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Polish twins have different fathers

David_18  65 | 966  
27 Dec 2010 /  #1
In a rare, but possible, event a Polish woman has given birth to a pair of twins from different fathers.

The media in Poland are reporting Monday that the twins' mother became pregnant while she was having sexual relations with her husband and an affair.

This is apparently only the seventh time that this type of pregnancy has been recorded.

Such rare cases are possible when a woman produces two eggs and has sex with another partner while she's ovulating.


I wonder what her husband will do.. To be, or not to be, that is the question...

Shakespeare for the win!

In South africa they call this a "Fok-Op" wonder why xD
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
27 Dec 2010 /  #2
Unfortunately this is probably more common than most of us realize. Not twin kids with two different fathers but kids who have different fathers than what the papers show. Although the majority of women (and men) are faithful a large percentage aren't. Personally I believe a paternity test should be mandatory for each and every child born, just in case.

A former neighbor of mine who later became a friend got divorced when his daughter was two. He'd been paying child support for 9 years when "his" daughter had become sick and needed a kidney transplant. During the donor compatibility testing he found out he wasn't the father after all. Being the great guy that he is he's still treating her as his own daughter despite the fact he's had to fight for time with his little girl from day one after the divorce; the ex wanted his money and nothing else. His ex-wife is a truly mean person, sarcastic and vicious are the terms that'd describe her the best. I've met her many times and was never impressed. She has gotten married and divorced once again since then. Either way, a mandatory paternity test would solve any future problems and litigations.

Sad for the kids for sure...

PS. How reliable is this newspaper though??
Marynka11  3 | 639  
27 Dec 2010 /  #3
Personally I believe a paternity test should be mandatory for each and every child born, just in case.

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. What good would it do, other than creating unnecessary expenses?
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
28 Dec 2010 /  #4
In South africa they call this a "Fok-Op" wonder why xD

So you have some sort of SAFA connection is that right?
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
28 Dec 2010 /  #5
Pregnancy always brings an end to the party...
Natasa  1 | 572  
28 Dec 2010 /  #6
I like partying. So, I refused to look like an elephant, it usually means end of the party time ;)
And those DNA tests are humiliating. Why that much distrust?

twins' mother became pregnant while she was having sexual relations with her husband and an affair.

I like the way she thinks :)))
I wonder what kind of relationship will be established between siblings, I mean one was already cooking while father of the other one was messing and making chaos in the kitchen.
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
28 Dec 2010 /  #7
I wonder what kind of relationship will be established between siblings

I assume they'll be *butting heads* a lot... ;P
southern  73 | 7059  
28 Dec 2010 /  #8
These twins will look like two drops of water.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
28 Dec 2010 /  #9
That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. What good would it do, other than creating unnecessary expenses?

So I assume you're ok with my friend having been paying for another man's child all those years? Unnecessary expenses? Yeah, exactly, for years and years but you don't care as long as you get what YOU want.

Why the angry reply? Would a mandatory DNA testing impede on your personal life? If not I don't see why you care about "unnecessary" expenses. In general you like for the government to mandate and run things. So what gives here?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Dec 2010 /  #10
Not a bad idea at all, and it would certainly end the cases where children find out years afterwards that their uncle is actually their daddy.
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
28 Dec 2010 /  #11

That would mean my mummy did it with her brother...??? It would explain the high brow. ;D
Marynka11  3 | 639  
28 Dec 2010 /  #12
So I assume you're ok with my friend having been paying for another man's child all those years?

Yes, I'm ok. He has a child after all that he loves. I'm sure he is not as upset about paying for that child for all those years as you are.

Why don't we also test newborns' DNA to make sure they were not switched after birth? It follows the same logic.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
28 Dec 2010 /  #13
Personally I believe a paternity test should be mandatory for each and every child born, just in case.
That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. What good would it do, other than creating unnecessary expenses?

Well I wouldnt say it was the stupidist id "Ever" heard,but its up there,and just a bit creepy in a 1984 way. I take it sky soul mate is a man.....unfortunatly most of us of that persuasion are a little dim when it comes to things like this,thankfully though his "friend" seems more reasonable;

Being the great guy that he is he's still treating her as his own daughter despite the fact he's had to fight for time with his little girl from day one after the divorce

Which makes me wonder where this came from;

So I assume you're ok with my friend having been paying for another man's child all those years?

being as the friend obviously see's this innocent little girl as his daughter and not some alien in the litter basket..

