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Polish Pope, John Paul II has been canonized today [with John 23rd]

FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
30 May 2014 /  #61
yes, more of your fiction.

it's simple. point out this "fiction" you speak of, or just stop typing. put down the bible and the giant glass of proverbial Kool-Aid, hang up the rosary beads, and fill us in.
31 May 2014 /  #62
point out this "fiction" you speak of,

I already did.
You don't know anything about inner working of the church. So, practically all your guesess into the way the church deal with issues are in fact fiction -fibs.

In the USA for each priest convicted, (peadophilia)there are 12 teachers guilty of the same crime? As long as those teachers and schools are not a part of the RCC nobody really cares.
jon357  72 | 23559  
31 May 2014 /  #63
In the USA for each priest convicted, (peadophilia)there are 12 teachers

That doesn't make it right - nor does it make the numbers small.

As long as those teachers and schools are not a part of the RCC

Did the educational authorities hide the perpetrators on their premises whilst lying about their whereabouts? No? Thought not.
31 May 2014 /  #64
For every 1 priest who abuses kids there are 12 teachers who do the same? Well that really shows the problem. There are 46,000 priests and 3,700,000 teachers, so one would expect there to be 80 teachers who are paedophiles for every one priest who is a paedophile. So why are priests six and a half times more likely to be paedophiles than teachers are?
Dont gag me yo  7 | 155  
31 May 2014 /  #65
For every 1 priest who abuses kids there are 12 teachers who do the same

where do you derive your facts about that?
31 May 2014 /  #66
^ One of the posters in this thread, on this very page, came out with the statistic.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
1 Jun 2014 /  #67
I don't even consider Lolek part of the conversation anymore but because his last statement was an argument used by so many other deniers, i'll entertain it for a minute.

Harry's on the right track. also, key word is "convicted". when a parent finds out about a teacher and a child, it's jail time, every time. the same most certainly cannot be said about the RCC. just think, there are countless priests the authorities KNOW.....by name, that molested children.....and yet there they sit, never to serve a day in prison. imagine, some of them were moved to other churches in other locations where they continued to do more of the same thing. anyone think there are any 2nd grade teachers out there that are known child molesters and as part of the solution they just moved them to another school district.....instead of going to prison, as the law states?

ladies and gentlemen, we are talking about a world wide fraternity that outlaws women from being part of the club. that swears to be celebate for LIFE, denying themselves what is quite possibly the strongest urge a man has with food and water its only equal. that wears completely faaaaabulouuuuuus shiny colorful gowns and funny hats. this is evidence of someone SERIOUSLY conflicted in their sexuality.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
1 Jun 2014 /  #68
"that wears completely faaaaabulouuuuuus shiny colorful gowns and funny hats. this is evidence of someone SERIOUSLY conflicted in their sexuality."

To be fair, the clothes most priests wear couldn't be more drab. It is, however, a global disgrace that the Church covered up child abuse comitted by its clergy for decades, if not centuries. Even the most rabid Radio Maryja Polish Catholic can't deny that the Vatican has accepted that fact. Then again, Rydzyks's people are loyal to him first and the Vatican a distant second.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
2 Jun 2014 /  #69
Even the most rabid Radio Maryja Polish Catholic can't deny that the Vatican has accepted that fact.

this forum is just more evidence of how that's quite the contrary. look no further than Lolek. "fiction" to him. you and I apparently couldn't possibly understand "the inner workings of the church". i don't know about you but abominable crimes against children need not an explanation.
5 Jun 2014 /  #70
Just in case anybody had any doubt about the RCC's capacity for covering up evil:
[quote]Mass septic tank grave 'containing the skeletons of 800 babies' at site of Irish home for unmarried mothers
Hundreds of babies and toddlers believed to be buried in Tuam, Co Galway
The site lies next to a former home for single mothers and their children
The children's home was run by Bon Secours nuns between 1925 and 1961
Children were malnourished and neglected, which caused many of deaths
They also died of TB, pneumonia, measles, convulsions and gastroenteritis
Relative of one missing child has filed complaint with local police, the gardai

OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
5 Jun 2014 /  #71
Funny that you suddenly find the Daily Mail to be a credible source. If this was a piece on the evils of immigration or telling us that this or that can kill you, I assume you'd laugh it off like many people.
5 Jun 2014 /  #72
Funny that you suddenly find the Daily Mail to be a credible source.

