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Victory in 'anti-Polish camps' campaign in US

PennBoy  76 | 2429  
30 Nov 2010 /  #1

The Wall Street Journal's Style and Substance editor, Paul R. Martin yesterday made an official entry into the The Wall Street Journal Essential Guide to Business Style and Usage - "Concentrate on this: There were no Polish concentration camps in World War II. Auschwitz and other such camps in Polish territory were operated by German Nazis."
30 Nov 2010 /  #2
There were no Polish concentration camps in World War II.

Quite right: Polish concentration camps were before and after WWII, not during it.
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429  
30 Nov 2010 /  #3
Polish concentration camps were before and after WWII

Wrong, those were just detaining camps, or concentration camps in the original meaning. Nazi "concentration" camps were in reality extermination camps, big difference. The term was borrowed from the British concentration camps of the Second Anglo-Boer War. Holocaust scholars draw a distinction between concentration camps and extermination camps, which were established for the industrial-scale murder of the concentration camp populations. Extermination camps included Belzec, Majdanek, Sobibor, Treblinka, and Auschwitz-Birkenau.


If this thread turns out to be more of the same, then it's off to Off Topic.
30 Nov 2010 /  #4
Wrong, those were just detaining camps, or concentration camps in the original meaning.

Which is why contemporary media referred to them as "concentration camps".

Nazi "concentration" camps were in reality extermination camps, big difference.

No, Nazi death camps were extermination camps. For people who get so upset about incorrect terminology being used about Nazi death camps, Poles do rather tend to use a lot of incorect terminology about the things themselves.

huffingtonpost.com/alex-storozynski/the-wall-street-j ournal -u_b_789327.html

Ah yes, the man who claims that Poland was the first country invaded by the Nazis and that only Poles faced the death penalty for helping Jews: clearly an expert on modern history.
Bolle  1 | 144  
30 Nov 2010 /  #5
Quite right: Polish concentration camps were before and after WWII, not during it.

The jews ran the concentration camps after ww2.

eye for an eye - john sack (jew)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Nov 2010 /  #6
The jews ran the concentration camps after ww2.

Ooh, anti-semtism as well now?

Keep on going, racist.
Bolle  1 | 144  
30 Nov 2010 /  #7
How is that anti-semitic?

Maybe harry was anti-polish by saying that poles ran camps after ww2?

You can take this back now:

Krynski  - | 82  
1 Dec 2010 /  #8
The Polonophobic racist dupadomine is showing his true colors again? On what grounds do you allege Bolle is "anti-semitic" and call him "racist"? Isn't it true that Jews, such as Solomon Morel and Lola Potok, ran soviet-communist concentration or death camps in post-WWII Poland? Doesn't John Sack's book "An Eye for an Eye" give facts on the subject?

Nazi death camps

And why doesn't Harry the Polonophobe call them "German death camps"? Isn't the expression "Nazi death camps" - fabricated by the American and British post-WWII propaganda? - historically incorrect and misleading? If it is, why do you use it and thus lie, eh hate-monger?

1 Dec 2010 /  #9
Isn't it true that Jews, such as Solomon Morel and Lola Potok, ran soviet-communist concentration or death camps in post-WWII Poland?

No, it isn't.

a) Those weren't death camps: they were concentration camps.
b) Those weren't Soviet camps: they were Polish camps.
Ireland4ever  - | 44  
1 Dec 2010 /  #10
30,000 vietnamese in poland!!!
Each will have several babies!
Look at how multicultural you are becoming!

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2127  
1 Dec 2010 /  #11
Poor people, finally they have found a safe haven in Poland
Marek11111  9 | 807  
1 Dec 2010 /  #12
harry can you answer this two questions
Is this truth that Jews run the biggest ghetto in the world or Palestinians ghetto as it is in Palestine
Is it truth that Jewish commando attacked ships in international waters that makes them pirates and Interpol needs to issue a warrants
Krynski  - | 82  
1 Dec 2010 /  #13
No, it isn't.

