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Polish twins have different fathers

ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
29 Dec 2010 /  #31
I'm sorry you don't get sarcasm you moron.

Your "sarcasm" didn't work since your other comments would lead one to believe this one.

if your girlfriend

Let's leave Broom Hilda out of this.

but I doubt)

Don't doubt. The women in these forums will vouch for my character, not to mention charm, (oh, and modesty).

She cheats on you because you are such an pathetic excuse for a man.

......and a man who cheats on his wife is also a " pathetic excuse for a man". (womens logic)

if she is knocked up get a paternity test. In your case it's a must.

Your psychic powers are truly amazing. Is the rhythm of my typing that much of a give-away?

Well, thank you my young Marynka; a thousand thank-yous' for your decomposing wisdom.
I have some for you as well. As my old Kentucky pappy used to say: " Some horses are so polite that when they come to a fence, they stop and let you go over first."
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
29 Dec 2010 /  #32
What about a man who is doing the same thing (except for the ovulation part of course). How do you describe him?

Not the same.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
29 Dec 2010 /  #33
Its estimated that 10% of children are not fathered by by the man who believes they are the father.

One in Ten.

Thats not bad luck, its systematic cheating by women. If you have a child get it tested soon after birth and kick the bastard out before you get too attached.

You can also attempt to sue the woman for the cost of bringing up the bastard.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
29 Dec 2010 /  #34
Unfortunately this is probably more common than most of us realize.

Here's a more colourful case!

ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
29 Dec 2010 /  #35

From the link: "A Philadelphia man was forced to pay more than $12,000 in child support for another man's daughter and spent two years in jail for falling behind on payments."

"Petitions he filed for DNA testing were opposed by the court's domestic relations officials and denied by the judge."

Most domestic relations officials are female and feminist ideology is responsible for most of the anti male laws and legislation that exempts women from responsibility yet punishes men even when they are innocent.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
29 Dec 2010 /  #36
I support mandatory paternity testing for all births.

Also, in all cases the biological father should be financially liable.

The rule is simple: If you're married, don't screw around.

How hard is tht to understand?
southern  73 | 7059  
29 Dec 2010 /  #37
A man does not have the right to ask for paternity test without the consent of his wife.On the other hand a court can oblige a man to DNA test if a woman claims that he is the father of her child.We see here the double standards of law used to preserve families.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
29 Dec 2010 /  #38
Only women with guilty consciences would really object....
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
29 Dec 2010 /  #39
How hard is tht to understand?

I support you ... personally I feel that abstinence before marriage and loyalty after it is a wonderful way to ensure a healthy future of a marriage. But in any condition, there needs to be some sense of moral responsibility revitalized.

I am in favor of what you are saying.
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
29 Dec 2010 /  #40
Ok, this statement is going to ooze charm and class, here goes...

All women want is a man to f*ck them all the time. All men want is to f*ck women all the time... Unfortunately men want to f*ck different women all the time while women have fooled themselves into thinking that this is not the case for them... Men contribute to this by thinking of women as their own private property. But try to own a man and he walks out the door...

Situation is folks that a women is the moon while a man is the sun...

What's love got to do with it...?

It all went downhill after the Neolithic period.

Goodnight. :)
mafketis  38 | 11137  
29 Dec 2010 /  #41
People like to think in binary terms, even when it's not true. So, since men are promiscuous by nature they assume women are monogamous. But that's just not true (as anyone with a working knowledge of country music can tell you). Women are just .... a little less promiscuous than men.

There's a stronger distinction havng to do with parent identity. Men have been selected for to worry about paternity and to connect caring for children (wtih the material and time investments invovled) with paternity while women haven't, for obvious reasons.
southern  73 | 7059  
29 Dec 2010 /  #42
It is usually easier to find out who the real mother is.
Marynka11  3 | 639  
29 Dec 2010 /  #43
I really don't have time today to answer all the nonsense and offensive phrases directed at me or discuss this train wreck of a thread, so here are my main points just in case:

1. Mandatory paternity tests are nonsense. People who have doubts should request them on case to case basis and pay for them out of own pocket. I don't want my insurance rate to raise because some people will not take responsibility for their actions. I don't know the law, if they require woman's consent or not, but I believe men should be able to request the test without woman's consent but only if it's in the best interest of the child.

2. People should take their vows seriously, and even if they are not married they should stick to one partner. Not only it solves the problem of paternity conflicts, but also excludes the risk of spreading the STDs and HIV.

3. However people cheat, men and women. But the society looks more sternly at a cheating woman. It should be regarded as equal offense.

