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10 year prison sentence for Polish lorry driver who killed 4 people while driving and using his mobile phone

1 Nov 2016 /  #31
Wulkan: I've been driving 12 years in the UK and all the accidents I had were caused by British drivers. Some enter a roundabout and then look right just to see me coming right at them. I never wonder why the insurance premium prices are sky rocketing. Polish drivers are more skilled

I understand that you are the person who go to England. You see the English driver so you are the fool. Polish FI driver now finished career and this is the example that the Polish driver is the bad one.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
1 Nov 2016 /  #32
Thats what I see in East Midlands

The accident statistics between the two countries prove you are at almost twice the risk of being killed or injured on Polish roads as opposed to the UK

Something needs to change here for the sake of everyone's families, and in my opinion it is an addiction to speed with the disregard to the prevailing road conditions.

The Polish authorities are working hard to eliminate drunk driving, they are succeeding in making it socially unacceptable to drink and drive, the same must be done to reduce excessive speed.

So far 23 people have been killed this weekend at a time when we traditionally go to pay our respects to our dead , we need to change our attitude towards excessive speed when driving.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
1 Nov 2016 /  #33

well I know what I see.....like I say, if I am driving and I spot Polish plates ahead/behind, I would keep a really good distance or take a detour rather than share a road with them. Sorry but that is how it is, as far as I am concerned.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
1 Nov 2016 /  #34
The accident statistics between the two countries prove you are at almost twice the risk of being killed or injured on Polish roads as opposed to the UK

Still it doesn't have to have much to do with driving skills of Polish drivers but with multitude of different things. All countries you have named in one of your previous posts (Lithuania, Croatia, etc.) have even worse road conditions while having more accidents which just proves that the environment in which the driver operates has a serious impact on the risk.

Simply... Death toll isn't a definitive measure of population's average driving skills.

And I know what I see driving in the East Midlands. Mind you I didn't even mention reckless and mostly illegal motorcyclists (and underage) .
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
1 Nov 2016 /  #35
Additionally average age of car in Poland is 15 years old. Poles average amount of cars per 1000 people is very high and close to top in Europe. With it being 599 Poland beats UK, Germany or France. On the other hand only 9/1000 of those cars are brand new. This shows that the vast majority of them are old, exploited and in poor condition which all affects road safety.


Give Poles new(er) cars and proper infrastructure and you'll see the death toll is similar to what it is in the UK.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
1 Nov 2016 /  #36
if you've never been shouted at in Poland then you've never driven in Poland

When Polish drivers see progressive liberal weak boy at the wheel they are more aggressive so we know you have a hard time in Poland smurf.

I understand that you are the person who go to England. You see the English driver so you are the fool.

I have zero clue what you're on about bro

Scores die in road accidents around Poland

That comes down to the bad road culture, unnecessary speeding and also worse cars.

I've seen plenty of British drivers who won't even try to park the car on the side of the road if there is not much room to do it because that requires skills that they don't have. Never seen that in Poland though.
1 Nov 2016 /  #37
Give Poles new(er) cars and proper infrastructure and you'll see the death toll is similar to what it is in the UK.

That is bull. Here in US Poles always have a problem with speed. You don't say true.
1 Nov 2016 /  #38
You talk absolute rubbish. Poland has a higher death rate on the roads than the UK and as for blaming poor cars and infrastructure on careless low standardised driving skills is laughable.

The list is there, you are saying that every country above Poland has too have worse cars and worse infrastructure because that's what kills in Poland, bit poor driving, speed or drunkenness.

OP Chemikiem  
1 Nov 2016 /  #39
They could for example be banned from driving

As the law stands at the moment it is a £100 fine and 3 penalty points on your licence.
Disqualification and fines up to £1000 can be given, but I am presuming that is probably for repeat offences.
The problem is I just don't think people take it seriously enough until of course something happens to them.

not poor driving skills.

According to an article by thenews.pl, the most common reason for road fatalities in Poland (2014), was speeding.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
1 Nov 2016 /  #40
Polish drivers are more skilled

Skilled in what? Parking?( read your next post) Sorry, but that just make no sense. I don't think that on average Poles are more skilled drivers.


