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PF - The Omnibus Edition

OP szarlotka  8 | 2205  
27 Jul 2011 /  #1351
this is what I hate about sentimentality

Sean, I'm not prone to sentimentality attacks, honest;) I agree that there were a lot of fights started by noimmi and other trolls but the likes of him were rounded upon quickly and dealt with using humour and the collective will of a good bunch of people won the day every time. This is different now and it's deflecting from the efforts of others.

If I'm honest then I have contributed liitle of value over the last two years or so myself and should not be over critical of others so will remain silent from now on. I'll still pop back to visit now and again. My own connections with Poland have reduced a lot too so the value to me of PF is less than it was.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
27 Jul 2011 /  #1352
trolls but the likes of him were rounded upon quickly and dealt with using humour and the collective will of a good bunch of people won the day every time. This is different now and it's deflecting from the efforts of others.

I have not been on here much, due to work load and "so called" real-life things a foot but I don't see much of a difference, new faces, new masks, old faces and old masks.

Perhaps something has changed and I am oblivious to it, all I see is more of the same, heck Admin even had to create an archive, I think because otherwise it would be obvious we were going over the same ground over and over for eternity.

"We're just lost souls. Swimming in a fish bowl, Year after year, Running over the same old ground. What have we found? The same old fears. Wish you were here."

I'm not prone to sentimentality attacks, honest;)

The honest and simple truth is rarely honest and never simple :)

I will agree to one thing, I believe you are alluding to, these forums are as good as the posters make them, that is you and I. I think personal responsibility is freedom and it starts with me and my input. I don't want to control what others say or do, I just want to be responsible for myself.

you said that before, however I know where you are coming from. I totally lost an interest in posting on PF. It took me years, but without analyzing it too much and blaming anybody in particular I find that there are many better places to be at the moment:).

Aphro! Baby!, how many times through out those years have we been here?
PF was and always will be a love/hate self destructive relationship, a traincrash in slow motion.

Anyway, I am off to do more of that so-called "real-life" stuff :)
OP szarlotka  8 | 2205  
7 Nov 2011 /  #1353

Ah, nostalgia....
pawian  226 | 27571  
7 Nov 2011 /  #1354
In the meantime Crow was dismayed at the sight of Slav brothers arguing with and invading each other.

Wow! Crow is as historic as PF itself?
OP szarlotka  8 | 2205  
9 Nov 2011 /  #1355
...which means that I am historic as well.

Not good
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
13 Nov 2011 /  #1356
Not good

So is PF. An endless source of strange posts, often detached from reality.

Unless you are Natasa - she always supplies us with one more pic of her divine body, one more post, a true confession on a Renessainse woman. Later she regrets the fact that the number of women posting on PF have decreased. Really?

Missing in action

espana, Dephi and Harry. Got shot by the Texas mod. After all her lessons in target shooting paid well. I imagined espana tavelling to Warsaw for the independence day - but the pay was poor and he wanted to take siesta - so no political activities for him this week.

Crow couldn't make it to Warsaw this year, which explained the sad face of the Polish PM.

Flagless has been missing in action too. He must have stopped reading Bukowski and has no reason to torture himself on PF anymore. Not sure which is worse.

Visiting the country after 25 years of absence.

Those stories always make me wonder why people wait for so long instead of not going at all. Rybnik was good in building the anticipation and seemed to gather some solid audience by the time he actually made it to Poland. If I didn't know he was a GP, I would think he could have had a pretty good shot at writing Hollywood scripts.

He seems more relaxed and happy after he released himself from the obligation of writing on PF. I miss his sense of humor (American spelling to tick him off), but he doesn't realize that Life of Pi's almost last line in that book has some bearings on his state of mind.

What was dull became sharp and the other way around it.

Need I say anything else. No amount of my sharp tongue would have sufficed.

PF Krakow meeting.
Not sure what happened there, but I know that my absence have left some so sad that even the feisty Irish singing could not console them.


Greggy has finally found his reasoning for spitting on the German tourists some years ago. Patience is always rewarded.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
13 Nov 2011 /  #1357
Not sure what happened there, but I know that my absence have left some so sad that even the feisty Irish singing could not console them.

hehe, yes we were sad u couldn't come. But took some beers to recover :)

What happened last night remains in Krakow.... we all had fun :)
sascha  1 | 824  
13 Nov 2011 /  #1358
Renessainse woman

you should get your eyes fixed.

