Correction - PiS voters are angry :)
Anybody who claim to be Polish and has an once of a sense in him should be disgusted by the way foreigners are butting in into internal Polish affairs! That is not their call and not their business!
Yes. Duda is the right winger and the one who is doing great harm.
You lot those radical neo-Marxists progressives are the biggest threat to the western civilization you are like a virus that spread in a weakened organism, all citizen rights should be striped from you.
but I'm glad that the media abroad are writing and telling about this.
You have a long way to go before you could earn your right to vote!
He will do whatever Kaczyński will tell him to do.
You are doing and saying everything your mum tell you to.
It's just getting worse and worse. After
You mean media supporting that side that lost are getting hysterical? You supposedly have a brain and are able to think independently?
I think it's really time for him to go already. he's the greatest hatemonger in all of this.
Really? I think he is the only person that stops this country on its way to the civil war. So called opposition are just irresponsible trash and traitors. He is a moderated centrist!
According to my dad he lost it.
let me guess PO sidekick - shame!