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PF - The Omnibus Edition

Daisy  3 | 1215  
12 Nov 2008 /  #571
Hang about the virtual bar moaning about how good the old days were?

We'll drink a barrell of Guiness in your memory
12 Nov 2008 /  #572
I'm sorry, do I know you? <grin>

I thought I have already told someone on PF they have head up their arse.


I hope things are going well for you over here in Blighty. You've just got to be totally outrageous on here these days to get an Omnibus mention I'm afraid. Either that or write one yourself.

and no thanks, I don't even know what this shyt is about and I'm not going to find out. I was simply JOKING.
OP szarlotka  8 | 2205  
12 Nov 2008 /  #573
I thought I have already told someone on PF they have head up their arse.

Good but not good enough. Anyway it was Boatie and we know that already

Edit - and I was just joking TOO (see I can shout as well).
osiol  55 | 3921  
12 Nov 2008 /  #574
You've just got to be totally outrageous on here these days to get an Omnibus mention

I'm trying to think of a way to be outrageous, but I just don't think I'm capable. Perhaps I should have a few drinks.

I thought I have already told someone on PF they have head up their arse.

Repeat it a few times. Then insult the donkey as well. That should do the trick.
outintheyard  27 | 517  
12 Nov 2008 /  #575
Wyspi you have been gone so long I forgot to put you on my sant list. Hmm.. I will have to jump over there and make an insert
OP szarlotka  8 | 2205  
17 Nov 2008 /  #576
What I really need to understand is the statistical significance of a PF population of 7070+ out of a worldwide population of the order of 6,737,523,582. It’s not just the statistician in me that is curious. I need to understand it to see whether the views being represented here are really my window on world opinion or whether they merely indicate that we got unlucky and attracted those amongst us who just like a good fight. If it’s the former then I shall put into action Plan B of the Szarlotka lifestyle changes. By which I mean that I will retreat to Szarlotka Towers and pull up the drawbridge. Of course the credit crunch and not being able to go out to work for fear of meeting some strange people means that I would have to find new sources of income. It has crossed my mind to rent out the west wing of the Towers to eco-tourists. The market to live on a farm and feed the cute animals and muck out the stables if too saturated. Anyway the only animals we have are three cats. So instead I intend to offer overseas tourists (home market is financially embarrassed at present) the chance to appreciate the joys of living in Middle England. For a fat fee they will be able to enjoy good old English hospitality. They can have all the fried bread they can eat washed down with enormous mugs of tea. They can sit and watch day time TV pausing only to summons more tea. To make it bit different I intend to give them some rigorous exercise by letting them empty the dishwasher, put the vacuum around and clear next door’s German Shepherd’s poo from the lawn. Should be a winner I think - oh payment in Euros or Dollars only.

Everybody was kung-fu fighting.

Well maybe just fighting. Southern has continued to strive to be the new Alistair Cooke with his latest ‘Letter from America’. The gist of his latest post was based upon his latest observations that Americans appear less prone to resort to abuse and bad manners in resolving conflict. An innocent observation I thought. But no. Within 5 posts it had turned into a US vs the Rest of the World slanging match. WTF has Vietnam got to do with current behaviours? What is wrong with these people? Anger management courses all round are in order. Either that or start a new thread.

Hot tip.

The latest hot venue in town is scotjock’s Bar Above – the virtual hangout for all virtual humanoids. Yes the décor is a bit dated, the disco ball a bit garish and the bar staff are a bit surly but the conversation is pleasant and often witty. Most importantly the bouncers on the door keep out the more unsavoury PF members. Shame the Guinness is not well kept but it’s a small price to pay for a bit of peace and quiet.

And now for something completely different.

Despite the gloomy rant tone to the beginning of this post, a number of posts this past week or so have shown just how sympathetic and helpful we can be. I won’t embarrass the people concerned by singling them out. Suffice it to say that there are a large number of you out there who exhibit the tolerance and compassion that the world needs.

Many of us talk the talk. Some of us can also walk the walk. I would like to dedicate this Edition to the memory of one such individual who died in the early hours of yesterday. Pete, not his real name, was a great friend. I have known him for over 28 years. We met in the military. Events transpired for us to end up serving together in the jungle somewhere. During that time we witnessed some pretty brutal treatment of the indigenous population. Often that was all we could do, witness it. It hurt us badly not being able to intervene. We survived it all and left the forces at about the same time. We went our separate ways and marriages, families etc. limited the number of times we could meet up. When we did meet each time if was as if we had only met the day before. About five years ago now Pete’s wife died. Even then I never hear him complain about the injustice of losing his wife at such an early age. In fact I never heard him complain once about anything. He was one of life’s happy, caring and generous individuals. A year after his wife died, Pete decided to go back to the jungle armed not with a rifle this time but with text books, building skills and an overwhelming desire to help people. He had spent the last four years teaching and fund raising for the people of a remote village. He never had kids and always claimed to have found them in his adopted home. He even chose to die there.

I have lost a great friend and the world has lost a true citizen. A fitting memorial to him would be to try just a little bit to get along with and accommodate the views of others. I don’t really know why I have written this here. None of you knew him. None of you were that lucky.
17 Nov 2008 /  #577
None of you were that lucky.

