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PF - The Omnibus Edition

Wroclaw Boy  
25 Feb 2011 /  #1291
a mod talking English football? on a Polish forum not even off topic. Get the fuck out man.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
25 Feb 2011 /  #1292
a mod talking English football? on a Polish forum not even off topic.

I know, spooky innit, they're almost like real people.
Wroclaw Boy  
25 Feb 2011 /  #1293
Spooky, indeed-he suspended me. or tried to blocked my IP or something.

So basically he says what ever he wants then when something goes against him its suspend, sorry buuddy doesnt work like that....
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
25 Feb 2011 /  #1294
he suspended me.

When? How many times have you been suspended now?

or tried to blocked my IP or something.

I don't know anything about that whole IP thing, I thought I read someone saying that to do that they would have to block wroclaw because it's a blanket block? is that even half true?

I tell you something, I learnt a lot about computer from PF, I can even type now using two hands and many fingers :)
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
26 Feb 2011 /  #1295
had i known then what i know now i would have dome somethings differently, like get the hell outta Poland for starters. Not much good happens in Poland, its mostly bad - sorry to say.

Sorry to hear it.

A guy with your stamina and smarts should do well no matter where you land.

Good luck, don't forget to pack the in-laws up with ya!
Wroclaw Boy  
26 Feb 2011 /  #1296
I tell you something, I learnt a lot about computer from PF, I can even type now using two hands and many fingers :)

Almost 8000 posts man thats a nice total, thats more than me (including my old account) anyway, in fact youre 4th on the all time list just behind kebab boy. PF certainly improves the old typing skills. Hell its educational as well, where else would you hit Wiki and every other source possible looking up topics from the arm badge warn by the SS 2nd division to Ouija boards.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
26 Feb 2011 /  #1297
8000 posts

Any time I see that I think I oughta quit.
That is why this is the only thing I really do on the internet, no time for anything else.
I was a member of another forum for about a week, another Polish one but this place is more insane.

its educational as well

You are right, under a lot of crap there really are some interesting ideas on here.
Wroclaw Boy  
26 Feb 2011 /  #1298
I was a member of another forum for about a week, another Polish one but this place is more insane.

Ive been posting a little on IMDB lately, those guys really are pedantic about their films. You write something then all of sudden you get bombarded from what i can only assume are nerds picking holes in everything. My PF tried and tested battle skills come in handy with those dudes.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
26 Feb 2011 /  #1299
tried and tested battle skills come in handy

I think that makes us the nerds, I say 'us' because I agree :)
sledz  23 | 2247  
2 Mar 2011 /  #1300
Bubbawoo, Pingwin, Ranj, Shopgirl, pgtx, Krysia, Osiol, Giles, Svengoolie, Svengoola, Hueg, Sledz, Fitz, Mufas, JustysiaS and others

Small reward for finding in the form of humorous and intelligent debate...

Time for my meds

Im still alive, just got tired of all the arguing on here.
Not that I was always an Angel,,,,lol

I talked to Pani Krysia yesterday, shes doing well:)

Cheers form across the pond SZ!
OP szarlotka  8 | 2205  
2 Mar 2011 /  #1301
Im still alive

Glad to hear it? How's that bar going?

I talked to Pani Krysia yesterday, shes doing well:)

Glad to hear that too. She was an absolute star. Wicked sense of humour. Wish her well from me next time you talk.
sledz  23 | 2247  
2 Mar 2011 /  #1302
Glad to hear it? How's that bar going?

Business was too slow and the once nice Polish neighborhood is now all Mexican, the only customers that came in were gangbangers and it was too much trouble.

Poles dont want to come back to the old neighborhood, I cant really blame them!

Glad to hear that too. She was an absolute star. Wicked sense of humour. Wish her well from me next time you talk

I sure will:)

Maybe I can talk her into stopping by sometime:)
OP szarlotka  8 | 2205  
2 Mar 2011 /  #1303
Business was too slow and the once nice Polish neighborhood is now all Mexican, the only customers that came in were gangbangers and it was too much trouble.

Sorry to hear that. Hey nothing ventured nothing gained as we say.
sledz  23 | 2247  
2 Mar 2011 /  #1304
It was worth a try but when you have the sort of people that carry knives in and are all wasted,,,,bad combo!
We were going to get this fancy security system and hire some bouncers,,Still I dont think Polish will come back to that area. My partner who owns the property has 4 other Pubs (Irish style) so we just split up the booze between the other bars.

I didnt loose out of any money and hes super rich and doesnt care, so Ill chalk it up as another learning exp!

I did get to keep a bunch of Polish Wodka:)

Hey, I called Krysia and told her people are looking for her on PF and she sounded excited, so maybe shell be here soon:)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
18 Mar 2011 /  #1307
well, you damn know well what I mean by WHAT;)
(didn't last too long, did I? got tired of reading my own thread, since this place is a war zone of late. Would like to read something intelligent for a change)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
18 Mar 2011 /  #1308
(didn't last too long, did I? got tired of reading my own thread, since this place is a war zone of late. Would like to read something intelligent for a change)

And you have asked our Liverpuddlean? friend for that intelligent convo? ;)
OP szarlotka  8 | 2205  
18 Mar 2011 /  #1309
Calm down, calm down.

There is intelligent life from Liverpool you know. When I find it I'll let you know.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
18 Mar 2011 /  #1310
And you have asked our Liverpuddlean? friend for that intelligent convo? ;)

I am desperate;).Besides, you are WAY to busy posting on FB lol

There is intelligent life from Liverpool you know. When I find it I'll let you know.

see, he is already doing the groundwork, plus it is Friday- pub night. I might be lucky to get something out of Szarly after all;)

shopping time:(
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
18 Mar 2011 /  #1311
There is intelligent life from Liverpool you know. When I find it I'll let you know.

Hehehe ;)

I am desperate;).Besides, you are WAY to busy posting on FB lol

I just find my friends on there way much more interesting ;p

Great work Szar, sending over a cold Warka as we speak ;)

I agree.
This place has got so boring recently that I must have a convo with myself :D:D:D
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
18 Mar 2011 /  #1312
This place has got so boring recently that I must have a convo with myself :D:D:D

well, there is some truth to it.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
18 Mar 2011 /  #1313


Have you folk met yet?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
18 Mar 2011 /  #1314
eh, I though it was the same person, but I haven't met either of them:)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
18 Mar 2011 /  #1315
Probably for the good of your health ;)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
18 Mar 2011 /  #1316
really', now I am curious. I can handle people;)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
18 Mar 2011 /  #1318
now, I know how your mind works, so don't go there;)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
14 Apr 2011 /  #1320
the night is old and I should be sleeping, but so much work awaits me in order to fill the void Szarly has left in this thread.

The War

well, it has actually never ended. I am sitting in my bunker munching on pierogies and drinking green tea. I have a set of playing cards with naked men on them, so that should keep me busy for a while.

The soldiers are still fighting above the ground, but I am safely tacked away in a sleeping bag I ripped from Szarly when he was moving out from here. He also left me a somewhat stale Guinness, an old lap top, whose history I will not reveal - not yet anyways. He was keeping himself busy making figurines from soap.

I am not sure how he knew what was going outside until I spotted an old periscope.


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