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PF - The Omnibus Edition

Seanus  15 | 19668  
28 May 2009 /  #901
True enough :) Besides, the weather is pretty dire and changeable, not a good time to be outside.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
7 Jul 2009 /  #903
Where's the Omnibus Edition?.

Given the repetition on the forum you could probably just start repeating the editions from the beginning again :)
OP szarlotka  8 | 2205  
7 Jul 2009 /  #904
Where's the Omnibus Edition?.

I've been gagged by the spooks SeanBM...

As for the repetition thing I've been doing it for years
Seanus  15 | 19668  
7 Jul 2009 /  #905
Come on, Seanny, whip out a beezer of a thread. Make it spicy!
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
7 Jul 2009 /  #906
I've been gagged by the spooks SeanBM...

Ah, they finally caught up with you, I see.

The same for Mirinda or Miranda, no doubt.

As for the repetition thing I've been doing it for years

Years? we are goldfish, just copy and paste from the last edition, sure nobody looks back on any of the threads, anyhow ;)


How about yourself Seanus, have you had a bash as editor of that edition we all love so well?.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
7 Jul 2009 /  #907
Hustler? No ;)
OP szarlotka  8 | 2205  
8 Jul 2009 /  #908
It doesn’t seem like two minutes – as the actress said to the bishop – since I last sat down to write a proper Omnibus Edition but really it’s been many months I think. Why is that you ask? Well partly because I’ve been on tour a bit, partly because work in general has been damned annoyingly long and arduous (Ahh, what a shame –Ed) and partly because I’ve fallen in love with a lap dancer. OK the last one was a lie. I’ve fallen in love with two lap dancers. That should lead to a spell in the doghouse again.

In my time away there appears to have been a seismic shift in the content, tone of debate and general atmosphere on here. The previous collection of informed but polite debates and freely provided translations have been replaced by irate posters threatening law suits, knee cappings and flushing heads down the nastiest public toilets in the whole wide world. The translations are distinctly malicious with an innocent request to ask how to say I love you dearly in Polish being translated to I want to take you roughly against the wall this instant. (Ed – Szarlotka you senile fool, it’s always been like that. That’s a nasty case of paranoid nostalgia.).

The biggest rants appear to between the followers of Islam and the followers of other religions, be that Catholic, Church of England, Buddhist, The Church of Latter Day Saints or Liverpool FC. Sensitive lot some of these people. They appear to be unable to brook the slightest criticism and take umbridge at a request to bathe more frequently. Some people eh? Just goes to show that the root of all evil is in fact organised religion in my view.

There have been some good things of late. My personal favourite was the Torq induced poetry competition which produced a plethora of ingenious ways of insulting us all without it sounding malicious. Priceless few weeks when that was running. Of course the scent of all that literary talent then prompted Wroclaw to organise the writing competition that was won in convincing style by jump-bunny (who for some reason has taken on the nickname Maxwell in my befuddled head.) It has been quite amazing to witness the improvements in her English since the day she first appeared on here and famously made it into an early edition of the Omnibus. Er, I apologise for that comment now. Then there was the photograph contest that aphrodisiac started which is running in a continuous loop.

We have lost a few members along the way and some are less active than they once were. The power of the force has brought back Shawn_H and Filios1 of late though. You know how it is with addicitions. Of course I left for good too – but it didn’t last long and anyway nobody noticed. It’s moths to the flame I fear.

I’ll have to finish now as home, Guinness and the highlights of the first day of the first test against the Aussies beckons. I think next week I’ll try to get back into the swing of this a bit more.

Until then, take care and be nice to your fellow creatures.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
8 Jul 2009 /  #909
Thank you again Sarlotka, for another sum up of the chaos that is Pf.

informed but polite debates and freely provided translations

That must have been before Mar 10, 08 ;)
Filios1  8 | 1336  
8 Jul 2009 /  #910
Of course I left for good too – but it didn’t last long and anyway nobody noticed. It’s moths to the flame I fear.

I think PF has some kind of magnetic force... It's not like anyone really cares about you, but you still feel the need to come back. Why is that?

Oh well, when I'll be in Mongolia and far away from the internet, eating boiled intestine, maybe then :)
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
8 Jul 2009 /  #911
Oh well, when I'll be in Mongolia and far away from the internet, eating raw meat on the steppe, maybe then :)

wow, you are on PF thinking about being in Mongolia, thinking about being on PF.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
8 Jul 2009 /  #912
in Mongolia, thinking about being on PF.

Isn't it strange? But I guess once you've been here longer than 2 years, you'll keep coming back for more, eventually.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
8 Jul 2009 /  #913
Isn't it strange?

if we all do it,
then it is normal :)
Filios1  8 | 1336  
8 Jul 2009 /  #914
Aren't all these goodbye threads quite pointless then?
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
8 Jul 2009 /  #915
They are very popular these days.
Maybe with the freshness of summer and full of vitamin D, people think they have freedom of choice to leave this forum.
Not realising that it is like we are all floating in soapy suds in a sink.
And someone has pulled the plug and no matter what we do or where we go, we just get sucked back in.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
8 Jul 2009 /  #916
You know how it is with addicitions

PF - Cheaper than booze.