Fair enough:

Washington Post
The Guardian
USA Today
Sydney Morning Herald
NBC News
Irish Times
Catholic Herald (specially for you)

Do feel free to attack all those sources for failing to take part in the cover-up you apparently would prefer to have continued.
smurf  38 | 1940  
5 Jun 2014 /  #73
Just in case anybody had any doubt about the RCC's capacity for covering up evil:

Really horrible, there's been calls to make it into a crime scene so that the ones guilty will face prosecution.
Hopefully, but being Ireland I'm not holding my breath.
5 Jun 2014 /  #74
Given that the last of the recorded deaths was in 1961, some 53 years ago, there's very little chance of a conviction even if the will was there.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
5 Jun 2014 /  #75
They still hunt Nazi criminals and bring them to justice. It's all a question of political will and determination, and these poor children deserve justice.
12 Jun 2014 /  #76
I can only say, believing in everything media are telling you even if you can check facts easily enough doesn't bode well for humanity.

John Paul II has been righly canonized.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
20 Jun 2014 /  #77
I can only say, believing in everything media are telling you even if you can check facts easily enough doesn't bode well for humanity.

ok, so your response doesn't make sense.

it's not media, it's just as you say....fact. make sense or don't type.
smurf  38 | 1940  
20 Jun 2014 /  #78
believing in everything media are telling you

Yea, don't believe the modern media, believe a book that was compiled roughly 2000 years ago.

Seems legit.
21 Jun 2014 /  #79
ok, so your response doesn't make sense.

yes, it goes over your head,

it's not media, it's just as you say....fact.

I see, for you news on TV equals ....fact.

make sense or don't type.

If you don't understand don't type.

Yea, don't believe the modern media, believe a book that was compiled roughly 2000 years ago.

Could you tell me how the above sentence pertains to the subject debated?
jon357  72 | 23559  
22 Jun 2014 /  #80
I see, for you news on TV equals ....fact.

Interesting that you assume that by media, he means the tv news. Also interesting that you seem to think some religious organisation is more reliable than the media.
smurf  38 | 1940  
23 Jun 2014 /  #81
Could you tell me how the above sentence pertains to the subject debated?

I'm not sure if you're trolling or serious.

It's really quiet easy to understand.
25 Jun 2014 /  #82
Interesting that you assume that by media, he means the tv news.


Also interesting that you seem to think some religious organisation is more reliable than the media.

I'm talking about facts. Info available on line, like statistics from governmental organizations. Much more reliable than media spin.

It's really quiet easy to understand.

I'm talking about fact versus spin. What are you talking about?
smurf  38 | 1940  
26 Jun 2014 /  #83
OK, so the Bible is based on fact?
Lol, lol and even more lol.
My favourite fact from the Bible is a child being born of a virgin. No doubt a fact. Yes, a fact. For sure.
But don't forget that this myth was also present in earlier religions that were knocking about and popular before Christianity, a little reseach will show you that........but why am I telling you, you're far too close-minded and blinkered to take the initiative and try to learn for yourself.

What you're saying is ludicrous, you believe that we should believe everything written in a book, that's at least 2000 years old, but shouldn't believe the fact-filed, research-based media.

Yea, seems legit.
jon357  72 | 23559  
26 Jun 2014 /  #84
I'm talking about facts. Info available on line, like statistics from governmental organizations. Much more reliable than media spin.

Actually you aren't - your just citing unverifiable propaganda from elsewhere. And no, a book from 2000 years ago whose authorship is debated is not fact.
4 Jul 2014 /  #85
OK, so the Bible is based on fact?

The Bible is a fact.

What you're saying is ludicrous, you believe that we should believe everything written in a book, that's at least 2000 years old, but shouldn't believe the fact-filed, research-based media.

No, I'm saying that our debate has nothing to do with the teaching of a religion.
I'm arguing media in the case of the RCC and pedophila are selecting facts and tailor them to suit their bias, so called "spin".

Actually you aren't - your just citing unverifiable propaganda from elsewhere

I'm talking about facts that can be found on line. Facts provided by governmental institutions (USA). Yes, you are right I didn't cite references or links, I think those people who want to find them will.

And no, a book from 2000 years ago whose authorship is debated is not fact.

I'm sorry I refuse to believe you have never set your eyes upon a bible. :)

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Polish Pope, John Paul II has been canonized today [with John 23rd]Archived