfortunately she deleted them...

I would say more Ludwig 14th.

you wanna sat that he/she is actually a man? a woman in transit or just lets say 'eccentric' like the french dude? :)

sarcasm/irony by defnition doesnt pull off anything good. usually people who use that have some serious problems and use that kind of 'humor' to compensate their complexes.

can't take a compliment, can you???????????????lol

sarcasm?? ;)

well no, not really, just tired and about to crash.. but seriously she is so painfully blind, carpet bombing on hope and prayer with random definitions...

this comment just shows your intellectual limits. she does see, but you dont. you just project, but thats another topic. take the advise for serious, like i recommended once your buddy gw, to seek for professional help and maybe some medication. you both have the same pattern.

i seriously doubt that you are a woman. women dont change oil on their cars. lol

An obvious advantage of this approach is a zero reliance on creativity

says the master of jokes. lol

never heard anything new or interesting from you. just rants, babble or insults. your forum is atp. thats way more adequate for you. du bist unter deinesgleichen. :)


for miranda and fp.

Sarcasm is "a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter jibe or taunt." Though irony and understatement is usually the immediate context, most authorities distinguish sarcasm from irony; however, others argue that sarcasm may or often does involve irony or employs ambivalence.

before talking or elaborating about its always good to know WHAT it means. makes your 'arguments' more valuable.

guten tag/abend noch.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
15 Nov 2011 /  #1392
btw, missed gym for pf?

lol I can't believe you just asked me that, muppet on the ropes ha ha. Absolutely priceless - Crow mit richtige Grammatik, I implore you, please continue.
sascha  1 | 824  
15 Nov 2011 /  #1393
lol I can't believe you just asked me that

what else van i ask a clown?

muppet on the ropes ha ha

are you 'winning'?? lol

Crow mit richtige Grammatik

my name is sascha, moron and your gramma is wrong. dont use google translate. ;)

I implore you, please continue

you're boring. did you reed the def of sarcasm for your education?
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
15 Nov 2011 /  #1394
what else van i ask a clown?

well, 'donde esta la biblioteca' is one option... among others...

are you 'winning'??

no contest really, I mean how can one lose to a robotic dissection.. unless the criteria is the number of lines produced...

apart from that, peace old boy, cheese is still cheese and the squirrels are still hell-bent on excelling at being squirrels, not to mention all those juicy Russian news transcripts, hmm so ripe and waiting.. so get cracking.

ahh where is wildrover when you need him, he used to know how to start something lively around these parts...
sascha  1 | 824  
15 Nov 2011 /  #1395
well, 'donde esta la biblioteca' is one option... among others...

after espania your the last one for that direction.
OP szarlotka  8 | 2205  
15 Nov 2011 /  #1396
And daddy bear said "who's been writing venomous bile in my thread"

Come on mods (and rockers), consign this minor personal difference of opinion to the land of random
wildrover  98 | 4430  
15 Nov 2011 /  #1397
ahh where is wildrover when you need him, he used to know how to start something lively around these parts...

You called....?

Anyone fancy a beer....?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
16 Nov 2011 /  #1398
Come on mods (and rockers), consign this minor personal difference of opinion to the land of random

started cleaning from the other end. i'll get to this end later
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
6 Dec 2011 /  #1399
The power of words has moved the mountains, which cannot be said about some posters on PF. Not everyone is as lucky as Sharly, who, after a lengthy, yet involuntary writing "apprenticeship" decided to leave for better waters of worldly literature.

I am hoping for the same, but I am not ready yet, therefore I am still trying to navigate in the somewhat murky waters of PF.

American Export(s)
We all know that Europe is not so found of the American export, unless it is a fast food chain later adopted to European standards in a form of an underground and stylish McDonald in Krakow, or a fancy Starbucks in Szczecin when the teenage prostitutes can pick their middle aged clients, who finally discovered that paying for a cuppa and some cosmetics will get them an unforgivable feeling in the underground parking.

We all like the American rock, jazz and literature. We like the cars, the American English, which is way easier to comprehend then the British. Not to mention the shopping in the US - it is way cheaper then in the Old and Expensive Europe.

In the age of the internet we also have to struggle with the bombardment of the American Idiocy aka Ideology. Zimmy seems to take the lead in trying to convince us that the American ideology and a way of thinking (did I say it?) is a sure way of making PF readers realize that until now we all have been in the dark. Lately Sky is following Zimmy's steps, but in a much gentler style.

Emerging writing talents
Who would have thought that PF would be a lunching pad for some writing talents?
Havok feels old enough to do some write ups about his past since he is already over 30. I know that the present book authors are getting younger. One would think that it would be an advantage and it is to a degree. We finally have some inside look into what it is to be a human being at different stages of development.

There is another one, but I will not bite the hand which feeds me with a daily dose of brilliance and since I moved to Poland it seems more needed on the daily basis.

Southern has been writing for a long time now, but he could be compared to me playing snooker. I have not made progress since the last time I kicked the ball off the table in some shady bar in Toronto. Yet, the enthusiasm for the game has never left me.

Fiesta for sale
It hasn’t beeb going too well I think. The seller lowered the price so much that the potencial buyers became suspicious. The owner swiched tactics and rasied the price. To no evail. Damn air freshners from Lidl.

The usual offenders aka Missing in action

We all know there are benefits of staying away from PF. One can finally have a normal life, is able to regain a healthy and most of all, a realistic perspective on life and can have time to watch the last edition of Dancing with the Stars. The wine tastes better, the kisses are longer and the sex is not hurried anymore.

the Missus has been gone for sometime, but you failed to notice. The only way to cope with the stress is to drink yourself silly and become a member of a cookign forum for the crossdressers or an origami forum for beginners. It actually is not a bad idea since I did a research last night and the X–mas tree in origami style is sweet to say the least.