Later she regrets the fact that the number of women posting on PF have decreased. Really?

if you are just ranting, like usual, give us men here some of your pics. really curious in which drawer we can put you. ;)

Flagless has been missing in action too.

no loss, imo.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
13 Nov 2011 /  #1359
if you are just ranting, like usual, give us men here some of your pics. really curious in which drawer we can put you. ;)

She is being sarcastic. Something lost often on the forums.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
13 Nov 2011 /  #1360
Something lost often on the forums.

way too often, the more I regret not coming to Krakow:(

really curious in which drawer we can put you. ;)

there is no drawer big enough for me;)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
13 Nov 2011 /  #1361
way too often, the more I regret not coming to Krakow:(

You missed yourself, would have met some great ppl :)
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
13 Nov 2011 /  #1362
Unless you are Natasa - she always supplies us with one more pic of her divine body, one more post, a true confession on a Renessainse woman. Later she regrets the fact that the number of women posting on PF have decreased. Really?


Flagless has been missing in action too. He must have stopped reading Bukowski and has no reason to torture himself on PF anymore. Not sure which is worse.

got into Tom Robbins instead :)

She is being sarcastic. Something lost often on the forums.

Sarkasm?! Was ist das und wie heisst es auf Serbisch?
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
13 Nov 2011 /  #1363
Sarkasm?! Was ist das und wie heisst es auf Serbisch?

aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
13 Nov 2011 /  #1364
You missed yourself, would have met some great ppl :)


got into Tom Robbins instead :)

Pumpkin is alive and well. Got into him? How?;)

Was ist das und wie heisst es auf Serbisch?
OP szarlotka  8 | 2205  
13 Nov 2011 /  #1365
but he doesn't realize that Life of Pi's almost last line in that book has some bearings on his state of mind.

And what's wrong with my state of mind? Have you been talking to my analyst? Not that I'm paranoid but you have been haven't you?

Not being here that often anymore I managed to miss the nuclear moment that had 'Arry, Delph Boy and that chap from Southern California with the ornate prose and the funny screen name all sent to the sin bin by the mods. I miss all the good bits. Such is life.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
14 Nov 2011 /  #1366
Sir, please accept my apologies. I will never ever attempt to write an Omnibus after spending 2 hours on the Polish train listening to kurva boys.
OP szarlotka  8 | 2205  
14 Nov 2011 /  #1367
I will never ever attempt to write an Omnibus after spending 2 hours on the Polish train listening to kurva boys.

Ah, in that case you have my sympathy and forgiveness.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
14 Nov 2011 /  #1368
thank you. Perhaps I was to egoistical trying to catch up with was going on in Polish politics in 2009- found an old magazine at my fathers. The boys have finally left me alone and I got a seat, but the compartment was dark. Reading in Poland has its ups and downs.
sascha  1 | 824  
14 Nov 2011 /  #1369
Sarkasm?! Was ist das und wie heisst es auf Serbisch?



short episode...
Natasa  1 | 572  
14 Nov 2011 /  #1370
Aphrodisiac, at first I took your comment as a compliment, then your further posts confirmed that you have a problem with my ' divine' body, as well as with my confessions, and that you were sarcastic :(, which is for bitter passive aggressive sarcastic Flagless Pole? auf Serbisch - SARKAZAM. that is the word that is ascribed to behaviors that characterize sadly modest repertoire of Flegless's posts and doesn't say anything good, look for psychological underlying motives Flagless, I won't abuse this place for that.

Aphrodisiac, are you the Renaissance woman? :)

And my body is totally OK for me. Some people like it too. For me that is good enough. The end of that story.

For others, well, face the motivation that made you criticize my 'invited' posts that contained my pics from Antek who opened that thread (for more than a year Wroclaw boy was asking me to publicly post some pics, I didn't, I decided to do it when others did it as well) and later Ashley asked for updates.

As you can see for more than a week or so, my pics are gone from this place anticipating further malignant comments from gallery of different characters.