Why the angry reply? Would a mandatory DNA testing impede on your personal life?

Yet again a bloke thinking he has the right to invade a womans privacy,infact,invade anyones privacy and I take it interfere in a married couples affairs......

Maybe,maybe,I can see an excuse,if you are going through a divorce and you have well founded suspisions that the child is not yours to then request a DNA or simple blood test but seriously,at the point of a childs birth? After 9 months of putting up with a pregnant womans crazy hormones your going to ask for proof the little bundle of joy actually was made with your muck? Come on,what then,walk out on your wife while she's still in hospital,abandon an innocent to single parent hood,for what,your pathetic male pride?
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
28 Dec 2010 /  #14
Yes, I'm ok. He has a child after all that he loves. I'm sure he is not as upset about paying for that child for all those years as you are

Of course you're ok with it because if you were a man you'd be called a sexist pig. Now you're just a selfish woman. ...and you're wrong about my friend. He's indeed very angry over the situation, primarily because despite being a good man and paying for a child that isn't his he has to literally fight to see "his" daughter as his ex always has an excuse whenever he wants to see the girl. He loves the child but in a nutshell he's paying for a child he gets to see a few days every few months; his ex-wife is using his affection for the girl to blackmail him into paying more money. I get airline discounts and arranged for him and his daughter's flight to Orlando, FL so they could visit Disney World and once again the trip had to be cancelled as the mom decided she had other plans that weekend and couldn't drop off the girl. She told him that only one day before the trip, which is very typical of her.

The situation is very one sided and it's discriminatory; you fail to see that because the current unfairness would benefit you if you decided to cheat on your husband.
Marynka11  3 | 639  
28 Dec 2010 /  #15
Of course you're ok with it because if you were a man you'd be called a sexist pig. Now you're just a selfish woman. ...and you're wrong about my friend.

Your friend just had a bad luck. I don't see a reason to go into general mistrust over isolated cases like that. Plus if a marriage does not work, usually both sides are guilty.

I think you definitely should get a paternity test whenever some is claiming they carry your child, if this gives you some piece of mind. But you should cover the expenses yourself. Some people actually trust their spouses and partners. That's really worth more than some piece of paper.

The situation is very one sided and it's discriminatory; you fail to see that because the current unfairness would benefit you if you decided to cheat on your husband.

No, it's not discriminatory. Everyone has the right to request a test.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
28 Dec 2010 /  #16
Did you actually read my initial post? He had no suspicion whatsoever and paid child support all those years because she lied. Her lover was unemployed and she simply kept the facts to herself because she wanted the highest amount of money for the child support despite the fact her husband at the time wasn't the father. He had no idea she was cheating on him.

Either way, I don't expect you to understand his plight as whenever discrimination occurs to a man you simply see "someone who's had bad luck", if it's a woman who's been wronged then you see endemic, systematic discrimination. Selective sense of fairness.
Marynka11  3 | 639  
28 Dec 2010 /  #17
He had no suspicion whatsoever and paid child support all those years because she lied. Her lover was unemployed and she simply kept the facts to herself because she wanted the highest amount of money for the child support despite the fact her husband at the time wasn't the father. He had no idea she was cheating on him.

I really don't need any more details about your friend. I still think he had bad luck and probably his own fair share in causing the marriage fail.

And it's not selective sense of fairness. I also think the women whose husbands ditch them for younger women have bad luck, even though one could think it's some sort of age discrimination.

(not that is has anything to do with the twins fathered by two different men).
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
28 Dec 2010 /  #18
So your "friend" married a slut and so you think everyone,everywoman should now under go mandatory DNA tests during pregnancy......how very Catholic,the sin always lies in the woman....
jablko  - | 104  
29 Dec 2010 /  #19
everywoman should now under go mandatory DNA tests during pregnancy

thats great idea, it would make cheating more difficult
also it would help to avoid such cases when man brings up not his child and doesnt even know thats its not his
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
29 Dec 2010 /  #20
Or why don't we just return to Chastity Belts...? I hear Gucci make them now. ;P
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
29 Dec 2010 /  #21
the twins' mother became pregnant while she was having sexual relations with her husband and an affair.

