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TV Trwam to stop cooperating with Duda

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Dec 2015 /  #1
In possibly one of the most amusing news stories this year, it seems that Rydzyk is so furious with Duda over the Hanukkah celebrations a couple of days ago that he's decided to stop cooperating with him. This story has to be read - it's so completely ridiculous. Polonius, comments?

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Dec 2015 /  #2

Don't see anything about Hannukah. The Good Fatehr is complaining about the secular right and has every right to do so, as does every other citizen. I don't see the problem.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Dec 2015 /  #3
You haven't been paying attention then, because the Catholic Right in Poland have been going insane over the last few days. For example - wolna-polska.pl/wiadomosci/smierc-prezydenta-andrzeja-dudy-2015-12 - where they openly insult Duda for meeting with representatives of the Jewish community and suggesting that he's some sort of double agent. The First Lady also has been abused rather badly online for being partially Jewish.
jon357  72 | 23482  
11 Dec 2015 /  #4
They're really going into meltdown about it. Nothing catholic at all about their attitude and furthering the case for these vile media outlets to be either closed down by the state or by the Catholic Church
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Dec 2015 /  #5
haven't been paying attention

Indeed, I do not read the tirades of foaming at the mouth nutters, whetehr freak parade promoters, redwatch white supremacists or "convert to Islam or die" towelheads. All I can say is: It's a free country and that's the price to pay for freedom. Freedom fo speech is also threatend by the PC dictatorship which try to muzzle people with their contrived buzzwords: hate speech, homophobia, sexism, racism,intolerance, anti-Semitism -- bandied about when such things do not exist.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Dec 2015 /  #6
They're really going into meltdown about it.

It's quite surreal to say the least, and yet highly amusing to watch Rydzyk threaten Duda over perceived insults.
Atch  22 | 4299  
11 Dec 2015 /  #7
Nothing catholic at all about their attitude

Absolutely. They're supposedly Catholic and therefore accept and defer to the Pope as their spiritual leader, so how do they equate their views with the warmth and respect shown by Pope Francis towards the Jewish community. It's another version of what Polly calls cafeteria Catholicsm. I prefer the term a la carte darling). They're in exactly the same boat as those of us who don't go to confession etc.
Crow  154 | 9531  
11 Dec 2015 /  #8
Excellent thread.

It is about attempt to isolate Duda because of his idea for Intermarium. Its just the beginning of Duda`s problems.
11 Dec 2015 /  #9
Jerzy Urban's "NIE" column predicted it a while ago. Simply put, Kaczyński doesn't like sharing power. That's why there's conflict between TV Trwam and TV Republika.
jon357  72 | 23482  
11 Dec 2015 /  #10
Freedom fo speech is also threatend by the PC dictatorship which try to muzzle people

Very ironic indeed that you complain about attempts to muzzle free speech in a thread about the Rydzykists' tv station refusing to cooperate with politicians that offend them.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Dec 2015 /  #11
Simply put, Kaczyński doesn't like sharing power.

It's a very shrewd move if it was orchestrated by Kaczyński - TV Trwam can only get PiS into trouble, whereas breaking the links with Rydzyk now that they've obtained power is the sensible thing as Rydzyk can't be portrayed as being the religious arm of PiS.
11 Dec 2015 /  #12
Which PC ? Centrist PC or rightist PC ? Right-winged media have their own Political Correctness, for example you can't criticize priests, "patriots" with shaven heads and baseball bats, or mention what caused Ukrainian's to go ******* insane in the Wołyń Massacre.

It's a very shrewd move if it was orchestrated by Kaczyński

It's old news, really. Kaczyński has a habit of taking electorate from others. Then he discards those entities (LPR, Samoobrona, etc) like a spider discards empty insect shells.

He supports Rydzyk as long as it serves him. He's waiting until SKOK-funded media become stronger. Check out the "Poland Hates Poland" thread in this forum, it contains a Dutch article I translated.
11 Dec 2015 /  #13
It's a very shrewd move if it was orchestrated by Kaczyński

Getting rid of supporters when being opposed by a broad and rapidly growing coalition is a good idea?!
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Dec 2015 /  #14
Of course, because that coalition will delight in and publish everywhere every single offensive remark made by Rydzyk's empire.

I must admit, I'm looking forward to a media war between the PiS media and Rydzyk's media.
11 Dec 2015 /  #15
Getting rid of supporters when being opposed by a broad and rapidly growing coalition is a good idea?!

That's not what I meant.
TV Trwam and TV Republika are quite similar. They both strongly support Catholicism. They're interchangeable. Kaczyński needs to convert people from Trwam to Republika, then he won't need Trwam anymore.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
11 Dec 2015 /  #16
Kaczyński needs to convert people from Trwam to Republika, then he won't need Trwam anymore.

Gonna be hard. In my tv lineup TV Trwam is free and Republika is a pay channel, the miserly hordes that make up the PiS-erati aren't likely to pay en masse for what they can get for free.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Dec 2015 /  #17
Republika is an extra on every platform, I seem to remember. Not to mention that TV Trwam is available on DTT, whereas Republika isn't.

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