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Professor Zygmund Bauman, Commie-Jew, shouted down

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Jun 2013 /  #1
Young nationalists at Wrocław University disrupted a lecture by Professor Zygmunt Bauman, a well know scholar with Jewish-Communist roots. They chanterd: Sickle and hammer the red riffraff! Police were called in to escort the protesters out. They accused Bauman of having been a NKVD agent and an agent of communist Poland's military intelligence.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Jun 2013 /  #2
What does his ethnicity have to do with anything?

However, shame on the people at the lecture for not dealing with thugs in the correct manner.
Paulina  19 | 4464  
24 Jun 2013 /  #3
I'm not sure what you're talking about. The police was called and the thugs were removed which was met with applause from the rest of the people listening to the lecture.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Jun 2013 /  #4
Unfortunately, I don't think such people have much respect for the police. They only understand one language, after all.

For what it's worth, this whole trend of disrupting lectures is entirely childish.
Paulina  19 | 4464  
24 Jun 2013 /  #5
I don't understand what does it have to do with you writing "shame on the people at the lecture for not dealing with thugs in the correct manner".

Perhaps you should get your facts straight before you start writing?
Nile  1 | 154  
24 Jun 2013 /  #6
They accused Bauman of having been a NKVD agent and an agent of communist Poland's military intelligence.

true or false?
pakol  - | 20  
24 Jun 2013 /  #7
Shame for disrupting a lecture of a murderous secret police ex-officer, who never even said sorry? Who is proud of what he did in the past?

And this is written by guys who look everywhere for "fascists" .....

Never heard of Katyn massacre, the Great Purge, tortures, thousands of concentration camps (gulags) ... ?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Jun 2013 /  #8
I don't understand what does have to do with you writing "shame on the people at the lecture for not dealing with thugs in the correct manner".

It has everything to do with the matter.

What I'm saying is that sitting there quietly does nothing - they should have (at a minimum) shouted them down in return. Calling the police is pretty pointless - we all know that such thugs will get fined a few hundred zloty for breaching the peace, nothing more. Or they should have made a few phone calls, filled the room with people and isolated said thugs. I'm sure most of them would cease to be such tough guys had several hundred people showed up with a clear intent to break some skulls.

This sort of thing will keep on happening unless a stop is put to it - it's obvious that these "patriots" have realised that they can cause a lot of trouble this way. As I keep saying, the only way to deal with such morons in light of a poor justice system is to outnumber them.

For what it's worth, I hope the courts throw the book at them.
Paulina  19 | 4464  
24 Jun 2013 /  #9
What I'm saying is that sitting there quietly does nothing - they should have (at a minimum) shouted them down in return.

Yeah, that would show them lol Delph, such people are aggressive and unpredictable, they could attack those people. Have you noticed that a lot of those listening to the lecture, if not most, were girls?

Calling the police is pretty pointless

That's what they're for, delph. The police is for dealing with thugs, not college girls lol
Give me a brake, seriously...

For what it's worth, I hope the courts throw the book at them.

They've been charged already.
McDouche  6 | 282  
24 Jun 2013 /  #10
Nice title polonius. You continue showing that ignorant Poles like you are rabid anti-Semites.
Paulina  19 | 4464  
24 Jun 2013 /  #11
true or false?


Otherwise it is irrelevant If a guy is a Jew or not.

I agree.

Nice title polonius.

Yes, you got to "love" Polonius3' titles.
jon357  72 | 23487  
24 Jun 2013 /  #12
A very distinguished academic. In (I remember him there) Leeds University, since 1968.

I wonder why the thread title hasn't been changed to something less offensive though.
24 Jun 2013 /  #13
What does his ethnicity have to do with anything?

Perhaps Polonius wishes to draw attention to the fact that Bauman was one of the tens of thousands of Polish Jews who were in the Polish Communist party and not one of the millions of Polish Catholics who were in the Polish Communist party.

Or perhaps Polonius wishes to draw attention to the fact that Bauman is a member of the ethnic group which was persecuted by Poland in the 1960s.

Or perhaps Polonius wishes to perpetuate the false 'Borat stereotype' of Poles having a habit of being anti-semitic morons who like nothing better than to throw the Jew down the well.

