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Reporter says she would trade 10 Polish lives if it helped thousands of immigrants

WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
29 May 2017 /  #1
Nice of her to happily trade 10 Polish lives to save thousands of immigrants. I wonder she wouldn't mind all of those 10 people to be friends and family of hers?


29 May 2017 /  #2

How many thousands of lives would you trade your own life for?
Ironside  50 | 12333  
29 May 2017 /  #3
She works for GW. Gazeta Wyborcza. A bolszewicki commie rag that is appologetic towards Sovies and all crimes of the Soviet regime against Polish nation.

I bet as a commie, she would kill all the Poles for some idological BS.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
29 May 2017 /  #4
Nice of her to happily trade 10 Polish lives to save thousands of immigrants

Well she can ask some of the Manchester parents if the loss of their daughters was worth saving mr bomber's parents lives?

Again, idealists think that of a few dismembered little girls as eggs that had to be broken for their great humanitarian omelette.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
29 May 2017 /  #5

Sounds like she recently discovered her own Jewish roots.

How many thousands of lives would you trade your own life for?

There you go again, already trying to drive the thread off topic.

The title is about a GW reporter saying how Polish lives are expendable. Not her own of course.

You really are in no position to be asking other members how many "thousands of lives" they would trade to save their own since we all know you would think nothing of seeing 38 million Poles and 20 million Polonia perish in order to save your own decrepit thin-skinned hide.

I bet as a commie, she would kill all the Poles for some idological BS.

They are all fanatics. Nothing else matters but their loyalty to their discredited mass-murdering ideology.
jon357  72 | 22979  
29 May 2017 /  #6
How many thousands of lives would you trade your own life for?

This is the key question.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
29 May 2017 /  #7
You first. How many immigrants being saved would be a good return for your unfortunate demise at a terrorist's hands (or truck or bomb)?
29 May 2017 /  #8
How many immigrants being saved

Anything more than one works out better for the human race. Although in the case of some people one shouldn't name even none at all saved would be a sound exchange for the human race.

your unfortunate demise at a terrorist's hands (or truck or bomb)?

The key questions there would be will I know about it and will the other people know their lives were saved by me dying?
spiritus  69 | 643  
29 May 2017 /  #9
This is the key question

No it is not and nobody has to answer it.

Stick to the topic
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
29 May 2017 /  #10

Here is the video directly on the forum as I assumed my original post would turn in to a link and I can't edit it now due to the needless 5 minute rule or whatever it is.
jon357  72 | 22979  
29 May 2017 /  #11
Anything more than one works out better for the human race.

I remember some people here saying that the refugees should be drowned.

No it is not and nobody has to answer it.

Yes it is, and nobody has to 'answer' anything.
spiritus  69 | 643  
29 May 2017 /  #12
Yes it is, and nobody has to 'answer' anything.

Jon, if you are saying it is the "key question" then we can be certain it is NOT. We're getting to know you by now.

Is it pointless asking you any questions at all as you seem to ignore the ones that you can't find an intellectual argument for.

Let's try eh ?

What is your definition of a "refugee". Do you distinguish between a "refugee" and an "economic migrant" and would you allow them both the same hospitality in a western country or would you treat them differently.

Ladies and gentlemen of the forum-let's see if Jon dodges this question again.

I remember some people here saying that the refugees should be drowned.

They should not be drowned but we need to establish whether they are refugees or migrants and that should not be done on western soil as we simply don't eject anyone who can't prove their identity or reason for the journey.

I think Australia patrols their own waters with gun boats and sends any boats back to where they came from. We should definitely do this. We could set up and even fund a refugee admissions centre in North Africa and allow the genuine cases to come over legally.
idem  - | 131  
30 May 2017 /  #13
I remember some people here saying that the refugees should be drowned.

Some probably did but I think these were emotional stupid statements.

They should be checked - and if they are chancers and economic migrants they should be detained and sent back.....But because of PC and very poor dealing with problem they are not.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
30 May 2017 /  #14
Wouldn't trade even one Polish life even if i disliked that Polish person.
nothanks  - | 626  
30 May 2017 /  #15
How does this help Polish Native birth rates?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 Jun 2017 /  #16

The shock and grief had barely subsided following the Manchester atrocity when the Muslim terrorist scum struck again, killing six innocent people and wounding nearly 50 in London. The blame is on PC types, multi-culti advocates and assorted supporters of Merkel's Folly for whom not offending some towelhead is a greater priority than ensuring public srecurity. Will this be the straw that breaks the camel-jockey's back? Will the authorities finally start cracking down on hate-spewing mosques and Sharia neighbourhoods as well as detaining and deporting jihad supporters? Or are we to go from one attack to another? A firecracker explosion sparked wild panic at a Champions League fan zone in Turin causing chaos and minor injuries as well as, illustrating the nervousness Muslim fanatics have succeeded in evoking. Thank God, so far Poland has pursued a sane immigration policy and has not succumbed to EU attempts at intimidation and blackmail.
4 Jun 2017 /  #17
Thank God, so far Poland has pursued a sane immigration policy and has not succumbed to EU attempts at intimidation and blackmail.

