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Two Polish Men on trial for brutally murdering German Pop Star in homophobic attack

Bieganski  17 | 888  
14 Sep 2017 /  #31
Do you a, know that someone hit on them at all, and b. think gang rape and murder or indeed any kind of agression isa an appropriate response to any social situation?

A) According to the article used by your fellow anti-Polish troll who started this umpteenth anti-Polish hit piece the accused are reported as having told police investigators they were insulted when the now dead washed-up pop star queen chatted them up. So, if every anti-Polish news story you and your cohorts get your clutches on is to be accepted as the truth then the accused men's account must also be accepted as truth.

B) Again more gender neutral language. You may think sexuality is merely a social construct which comes in 31 flavors but that would only demonstrate that your identity politics is artificial and easily disproven by the natural order of the world. And what a surprise to see your two-faced moralizing as to whether "aggression is an appropriate response to any social situation." Well, you certainly have been one of the most prancing cheerleaders in the other thread in support of the tyrannical Danish police thugs bashing a Polish man to a bloody pulp. For you and your anti-Polish cohorts that was fully deserved just because the victim in that incident of polish brutality is Polish. But when a queer hits on two men and the sexual advance isn't welcomed at all then you go through your mental gymnastics and do a complete 180 degree flip-flop and want everyone to believe that aggression is never an appropriate reaction. You are such a trolling hypocrite; but you already know that.

As I already mentioned this is a local news story. This latest anti-Polish hit piece is just that and a gleeful rush to smear Poles with false and negative stereotypes.

Your fellow anti-Polish troll said the accused were "clearly repressed homosexuals themselves." If the accused men are indeed gay themselves then it will be for you and your fellow anti-Polish troll to explain what that would have to do with Poland and Poles.

I also already pointed out that gay-on-gay crime is nothing new. None of us were at this hostel at the time. It may easily have been death by misadventure either with the consensual participation of the victim and the accused or from self-inflicted fatal injuries done by the victim when the accused were no longer there.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Sep 2017 /  #32
the accused are reported as having told police investigators they were insulted when the now dead washed-up pop star queen chatted them up.

It's interesting that you think a natural response to being chatted up is to brutally violate someone to the point of death.

local news story.

Nope, it's international news, as witnessed by the fact that they fled abroad.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
14 Sep 2017 /  #33
It's interesting that you think a natural response to being chatted up is to brutally violate someone to the point of death.

You can't prove that is what happened. But you are the one who said the two accused men are "clearly homosexual themselves." So what do you know that the rest of us don't? This largely unknown and long forgotten pop princess for those that did may have gotten them to engage in a lurid sex act on him and even paid them to do it. Things got out of hand and he died. The two accused men said they were insulted when he chatted them up. They may have left to get away from him. The lonely, heart broken homosexual attempts a sex act on himself, it goes awry, he dies and the PC virtue signaling German keystone cops jump to the conclusion that the accused are guilty because they were at the hostel at the same time and most importantly for you and them the men happen to be Polish.

Nope, it's international news, as witnessed by the fact that they fled abroad.

Nope, the death occurred in Germany and the trial is now in Germany. It doesn't matter if the accused had traveled elsewhere in between. It's still local news story.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
14 Sep 2017 /  #34
Steven Simpson was autistic and gay. He died after he was set on fire at his birthday party. Surprisingly enough, the people who assaulted him weren't Polish.
Tacitus  2 | 1255  
14 Sep 2017 /  #35
Things got out of hand and he died

I found a German article that went into more detail what happened to him. One of the culprits apparantly sat on him to make sure that he couldn't move, breaking several ribs in the process. They smashed a wooden chair in his face, knocking most of his teeth out. They also tortured him witch cigarettes.

They inserted several items so deeply into his rectum, that they damaged his intestines like his liver. They apparantly found the dna of the suspects on several items that were used.

He was found in the room he shared with the suspects, and no one was seen leaving or entering it.

