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Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom?

IvanMazeppa  - | 7  
16 Apr 2010 /  #571
From an investigative standpoint you always have to assume the worst.

How many polish leaders over the years were killed in a plane? Anybody know, seems like after WWII there were a bunch weren't there?
Jed  - | 165  
16 Apr 2010 /  #572
you always have to assume the worst.

StepanBandera changed his nick for IvanMazeppa?
IvanMazeppa  - | 7  
16 Apr 2010 /  #573
Yes there were some people who were offended by Stepan Bandera, changed it to TarasChuprenko, they were still offended....

mind you they were offended because of allegations not proof and by times that were hard for both our people.

So I chose IvanMazeppa, one of the last leaders of the Zaporosche Sietch.
16 Apr 2010 /  #574
So I chose IvanMazeppa, one of the last leaders of the Zaporosche Sietch.

And a traitor, if the memory serves me right. Maybe go by pop singer's names or somethin' :)
Olga  1 | 330  
16 Apr 2010 /  #575
From an investigative standpoint you always have to assume the worst.

How many polish leaders over the years were killed in a plane? Anybody know, seems like after WWII there were a bunch weren't there?

I just listened to the video through headphones and at exactly 50 seconds in the video, you can clearly hear "Davai gnata, kurva!" VERY CLEARLY. Seconds later, shots--#1 shot is the loudest with clear echo.

Here is the video again (you posted it already at least 15 times now) :


You Rusy are stupid bastards!!!
Jed  - | 165  
16 Apr 2010 /  #576
I just listened to the video through headphones and at exactly 50 seconds in the video, you can clearly hear "Davai gnata, kurva!" VERY CLEARLY.

Wrong. See Velund post above - you should hear "stvol", "dulo", "dryn" or "volyna".

Learn it and hear again. Drink some vodka - it will help you to hear what you need.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
16 Apr 2010 /  #577
You Rusy are stupid bastards!!!

Mods was this better than constant south's reincarnations?

Olia, you're totally f*cked up. :)
What I hear is "davaj, suda, pokuda (or "paskuda")"... Obviously one (presumably firefighter) tell to another "let's (extinguish it) here, now". There could be also a strong word "paskuda" as I put it, but it has nothing to do with "kurva".
Olga  1 | 330  
16 Apr 2010 /  #578
I am talking about time of video at exactly 50 seconds. Learn to compute.
Jed  - | 165  
16 Apr 2010 /  #579

Stoi - stop
Davai uhodin - let's go out/go out
Uhodim otsuda, uhodim = Let's go from here, go - many times.

No Polish words "kurva" and "gnata". Only Russian.
Olga  1 | 330  
16 Apr 2010 /  #580
Uhodim otsuda, uhodim = Let's go from here, go - many times.

Yes, I can hear that at 43-45 seconds and that is immediately follow by what I am telling you, "Davai gnata, kurva"
Jed  - | 165  
16 Apr 2010 /  #581
Start learn Russian, please. You look stupid arguing about Russian with Russians now.
Olga  1 | 330  
16 Apr 2010 /  #582
Why the gunshots then? Not one, but 4. "Wood cracking," you peasant farmers?
f stop  24 | 2493  
16 Apr 2010 /  #583
You are so full of s**t! If you fly them you would know they have fuel dumping system!!
All you do is negate and negate, and when confronted with irrefutable evidence your only recourse is more squealing. Typical ignoramuses. Putin's perfect pupil's...

What a waste of empty space...

Olga was just as diplomatic and convincing with the fuel dumping. Paranoid, gullible fool.
Olga  1 | 330  
16 Apr 2010 /  #584
Obviously one (presumably firefighter) tell to another "let's (extinguish it) here, now"

You're the one who belongs in state hospital. Firefighters don't carry guns.
king polkacanon  - | 57  
16 Apr 2010 /  #585
If Kaczynski told the Russians "davaj gnata kurwa" he deserves to be buried in Wawel.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
16 Apr 2010 /  #586
Olga is a real star....first she argues that the aircraft was dumping fuel , and even tried to tell pilots who fly the dam aircraft that they were wrong in saying it can,t dump fuel..now she is trying to tell Russians they don,t know their own language....

get her some medicine somebody....
f stop  24 | 2493  
16 Apr 2010 /  #587
If Kaczynski told the Russians "davaj gnata kurwa" he deserves to be buried in Wawel.

no, no no! That was Putin talking! Olga heard it.
Olga  1 | 330  
16 Apr 2010 /  #588
Why so many of you Ruskies here anyway? No Russian forums, or because other Russians spit on you?
f stop  24 | 2493  
16 Apr 2010 /  #589
why did you call yourself Olga?
Sasha  2 | 1083  
16 Apr 2010 /  #590
Olechka, because we wanna hold in with Poles. :) Is it prohibited by international law?
If you keep the good work up soon there will be Ruskies everywhere around you. :) The world is Russian... nightmare... :) Thanks for cheering up! TGIF.


why did you call yourself Olga?

That's Freudian subconscious desire to be a Russian.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
16 Apr 2010 /  #591
why did you call yourself Olga?

She probably has to change her name on a regular basis...to avoid death squads...
Seanus  15 | 19668  
16 Apr 2010 /  #592
That recording is very faint. Sasha, you are a trusted amigo here, what do you make of it? Can you clearly make out all the Russian?
Olga  1 | 330  
16 Apr 2010 /  #593
Olechka, because we wanna hold in with Poles. :) Is it prohibited by international law?

Do not be so patronizing; it is quite sickening.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
16 Apr 2010 /  #594
it is quite sickening.

So is listening to some looney say the same thing...over and over and over again....

Ok the Russians did it..we believe you...now go away and convince the Germans...or Americans....or the voice in your head....
Olga  1 | 330  
16 Apr 2010 /  #595
Olga is not only Russian name, matoły tempe.
The saying, "Put your trust in the sword; put the sword in the Russian,"--couldn't be more true.
IvanMazeppa  - | 7  
16 Apr 2010 /  #596
Its funny the only ones saying that the russians coudln't have done it are well russians.

but of course they have never done anything wrong have they?

I mean just because Communism killed more people and have oppressed more people than ever and the fact that the Russians still to do this day dream of empires.....

no that shouldn't worry anyone....

unless you like freedom.
16 Apr 2010 /  #597
matoły tempe.

Polish orthography is not your forte, either ...

but of course they have never done anything wrong have they?

What about not jumping to conclusions and waiting for facts?
Olga  1 | 330  
16 Apr 2010 /  #598
"Put your trust in the sword, put the sword in the Russian.

You know who was Olga and what she did? ;)
f stop  24 | 2493  
16 Apr 2010 /  #599
I don't see anyone else here with a russian name.
jeden  - | 226  
16 Apr 2010 /  #600
after this accident there were silent mobilization(army) on the east polish border

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