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10 year prison sentence for Polish lorry driver who killed 4 people while driving and using his mobile phone

OP Chemikiem  
3 Nov 2016 /  #61
How can it be only ten years for wiping out a whole family

Doesn't seem fair at all. The maximum sentence a judge can impose for causing death by dangerous driving in the UK is 14 years.
Part of the problem is that sentences like these run concurrently. The judge also sentenced him to 4 years for the serious injuries one of the men sustained in the accident, but as it is to run concurrently, he will still only serve 10 years instead of 14. Makes no sense at all to me and a pointless exercise.

Plus, from what I have read, he may only serve 5 years, and the remaining 5 to be served out on licence. These sort of sentences are a joke.
3 Nov 2016 /  #62
Dumb British law for you....
OP Chemikiem  
3 Nov 2016 /  #63
It is, and he might even be eligible for parole at some point which means that 10 year sentence will be reduced. Whole system needs overhauling.
3 Nov 2016 /  #64
I worked in the Ministry of Justice I know how backward it is, you're right it does need overhauling badly. I doubt it will ever happen though. The guy should serve 4 life sentences for his crime.
OP Chemikiem  
3 Nov 2016 /  #65
I doubt it will ever happen though

I don't either. Plus, much depends on the presiding judge too, some of them need to be put out to pasture......

The guy should serve 4 life sentences for his crime.

If it had happened in the states, he'd probably be sentenced to about 100 years. Consecutive sentences are the norm over there.
3 Nov 2016 /  #66
The UK is soft and the EU doesn't help with the Human Rights Act. Murders get off with murder because they have a cat at home who they call family and every murderer is entitled to a family life.

It's the German guilty conscience from WW2 at play.
Marsupial  - | 871  
3 Nov 2016 /  #67
That's bloody terrible.
welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
3 Nov 2016 /  #68
My brother was killed in Wales by a Polish guy who was looking at pictures on his phone as he was travelling 60 MPH. He hit my brothers bicycle and just left the scene. In court he lied through his teeth, including the lie that he doesnt speak v good Eng and the excuse that its ok to look at your phone under Polish law, everyone does it. He was driving on a provisional UK licence as he had his Polish one taken off him.

He got 5 years in priaon and a 10 year driving ban which is stupid because when he comes out of prison he wiill be getting his Polish licence back and the police can do nothing if he is caught driving with it i n the UK.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
4 Nov 2016 /  #69
welshguyinpola, I'm sorry to hear that but that just plain stupidity of the UK that they just let everybody in, without checking their criminal records or whether they are searched by Polish police or not. Way too many Polish criminals came to Britain avoiding Polish justice system.
4 Nov 2016 /  #70
Yes, it's called the EU and one of the four freedoms, freedom of movement. It's estimated that up to 85 percent of Poles would have been unable to meet the entrance criteria without freedom of movement. One, in my eyes, of the worst things to happen to the UK was unfettered Polish immigration.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
4 Nov 2016 /  #71
One, in my eyes, of the worst things to happen to the UK was unfettered Polish immigration.

What have Polish migrants done that's worse than, for example, Pakistani migrants who ghettoize themselves (and are involved in the mass sexual abuse of indigneous women) or Caribbian migrants (willdly overrepresented in crime and gangs)?
Marsupial  - | 871  
4 Nov 2016 /  #72
I really don't care who they are nationality wise. For my money wiping out family is worth more than 10 years in all cases. A sheit sentence for any such scumbag. As for being already disqualified somewhere else....that's more years. Judicial failboat.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
4 Nov 2016 /  #73
that just plain stupidity of the UK that they just let everybody in,

it is called 'the EU'....
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082  
4 Nov 2016 /  #74
What have Polish migrants done that's worse than

They destroyed peace of mind and good old world order. Earlier you could have your cake and eat it too.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
4 Nov 2016 /  #75
it is called 'the EU'....