PS: the offer still stands, Szar.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
8 Jul 2009 /  #917
the offer

She offered her Honour.
I honoured her offer,
and all night long,
I was on her and off her :)
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
8 Jul 2009 /  #918
A true classic....
9 Jul 2009 /  #919
Aren't all these goodbye threads quite pointless then?

I think they are more interesting than the 'Hello' threads :)

SeanBM  34 | 5786  
9 Jul 2009 /  #920
What about all the threads in between the "hello" and "goodbye" ones? :)

All four of them ?.

1. My god is better than your god.

2. My Polish girlfriend/wife/dog etc... dumped me, are all Polish people stupid?.

3. Pan Slavic dream, of being controlled by Russia.

4. Bloody immigrants comin over here, taken our jobs, taken our women, it ain't righhhht!.

Any more you can think of?.
9 Jul 2009 /  #921
What about all the threads in between the "hello" and "goodbye" ones? :)

Yeah but they are always the same sort of stuff aren't they? Whereas a 'Goodbye ' thread shows how popular you were so you had no need to say '`goodbye' in the first place :)

I am of course just joking here on this post, so please no one be offended if you ever said 'Goodbye" :)

I think we should have a thread which puts the most popular threads in order. Like a top 20 so to speak. Then when you come onto the forums either for the first time <or like an old worn out regular hehe> then you can see which are the most popular.....

We could have a top 20 every week like the charts too :)

We could have a poll.........

I'm not saying I am bored this evening lol <j/k>

edit: I blame Szarlotka cos he hasn't written a PF Omnibus for ages :(

SeanBM  34 | 5786  
9 Jul 2009 /  #922
shows how popular you were

Oh, goodness no, i will have to stay forever or else feel the shame of no one noticing me gone, "yeah i think I remember a really annoying irish guy, he used to go on and on about stuff, dono, never read his posts" :)

We could have a poll.........

Go for it :)

I'm not saying I am bored this evening

Eeemmm... Nor I eeemmm...

I blame Szarlotka cos he hasn't written a PF Omnibus for ages

Yeah, lets lynch'em ;)
9 Jul 2009 /  #923
else feel the shame of no one noticing me gone,

I'll start a 'rent a miss you' crowd <cheap at half the price too> and I can guarantee you either 5, 10, 15 or 20 posters who will swear they will really miss you.....just PM me for the rates applicable lol. :))

Go for it :)

I'm the ideas brain.......I can't do everything. Men lol......they just want a woman as a servant <haha>

Nor I eeemmm...

Great! We can be not bored together lol :)

lets lynch'em ;)

Yeah, good idea <but let him write a last PF Omnibus before we do <j/k>

SeanBM  34 | 5786  
9 Jul 2009 /  #924
just PM me for the rates applicable

Done :)

they just want a woman as a servant

Well they are all out of monkey butlers, so you'll have to do :)

but let him write a last PF Omnibus before we do

Okay, like an epitaph? he can also write a last will, stating who he leaves all his threads to,
10 Jul 2009 /  #925
Done :)

OK! And I forgot you can choose whether you want them to be male or femaie too. I expect you'd want a mix really as it would look highly suspicious if a lot of women said they missed you ? Special offer this week, a free pen :)

monkey butlers,

They're just so in demand these days. You can't get one from anywhere.

like an epitaph?

Yes, yes, that's a great idea !

last will,

I always liked Sarlotka he was my most favourite member <wonder how much the threads would be worth>


SeanBM  34 | 5786  
10 Jul 2009 /  #926
I expect you'd want a mix really as it would look highly suspicious if a lot of women said they missed you ?

Not at all! (welcome to the male ego :)

They're just so in demand these days. You can't get one from anywhere.

i know, I know, i searched everywhere, even behind the coach.

I always liked Sarlotka he was my most favourite member <wonder how much the threads would be worth>

No!, he was my favourite member <I don't know but maybe I could squeeze a drink or two out of it, fancy making a deal 50/50?, if you or I get it?>
10 Jul 2009 /  #927

Oh no he wasn't........:)

fancy making a deal 50/50?

How about 75/25 in my favour <room for a little bit of negotiation here, and to help you 65/35 is what I will settle on> :)

I get it?

Agreed :)


Hmmm if I get it I may have to revise the split lol.......

SeanBM  34 | 5786  
10 Jul 2009 /  #928
Oh no he wasn't........

Oh! No he ....

lets not start that, we'll be here all night :)

Hmmm if I get it I may have to revise the split

HHhhmmm.... this deal doesn't seem to be working out so well.

How about you get them every other week ?
OP szarlotka  8 | 2205  
10 Jul 2009 /  #929
Yeah, good idea <but let him write a last PF Omnibus before we do <j/k>

Ha. I've pulled up the drawbridge at home Lir & SeanBM. I'm safe. Do your worst....
10 Jul 2009 /  #930
Do your worst....

Awwww <coward> LOL


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