Wow, using multiple terrorist atrocities to make cheap political points, a new low for PF (although one entirely in keeping with the PiSlamic State).

If Poland had a sane immigration policy it would have deported all of the foreigners who collaborated with the commie regime, it's not as if letting them stay here is saving any lived at all, but it sadly has yet to do that.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
4 Jun 2017 /  #18
Wow, using multiple terrorist atrocities to make cheap political points

No worse than ignoring multiple terrorist atrocities or downplaying them or denying the root causes thereof....
4 Jun 2017 /  #19
No worse than ignoring multiple terrorist atrocities

Who is ignoring them?

denying the root causes thereof....

Are you claiming that Islam or immigration is the root cause? You'll be wrong either way.

One thing I really can't understand though, given that you and 'Polish' Polly are so opposed to immigration, why don't you help stop the problem by going home? It's not as if either of you being here is saving any lives.
idem  - | 131  
4 Jun 2017 /  #20
If Poland had a sane immigration policy it would have deported all of the foreigners who collaborated with the commies.

This sentence shows that you don't know much about Polish history - whom would you deport and when exactly?
mafketis  38 | 10911  
4 Jun 2017 /  #21
Are you claiming that Islam or immigration is the root cause? You'll be wrong either way.

Political islam is the root cause which is only a factor in Britain due to immigration.

you and 'Polish' Polly are so opposed to immigration, why don't you help stop the problem by going home?

I'm not against immigration, I'm against the idea of combining religion and politics (especially when terror attacks are the result).

I'm in favor of careful immigration since people do not change their basic values when they cross national borders, it's better to have immigrants whose beginning values will help them integrate and not actively prevent it.
idem  - | 131  
4 Jun 2017 /  #22
Are you claiming that Islam or immigration is the root cause? You'll be wrong either way.

Islam and certain kind of emigration which does not assimilate- Why there are no terrorist attacks in Belarus,China,South Korea....? and they are increasing in France, UK, Germany....Someone does need high iq to find logical reply to this question.
4 Jun 2017 /  #23
Political islam is the root cause which is only a factor in Britain due to immigration.

If immigration was stopped completely today in the UK and only British citizens were allowed in the UK, there would be still be a terrorist problem. In fact it may well even get worse.

Why there are no terrorist attacks in Belarus,China,South Korea....?

You're just displaying your ignorance with that statement: all three of those countries have suffered terrorist attacks.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
4 Jun 2017 /  #24
If immigration was stopped completely today in the UK and only British citizens were allowed in the UK, there would be still be a terrorist problem

That's due to previous immigration policy. Clearly the time to stop supremacist political Islam is before it can become part of a country. Calling the muslim community to account for their negligence in turning too many mosques into sewers of extremism would help too. The optimal way of stopping the wave of ongoing terror attacks in the UK is for muslims to root out extremists on their own, but most of the evidence tends to indicate they're not really into that idea....
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 Jun 2017 /  #25
deported al

They should have deported all the members of the expat fifth column whose only purpose is to badmouth Poland, Poles, Polish culture, religion, history, traditions, food and most everything else. Some harbor so much disdain for things Polish that after a 22-year parasite stint in the country they didn't even see fit to learn the lingo properly. Such creeps are underming national morale and sowing defeatism at a time when national unity and fortitude are needed.
idem  - | 131  
4 Jun 2017 /  #26
You're just displaying your ignorance with that statement: all three of those countries have suffered terrorist attacks

I also don't remember lately any terrorist attacks in Poland....even Poland has high emigration from Ukraine....Vietnam. So no 'emigration' is the problem.
spiritus  69 | 643  
4 Jun 2017 /  #27
Are you claiming that Islam or immigration is the root cause? You'll be wrong either way.

And there we have it. An outright denial by Harry that Islam has nothing to do with the recent acts of terrorism displayed on our TV screens.

Keep moving in the direction you're facing Harry and you may well end becoming a "person of interest" to certain intelligence organisations.

Oh yes, would you like to answer a question for me ? Why has Poland not suffered any acts of Islamic terrorism on Polish soil ?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 Jun 2017 /  #28
there would be still be a terrorist problem

PiSlamic is working overtime hoping there are still a few clueless and gullible fools out there who he thinks he can sway with his pro-PC codswallop. He is the one peddling the notion that the worst possible thing is an "ethnic slur", not youngsters slaughtered in a bloodbath by Allah-worshipping desert towelhead scum.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
4 Jun 2017 /  #29
An outright denial by Harry that Islam has nothing to do with the recent acts of terrorism displayed on our TV screens

Think nought about it. As a commie/progressive Harry is beyond a reason and redemption.
The recent acts of terrorism have everything to do with Islam and immigration of Muslims onto European soil.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 Jun 2017 /  #30
supremacist political Islam

Nice label! Tells it all. Congrats!

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