Poland has a higher death rate on the roads than the UK and as for blaming poor cars and infrastructure on careless low standardised driving skills is laughable

Think again.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
1 Nov 2016 /  #41
That is bull. Here in US Poles always have a problem with speed. You don't say true.

What does that have in common with skills? You mean they don't stick to the law and that's the reason. Not skills.

Tell me. If I'll headshot you in mid run with the sniper rifle from 2 kilometres I'll become murderer right? What about my skill in sniping then?
Wulkan  - | 3136  
1 Nov 2016 /  #42

just one example

I don't think that on average Poles are more skilled drivers.

...Then the British ones, that's my opinion.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
1 Nov 2016 /  #43
I am scared to cross the road as a pedestrian in the UK. No one lets you go unless there's the yellow blinking light and when the crossing is next to roundabout you never know if they're going your way or take next turn since no one uses indicators.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
1 Nov 2016 /  #44
Give Poles new(er) cars and proper infrastructure and you'll see the death toll is similar to what it is in the UK.

Ask any Polish traffic cop will tell you that the biggest cause of accidents is excessive speed for the given road conditions.

I see plenty of new Audi's and BMW's on their roofs and in ditches, a new car does not save a road pirate from the inevitable.
Wincig  2 | 225  
1 Nov 2016 /  #45
I am scared to cross the road as a pedestrian in the UK.

Where are you living NoToForeigners??
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
1 Nov 2016 /  #46
No one lets you go unless there's the yellow blinking light

well that is where you are supposed to cross.....at the yellow blinking light...
Braveheart16  19 | 142  
1 Nov 2016 /  #47
Quite simply there are some drivers in Poland who just don't know when to slow down....it has nothing to do with road infrastructure or new cars but it has everything to do with education and an understanding on how to drive a car safely. As mentioned already there is also a responsibility on the police to regulate this so that offenders are targeted and dealt with. The unfortunate thing is that when accidents do occur other drivers generally come off worse as a result of stupid and dangerous driving....tailgating...use of mobile phones..etc
1 Nov 2016 /  #48
Anyway 3 people lose their lives just like that and they get 10 years and will do 5. 5 years ! All the struggling people over come just to be squashed by some ignorant idiot who thought he knew best

Makes you wonder, if no EU and free movement would he have been allowed in to the UK never mind on British roads to kill a family.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
1 Nov 2016 /  #49
Anyway 3 people lose their lives just like that

Four, in fact, one mother/stepmother, and three children.

I do not think it is time to start railing about the EU though.
smurf  38 | 1940  
1 Nov 2016 /  #50
Something needs to change here for the sake of everyone's families, and in my opinion it is an addiction to speed with the disregard to the prevailing road conditions.

The blantant disregard for drink driving; from FRiday to Sunday there was 776 caught drink driver, which is obviously the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the actual scumbag, low-life pondscum that are doing it.

I'm sure by the end of tonight it'll be well over 2000, maybe 2300, we will see.

But I think peoples' attitudes won't change because politicians and the media are doing nothing in an attempt to bring down the numbers, they simply do not care about road safety, too busy lining their pockets and living on fat cheques in Warsaw......and the reason they do't care is because their voters don't make an issue of it. I guarantee you that if a massive social movement came together to challenge the politicians on road safety and told them we'll only vote for politicians who want to lower the death rates and drink driving they would change their tune. The massive white elephant here though is that Poles are, probably, the most apathetic electorate in Europe now; people don't vote and people don't care about social issues because they are too self-involved in their march towards consumerism Valhalla

I am scared to cross the road as a pedestrian in the UK. No one lets you go unless there's the yellow blinking light

Same in Poland, at least you guys have orange lights, in fact, the govt change the law to say that car have the right of way at pedestrian crossing in Poland. This truly is a country run by bellend lunatic
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
1 Nov 2016 /  #51
attitudes won't change

Honest smurf they are working on it, for me Poland and drink driving is a bit like the UK in the seventies, where most people thought it was ok to drink and drive, remember the old tune by Mungo Jerry "In the summer tine" Have a drink, have a drive Go out and see what you can find.
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082  
1 Nov 2016 /  #52
It's still possible to bribe the man that gives your car its yearly service stamp.... Polish equivalent of MOT

There are many kinds of truth ;) but it is almost impossible to get service stamp when something is wrong with suspension, brakes or windscreen has cracks. but#2 it isn't smart to waste money for bribe when you can say to the police "I have forgotten to pass MOT" Do not fear of the police. Fear of insurance company ;)

Polish people drive older crappier cars, thus more accidents..but it is changing thankfully

but more accidends do people in newer cars who are richer, reckless and don't care if they have to buy another car.
2 Nov 2016 /  #53
During the All Saints Period Sat-Tues - there were 425 accidents, 39 people died on the road, and 1000 drink drivers were caught.

