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Professor Zygmund Bauman, Commie-Jew, shouted down

24 Jun 2013 /  #61
Naitonalist leader Krzysztof Biosak said it's good young people have protested against making an authority out of the likes of a Bauman.

Who cares what an idiot like Bosak thinks? The little cretin thinks that violence against the LGBT community is acceptable (despite being far more popular with the LGBT community than Poles as a whole) and that Czeslaw Milosz wrote "deeply offensive" poetry.
jon357  72 | 23487  
24 Jun 2013 /  #62

Right, Pol3, someone 'contends'. Despite the fact that no charges have been made, more has he ever been convicted of anything.

A lynch mob. Some of us prefer the law.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
24 Jun 2013 /  #63
Yes, I got hauled in for questioning on three separate occasions

Care to elaborate on that one with details which make your smolenkist story "believable" ?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Jun 2013 /  #64
Only the funny one. The others were routine and uneventful. I got picked up while en route to cover a pro-Solidarity, anti-Communist Mass for the Homeland at St Joseph the Worker parish in suburban Ursus. One of them got in my car while I was bundled into a Soviet-built jeep and driven to the Wilcza Station police station. After a long wait of several hours seated on a hard wooden chair (they try to wear you down that way! -- typical secret police tactic!)the interrogator asked a lot of questions about what I was doing there, who had sent me, bla-bla, and naturally wanted to see my foreign correspondent's accreditation. He phoned someone to verify what he heard and told me to empty my pockets. Should I remove everything? - I asked. Yes, everything - came the reply. I had bought some groszki ( little ball type sweets) which came in a flimsy cellophane packet which had fallen apart. So I scooped them out and placed them on the SB guy's desk and they rolled all over the place, onto the floor, into his open drawer. You should have seen the expression on this face. But what could he do. He had said 'everything'. Probably under Stalinism that would have qualified as sabotage.

To save out court stooges' breath stooges -- it's all lies, fairy tales, made up, concocted, false, phoney, untrue, bla-bla... (LOL!)
24 Jun 2013 /  #65
Could it be that the current title draws traffic? At the moment PF holds ninth place on a google for Commie Jew and most of the sites above it are blocked for anybody who is using a Websense filter with the filter for Racism and Hate category sites turned on. Isn't that something to be proud of? And if one googles for "Commie Jew", PF comes up as the second site amongst all the racism and hate speak.

The title of this thread: Commie - Jew shouted down is offensive and it always seems to be Polonius 3 behind these threads.

Interesting reading about a similar situation on another website.

"Reddit could take a stand up against racism / sexism / homophobia etc, and some subreddits do, but this idea of freedom of speech on Reddit, a privately-owned website, is bullsh*t."

Shatner replied, saying that Reddit was the first "mainstream site" that allows "racists and other hate mongers to group, congregate, incite and spread their hatred".
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Jun 2013 /  #66
racists and other hate mongers to group, congregate,

Know of any site that allows Christophobes, Church-bashers and anti-Polonian racists to congregate? If you do, they can pick up a few new members from PF.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
24 Jun 2013 /  #67
He had said 'everything'. Probably under Stalinism that would have qualified as sabotage.

So your biggest adventure was to sit on hard wooden chair and empty your pockets, knowing that you had a foreign passport. How stressful.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Jun 2013 /  #68
The title of this thread: Commie - Jew shouted down is offensive and it always seems to be Polonius 3 behind these threads.

It's absolutely offensive. It's worth pointing out that "patriotic" Polonius has never obtained Polish citizenship.
jon357  72 | 23487  
24 Jun 2013 /  #69
Agreed. The thread title is pathetic.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Jun 2013 /  #70
It's absolutely offensive.

I'm flexible. Have it changed to Commie-Gentile or Commie-Goy if that rocks your boat! How about AK-killer. The goy thing is a lie but this reflects the historical truth. Or maybe ex-Stalinist professor

It's strange you don't like such a descriptive tandem as Żydokomuina when you are yourself using the paedophile-priest connection. That's PC for you -- overturn some taboos and steretypes and create new ones in their place.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Jun 2013 /  #71
Or perhaps you could just write something more factual, such as "Polish professor's lecture interrupted by supporters of Slask Wroclaw"?
jon357  72 | 23487  
24 Jun 2013 /  #72
Much more accurate, as well as being politically neutral. The craziest thing us that those thugs didn't see the irony of how the good professor's most famous quote resonates in the light of their stupid and cowardly behaviour.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Jun 2013 /  #73
by supporters of Slask Wroclaw"?

Besides footie fans banners identified some of the hecklers as belonging to nationalists groups. What woudl stadium hooligans have against an old philosopher. They wouldn't know postmodernism from a postage stamp! I presume they were brought in by the nationalists as backup.
jon357  72 | 23487  
24 Jun 2013 /  #74
Quite. Fascists don't need to 'know' anything to behave badly. Generally they don't know much at all.
24 Jun 2013 /  #75
Know of any site that allows Christophobes, Church-bashers and anti-Polonian racists to congregate? If you do, they can pick up a few new members from PF

pol3, : It is never right to wrong someone, even if they have wronged you first.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Jun 2013 /  #76
Fascists don't need to 'know' anything to behave badly

Agreed, if we expand it to read: Fascists and anarchists don't need to 'know' anything to behave badly
jon357  72 | 23487  
24 Jun 2013 /  #77
I think if we compare levels of education and IQ we'll find a difference.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Jun 2013 /  #78
If you hunt arouind you will soon find out why many Poles do not harbour particulary pleasant memories of their Stalinsit oppressors. Haven't you heard of the techniques they used: forcign prisoners to sit naked on a one-legged stoll turned upside down, being doused with cold water and forced ot stand in front of an open window in winter, fingers smashed in drawers, cigarettes snuffed out on senstive parts of the body...need I go on?

There is plenty of testimony for those who take the trouble to find it. One can learn that, among other things,
in autumn 1945 the Soivet adviser to the Polish Ministry of Public Security Col. Nikolai Selivanovskiy reported to his boss Lavrenty Beria, Soviet Interior Commissar, that 18.7% of the MPS's employees are Jews, and 50% of the decision-making posts are held by Jews... In 1949, the Soviet ambassador to Poland Viktor Lebedev reproted that 'in the MPS all the deputy ministers and department heads are Jewish. There isn't a single Pole.'

And don't forget that Jews accounted for no more than 1% of the population if not less.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Jun 2013 /  #79
Besides footie fans banners identified some of the hecklers as belonging to nationalists groups. What woudl stadium hooligans have against an old philosopher. They wouldn't know postmodernism from a postage stamp! I presume they were brought in by the nationalists as backup.

So a more accurate thread would be "Self proclaimed nationalists backed up by football supporters of Slask Wroclaw disturb lecture given by Polish professor in Wroclaw".

I think you're a disgusting racist Polonius, and I think you're going to be held to account for your words sooner rather than later.

pol3, : It is never right to wrong someone, even if they have wronged you first.

Polonius' warped version of Catholicism seems to involve handing out justice to anyone that he thinks deserves it. It's frightening, and bears no relation to the Catholicism that I come in contact with on a daily basis.

As for your last, highly racist post - I'd love to see some real evidence, not rubbish posted from a dodgy website.

A quick look on the website in question reveals this gem -

"BIBU£A-pismo niezależne" (dawniej: "Dwutygodnik BIBU£A") jest pismem niezależnym wydawanym w Stanach Zjednoczonych (Baltimore-Washington, DC).

Ah, just yet another racist Polonia rag. What a surprise, not.

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