Dunno, maybe they've just been beaten down so badly in the new Reich that they became ashamed
of their heritage while running businesses and being elected into public office.
Or maybe it's just easier to keep their Polish identity to themselves. After all, as we're witnessing,
openly admitting your Polishness and demanding your minority rights is treated according to hitlerite
law in Germany in the year 2011.
No, I'm saying they consider themselves Germans, not Poles.
And 62.8% of them declare to speak Polish "very well". Interesting.
Anyway - I'm waiting impatiently how BB will explain why it is not OK to grant
Poles in Germany
minority rights, whilst it is OK to grant the same rights to
Sinti and Roma :-)
Maybe he will explain to me that Roma and Sinti are more native to Germany than Poles are :DDD
They should deport them too..."native minority" WTF!!!