If 39 people died in a terror incident in Poland, they'd be closing borders blaming immigrants etc. 39 die on the roads in a period where they're supposed to be peacefully contemplating their deceased loved ones and police are happy it's less than previous years. No-one's really been interested in improving this until recently. Finally more drivers are losing their licences and the laws are actually dissuading some drivers from taking stupid risks. Still I don't see that many traffic cops on the road. Tailgating should be targeted and small things like driving in bus lanes etc. These are the 10% who believe they're above the law. I'd also like to see families and friends refuse to drive with people who take stupid risks. If Poland wants to be taken seriously as a developed country they need to fix the attitude and behaviour of their drivers.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
2 Nov 2016 /  #54
I'd also like to see families and friends refuse to drive with people who take stupid risks.

The above needs to become part of the culture, these road pirates need to be shunned for the sake of all our families.

39 dead in one weekend is outrageous, children now without mothers or fathers, parents grieving the loss of their child, this needs to stop, people please slow down, don't ride in cars where you know the driver is a idiot.
smurf  38 | 1940  
2 Nov 2016 /  #55
for me Poland and drink driving is a bit like the UK in the seventies

Yea, and that's simply not good enough in 2016

but it is almost impossible to get service stamp when something is wrong with suspension, brakes or windscreen has cracks

Trust me, it's very easy to get a stamp; I know two mechanics in Katowice; I've reported both to police years ago and they're still in business

Fear of insurance company ;)

True, but they don't, these people have such crappy, old cars that they only have the basic insurance, so to them it's worth the risk, it's awful

but more accidends do people in newer cars who are richer, reckless and don't care if they have to buy another car.

I'd like to see some proof of that because what I've read says the opposite
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082  
2 Nov 2016 /  #56
Trust me, it's very easy to get a stamp; I know two mechanics in Katowice

smurf trust me :) (I wound't say that to not instruct readers) the fact you have MOT or not doesn't matter because fines are low. When you have play on steering wheel or suspension it is more inconvinient for driver than goodbye with amount of money for fix it. Scenario when the control arm breaks is very rare. Much more dangerous are worn tyres that policeman can spot with naked eye. But budget cuts for the police is another story.

I'd like to see some proof of that because what I've read says the opposite

gazetaolsztynska.pl ;) Each week you can see new cars on the roof driven by reckless ladies in their 40 or young wolves in powerfull BMW. Speed this is the cardinal sin.
smurf  38 | 1940  
2 Nov 2016 /  #57
Each week you can see new cars on the roof driven by reckless ladies in their 40 or young wolves in powerfull BMW. Speed this is the cardinal sin.

Fair enough

You're right, speed and rink driving are just the worst here, it just comes from people having little or no respect for their fellow man; it's a shameful characteristic of Poland; each to their own and f!ck everyone else
Wincig  2 | 225  
2 Nov 2016 /  #58

Yes and no. In fact their concern extends to the family (the clan) but the wider community they do not care about. I see exactly the same situation here in Turkey; if you're in the clan/family great, but outside of this they don' t care
Braveheart16  19 | 142  
2 Nov 2016 /  #59
The Polish should be ashamed at the extent of dangerous driving that continues to blight the roads....unless it is seen to be unacceptable in a civilised society and action taken to reduce the level of illegal driving via more police powers....increased fines....political intervention....more use of road safety groups.....community action..etc...then this will simply continue and more innocent people will be killed. How many people need to die before people sit up and realise that something must be done sooner than later. As I have mentioned already regulation is the key to this as it is with a lot of issues...such as the amount of rubbish in forests..etc.
Marsupial  - | 871  
3 Nov 2016 /  #60
How can it be only ten years for wiping out a whole family? Just doesn't look right.

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