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Prawo i Sprawiedliwość / Law and Order party new super-president project.

frd  7 | 1379  
15 Jan 2010 /  #1
A special team from the Law and Order party has started its activity with an impact. The head of the party Jarosław Kaczyński introduced new project of the constitution of the IV Rp created by his co-workers. How does PiS see new Poland?

- It's a project of calm transition from III to IV Rp - declared Jarosław Kaczyński at the beginning of the conference.

Duality of the executive power is to be liquidated. The whole of the power will be handed down to the prime minister. It doesn't mean that the presidents role is going to get weakened.

- President is not the part of the executive power but in a way his above all other authorities. He's got different instruments that will allow him to be the guardian of lawfulness. The president will be able to dissolve the Seym. He will be able to refuse appointing a new minister or even the prime minister if he think the candidate is not eligible - "there are important reasons".

He will be able to call a referendum against a bill accepted by the parliament if he thinks the society is against it. He will be able to release edicts with the power of an actual bill which will have to be accepted by Seym. He will be the head of National Tribunal Council. New constitution will be always be above any normative act which inclued any EU law.

The Constitutional Tribunal will be weakend and it'll be harder for it to block bills and corporations will also get weakened.

Shortened version of the news from TVN24.

I don't think this stuff gonna actually get through but it seems PiS is still counting on that dwarf becoming a president. Scary, dictatorship, medieval thinking.
Sildar  - | 34  
15 Jan 2010 /  #2
Scary, dictatorship, medieval thinking

Hope it is not a prophecy.
jonni  16 | 2475  
15 Jan 2010 /  #3
More a fantasy. The only time that party got elected, they couldn't even complete a whole term of office.
1jola  14 | 1875  
15 Jan 2010 /  #4
There is much wrong with your selective translation that it isn't worth talking about it yet.

I don't think this stuff gonna actually get through but it seems PiS is still counting on that dwarf becoming a president. Scary, dictatorship, medieval thinking.

You are objective, I see.

This part:

Poważne zmiany dotknąć mają także Trybunał Konstytucyjny. W IV RP TK ma być najwyższym organem sądowniczym, przed którym będą rozpatrywane także skargi konstytucyjne zgłaszane przez obywateli, nawet na decyzje sądów niższej instancji.

W skład TK wchodzić będzie 18 sędziów. Znacznie trudniej będzie im podważać ustawy parlamentu. Potrzeba do tego będzie większości 12 głosów przy obecności wszystkich członków gremium.

Your third grade summary:

The Constitutional Tribunal will be weakend and it'll be harder for it to block bills and corporations will also get weakened.

Scary dictatorship? Your translation is scaring foreigners here who can't check the crap you wrote.

Hope it is not a prophecy.

See, he blindly believes you.
OP frd  7 | 1379  
15 Jan 2010 /  #5
There is much wrong with your selective translation that it isn't worth talking about it yet.

At least I did translated something. There's rarely anyone in here who bothers to translate any political news. All we talk about in here is polish girls mating with arabs and such. Thanks for taking a pot shot at my effort to add something beside the usual rattle. I may also add that you could have added stuff that I had missed or mistranslated or misinterpreted, you could have corrected it, add your own poin of view instead of jumping straight into bashing me typical for a narrow-minded pole. The last piece about TK and corporations was a quick translation because I had to go somewhere. What about you stop being whiny and add your own translation?
1jola  14 | 1875  
15 Jan 2010 /  #6
I don't take articles from TVN24 seriously. They are poorly written, biased toward the left, clearly following the idea that PiS is bad by definition, but you took the liberty to twist the content anyway.

it seems PiS is still counting on that dwarf becoming a president

It is unlikely judging by the polls, which would make your paranoia unfounded about the looming dictatorship. Both parties are proposing changes and I haven't, nor you, had the chance to really see what they are proposing.

I am not blindly saying one proposal is better than the other; I objected to your blank dismisal of everything. One particular point would make a discussion more managable, many people in PiS and PO are not keen to be directed from Brussels by a guy we don't know, can't pronounce the name of, so we have an interest in remaining Poland and not the Polish region, Ostland or whatever they will come up with without our consent.
OP frd  7 | 1379  
15 Jan 2010 /  #7
Why would they give such power to the president if they are not counting on re-election? It'd be a suecide for them. I agree that TVN rarely writes favourably about PiS but they have stated facts, most of the things I wrote were right out of Kaczynskis mouth.

And I don't know where you see my paranoia, I said "I don't think it's gonna get through". I'm still amazed by the amount of really peculiar ideas - Kaczynski with all his law education should know that the head of the national tribunal council has to be someone with law education which ain't a trait of every president and there has to be a separation between judiciary branch and executive branch... and the similar dictator-like "disslving Seym" thing? come on..
1jola  14 | 1875  
15 Jan 2010 /  #8
Why would they give such power to the president if they are not counting on re-election? It'd be a suecide for them.

Tusk is proposing changes in the constitution too. Catch this: the president will be without veto power and will not be elected by popular vote but by the National Assembly, Seym and Senat. And PO dominantes in the polls for presidency. Listen, the first idiot here doesn't have a chance. New democracy; old comedy.

The article is at your link.
OP frd  7 | 1379  
15 Jan 2010 /  #9
Yeah I know that one, it's PO's stupidity in my opinion, they introduced this just to fight with Kaczynski who's a president now, they would do exact the opposite thing if they had the president and somebody else the parliement.. I'm not saying PO are saints, in fact they are far from it. Anyways, it doesn't change the message included in this new PiS project.
pawian  226 | 27364  
8 Sep 2012 /  #10
I don't think this stuff gonna actually get through

You were right - it didn`t.

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