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Victory in 'anti-Polish camps' campaign in US

rybnik  18 | 1444  
12 Mar 2011 /  #151
the political leanings of the Polish Americans.

I'm a Pol-Am. What are my political leanings?
1jola  14 | 1875  
12 Mar 2011 /  #152
Dolphi, who has not been to the US, has a zoological hatred for Polish-Americans, especially ones with incorrect political leanings. I hope yours are not conservative. If you are a flaky leftist, you will be OK in his book.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
12 Mar 2011 /  #153
zoological hatred for Polish-Americans

flaky leftist

great stuff!
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
12 Mar 2011 /  #154
I am a Polish-American member of the Green Party and I despise both the obnoxious idiots that generalize about Polish-Americans' political leanings on this forum as well as the Polish-American reactionary idiots who spout their racist crap on this forum. A pox on both your houses. I came to this forum to learn about my ancestral homeland, not to be disappointed by my peers, nor to be stereotyped by twits.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
12 Mar 2011 /  #155
I mean what I said. Yes, not all of the Germans were Nazis. Actually many Germans were put into concentration camps because they were anti Nazis.

Yes, the communist Germans got thrown into concentration camps by the Nazis.
amyfrom Canada  
12 Mar 2011 /  #156
Poland wouldn't even accept Poles!

Why do you people reply to such an idiot ? He must be some kind of psycho himself , maybe some MOSAD spy who has already murdered thousands of Palestinians , psychopat Jew who hates Poles , same as many other Jews installed in Poland after the II War by Germans or Sovieta like Bartoszewski , Geremek .....etc.
1jola  14 | 1875  
12 Mar 2011 /  #157
I came to this forum to learn about my ancestral homeland

You've come to the wrong forum then. It is dominated and monitored by non-Poles who either spent a week here and are experts, live here for a couple of years and consider themselves authorities on everything Polish and dispense their wisdom freely, but the main theme is to insult everything Polish. There are a few happy and content foreigners here and you will know them by their fruit.

Do you have an opinion on the thread topic?
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
12 Mar 2011 /  #158
You've come to the wrong forum then. It is dominated and monitored by non-Poles who either spent a week here and are experts, live here for a couple of years

Some of us have spent half our lives in Poland.

consider themselves authorities on everything Polish and dispense their wisdom freely,

Yet when some visitor asks a genuine question, the 'real Poles' say nothing, prefering to bicker endlessly on political or historical threads, usually with a right-wing racist slant that doesn't reflect the general opinion in Poland anyway. Poland is more than the controversial aspects of its history.

There are a few happy and content foreigners here and you will know them by their fruit.

Perhaps there's a point when those 'foreigners' become Polish...
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
12 Mar 2011 /  #159
Yet when some visitor asks a genuine question, the 'real Poles' say nothing.

Probably because none post on here :)
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
12 Mar 2011 /  #160
Regarding the thread topic I would hardly call the removal of the word "Polish" from "Deathcamps" as a victory, because Poland will still be thought of as an anti-Semitic place, because it is in the interests of Zionist elements in the media to continually portray it that way. It rationalizes their crimes in Palestine because their former homeland was so cruel to them.
12 Mar 2011 /  #161
Perhaps there's a point when those 'foreigners' become Polish...

Of course there is. Foreigners were always welcome in Poland. That's why we had waves
of settlers from countries as far as Scotland, First Rzeczpospolita was known as paradisus
, the Eastern and Western Churches lived in a union and we had the unique
case of muslim assimilation (up to the point where Polish muslims fought side by side with
Christian Poles against invading islamic armies, and eventually converted to Catholicism.)

As long as foreigners respect Rzeczpospolita, its heritage, laws and history, they are more
than welcome, and if it is their will and God's grace - they will eventually become Poles.
Stu  12 | 515  
12 Mar 2011 /  #162

"De vervolging vond plaats op basis van de nationaalsocialistische rassenleer: iedereen die niet Arisch was, werd uitgesloten van de maatschappij en opgejaagd. Deze mensen werden geïsoleerd, opgepakt en in vernietigingskampen vermoord. Hetzelfde gebeurde met degenen die hen probeerden te helpen."