4. People look at others through the prism of their own values and character traits. The ones who are cheaters themselves will project that trait on others. Therefore I believe those who scream the loudest that the paternity tests should be mandatory are most likely cheaters themselves (e.g. they are banging some married woman on the side) and therefore have serious trust issues.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
29 Dec 2010 /  #44
One in Ten.

Thats not bad luck, its systematic cheating by women.

Such a stat certainly warrants society's addressing.

There are many similar horror stories here. Those DR officials and the judge need to be fire and arrested... or receive a shotgun blast to the throat.

Simple. Quite reasonable and difficult to argue against. Very good post.

a women is the moon while a man is the sun

At least you're finally learning. ;)

people cheat, men and women. But the society looks more sternly at a cheating woman. It should be regarded as equal offense.


I believe those who scream the loudest that the paternity tests should be mandatory are most likely cheaters themselves

jablko  - | 104  
29 Dec 2010 /  #45
People look at others through the prism of their own values and character traits. The ones who are cheaters themselves will project that trait on others. Therefore I believe those who scream the loudest that the paternity tests should be mandatory are most likely cheaters themselves

It seems that those pseudopsychological articles in women magazines aint good idea...
I think its more like that those women who hate the idea of mandatory paternity tests are more willing to cheat. Whats wrong with fighting cheaters? I mean whats to be afraid if you are honest?

I don't want my insurance rate to raise

Those tests arent really that expensive. And its usually one-time expense.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
29 Dec 2010 /  #46
I really don't have time today to answer all the nonsense and offensive phrases directed at me or discuss this train wreck of a thread, so here are my main points just in case:

Offensive phrases directed at you only, really? You've called at least one person here a moron simply for disagreeing with you and indirectly blamed my friend's divorce and his wife's infidelity on him (it takes two, remember?). Then you implied I was a cheater since I was the person who suggested mandatory testing. (your paragraph #4).

I'd say your "phrases" are just as offensive if not more.

You say that you believe in equality yet you look at everything from the prism of your own vagina, and that's a total BS. You hate discrimination, you hate sexism, you hate racism, etc. Welcome to the club because I do too. Yet your egalitarian views stop when it comes to issues that some of us men find unfair.

I never suggested the testing should be covered by the taxpayers. If you have kids you pay the bills, a $40 test (i looked it up for this thread) is all we're talking about. Although I find it ironic that a person who constantly bemoans the US for not having a larger government, universal health care, etc. suddenly doesn't want the taxpayers to foot this particular bill. This must be something new for you but that's not important here.

Either way - no you are wrong, I have never ever cheated as that is not who I am. I know that religion isn't your thing but it is for me. However that has nothing to do with religion but with your personality, my mother didn't raise me to be a cheating scumbag. So once again, you're way off.

and no I'm not a catholic as someone else implied (irrelevant but still).

If you review my past threads you'll see that I hate when women are taken advantage of, when they're mistreated and unappreciated. ...and I frequently speak up on those issues here and in my private life. However, just because many women are wronged doesn't mean I should look the other way when some men are wronged too.

To say it's ok for a man to keep paying child support for a kid that isn't his year after year is simply preposterous. If he's doing it willingly I'm all for it and in fact my hat is off to him. However if he's paying because he was lied to then it's wrong, it's callous and it's selfish. It's not fair to the child either. Revenge justice at best yet you said yourself you were ok with that.

The idea is not a popular one and I'm sure will never be implemented for many reasons but I suggested something worthy a discussion, that's all. One way or the other a man should have the right to know if the child is his. Too many men have been lied to and a simple test takes care of it.

1. Mandatory paternity tests are nonsense. People who have doubts should request them on case to case basis and pay for them out of own pocket. I don't want my insurance rate to raise because some people will not take responsibility for their actions. I don't know the law, if they require woman's consent or not, but I believe men should be able to request the test without woman's consent but only if it's in the best interest of the child.

- You totally missed my point here. The one about deceit and skillful lying. Some men never, ever find out that "their" children aren't really theirs. Some find out years and years later (child support can never be repaid). They are a minority I'm sure but yes, they do exist.

Your idea wouldn't work as if a person doesn't suspect something than why would he request a test?

2. People should take their vows seriously, and even if they are not married they should stick to one partner. Not only it solves the problem of paternity conflicts, but also excludes the risk of spreading the STDs and HIV.

- Here I agree with you 100%, in fact more than 100% but have you looked at the divorce statistics? Some 50% of marriages end up in divorces, so what happened to those vows?

3. However people cheat, men and women. But the society looks more sternly at a cheating woman. It should be regarded as equal offense.