I wonder why the thread title hasn't been changed to something less offensive though.

Could it be that the current title draws traffic? At the moment PF holds ninth place on a google for Commie Jew and most of the sites above it are blocked for anybody who is using a Websense filter with the filter for Racism and Hate category sites turned on. Isn't that something to be proud of? And if one googles for "Commie Jew", PF comes up as the second site amongst all the racism and hate speak.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Jun 2013 /  #14
What does his ethnicity have to do with anything

It apprently did since the Żydokomuna chants and placards made it clerar what the protest was all about.
Don't kill the messenger.
jon357  72 | 23487  
24 Jun 2013 /  #15
Or better, don't post non-stories in order to provoke people.
24 Jun 2013 /  #16
It apprently did since the Żydokomuna chants and placards made it clerar what the protest was all about.

And that excuses you using racist language?

don't post non-stories in order to provoke people.

But how else is he going to fill his days?
newpip  - | 139  
24 Jun 2013 /  #17
Or perhaps Polonius wishes to perpetuate the false 'Borat stereotype' of Poles having a habit of being anti-semitic morons who like nothing better than to throw the Jew down the well.

you have totally nailed it. That is exactly what it is.
jon357  72 | 23487  
24 Jun 2013 /  #18

Websense, which my company uses, also blocks certain PF threads.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Jun 2013 /  #19
racist language

Are you daft man! Jew is a neutral, generic term. If someoen had said kike, hymie, hebe or someting in that vein I could understand your outrage and bluster.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
24 Jun 2013 /  #20
Pure Hitler-Jugend tactics, and what is more scary, they occur more and more in this country.
Why is never anybody interrupting a speech by a smolenkist or mr maybach?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Jun 2013 /  #21
Jew is a neutral, generic term.

It really isn't. For what it's worth, are we to start describing baptized Catholic Communists as "Catholic Communists"?
jon357  72 | 23487  
24 Jun 2013 /  #22
Because nobody bothers attending those things except the chronologically and intellectually decrepit.
Nile  1 | 154  
24 Jun 2013 /  #23
jon357 wrote - "A very distinguished academic."
Apparently a very talented person.
" from 1945 to 1953 Bauman held a similar function in the Internal Security Corps (KBW), a military unit formed to combat Ukrainian nationalist insurgents and part of the remnants of the Polish Home Army"
24 Jun 2013 /  #24
Especially since I rather dislike it.

Snap, but it's pretty much a legal necessity these days.

Why is never anybody interrupting a speech by a smolenkist or mr maybach?

They're too busy laughing.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Jun 2013 /  #25
The concept Żydokomuna exists in Polish. I realise your grasp of the lingo may not be all that great, but beleive me it does. If you can give a milder more PC-acceptable version that concisely encapsulates that concept, I'm all ears or eyes. That was what the protest was about: yet another Jew with a shady Stalinist past passing himself off as a great authroity. You can agree with a protester or not, but even The PC fanatics would probaly not have said the demonstrators were venting their anger on the corporate destruction of our planet or Poland's big rubbish-collection snafu.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Jun 2013 /  #26
. That was what the protest was about: yet another Jew with a shady Stalinist past passing himself off as a great authroity.

The protest was nothing but a bunch of Slask Wroclaw fans disrupting a lecture.

The PC fanatics would probaly not have said the demonstrators were venting their anger on the corporate destruction of our planet or Poland's big rubbish-collection snafu.

What big "snafu"? All has gone fine here.
jon357  72 | 23487  
24 Jun 2013 /  #27
passing himself off as a great authroity

The Professor Emeritus is a great authority.
24 Jun 2013 /  #28
a shady Stalinist past passing himself off as a great authroity.

It can't be easy for the elderly people who spent decades working for the commie regime and now pass themselves off as having all the answers about Poland.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Jun 2013 /  #29
No, it must have been a very difficult transition for many of them - to go from a situation where you have a privileged position despite not being very good to suddenly having to scrabble for money in the free market. No wonder many of them turned to PiS - it's certainly the only option if you want to get money for being incompetent!
Nile  1 | 154  
24 Jun 2013 /  #30
He is a great authority for some.
What about skeletons in his closet?

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