Yes it is.

a) Those were, in fact, death camps. The evidence - the (exceptionally gruesome) mass killings of civilian prisoners, especially Silesians, by Jewish psychopaths, such as Morel.

b) They were Soviet-communist camps in that the people who ran them belonged to the Russian-ruled pseudo-Polish communist security forces. In spite of their wearing "Polish" uniforms, numerous members of those forces weren't ethnic Poles, for example, they were Jews. Under the Russian command they were brutally pacifying Poland, helping to install the pro-Soviet communist government in the place of the legitimate, and backed by the vast majority of Poles, pre-WWII Polish government. As a result of the WWII events, the latter was then based in London.

Well, you actually answered my question addressed to dupadomine - why? Do you crazily imagine you are him, or you actually are the psychopath? At the same time, you haven't replied to my comment relating to you, namely:

And why doesn't Harry the Polonophobe call them "German death camps"? Isn't the expression "Nazi death camps" - fabricated by the American and British post-WWII propaganda? - historically incorrect and misleading? If it is, why do you use it and thus lie, eh hate-monger?

So you call genuine German camps "Nazi camps", but you call in fact soviet-communist camps "Polish camps"? Why? Because you pathologiclly hate the Poles and try to hurt them as hard as you can, right? If so, well, Harry, I fuk you and your hate. Take care of yourself, because hate is bad for your health.... Or better don't take care - hate on.

OP PennBoy  76 | 2429  
1 Dec 2010 /  #14
30,000 vietnamese in poland!!!

Jewish psychopaths, such as Morel.

He sure as hell looks like he's crazy

  • icek.jpg
Krynski  - | 82  
1 Dec 2010 /  #15
Victory in 'anti-Polish camps’ campaign in US

We'll see if they actually stop using these monstrously slanderous expressions. I am skeptical about it. It seems the expressions have been used purposely for some - very important to 'somebody' -political reasons, and in order to harass the Poles, and spread hate against them. The expressions are also a way of venting out Polonophobic hate - the same kind of Polonophobic hate as Harry and dupadomine spit out habitually on this forum.


He sure as hell looks like he's crazy

Have you read "An Eye for an Eye" by John Sack? If you haven't, you should - you'd see how crazy were his genocidal deeds.
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429  
1 Dec 2010 /  #16
"An Eye for an Eye" by John Sack? If you haven't, you should - you'd see how crazy were his genocidal deeds.

No i haven't i'll read it when i get a chance. Helena Wolińska was an another of those sick people. Killing members of Poland's Armia Krajowa, freedom fighters, like the hero of the Polish Home Army during WW II, Emil August Fieldorf.

  • Wolinska.jpg
guesswho  4 | 1272  
1 Dec 2010 /  #17
And why doesn't Harry the Polonophobe call them "German death camps"?

maybe because not all of the Germans were Nazis and that's why Nazi death camps is correct.
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429  
1 Dec 2010 /  #18
How about Dr. Dariusz Ratajczak murdered in his car this year??? Denier of Holocaust. [presstv.ir/detail/139718.html]
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
1 Dec 2010 /  #19
Very interesting topic PennBoy.

Its nice to see a victory by Polish Americans & Poles with some of their allies (like the Jewish American Committee) in fighting Anti-Polish Bias in a certain element of the media.

Well like that old saying goes, The squeaky wheel gets the grease
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
1 Dec 2010 /  #20
Victory in 'anti-Polish camps’ campaign in US

There are no "Anti-Polish camps" in America. If you think there are, why do you live there?
Krynski  - | 82  
1 Dec 2010 /  #21
maybe because not all of the Germans were Nazis and that's why Nazi death camps is correct.

Do you mean calling the camps "Nazi camps" is correct because "not all of the Germans were Nazis"? Why? And what would be the rationale behind calling them "Polish camps"? Would it be that "all of the Poles were Poles"?

1 Dec 2010 /  #22
Is this truth that Jews run the biggest ghetto in the world or Palestinians ghetto as it is in Palestine. Is it truth that Jewish commando attacked ships in international waters that makes them pirates and Interpol needs to issue a warrants

Yes and yes. Any other questions?

Those were, in fact, death camps. The evidence - the (exceptionally gruesome) mass killings of civilian prisoners, especially Silesians, by Jewish psychopaths, such as Morel

No they were not death camps. Please do not lie.
Also please do not lie about the men who ran them: all were Poles, some were Jewish Poles (like Morel) and some were Christian Poles (like Czesław Gęborski, a man so brutal that he managed to get himself dismissed from his post even at the height of communist terror).