If you take a look at the statistics you will probably find that certain social problems in the UK are caused by Commonwealth citizens and not by EU nationals.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
4 Nov 2016 /  #76
but that was not what we were talking about is it? the other.
my post was in response to Wulkan, if you would like to read his post.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
4 Nov 2016 /  #77
it is called 'the EU'

It's not called "the EU", it's called freedom of movement between European Union countries and it's one of the reasons why the EU is falling apart. The EU is just a tool in the Globalists hands and it would be nice if all the European countries show them middle finger and quit like The UK.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
4 Nov 2016 /  #78
it would be nice if all the European countries show them middle finger and quit like The UK.

right well you knew what I meant, no need to be pedantic. Perhaps you are right.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
4 Nov 2016 /  #79
my post was in response to Wulkan

Yes. He said that the UK lets everybody in without checking their criminal records, and you responded that it's the EU. I simply disagreed with that. Or were you referring to criminal Poles only? Then sorry for the misunderstanding.
4 Nov 2016 /  #80
For 71 years we've had no war among EU members, economically deprived countries have been revitalised with EU funds e.g. Poland has become a modern manufacturing hub and is increasingly becoming an important centre for shared services, free movement has meant people can fill skills gaps and people can relocate to other countries e.g. 1.2 million UK expats have emigrated to EU countries e.g. retired to France or Spain, working in Berlin.., prices are kept low through free trade, EU funding is very important to EU universities - UK universities get around 15% of their funding from the EU, also - under the Erasmus scheme, over 200,000 UK students have studied at European universities, UK farmers receive around £2.5bn annually in subsidies from the EU. This sounds soooo bad, let's get out!
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
4 Nov 2016 /  #81
Way too many Polish criminals came to Britain avoiding Polish justice system.

the Other that is what Wulkan said, to which I was responding. Dont start.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
4 Nov 2016 /  #82
that is what Wulkan said

You were quoting something else in post #73.

Dont start.

I won't... :)
Marsupial  - | 871  
4 Nov 2016 /  #83
The eu is working fine. It's juat England that's not. Uk is I think the only place where there is no democratically elected government and should be kicked out immiedetaly to have its crackpot meltdown in safety on its island.
Crow  154 | 9260  
4 Nov 2016 /  #84
Marsupial. EU don`t work. But this about UK was beautiful comment. See, we come to the point.
Marsupial  - | 871  
4 Nov 2016 /  #85
Eu works fine crow. For every unhappy person there are many more who are happy. It will evolve and get better while uk regress to I time over a 100 years ago. I ended my business dealing there after seeing the new government. Like bj the manchild who russia just sails past now lol. Just to name one. Pm is an empty nester? That great for families. OH that's right families never voted for her and her in depth understanding of raising kids and a country. From the outside it all looks like a hostile take over and a lowering of country wide iq. Hopefully these revolutionaries will be kept in check by parliment while there still is one.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
5 Nov 2016 /  #86
Marsupial can we please stop referring to the UK as 'England', thank you. I mean it is fine for you to voice your opinion but if you cannot even get a simple thing like the name of the state correct then you just sound silly.
OP Chemikiem  
5 Nov 2016 /  #87
For my money wiping out family is worth more than 10 years in all cases

I totally agree, and I would still think the sentence was too light if the judge had given him the maximum 14 year sentence allowed. Why that wasn't given I have no idea, how many more people would need to have died in order for the judge to impose the maximum sentence? It is nothing for the killing of 4 people and an insult to the victims' families. The law needs to be changed to reflect the gravity of these types of offences.

It is a shame he could not be charged under involuntary manslaughter for example. More scope for a heavier sentence.
Ant63  13 | 410  
6 Nov 2016 /  #88
I wonder how much the sentence will be reduced by if he applies for a transfer to a Polish prison.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
6 Nov 2016 /  #89
They'll let him go and pin a medal on him.
Ant63  13 | 410  
6 Nov 2016 /  #90
Nice Ironside. Nice. LOL

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / 10 year prison sentence for Polish lorry driver who killed 4 people while driving and using his mobile phoneArchived