I came in peace (!) and I meant no harm with those pics :))))
Wroclaw Boy  
14 Nov 2011 /  #1371
Aphro aka miranda you have indeed transformed yourself well on this forum.
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Nov 2011 /  #1372
Aphrodisiac, are you the Renaissance woman? :)

I would say more Ludwig 14th.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
14 Nov 2011 /  #1373
Aphrodisiac, at first I took your comment as a compliment, then your further posts confirmed that you have a problem with my ' divine' body,


look for psychological underlying motives Flagless, I won't abuse this place for that.

lol Natasa get over yourself, your contrived and bloated psycho babble hardly impresses... you like to boast left and right with your psychoanalytical prowess often hinting its professional nature... so far so good we all like to present ourselves in a better light from time to time, but then in the same breath you state that Crow, in fact, is a smart and intelligent person... ooops ...unless that's your SKARAZAM in which case kudos to you, you got me there.
Natasa  1 | 572  
15 Nov 2011 /  #1374

Yes, I am not paranoid, and usually start with an assumption that people are not malicious.

lol Natasa get over yourself, your contrived and bloated psycho babble hardly impresses... you like to boast left and right with your psychoanalytical prowess often hinting its professional nature... so far so good we all like to present ourselves in a better light from time to time, but

Sarcasm, lol here, lol there, actually misery:

It's eating you alive. Seek professional help. I know I would say no to a client like you. As I did once. But somebody, for some serious money would handle you probably. It's worth the effort. You'll feel much better at the end, about yourself hopefully.
sascha  1 | 824  
15 Nov 2011 /  #1375
I would say more Ludwig 14th.


so far so good we all like to present ourselves in a better light from time to time

that test you failed utterly.

state that Crow, in fact, is a smart and intelligent person

than you for sure.

your contrived and bloated psycho babble hardly impresses... you like to boast left and right with your psychoanalytical prowess often hinting its professional nature

what you disqualify probably because of lack of understanding/education is actually interesting. i agree with des essientes that she is one of the best posters here on pf. much better than your rantings or insults by far.

your comments are like empty coke can...


joke of the 'pf stand-up'?? pathetic one, unterirdisch...
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
15 Nov 2011 /  #1376
what you disqualify probably because of lack of understanding/education is actually interesting. i agree with des essientes that she is one of the best posters here on pf. much better than your rantings or insults by far.

please, you crack up me, just have a look at Natasa' posts squared off against Ashley's Mind, there are quite a few of them on ATP, then you can clearly see her disjointed, groping-in-the-dark, pretentious pompousness dwarfed by a truly uninhibited intellect

Seek professional help. I know I would say no to a client like you. As I did once. But somebody, for some serious money would handle you probably

so I'm guessing you are treating Crow pro bono, poor him nonetheless
sascha  1 | 824  
15 Nov 2011 /  #1377
please, you crack up me, just have a look at Natasa' posts squared off against Ashley's Mind, there are quite a few of them on ATP, then you can clearly see her disjointed, groping-in-the-dark, pretentious pompousness dwarfed by a truly inhibited intellect

i would advise you to read sth about psychology. really. you have obviously no clue. am tried to play in a league where shes without skills. no doubt about that. reading newspapers and internet is not a replacement for an education. that what amind has is hausfrauen knowledge. nothing against amind, but she hasnt that knowledge...

for you one more tip. put on some muscles on the body AND the brain. ;)

your 'circus formulation in english' are fascinating. where do you learn that? :)
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
15 Nov 2011 /  #1378
that what amind has is hausfrauen knowledge. nothing against amind, but she hasnt that knowledge...

ooops I totally forgot she's put you down good many a time, so that's a hard one for you to swallow hence the derogatory hausfrau moniker
Natasa  1 | 572  
15 Nov 2011 /  #1379
Waste of time, ignore list, bye.
sascha  1 | 824  
15 Nov 2011 /  #1380
ooops I totally forgot she's put you down good many a time

really? didnt have the impression. she makes a good gw replacement though.

so that's a hard one for you to swallow hence the derogatory hausfrau moniker

i really have no clue what you talk about.

tell me, why are you such a bitter and negative person?

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