- You're right and according to a Swedish paper a read a while back men and women actually cheat about just as much. Women more often when they're young, men more often when they're approaching the middle age, women often deny it when surveys are done, men sometimes brag about it in those surveys. Not sure how accurate the article was but in a nutshell there are male and female sluts out there - no doubt about it.

The double standard is out there, things are changing but for now yes there's a double standard and often women are their own fiercest critics.

I certainly don't condone this double standard but why are you throwing your revenge ideas into this equation? If the society looks differently at cheating women versus cheating men how does that change the fact many men pay child support for children that aren't theirs? Two different subjects. If the men are aware of it and are ok with I'm all for it but if it's done through lies and deceit then how do those societal disparities even come into picture here? A wrong is always wrong, whether applied to a man or a woman.

You're correct when you say both men and women cheat, it's despicable but it's a fact of life. In a previous post you even said that the wife of my friend cheated on him because he must have done something wrong. In my view if a person is unhappy for whatever reason then he/she should leave the marriage BEFORE he/she starts looking for a new partner. Cheating is ALWAYS wrong, there simply are no excuses.

4. People look at others through the prism of their own values and character traits. The ones who are cheaters themselves will project that trait on others. Therefore I believe those who scream the loudest that the paternity tests should be mandatory are most likely cheaters themselves (e.g. they are banging some married woman on the side) and therefore have serious trust issues.

- On this issue the only prism that you look through is your own vagina. I'm very bunt but so are you. You love the status quo because if you were to cheat on your husband and get pregnant with another man you could keep that a lie for a long time, possibly for ever. You also enjoy when men are treated unfairly as it fulfills your sense of revenge justice.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
29 Dec 2010 /  #47
Yep. Classic Lib hypocrisy you ripped apart there.

Sky Guy = Lib slayer! :D
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
29 Dec 2010 /  #48
Ok, this statement is going to ooze charm and class, here goes...

So much generalization.

This incident over which the topic was created is surely a very despicable picture of relationships, and shows how deplorable conditions are when it comes to values and traditions. More values, than traditions...

But certainly not a compulsory condition of every relationships ... hopefully a dip in the present, but will be gone and a new day with better morals will again arrive. Atleast I can hope for that ...
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
29 Dec 2010 /  #49
Yep. Classic Lib hypocrisy you ripped apart there.

Sky Guy = Lib slayer! :D

With all due respect TZ I disagree with you a lot, maybe even most of the time and I don't have an anti-liberal or an anti-woman infatuation, I simply speak up when I see something wrong whether it affects men or women. That's all.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
29 Dec 2010 /  #50
I simply speak up when I see something wrong whether it affects men or women. That's all.

That would be the right thing to do, although I haven't read your other posts on this topic. But this line is quite good.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
29 Dec 2010 /  #51
Please do and let me know what you think whether it's good or bad. My mother ran women shelters in Sweden and unfortunately I've seen what we men are capable of. However, she also taught me that there are lots of mean and selfish women out there. So the only way to judge a person is by his/her deeds and not by what gender, race or religion they might be.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
29 Dec 2010 /  #52
I simply speak up when I see something wrong

And this time the wrong you addressed was the screaming FemLib hypocrisy by Marynka11.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
29 Dec 2010 /  #53
Please do and let me know what you think whether it's good or bad.

I just did now ... it was quick but thorough. All I can say that I agree with you to the last percentage =).

To those who did opposition to you, all I can say is that in today's time many of our better values have been lost. This is unfortunate, but true. I fully support your stance for a test.

Your mother sounds so much like my own parents. They are people I look up to.

While at the same time it is so unfortunate to what have happened to our society, way of life, families in general. I have no words ...

Both men and women must come to terms with it, and as we face new challenges - new precautions are definitely the only way to go (even if some propose that it is not the ideal way to go).

I vote for better values, and a step forward to better moral, ethical and emotional foundations. But till then, let us be careful and remember 'precautions are always the better alternative in any condition'.

Thanks sky ... I fully agree with you.

P.S. For me I've always worked hard to be responsible in my life, and would work hard till my last day to remain responsible to my woman and rest of the family. The only thing that a man (or I think also a proper respectable feminine woman) needs in a relationship as important as a marriage would be to rely completely on his partner, to trust, to have faith ... to be hers and to know she is his. Beyond all disagreements and agreements - this assurance has no alternative. Without it, life is nothing but a complicated cycle, and a few minutes in bed do not help. Human's are not animals, they think and thoughts often encircle them. They are seldom fully programmed, and this is a gift as well as a challenge.
Marynka11  3 | 639  
29 Dec 2010 /  #54
a $40 test (i looked it up for this thread)

$40 covers the swab. Then you need to add the lab work that is somewhere between 400 and 1000 dollars. So please do read more carefully next time. I also checked it for the thread.

