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Poznan's Citizens Budget - expenses for the year 2012

boletus  30 | 1356  
28 Sep 2012 /  #1
Last August the City Hall of the city of Poznań announced that any resident of the city may submit their idea regarding disposal of 10 millions zlotys, a part of the next year's budget. The best proposals will be voted on by residents and the winning proposals will be written into the 2013 city budget.

[To put it into the perspective the overall expenses for the City of Poznan for the year 2012 cost 3 064 474 094 zł. The Citizen Budget is merely 0.326% of that sum. Nevertheless it is interesting to see what choices have been made by residents of Poznań.]

So far 340 applications and 260 ideas have been submitted, for the total cost of 400 millions. They mostly dealt with construction of roads, bicycle and pedestrian paths, and sport and recreation places.

From those, 20 proposals have been selected worth 33 millions zlotys. Here is that list:

- ‑‑ ‑‑5 000 zł - Benches at Freedom Square
- ‑‑ ‑‑9 900 zł - Mass kayaking event on Warta river
- ‑‑ ‑72 000 zł - "Streets for Everyone", making streets for pedestrians only on weekends.
- ‑‑ ‑91 000 zł - Adaptation of two public housing apartments for people with disabilities - a pilot project
- ‑‑ 109 000 zł - High quality toilletes in central points of the city
- ‑‑ 200 000 zł - "Let us repair it", monitoring public spaces via Internet
- ‑‑ 249 700 zł - Creating a park with a recreation-didactical path along fort IVa and left-bank of Wlczy Młyn.
- ‑‑ 300 000 zł - "For the other cities to become Green with Envy", a partnership project for tree planting downtown
- ‑‑ 371 000 zł - Skate park at Winiary
- ‑‑ 500 000 zł - Enigma Museum, Permanent exhibition at the Castle
- ‑‑ 950 000 zł - Restoration of the Poznań Huf Scout Center at the Malta lake
- ‑1 500 000 zł - Expansion of Palium hospice
- ‑1 730 000 zł - Pedestrian and bicycle paths along Warta river
- ‑1 870 000 zł - Family playground at Malta lake
- ‑1 905 000 zł - Marcelin Woods Health Path, safe running closer to nature
- ‑2 400 000 zł - Running and nordic walking paths: lake Malta, Dębno meadows, Citadel, Warta reverbeds
- ‑2 500 000 zł - Short Stay Centrum for people with disabilities
- ‑3 000 000 zł - Bicycle road from Juraszów St., Strzeszyńska, Biskupińska, Krajanecka, Strzeszyn
- ‑5 000 000 zł - "This is where it all started" - exposition of archeological findings in Ostrów Tumski
-10 000 000 zł - Construction of social housing
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Sep 2012 /  #2
Interesting link, boletus :) Thank you for posting it!

My feeling is that we'll see something along these lines -

‑‑ ‑72 000 zł - "Streets for Everyone", making streets for pedestrians only on weekends.

‑1 730 000 zł - Pedestrian and bicycle paths along Warta river

‑1 870 000 zł - Family playground at Malta lake

‑3 000 000 zł - Bicycle road from Juraszów St., Strzeszyńska, Biskupińska, Krajanecka, Strzeszyn[/quote]
These would be my choices, anyway - Poznan is lacking in bicycle paths and Malta could do with some free entertainment.

Wouldn't be a surprise if the social housing wins though - the local anarchists have been whining and moaning about this for years while doing very little themselves about it.
OP boletus  30 | 1356  
18 Oct 2012 /  #3
And the five top winners, which will be put to the budget, are:
01 - 39.02% - 1 500 000 zł - Expansion of Palium hospice
02 - 30.11% - 1 730 000 zł - Pedestrian and bicycle paths along Warta river
03 - 27.75% ‑ 2 500 000 zł - Short Stay Centrum for people with disabilities
04 - 21.69% ‑ 3 000 000 zł - Bicycle road from Juraszów St., Strzeszyńska, Biskupińska, Krajanecka, Strzeszyn
05 - 21.32% ‑ 1 870 000 zł - Family playground at Malta lake

Delphiandomine: three of your wishes came through.
I am happy for number 4, for personal reasons.
The results came up three days ago. Number of votes: 61 561. You could vote for maximum five projects. Number of participants: 20 238. Spoils (like missing some info): 978
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 Oct 2012 /  #4
Delphiandomine: three of your wishes came through.

Four :D I voted for those three, plus the hospice - and for the weekend pedestrian-only streets.

They did a really good job of getting people to vote - there were stands set up all over the city on different days and they were actively getting people involved.

It's a lovely idea, I think - it isn't a huge amount of money, but it makes people think about their city. I'm really happy that the hospice will get funded, too.

But...isn't there already a cycle path along Strzeszyńska?
rybnik  18 | 1444  
19 Oct 2012 /  #5
It's a lovely idea, I think - it isn't a huge amount of money, but it makes people think about their city.

A fantastic idea? Was it the mayor's initiative?
OP boletus  30 | 1356  
19 Oct 2012 /  #6
It's a lovely idea, I think - it isn't a huge amount of money, but it makes people think about their city

I absolutely agree. And I think these kind of projects could motivate young people more than the old. And that's the point.

But...isn't there already a cycle path along Strzeszyńska?

I understand that this project is just a continuation of Strzeszyńska path, although some say that this street is too busy and suggested alternative solutions. Probably too late.

But at least this should be some alternative to the very picturesque hiking/bicycle trail from Rusałka Lake to Strzeszynek. Is it back in use?

[A private owner of a property, through which the trail passes, expected Poznan authorities to buyout the land and - after lack of any response - he plowed about five hundred metres of the trail in the spring this year. Was he just pissed off, or was he trying to force the negotiations?]

A fantastic idea? Was it the mayor's initiative?

I do not know whose idea it was but - considering it a fantastic PR - I suspect there was very little opposition to it. [Just about 0.326% of the budget!]
Ant63  13 | 410  
19 Oct 2012 /  #7
Is Malta publicly owned or a private venture?

Either way it should generate enough traffic to finance a Family playground surely.
OP boletus  30 | 1356  
19 Oct 2012 /  #8
Is Malta publicly owned or a private venture?

This is it.
About 40 hectares used to belong to St. John of Jerusalem Parish, and were taken away by the communist authorities in 1952 when the artificial lake was created by damming the Cybina river. Some of its property is now under the water table of the Lake Malta. Since 1990s the Parish and the City of Poznań have been fighting this issue in courts. The subjects of dispute are: a compensation for use of the Parish property in the past, a compensation for the the property at the bottom of the lake, an annual lease agreement for the recreational properties along the lake, or alternatively - the land swap. The numbers differ, but in January last 2011 the District Court granted about 75 000 000 PLN of compensation plus return of 8 hectares of land. In May 2011 the Court of Appeal quashed that judgement. I do not know what is the current status of this dispute.

  • Lake Malta and disputed properties

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