Interesting article this morning in GW, concerning how money was spent on the referendum.
How much does it cost a referendum in Warsaw? PiS has issued the most, PO - the least
Nearly 400 thousand zł gave PiS. Guział - the initiator of the campaign gave 200 thousand. Least gave PO - 70 thousand.
A few days before the referendum in Warsaw 800 thousand of Varsovians found leaflets in their mailboxes with President Stefan Starzyński or two mortar rebuilding the city on top and the slogan: "They dreamed of the great Warsaw". For the printing and distribution paid PiS. It cost 112 thousand zł,34862,14784556,Ile_kosztowalo_referendum_w_Warszawie__PiS_wydal_najwiecej_.html#TRLokWarsTxt
PIS: 400.000 PLN
Guział: 200.000 PLN
PO: 70.000 PLN
The worst of course is that the taxpayer had to fork out 3.000.000 PLN for this referendum.
Question: Where did Guział get his money from? He initiated this joke, so I think it is only fair he should pay the bill.
Good thing is that PIS has a hole in its bank account and nothing to show it for.