But when a queer hits on two men and the sexual advance isn't welcomed at all .

Are you implying that physical violence in any form would be justified in a situation like this? He asks two adult man for sex, there is no reason to believe that he intimidated them in any way (which is ridiculous anyway, since he was alone against two younger man who according to the description given by some newspapers, are extremely muscular) and in return they viciously torture him to death.
G (undercover)  
14 Sep 2017 /  #36
He asks two adult man for sex

Not sure... perhaps Germans became so "enlightened" that average dude doesn't mind being asked for homosexual sex.. but vast majority of men around the world wouldn't be too happy about it... so his behaviour was very irresponsible, which of course doesn't change a fact that these animals shouldn't be ever allowed to walk freely, you can keep them forever. Besides, the whole concept of running some motel where people share rooms with strangers is... strange and basically provoke troubles by default.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
14 Sep 2017 /  #37
Ever heard of a youth hostel and bunk rooms?
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Sep 2017 /  #38
Besides, the whole concept of running some motel where people share rooms with strangers is... strange and basically provoke troubles by default.

Strange? It's a very popular way of travelling, especially if you only need a place to crash for a few hours.
Tacitus  2 | 1255  
14 Sep 2017 /  #39
erhaps Germans became so "enlightened" that average dude doesn't mind being asked for homosexual sex.. but vast majority of men around the world wouldn't be too happy about it

Thankfully we are living in Europe, not in other parts of the world where gay people have no reason to expect any form of violent reaction to a polite question for sex. I am sure gay people can in Poland ask anyone they want for sex without any fear of reprisal too, It is not a form of "enlightenment", it is a form of simple human decency.
14 Sep 2017 /  #40
the PC virtue signaling German keystone cops jump to the conclusion that the accused are guilty because they were at the hostel at the same time and most importantly for you and them the men happen to be Polish.

Well, that and the tiny fact that their DNA was find on the murder weapons, small details that are easy to miss from a basement in America.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
14 Sep 2017 /  #41
the whole concept of running some motel where people share rooms with strangers is... strange and basically provoke troubles by default.

not really, it's pretty normal tbh
Bieganski  17 | 888  
14 Sep 2017 /  #42
One of the culprits apparantly sat on him to make sure that he couldn't move, breaking several ribs..

Yes, apparently. As in not conclusively proven or admitted to by the defendants.

You and your German newspapers (they are all left of center) are conveniently forgetting that the public has been regularly subjected to unsolicited images of gay men and women at their so-called "pride" marches (a collective act of obedience rather than solidarity and defiance).

Their infantile attention seeking behavior captured on-cue for the cameras at these marches always involves them wearing lots of leather such as dog collars, face masks, harnesses and pseudo-Nazi uniform attire. Clearly none of this sort of get-up is used for flower arranging classes or Tupperware parties but are standard gear for their sadomasochism with each other.

Your anti-Polish OP cohort even said the accused men were "certainly homosexual." Whether they were or not your own posts take the position that heterosexual men should not object to be sexually propositioned by homosexuals (but certainly and most hypocritically you would be in spitting outrage if the two male defendants had propositioned a female for sex).

Therefore it cannot be discounted that if sex was involved between the victim and the accused that consent was given even if it was very rough and got way out of hand. Nothing was mentioned about the victim crying out or raising an alarm for help.

But as already mentioned the victim may have engaged in a sex act on his own after the two men left that resulted in his death. Whatever he was doing could have resulted in him losing his balance, falling face first into a chair which would have knocked out his teeth, and landing on the floor breaking his ribs. A fall would also explain aggravated internal injuries. Anyone can self-harm as well by burning themselves with their own cigarettes. Indeed, your German press said his partner didn't want him any more so he had to move out. Being rejected would explain such behavior.

