I made no claims
Good old 'Polish' Podunk Polly, yet again trying to lie his way out of a hole he's dug for himself.
The exact quote was:
The Tusk-era authorities issued a licence to the foundation to deal in armaments.
Not 'It is reported that the Tusk-era authorities issued ...', not 'According to Polish media sources the Tusk-era authorities issued ...', not 'It is alleged that the Tusk-era authorities issued ...', Not 'Multiple sources have claimed that the Tusk-era authorities issued ...', just a simple statement that the Tusk-era authorities issued a licence to the foundation to deal in armaments.
The problem for 'Polish' Podunk Polly is that no such licence was issued, as is made clear from the permit which was issued to the Open Dialogue Foundation allowing them to buy, sell and possess protective equipment. Poor old 'Polish' Podunk Polly!
That's how journalism works.
If that's your understanding of how journalism works, it's entirely understandable why a certain somebody no longer can even find unpaid work as a journalist.
Anyway, how about you provide some evidence to support your laughable claims that the Open Dialogue Foundation has been dealing arms?