Sincere condolonces Szar. His story warms my heart.
17 Nov 2008 /  #578
Thanks Szar. My condolences as well.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
17 Nov 2008 /  #579
Pete sounds like quite a guy szarlotka.
Sorry for your loss.
outintheyard  27 | 517  
17 Nov 2008 /  #580
We all should be reminded of those arround us who have set the example for our future. Such a loss is a great agony to all of us. We may not have know n him We do now. sometimes words do no justice to the feelings within.

koziolek  2 | 31  
17 Nov 2008 /  #581
Thanks, Szarlotka, for an interesting, witty, touching and heartfelt read. Very few people are ever so lucky to know a chap like your late friend. May he live on in your heart and the hearts of those who he must have meant so much to.

One question about your style of prose: did you ever listen to a radio programme called "Home Truths"?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
17 Nov 2008 /  #582

I am reminded of your Christmas wish... and despite never knowing your friend I am saddened.

Sincere condolences.
Vincent  9 | 795  
17 Nov 2008 /  #583
My sincere condolonces and thanks for sharing with us, your memories of a great friend.
OP szarlotka  8 | 2205  
17 Nov 2008 /  #584
Thank you all. As would have been his wish there will be a party and not a wake.

did you ever listen to a radio programme called "Home Truths"?

Avidly. However, the only thing I have in common with the great John peel is that we support(ed) the same football team.
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
17 Nov 2008 /  #585
I have lost a great friend and the world has lost a true citizen. A fitting memorial to him would be to try just a little bit to get along with and accommodate the views of others.

Szarlotka, Thank you for sharing true inspiration. yes the world needs more like him..my condolences

In fact I never heard him complain once about anything. He was one of life’s happy, caring and generous individuals.

something we should all take notice to.. we all live on the same planet, some of us better off then others, but not better then others..I wish you all peace and prosperity and good health.
Hueg  - | 320  
17 Nov 2008 /  #586
Condolences Lotkers mate.

the jungle somewhere

Surviving the jungle intact is testament enough to the man your friend was mate; returning voluntarily speaks even more eloquently. Granddad's reluctant Burma reminiscences were an education in themselves.

A striking tribute Lotkers to a friend gone to his eternal reward. We all hope you're doing as well as can be expected. :)
17 Nov 2008 /  #587
i'm sorry about the loss of your friend Szarlotka...
OP szarlotka  8 | 2205  
24 Nov 2008 /  #588
It’s been a struggle to drag my weary frame to the keyboard even though the need to comment on this week’s action is strong. It’s the ‘flu you see. Friday night and all was well. Come Saturday morning it was like being hit by a runaway train. Nasty things viruses. Anyway, that’s enough self seeking piteous whinging from me.

Hormonal Horrors.

It would seem that Mrs Wroclaw Boy has started to throw the occasional punch his way. Nothing consistent though. Every so often she likes to keep him on his toes by the judicious use of the left hook or right cross. WB is understandably a bit miffed with all this and wants to know if this is a common occurrence. In our view it is quite rare. I can only recall one other mum to be who developed pugilistic tendencies. Just to warn you WB she then went on to try to kill her husband with a kitchen knife after the birth. Never mind, I’m sure that this will not happen to you.

Challenge the Sheep

Miranda started a very nice thread on the subject of the Art of Conversation. Things were going well until PolskaDoll challenged Seanus on his use of text speak, her being a member of the Campaign for Real English or was it the Campaign for Real Ale. Seanus took exception to being challenged on the linguistic front and reeled off his impressive qualifications. Obviously Seanus was having a convivial evening. Why else would he challenge the whole of PF to a contest on the structure and correct use of the English Language. I mean I would feel comfortable challenging people on Chaos Theory or stochastic non linear programming but would never say so. What would happen if Dr Hawking turned up on here? So far the only challenger for Seanus is Magdalena who has made a good start but has had to pop out to the shops or something. On top of the exposed mountain top stands a lonely sheep. What a brave man he must be.

BNP win in Lincolnshire

Relax people. Yes a far right party has taken control of a tiny bit of England. Fear not though. It’s Lincolnshire. Most people there are one sugar beet short of a crop if you get my meaning. The worst that could happen is that the BNP ‘winner’s might be allowed out of the Fens for a few days.

Oh dear, the Ibuprofen is wearing off. The rest will have to wait for another day.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
24 Nov 2008 /  #589
But pendulums always swing, szarlotka. Some you win, some you lose, it's the taking part that counts.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
24 Nov 2008 /  #591
Right on, fellow Grey Member
Daisy  3 | 1215  
24 Nov 2008 /  #592
I mean I would feel comfortable challenging people on Chaos Theory or stochastic non linear programming but would never say so

You've left yourself wide open with that one Pan Pie, you never know who's lurking around PFs

Congratulations on a brave and couragous effort whilst battling that nasty virus

you have to humour them when they're ill
OP szarlotka  8 | 2205  
24 Nov 2008 /  #593
fellow Grey Member

Talking of which where has our who's online feature gone to?
Daisy  3 | 1215  
24 Nov 2008 /  #594
Someone's probably threatened to sue Admin un the Data Protection act
OP szarlotka  8 | 2205  
24 Nov 2008 /  #595
I think you're right. I shall issue a request under the Freedom of Information Act to find out who it was!
24 Nov 2008 /  #596
Talking of which where has our who's online feature gone to?

It is still being advertised as a perk for those with the AU Organ.
Daisy  3 | 1215  
24 Nov 2008 /  #597
I shall issue a request under the Freedom of Information Act to find out who it was!

And I shall demand to see it also, as my name is mentioned on it I have the right to see it, as do all the other posters named
Daisy  3 | 1215  
24 Nov 2008 /  #599
neither am I
24 Nov 2008 /  #600
great effort Mr Sz. Get well soon.

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