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The sale and drinking of alcohol has been banned in Warsaw and Krakow on weekends!

16 Apr 2010 /  #1
Our moral guardians in Poland are forcing their morals down our throats. The sale and drinking of alcohol has been banned in those cities on those days!

On Saturday and Sunday in Warsaw, Krakow will be prohibited to carry weapons - such a regulation has already signed a head of Internal Affairs . In these days is also to be introduced ban on the sale and drinking of alcohol.
According to the regulation , the ban is to be introduced in time - April 17 in Warsaw, where they held a mourning ceremony for the victims of Saturday's plane crash and 18 April in Krakow , where he will be buried in Wawel presidential couple .

The weapon will be able to carry only public officials - including Police BOR Border Guard. Regulation awaits publication in the Official Gazette .

jonni  16 | 2475  
16 Apr 2010 /  #2
Amazing really - equating mourning with total abstinence. Heavy drinkers will just buy it the day before.
DannyJ  - | 129  
16 Apr 2010 /  #3
The sale and drinking of alcohol has been banned in those cities on those days!

Best get ur self to Tesco then and stock up :)
DannyJ  - | 129  
16 Apr 2010 /  #5
Auchan is king in Warsaw
jonni  16 | 2475  
16 Apr 2010 /  #6
In any case, 30% of people will have a well-stocked cocktail cabinet, 30% wouldn't think of alcohol from one month to the next and 30% will get some beforehand if they anticipate using it. The 10% who'll have problems are the chronic alcoholics, already suffering from a recognised and pernicious illness. And a day without will not cure that; it will only cause problems. Them and the owners of small struggling bars.
vndunne  43 | 279  
16 Apr 2010 /  #7
Serious Question - Will you be able to buy and drink alcohol in Warsaw after midnight on Saturday?
jonni  16 | 2475  
16 Apr 2010 /  #8
I think the ban on sales is during the day, from 8 or 10. When they've banned it before, for Papal visits, they didn't suddenly stop at 12. And there are always a few places that don't observe the ban and stay open.

Looking at the original article, it says this:

W te dni ma być również wprowadzony zakaz sprzedaży i picia alkoholu.

Suggesting it's a public order issue. Bars might be open later.
OP Harry  
16 Apr 2010 /  #9
W te dni ma być również wprowadzony zakaz sprzedaży i picia alkoholu.

I am very very tempted to call the police and report myself for the crime of drinking alcohol in my own home during prohibition and then insist that I'm prosecuted. Protocol 1 of the ECHR states that "Every natural or legal person is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of his possessions."
jonni  16 | 2475  
16 Apr 2010 /  #10
According to this:


it's all Saturday. Time to pop to the off-license. I wonder what the logic is behind it if indeed there is any.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
16 Apr 2010 /  #11
I am very very tempted to call the police and report myself

If you're nervous about reporting yourself, I am sure there are a few on here who would help you. ;-)
sobieski  106 | 2111  
16 Apr 2010 /  #12
Merged:Prohibition in Warsaw and Kraków

Here in Poland they have this very strange custom...If the pope comes here / dies...If like now LK will be buried... they think a prohibition is necessary... What is the relation between not being able to buy a beer in my local pub on a Saturday afternoon...and the fact that a remembrance service is going on?

And what is even more mysterious, is the fact that it is valid until 18:00 hrs tomorrow.
Where is the logic and the sense in that?
pgtx  29 | 3094  
16 Apr 2010 /  #13
not being able to buy a beer in my local pub on a Saturday afternoon...

is it gonna kill you...?
sobieski  106 | 2111  
16 Apr 2010 /  #14
Not really... Have to work tomorrow anyway...
I just wonder why they do this prohibition thing. Does it give an added value?
I think it is just plain silly. So until 18:00 you cannot buy a beer. At 18:01 all the taps are open and you can. Strange.
jonni  16 | 2475  
16 Apr 2010 /  #15
I put this on the other thread about it. I don't think it's a particularly longstanding tradition - just something like the bit of nonsense about not allowing alcohol to be sold near churches - bizarre when the religion in question has alcohol at the centre of its main ritual:

In any case, 30% of people will have a well-stocked cocktail cabinet, 30% wouldn't think of alcohol from one month to the next and 30% will get some beforehand if they anticipate using it. The 10% who'll have problems are the chronic alcoholics, already suffering from a recognised and pernicious illness. And a day without will not cure that; it will only cause problems. Them and the owners of small struggling bars.
polishmeknob  5 | 154  
16 Apr 2010 /  #16
Hey, I'll be in Warsaw tomorrow reporting about the whole memorial. I think the prohibition is partly for mourning, partly for crowd control (like at ball games where they stop selling beer after the 7th inning.)

Plus, everyone rides free tomorrow on the public transportation!

Lenka  5 | 3552  
16 Apr 2010 /  #17
What is the relation between not being able to buy a beer in my local pub on a Saturday afternoon...and the fact that a remembrance service is going on?

I think it's more about avoiding drunk idiots than the mourning. They try to keep it all safe and quiet.
jonni  16 | 2475  
16 Apr 2010 /  #18
partly for crowd control (like at ball games where they stop selling beer after the 7th inning.)