And jet it's ok for you to imply I'm a cheater. Yes mandatory testing implies to me that I can't be trusted.

So do you suggest I start looking at the world from the perspective of your penis?

You love the status quo because if you were to cheat on your husband and get pregnant with another man you could keep that a lie for a long time, possibly for ever.

There is no such decision for me to make. I said "I do" several years ago and I meant it.

And this time the wrong you addressed was the screaming FemLib hypocrisy by Marynka11.

Hey, tea party fan, do you expect the government to make sure you get your paternity test? Who is a hypocrite here?

The only thing that a man (or I think also a proper respectable feminine woman) needs in a relationship as important as a marriage would be to rely completely on his partner, to trust, to have faith ... to be hers and to know she is his.

And jet you need a test to make sure you are the father? Don't you trust your lovely bride? I was hoping you would after reading all the nice things you said about her on this forum.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
29 Dec 2010 /  #55
If it's optional, it will be in the interest of women who cheat to try to convince their husbands to not get the test.

If it's mandatory and universal.... then no individual woman should feel insulted. Indeed, they will be anxious to get the father (husband or not) on the record and responsible for supporting the offspring.

Ultimately it will discourage cheating by both men and women. Win win! What's not to love?
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
29 Dec 2010 /  #56
And jet you need a test to make sure you are the father?

It is not me who needs it ... and lets not bring our personal people in here would we?

Would you not agree that the conditions of our marriages (i.e. when they actually happen in Europe mostly) are increasingly becoming very sad? At least when I look at things, they do not look very positive. Blame it on the western influences, the extreme feminism or the fanatical ideology of freedom against any code of conduct ... or blame it on us individually and nothing else ... the bottom line is that things are not working as they should and we are suffering as a people. No matter how well your economy does, no matter how good you have performed academically ... when the family is not functioning, when treachery is romanticized and given the mask of human nature (which I believe is nothing but a perverted form of human weakness, and weaknesses are not nature but the straying from it) ... what are the alternatives that a human has?

I think sky is making a valid point to make it a compulsory thing, so that the man never really has to ask his wife for a test, but it is done automatically and a report submitted to him as soon as the child is born or conceived. This would be a very good thing for the assurance for many good men who should not be fooled by some women who go ahead and blemish all the good women who are certainly not supposed to be doubted even for a split second.

The good ones we have in our lives are mere excuses for the bad ones to protect themselves. I feel that the good ones should not be used as a shield for those who do not deserve trust, but misuse love and goodness of others for their own selfish interests.

I hope I could be clear to you. It is certainly a complicated matter, but nonetheless a matter which is very grave.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
29 Dec 2010 /  #57
Not mentioned thus far is the fact that a DNA test can help determine what possible health needs the child may have. Genetic screening tests determine future risks for late-onset disorders which may occur during the child's development. If the father is not the biological parent then his information and family history could hinder health planning for the child, and in the more extreme instances can even be fatal to the kid.


Men who were suspicious of their offspring found after DNA testing that almost 30% of 'their' kids were not biologically theirs. That's an awful lot of playing around on the part of women.

Additionally, there are many instances of single women having multiple affairs; getting pregnant and then suing the wealthiest of the men for child support.

It shouldn't surprise anyone that feminist organizations oppose DNA testing on (mens') demand. Shockingly, that includes false rape charges (feminists believe a 'woman's word should be enough to convict).
Marynka11  3 | 639  
29 Dec 2010 /  #58
Not mentioned thus far is the fact that a DNA test can help determine what possible health needs the child may have.

That's the first and only rational argument in the whole discussion.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
29 Dec 2010 /  #59
It's a major argument for DNA testing but it is one of several. Women like you seem to ignore the trauma that men have when they find out that 'their' kid is not theirs. Women like you seem to lack the compassion gene when it comes to such intense personal matters that affect men.

You also ignore false rape charges which prove men innocent along with various other reasons noted by me and the other posters.

Here is a typical westernized female who has no shame; and feels no responsibility.


The above link shows a video with the man crying after he finds out the kids are not his. Of course, his pain is ignored while Povich consuls the female and tells her that he will help her.

As usual, the woman has no responsibility for her actions; it's as if women are like children who are faultless, blameless, and guiltless. Even when they do something horrendously wrong, they still get sympathy in our current cultures.
Marynka11  3 | 639  
30 Dec 2010 /  #60
Here is a typical westernized female who has no shame; and feels no responsibility.

A clip from Maury? Seriously? Are females who appear on this show typical for you?
If so, yes, request paternity testing by all means.

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