In spite of their wearing "Polish" uniforms, numerous members of those forces weren't ethnic Poles, for example, they were Jews.

They were Poles. All of them. Some were Jewish Poles and some were Christian Poles but all were Poles. Stop with the pathetic excuses and lies: face up to the truth.

in the place of the legitimate, and backed by the vast majority of Poles, pre-WWII Polish government.

Thanks for the laugh. Remind me when the 1939 military junta in Poland won an election.

So you call genuine German camps "Nazi camps", but you call in fact soviet-communist camps "Polish camps"? Why?

The overwhelming majority of the personnel at the Nazi death camps were not German. If you knew anything about history you would know that. But all were Nazis. Hence those are Nazi camps. The Polish concentration camps had Polish staff, exclusively Polish (with the exception of a few attached/seconded foreign ‘experts’). And you lies about Poles not being Poles will never change those facts.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Dec 2010 /  #23
Its nice to see a victory by Polish Americans & Poles with some of their allies (like the Jewish American Committee) in fighting Anti-Polish Bias in a certain element of the media.

Blimey. If you told certain elements of Polish society that Poles were working alongside Jews, they'd get very very angry. Nice to see that the American Polonia doesn't have such issues. Unfortunately, Poland proper still has lingering anti-semtic issues that need to be resolved.

Thanks for the laugh. Remind me when the 1939 military junta in Poland won an election.

Wasn't the last "free" election in Poland sometime in the 1920's?

The expressions are also a way of venting out Polonophobic hate

No-one cares that much about Poles and Poland. It's a poor Eastern European country of little importance to anyone. In fact, the only people who care about Poles are Poles themselves.
1 Dec 2010 /  #24
Wasn't the last "free" election in Poland sometime in the 1920's?

No at all: Poland operated a system of one man, one vote. That man was Pilsudski and he had the vote.
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429  
1 Dec 2010 /  #25
Some were Jewish Poles and some were Christian Poles but all were Poles.

Harry first of all no European says Jewish Poles and Christian Poles, Americans bought that line as if the only difference is religious, Jewish is also an ethnic group, Hitler did target them based on their faith but differences in their outlook. In Poland it's said ethnic Poles and Jews or Polish Jews.

The overwhelming majority of the personnel at the Nazi death camps were not German.

The overwhelming majority WAS German, in Poland anyway. There were many local volunteers in the east (Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine) not in Poland, plus those people who joined the Nazis didn't get this idea on their own but were recruited for this by the Germans, in their war.

If you told certain elements of Polish society that Poles were working alongside Jews

Not just Jews, a lot of people even the young in Poland today, have resentment also for Germans and Russians. People are raised not to trust them because of past experiences.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Dec 2010 /  #26
And this is dreadful :(

But thankfully, the educated youth has no problems with either ethnicity. Really, I wouldn't say "a lot", but more a "vocal minority". And thankfully, they are a minority!
1 Dec 2010 /  #27
Harry first of all no European says Jewish Poles and Christian Poles,

Hmm, an American is trying to tell a European how Europeans speak: how bizarre.

The overwhelming majority WAS German, in Poland anyway.

No, dear boy, they were not: the senior staff were Germans, the rest were not. Do try to learn a little about history.
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429  
1 Dec 2010 /  #28
Hmm, an American is trying to tell a European how Europeans speak: how bizarre.

I am not an American i'm Polish born and bred, and what are you while on the subject?

No, dear boy, they were not: the senior staff were Germans, the rest were not. Do try to learn a little about history.

Sunny i know more about Polish history than all the people you know, senior staff?? what are you talking about? the officers, soldiers, SS men, people who fed and clothed them in Poland were Germans, Poles didn't help in the killings, except for a few instances like Jedwabne.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
1 Dec 2010 /  #29
Do you mean calling the camps "Nazi camps" is correct because "not all of the Germans were Nazis"? Why? And what would be the rationale behind calling them "Polish camps"? Would it be that "all of the Poles were Poles"?

I mean what I said. Yes, not all of the Germans were Nazis. Actually many Germans were put into concentration camps because they were anti Nazis.

It's obviously wrong to call the concentration camps on Polish territory during the WW2, Polish death camps.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
1 Dec 2010 /  #30
Polish camps/German camps/Nazi camps....just words!

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