There have been plenty of media stories too of celebrities found naked and hanging by the neck from the back of door. At first speculation always swirled around suicide from depression or even being murdered by other people they were seen with that day. But then the truth would come out and they were actually engaging in autoerotic asphyxiation and died from their own negligent and self-gratifying activity.

and the tiny fact that their DNA was [found] on the murder weapons, small details

It's the 21st century. Your communist show trials are a thing of the past and completely discredited.

The two men have only been accused and they have not been convicted.

Even your cohort admits this:

They apparantly found the dna of the suspects on several items that were used.

Indeed, apparently. I'm sure if you were in that same room the day before your DNA would have been on several items as well.

Case dismissed.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
14 Sep 2017 /  #43
And as already mentioned the victim may have engaged in a sex act on his own after the two men left that resulted in his death

that is actually mental, sorry.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Sep 2017 /  #44
You and your German newspapers (they are all left of center)

See, if you're going to post a long post that no-one is going to read anyway, it would help if you knew a thing about German newspapers.

Die Welt and Frankfurter Allgemeine are very much traditional conservative newspapers, as anyone that can read German knows.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
14 Sep 2017 /  #45
very much traditional conservative newspapers

Sure, sure, just like Mad Cow "open-borders" Merkel is a traditional conservative.

Look, don't bother posting while foolishly believing your trolling won't get quickly and easily squashed.
14 Sep 2017 /  #46
Case dismissed.

No, really not. I do understand that to you the accused are ubermenschen, as they are from the ethnic group you pretend to be part of, while the victim, as a gay black man was to you both an untermensch and everything you admire, desire and secretly want to be, but in the reality inhabited by everybody who isn't so out of touch with reality outside of their parents' basement that they think the only reason for ever riding a bicycle is poverty, being caught with your DNA on multiple items used to murder somebody is going to lead to questions being asked.
jon357  72 | 23529  
15 Sep 2017 /  #47
It's interesting that you think a natural response to being chatted up is to brutally violate someone to the point of death.

I suppose if it's never happened to you...

Strange? It's a very popular way of travelling, especially if you only need a place to crash for a few hours.

Some hostels are very good and compare well with small hotels. Not necessarily shared rooms, many of the Berlin ones have double and single bedrooms.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
15 Sep 2017 /  #48
was find

Was found
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
15 Sep 2017 /  #49
Some polish dudes get really offended if a gay guy hits on them. Idk why if anything you can say something like I'm flattered but I'm straight or something. If he like grabbed you or whatever that's a lil different but still it doesn't mean a guy should be killed for that.
G (undercover)  
15 Sep 2017 /  #50
Thankfully we are living in Europe, not in other parts of the world where gay people have no reason to expect any form of violent reaction to a polite question for sex.

Not sure what you Gerries are doing over there these days but here in Europe, a man asking a passing by woman "a polite question for sex" will be likely hit with a handbag, If he asks another dude, very likely will get punched. You will get similar reactions no matter if It is Texas, Mexico or China.

but still it doesn't mean a guy should be killed for that.

Of course not. Just like you shouldn't have your legs broken If you "ask for sex" a wife of a local mafia boss. But quite likely that's what would happen.
jon357  72 | 23529  
15 Sep 2017 /  #51
Some polish dudes get really offended if a gay guy hits on them.

Not one shred of evidence that anyone hit on them.

They were probably too drunk and ugly for any man, woman or beast to see them in that light.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Sep 2017 /  #52
If he asks another dude, very likely will get punched.

Perhaps in your village, but most normal people would politely decline.

Some polish dudes get really offended if a gay guy hits on them. Idk why if anything you can say something like I'm flattered but I'm straight or something.

What's funnier is that the offended dudes are the ones that often look the most homosexual.

I mean, completely shaved bodies and large muscles is definitely something that turns many a gay man on.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
15 Sep 2017 /  #53
but most normal people would politely decline.

You wouldn't

completely shaved bodies and large muscles is definitely something that turns many a gay man on.

I'm not going to argue with you on that one, you know your sh1t.

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