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Warsaw's silent march in support of 5th Commandment - Thou shalt not kill

10 Nov 2015 /  #61
But what do the pro-debauchery faction care about studies, facts, figures and statistics.

Another load of statistics, this time from Chicago. If there is tonnes of such evidence online, then quote some from Poland, the relevant country instead. Where this appalling crime was actually committed. But you can't.

I'm going to follow Atch's example on this tbh, I can't bear to read anymore of your vile sh1te.
You're a nasty, twisted and extremely bitter person. Your faith has obviously done nothing for you at all,because fulfilled and happy people don't spend all their time on the internet posting bile and hatred toward others.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
10 Nov 2015 /  #62
quote some from Poland

It's the negligence of Polish reserarch that's to blame. If Polish studies were available, everybody could refer to them. Unfortunately, they are not.

But let's be frank. If there were Polsih studies conclsuively proving that informal relationships produce more violence, crime, infidelity and instabiltiy and were not suitable settings to raise children in, your beloved pro-promiscutiy faction would stil find some way to disavow it. They are unreliable, insufficient sampling, bla-bla-bla. Let's stop play-acting. This isn't about proof. This about proclaiming one of the PC dictatorship's priorities: PROMISCUOUS COUNTERCULTURE MUST PREVAIL WITH NO IFS, ANDS OR BUTS, AND ATCH WITH HER LAME EXCUSES KNOWS THAT AS WELL AS ANYONE ELSE!
11 Nov 2015 /  #63
You are loosing it a bit Polonius, aren't you?
If you notice it there is almost no discussion about informal relationships. Most ppl just express their disgust in your behaviour.
I'm really suprised that you cannot see how inapropreate your words are in the face of such tragedy. Shame on you
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Nov 2015 /  #64
no discussion about informal relationships

Maybe there should be. Sweeping things under the rug is never a good solution. Openly discussing all the pros and cons of any situation should be the aim of any good discussion forum.

Don't you think too many people these days mindlessly and conformistically "go with the flow" without thinkng and analysing anything. At best they'll mouth a few "trendy" buzzwords they have heard.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
11 Nov 2015 /  #65
@Pol: do you have reliable sources re the socalled silent march or is it like re the dogs guarding the Rainbow?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Nov 2015 /  #66
silent march

The march was reproted in the media on ro near the date of the post.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
11 Nov 2015 /  #67
OK then and thanks + congratulations for your knowlege (re MP)!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Nov 2015 /  #68
I don't have to live

If it's not against the law you are free to live however you want. But what'+s wrong wtih knowing some facts and some odds. If you're a stunt driver you're life expectancy is considerably is shorter (if you get an insurance policy) than that of a desk-job person. If you enter an informal relationship there are greater odds that it won't last as long as the average married relationship. But, hey, who said you're after a serious life-long relationship. Some people do not want to commit and prefer fly-by-night arrangements. Since everything has its upside and downside, such a non-commital lifestyle can indeed make one feel footloose and fancy free. On the other hand, it's good knowing that statistically married men have fewer health problems than old bachelors. The choice is yours!
Atch  22 | 4299  
11 Nov 2015 /  #69

And a prayer:

Keep me, O God, from pettiness; let me be large in thought, in word, in deed. Let me be done with fault-finding and self-seeking. May I put away all pretense and meet everyone face to face without self-pity and without prejudice. May I never be hasty in judgment and always generous. Let me take time for all things. Make me grow calm, serene and gentle. Teach me to put into action my better impulses, straightforward and unafraid. Grant that I may realize it is the little things of life that create differences and that in the big things of life we are one. And, O Lord God, let me not forget to be kind!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Nov 2015 /  #70
let me not forget to be kind!