What a tramp.

those DNA tests are humiliating. Why that much distrust?

Because some chicks are tramps.

Personally I believe a paternity test should be mandatory for each and every child born

Great idea. Wholeheartedly agree.
Marynka11  3 | 639  
29 Dec 2010 /  #22
Or why don't we just return to Chastity Belts...? I hear Gucci make them now. ;P

And the low end ones you would get at Home Depot.
mafketis  38 | 11162  
29 Dec 2010 /  #23
The fact is that most men, given a choice will not want to financially support a child that's not 'theirs'. Silly, maybe but that's how it is.

Another fact is that a small minority of women have no scruples about getting pregnant by men they're not married to and then extracting financial support from said man for years and years.

The behavior of that minority means that (essentially) no married woman should be trusted 100%. Those women who are truly faithful should insist on paternity testing (with the father being liable for financial support). Those with something to hide will bleat the loudest about 'trust'...
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
29 Dec 2010 /  #24
why don't we just return to Chastity Belts...? I hear Gucci make them now.

Super glue.
beckski  12 | 1609  
29 Dec 2010 /  #25
Or why don't we just return to Chastity Belts

They need to make them for some of the male sluts too!
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
29 Dec 2010 /  #26
What good would it do, other than creating unnecessary expenses?

What an incredibly illogical reply. Amazing! There is no 'feeling' for the man who shockingly finds out that his daughter really isn't his.

Gentlemen, here you see what how the 'modern' woman thinks about you. You don't count.

I'm sure he is not as upset about paying for that child for all those years as you are.

Of course; men are happy to pay for children that aren't theirs.

Why don't we also test newborns' DNA to make sure they were not switched after birth? It follows the same logic.

You call that "logic"? My gawd, our society is in trouble. There might be one baby switched at birth to thousands who are conceived by the 'wrong' father.

Your friend just had a bad luck.

Of course; when a woman cheats on her husband and lies about the kid being his it's only "bad luck". It just sort of happened. No responsibility on her part, right?

Gentlemen, this is (most) women's "logic" in todays world.

I still think he had bad luck and probably his own fair share in causing the marriage fail.

Of course; when a woman cheats on her husband it is his fault. When a man cheats on his wife, it's also his fault.

Gentlemen, many women today believe that they have no responsibilities.

most men, given a choice will not want to financially support a child that's not 'theirs'.

It begs the question; 'why reward women for cheating?' among many others. Hmmm, how about a woman cheating on her four rich husbands, having babies by someone else but still getting child support from those cuckolded. A profitable racket indeed.

Or why don't we just return to Chastity Belts.

What's your size? ......and mail me the key.

What a tramp.

No,no, no, she is a 'modern' liberated woman.

As a quick aside, isn't it great that Hugh Hefner finally found 'love' and is marrying that wholesome young, um, lady?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
29 Dec 2010 /  #27
In a rare, but possible, event a Polish woman has given birth to a pair of twins from different fathers.

I didn't even know that was possible!
Marynka11  3 | 639  
29 Dec 2010 /  #28
You call that "logic"? My gawd, our society is in trouble. There might be one baby switched at birth to thousands who are conceived by the 'wrong' father.

I'm sorry you don't get sarcasm you moron.

And really, if your girlfriend (if you have one, but I doubt) cheats on you you need to remember:
1. Not all women are the same
2. She cheats on you because you are such an pathetic excuse for a man.

And by all means if she gets knocked up do get a paternity test. In your case it's a must.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
29 Dec 2010 /  #29
Any chick that sleeps with with two (more?) different men during the brief window that she's ovulating is a serious skank. Yuck. I hope the *** dumpster bothered to at least take a shower in between...
Marynka11  3 | 639  
29 Dec 2010 /  #30
Any chick that sleeps with with two (more?) different men during the brief window that she's ovulating is a serious skank.

What about a man who is doing the same thing (except for the ovulation part of course). How do you describe him?

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