My feeling too. When JPII last went to Kraków they banned cream cakes for a day, to prevent food poisoning.
plk123  8 | 4119  
16 Apr 2010 /  #19
I think it's more about avoiding drunk idiots than the mourning. They try to keep it all safe and quiet.

yeah, i think so too but really, come on.. still wtf??
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
17 Apr 2010 /  #20
you are such a drama king Harry, well at times anyways.
OP Harry  
17 Apr 2010 /  #21
Polished off that bottle of Yamazaki. Am now working on a bottle of 1989 Rosebank. Won't one of the PF patriots end my crime spree?! Don't just report me to the mods & have my posts sent to random, call the police and have me jailed!!!
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
17 Apr 2010 /  #22
Won't somebody please persecute him?
"Beat me" demanded the masochist!!
"No", replied the sadist.
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
17 Apr 2010 /  #23
Don't just report me to the mods & have my posts sent to random, call the police and have me jailed!!!

Milicja! Milicjaaaa!!!

OP Harry  
17 Apr 2010 /  #24
Bugger. Only a couple more sips left in the Rosebank and still the cops haven't kicked my door down. Next I'll have to start on the 18-year old Canadian whisky. I just pray the one of the PF anti-Semites grasses me up before I have to get stuck into the 30-year old Hibiki!
wildrover  98 | 4430  
17 Apr 2010 /  #25
I phoned the cops...but they were not able to come , as they were a little drunk....!

  • Russiapolice2.jpg
BevK  11 | 248  
17 Apr 2010 /  #26
Harry, you must pace your illegal activity. After all, the kebab shops might also be closed if you get bladdered TOO early.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
17 Apr 2010 /  #27
Our moral guardians in Poland are forcing their morals down our throats

What a sad life you lead, indeed, if you cannot go two bloody days without drinking.

No wonder you're such a creep on PF, you're making up for a pathetic real life. Or in your case, that alcoholic nightmare that just can't end soon enough.

Why don't you do the world a favour, and guzzle a few more bottles of that Canadian whiskey, then throw yourself off the nearest bridge? Preferably at night, so I can wake up to that newspaper for my morning breakfast.
OP Harry  
17 Apr 2010 /  #28
the kebab shops might also be closed if you get bladdered TOO early.

Good thinking! It's a pity that this forum doesn't have a greasy kebab-boy we could order to bring us all kebabs....

What a sad life you lead ... you're such a creep ... you're making up for a pathetic real life. ...
Why don't you do the world a favour, and guzzle a few more bottles of that Canadian whiskey, then throw yourself off the nearest bridge?

And just as i was speaking about greasy kebab-boys and how it's a pity that this forum doesn't have one, you come along with your charming insults and suggestions of death. Unfortunately your attempts to provoke me will fail: you won't be able to run crying to the mods my idiot friend (may I borrow your phrase?). Of course you could just make something up, as you're a lying scumbag (to borrow another of your phrases). But I've worked out what your problem is: you're a Jew, and you can't forgive yourself for being one. In fact your British boyfriend left you when you told him. That is why you are so filled with hate and why you constantly try to insult gays and Jews: because secretly you're a Jewish faggot (to borrow yet another of your phrases).
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
17 Apr 2010 /  #29
I just pray the one of the PF anti-Semites grasses me up before I have to get stuck into the 30-year old Hibiki!

What's with the "anti-Semite" remark all the time? You have to get it in every time, in every post? This is WHY people get FED UP with you and people like you, who always stick it up everybody's nose ALL THE TIME! It's quite simple psychology, if you whine and talk about something long enough, people are either gonna attack you for it or start fighting you on it. You are yourself contributing to anti-Semitism with your rhetoric.

Harry, you need to relax on the "poles are anti-Semitic" bashing, cause it just causes people to ******* START hating. Ok?

Besides, be happy you are not living in Norway, a REAL communist state, when it comes to people's freedom. Here, the government has a MONOPOLY on hard-liquor. Yes, we have special stores where you can buy wine and vodka, it's called the WINEMONOPOLY. They are only open 8 hours a day, 6 hours on Saturday. If you want beer from the convenient store, you can only buy it between 07.00-20.00 on weekdays and 09.00-18.00 on Saturdays. Sundays, it's VERBOTEN! Even if you're IN THE STORE, with the BEER IN YOUR HAND, and the clock is 20.01, you will be forced to put the bottle down and leave the store empty-handed. It has to be paid for by 20.00, or the store manager will have to manhandle you on the floor and grab the bottle out of your alcoholic fingers. I've seen absolut(!) HYSTERIA in stores if the cashier cannot swipe the alcohol quick enough when there's a line waiting and the time of prohibition is coming up. It's fekking UNBELIEVABLE. They want us to work 8 hour days, pay 40% taxes and go to war if needed, but giving us the opportunity to buy a bottle of wine at 8 o'clock on a Saturday, in case you get guests, or just FEEL LIKE IT, is forbidden! So, don't WHINE to much about not being able to buy liquor this weekend...you have it like a king compared to us up here in "the last communist state", which a Swedish politician once called Norway.

SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
17 Apr 2010 /  #30
It's only 2 days. Who cares?

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