....Also to those who don't to agree to blur or relativise the difference between right and wrong. Amen!
Atch  22 | 4299  
12 Nov 2015 /  #71
Yes as a Christian I must try to be kind to everyone. Why do you think I bother to take any notice of you. I'm the only other Catholic member of the forum (apart from Ziemowit I think?) and when I hear the things that you say, in the name of religion I see how very far you've strayed from the path of Christianity. I've said it before and I'll say it again, and again, and again. It's not God who inspires your thoughts and words. God does not inspire spite, malevolence and contempt of others.

Do you not see that Jon, whatever his faith or lack of it, is far more of a Christian than you are? Because Jon is moved to unconditional sympathy and sorrow for the deaths of those people. Jon whatever his life choices has a purity of heart that you lack. I refer now in particular to your words to Jon regarding financial compensation for the bereaved family, Polonius, think about the words of St Paul from Corinthians: 'If I give all I possess to the poor ....but do not have love, I gain nothing.' And that is your own situation.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
12 Nov 2015 /  #72
as a Christian

All I can say is you've got a way with words and would make a good homilist. The minute they lift the celibacy and male-only requirements you should definitely consider entering the priesthood.

To close, I personally believe that rather than ostentatiously shedding crocodile tears over a single tragic incident it is better to point out the probable adverse results of different life choices. Does not today's widespread hedonistic, consumption-obsessed "anything goes" mentality lead to a society of confused and unhappy children? Should they not be our prime concern?
Atch  22 | 4299  
12 Nov 2015 /  #73
you should definitely consider entering the priesthood.

Sarcasm. And richly ironic as the same might apply to yourself. The difference is that I don't climb up on a soap box simply for the sake of it and start lecturing all and sundry about my views and philosophy on life. It is you who does that Polonius. You introduce these topics because you have a need to do so and you have a particular need to do it, not among like-minded people but among those whom you know have no wish to hear it. And that's precisely why you do it - in order to provoke. As a teacher, who has spent many years with emotionally damaged, needy children, I recognise it for what it is, the attention seeking behaviour of a disturbed, unhappy child. You need to engage with others but are not able to do so in a healthy, normal manner. So I do actually have sympathy for you which is why I bother to speak to you as I do.

ostentatiously shedding crocodile tears

Assuming the worst of your fellow man. Why should you do that?

confused and unhappy children? Should they not be our prime concern?

They have been my concern for many years and I have done my best to serve them in simple and practical ways. I am sure there are other members of this forum who have also done what they can in their own way. I'm afraid that lecturing a random group of people about the perceived evils of the modern world does nothing whatsoever to help those children.

I should point out that of the children from what you call dysfunctional families, whom I have taught over the years, about half were from married parents. Some of the most violent and disturbed families were the conventionally, outwardly respectable ones. In schools where generations of the same family had attended, there was often a history of domestic violence going back decades well into the years when Ireland was a very traditional and conservative society.

But it's not my business to educate you about that. I'm just suggesting that you reflect on your behaviours now, in this life, while you have a chance to change them because what you sow in this life, you will surely reap in the next. Do what you can to reach some level of understanding and self-awareness now Polly because if you don't do it in this life, God will require it of you in the next and it will be harder and more painful there when the scales fall from your eyes and God lets you see yourself as you truly are. Good luck friend.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
12 Nov 2015 /  #74
not among like-minded people

That's called preaching to the choir.

What is this thread about?
12 Nov 2015 /  #75
I should point out that of the children from what you call dysfunctional families, whom I have taught over the years, about half were from married parents. Some of the most violent and disturbed families were the conventionally, outwardly respectable ones.

I know of one married couple who are so dysfunctional as a family that the father will not even speak about his only daughter, let alone actually speak to her. Whenever he writes about his family, he writes about his son (leaving out certain parts) but never mentions his daughter. OK, it's entirely possible that said daughter hasn't obeyed the fourth commandment (I think that's the fifth commandment to you, and him) but to refuse to even speak of one's own child is very dysfunctional. It's not as if the fourth/fifth is really that important, not when compared to the commandment about not killing people.

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