The diva takes it all
Words have never had so little meaning.

Bloody Canadians
Yes, Canadians!!!!!!!!! Why do they even come to this forum and present us with all the rational, to the point and realistic posts? Don’t they know that their fairly newly discovered confidence and their trust in the Canadian system is only a way of keeping the troubled and burried underneath the snow or a sheet of ice citizens by the not so PC government people in check. How else would the government make people go to work in the -30 weather on the sunny day? Well, Timmies and Starbucks might have something to do with it. Not too mention the maple syrup, which is the best energy boost, provided you suck it directly from the maple tree.

Regardless, their behaviour is very „uneuropean“, but what are you gonna do, eh? I blame it on the snow. Get your shovels ready!!!!!!!!!

The broken record case
Zimmy has been know most of the frequent and no so frequent members of PF. Only the most gentle or the unaware will reply to his posts. Foreigner 4 ( where are the other 3 I keep wondering day and night) has decided to find some reasoning in Zimmy’s posts. He must be ready for a career change or has a dream of becoming the US attoreny for the most hopeless court cases. The truth is that the unvoluntarliy practice with Zimmy will get him ready for a mad house in no time. Foreigner4, save up your energy for something else, since the lost causes are not in style anymore. These days it is all about comfort, peace and saving animals and trees.

I am a daddy now

Does having children put the brains back in some men’s skulls?

How many languages do you speak

Some Pfs speak the language I will never comprehend.

Polish women are the most beaufiful in the world
Well, not when the yelling at their hubbies.

Does 5200 PLN enough for a decent living?
What has money got to do with that?

Pants on fire
Another national Polish trade is to twist the truth. I honeslty doubt that Poles are leaders in that respect. It is enough to read southern’s post and by comparison Poles are angels in covering up their daily misfortunes.

A laughing box
Either Pawian got a bigger computer screen, or he finally got his reading glasses. It is also possible that he got kicked of from another forum, or maybe his wife is taking yoga classes. Regardles, PF has been benefiting from his clear, precise and often cruel spying techniqes on other members. The nice chap who used to post pics of Polish trees, monuments, swans and strange unundentified Polish objects seems to have changes his hat.

Sex on the beach
Has gone out of style. Poland’s couple took a shot at the water park and became the news all over the world. Well, at least the Duck have been replaced by somebody more lively. The tread has brough a wild side in some posters and we found out that ShawH always leaves the wilderness the way he found it. Patty had less lack with going wild then the infamous Polish couple, but she is lucky that those where the days when only a pervertd cops would be holding the flesh light and telling her to turn the ignition on.

Polon 3
What’s with the numbers. I am not going to wonder who the other 2 are. It is not that important since Polon 3 seems to be getting his daily fix by patronzing our native Poles actually living the Polish life in Poland. We should all turn back the time in live in a detached and fairly tale of the dude’s strange imaginary world.

Latest news
The offenders are back so I can say goodbye to peace, slow pace and boredom.

Asta la vista
Wroclaw Boy  
6 Dec 2011 /  #1400
Not everyone is as lucky as Sharly, who, after a lengthy, yet involuntary writing "apprenticeship" decided to leave for better waters of worldly literature.

Yeah his daily Flirt on ATP with the Polish/Canadian gold digger.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
6 Dec 2011 /  #1401
Bzibi a gold digger? Nah.......
you sound bitter;)

I actually forgot about ATP.
Wroclaw Boy  
6 Dec 2011 /  #1402
you sound bitter;)

You sound jealous.
sascha  1 | 824  
6 Dec 2011 /  #1404
aphro, you very much had a writing mood, ha? for me still isnt clear what you wanted to say. is there any chance for reasonable people in normal words you explain it an pls shoooorrrteeerrr... ;)

You sound jealous.

of what?

guys and ladies, you were in the exile for a while and no learning experience from that?? ;)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
7 Dec 2011 /  #1405
for me still isnt clear what you wanted to say. is there any chance for reasonable people in normal words you explain it an pls shoooorrrteeerrr... ;)

now I believe that you are German.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
11 Dec 2011 /  #1407
now I believe that you are German.

Not a Serb who happens to be living in Germany?
sascha  1 | 824  
11 Dec 2011 /  #1408
sky, wtf? test me if you want...but honestly i dont share your and the others problem of paranoia. ;)

being mostly on the opposite side of the discussion also when it comes to serbs doesnt make me one, right? due to my professional and private connections i simply know more about the balkans than others here, who are not born there or live there.

its up to you what you think. i dont care, just that i didnt expect that quite a lot of folks here follow the nuttthead ideas of bboy who himself is a lunati1c.

for you i also can be russian (sascha ;)) or pole or whatever. i dont care...

ps, look at my pics in the profile or in that 'picture thread'. true serbian right??
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
11 Dec 2011 /  #1409
Patty had less lack with going wild then the infamous Polish couple,

I didnt have less luck, i just did it with more taste ;)

so did shawn.. and anyone else who went to a more secluded spot.. :)

not where small children are playing.

now to show admin,, this is what I am talking about, its clearly Aphros post, I took it directly from her
quote, but its showing wroclawboys name instead.. theres no where in any posts where he quotes
this, so I am showing you admin so you can see who's name is in there and PLEASE fix :))))))
pawian  226 | 27558  
11 Dec 2011 /  #1410
I have no idea what this thread is about. I don`t have time to read all those posts. Actually, I never participated in it, though the title sounds intriguing.

Can you lend a hand and explain? E.g., what does omnibus mean?

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