The persecution (of the Jews) took place on the basis of national-socialist racial dogmas: everyone who was not Arian, was shut out from society and hunted down. These people were isolated, arrested en killed in extermination camps. The same fate awaited those who tried to help them.
1jola  14 | 1875  
12 Mar 2011 /  #163
Some of us have spent half our lives in Poland.

And I wish all of you a happy stay. I am not lumping all of you in a same bucket. I have lived and worked in both England and France(2 and 3 years). I have never felt anywhere close to understanding these societies, their culture, political systems, or history, and I would risk being laughed at if I considered myself an authority on the subject. The most I would dare was to make certain observations based on my experience, and I do speak these languages which allowed me to read the native press, books, editorials. People like Harry or Delphimine share none of these advantages yet they speak from the point of authority. That is why they are laughed at here. That and their contempt for us, our culture, history, and our patriotism. These self-admitted, stateless entities most likely are envious. They do a lot of damage sitting here daily spewing venom.

Regarding the thread topic I would hardly call the removal of the word "Polish" from "Deathcamps" as a victory, because Poland will still be thought of as an anti-Semitic place,

The point is that the squeeky wheel gets the grease. It does make sense to protest as you see they agree to change their way, the media that is. Next, we will force the German newspapers to stop writing about "Polish concentration camps"(sic) although it is unlikely they will say German instead of Nazi, but that is not an issue here. Given that many British schoolkids think Auschwitz was a beer brand or a theme park, and it is likely they will never read a history book in their life, it is important they undestand that these camps were German not Polish.

The persecution (of the Jews) took place on the basis of national-socialist racial dogmas: everyone who was not Arian, was shut out from society and hunted down. These people were isolated, arrested en killed in extermination camps. The same fate awaited those who tried to help them.

Stu, we've had this talk before, and I see you are still as ignorant on the subject as before.

Aiding Jews did not get you automatically killed along with your family in occupied Holland. There was no such law. Take a look at what happened to Miep Gies, Johannes Kleiman and Bep Voskuijl. Were they shot for aiding little Anne Frank? No.

On the morning of August 4, 1944, acting on information provided by an informant, the GrĂ¼ne Polizei arrested the people hidden at Frank's place of business, as well as Victor Kugler and Johannes Kleiman.A few days later, Miep unsuccessfully tried to bribe the Austrian Nazi officer to release her friends.[12]


You read Dutch, find what German law said about aiding Jews. Unless you want to believe the fantasy you believe now.
12 Mar 2011 /  #164
I have lived and worked in both England and France(2 and 3 years). I have never felt anywhere close to understanding these societies, their culture, political systems, or history

Yes, and you lived on a US military base while in both countries, which kind of stops one from getting a feel for the country.

Aiding Jews did not get you automatically killed along with your family in occupied Holland. There was no such law.

And it did not in Poland either, as is shown but not only testimony from relevant Germans and from the wording of the order you so frequently talk about.

I note that you have no a word to say about the German order in Norway which also set death as the penalty for helping Jews escape. Perhaps you'd prefer to just again accuse me of fuccking children instead of addressing the order which shows that you lie?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
12 Mar 2011 /  #165
Take a look at what happened to Miep Gies, Johannes Kleiman and Bep Voskuijl. Were they shot for aiding little Anne Frank? No.

Isn't The Diary Of Anne Frank a fraud?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
12 Mar 2011 /  #167
Wasn't there a controversy about how it's a fake? What's up with that?
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
12 Mar 2011 /  #168
That was a racist thing - holocaust deniers doing the usual.

Sure the diary was edited (she had a crush on her female friend, which her father didn't want in the book) but the result was the same, she died in a camp.
Stu  12 | 515  
12 Mar 2011 /  #169
There was no such law.

Who cares whether there was an actual law when the outcome was the same? You're a sad person, 1jola.

I guess the partners of the site tweedewereldoorlog.nl/partners/_pid/bottom/_rp_bottom_elem entId/1_920 must all be lying.

Austrian (!!!) Nazi officer

12 Mar 2011 /  #170
Who cares whether there was an actual law when the outcome was the same? You're a sad person, 1jola.

There was of course no such law in Poland. There was a decree in part of Poland which applied to those who helped some Jews. But there was an identical decree in Norway and from what you say in Holland too. Even Germans were executed for helping Jews.

1jola knows this, which is why he tries to ignore the facts and just responds only with slander.

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