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Re-polonisation surges ahead - after babking, media and telecoms...

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Mar 2017 /  #1
Re-polonisaition, a cornerstone of Moraweicki's econ policy, has moved apaca and now the country's banking sector is dominated by Polish banks. Also targeted are the media extensively owned by Germans. (Globalism and slogans like "capital has no nationality" notwithstanding nearly all of Germany's media are German owned!) Telecoms is another field set for re-polonisation and others will surely follow. Other ministries are also thinking innovatively. Min. Gowin has annoucned thee new types of higher s chools -- teaching unviersities, teaching-research instituions and pureły research ones concentrating on high-tech innovation. Hardly a day goes by that the good-change government does not announce some new initiatives. Quite a departure from the status-quo loving PO regime out only to promote its members own selfish interests and those of their foreign-interest-group masters.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Mar 2017 /  #2
Is re-Polonisation the new term for the takeover of society by PRL-era snitches, I wonder?

One would have thought that Polonius would be happy for assets to remain out of the hands of those who willingly snitched for the Communist regime.
3 Mar 2017 /  #3
Also targeted are the media extensively owned by Germans.

Oh dear, looks like Polo is again having trouble separating reality from fantasy. Perhaps a picture would help him here.

One would have thought Polonius would be happy for assets to remain out of the hands of those who willingly snitched for the Communist regime.

I certainly wouldn't think that, quite the reverse in fact.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
3 Mar 2017 /  #4
PRL-era snitches

I presume you are aware of hte fact that apart form the SLD, the biggest concnetration of former SB collaborators is in the PO. Your wishful thinking that it should be otherwise has absolutely no impact on reality.
3 Mar 2017 /  #5

Is that the reality shown in the diagram above illustrating the real ownership of media in Poland or the pseudo-reality peddled by the PiSlamic State and its minions?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
3 Mar 2017 /  #6
PRL-era snitches

Have you ever wondered why many PF-ers, yourself included, have coinsistently favoured former PZPR members (Balcerowicz, Kuroń, Biedroń, Rzepliński, etc.), SB snitches (Wałęsa, Boni, Komorowksi, Tusk, etc.) and groupings with the highest quotient of ex-PZPR/SB informers (ROAD, UD, UW, PO).
3 Mar 2017 /  #7
Polonius - you are a real PIS troll. The amount of lies you spread about Poland in general and Polish political life is astounding.
3 Mar 2017 /  #8
Have you ever wondered why

Has anybody ever wondered by Polo habitually drives his own thread off-topic as soon as he is called out on the 'factual errors' in his posts? This thread is an excellent example. Polly claimed:

Also targeted are the media extensively owned by Germans.

In reply an image is posted showing that four of the top 45 media sources are German-owned and three more partially German-owned, while 29 are Polish-owned.

So now Polly is trotting out the same tired old rubbish about supposed SB collaborators in PO and clear lies:

former PZPR members ... Biedroń

Polly's nemesis the openly gay mayor was born in 1976, the PZPR voted itself out of existence in 1990, i.e. when he was 14.

Telecoms is another field set for re-polonisation

Sadly for Polly the EU have already told the PiSlamic State to do one over the LTE auctions.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Mar 2017 /  #9

Poland is trying to bring its media ownership policy into line with that of other countries such as Germany and France. Germany limits foriegn stakes in individual media segments to around 15% and France has simialr restrictiond. The media are by nature a sensitive and strategic sector unlike biscuit and safety-pin production and that is reflecetd by the concenr over foreign ownership those countries display. It seems there is a German stake in nearly all if Poland's regional publications. A catalysing factor was the instruction issued to Ringier Axel Springer journalists in Poland how to write about different topics. That was viewed as a covert form of censorship (you want to keep your job then report things the way I tell you to) and amounts to foreign interference in Poland's internal affairs. They say capital has no nationality but its owners do hold opinions and often try to impose them on others.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
19 Mar 2017 /  #10
They say capital has no nationality but its owners do hold opinions and often try to impose them on others.

Doesn't keep Rupert Murdoch from interfering in British and American politics...
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Mar 2017 /  #11
Murdoch from interfering

In Poland most likely it is the evil financial manipulator multibillionaire Soros who is calling the shots for the libby-lefty media including the foxy Lis' Newspeak magazine, the Szechter boy's Kosher Courier and Television Nonsense (TVN).
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 Mar 2017 /  #12
Aren't you even slightly ashamed of repeating the Kremlin's line?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Mar 2017 /  #13

A newcomer to a remote tropical island was warned of the foo bird which had a tendency to defecate on people while flying by. But if anyone wiped it off, he would die on the spot. The admonition was phrased as follows: If the foo sh*ts, wear it!
20 Mar 2017 /  #14
Germany limits foriegn stakes in individual media segments to around 15%

Oh dear, yet again Polly demonstrates the drawbacks of repeating here as facts the latest PiSlamic State talking points he's heard on Radio Maybach or TVPiS.

His claim is that foreigners can't own more than 15%, so let's have a look at a report from PWC titled: Media Ownership Rules - Germany

So if there was a German version of TVPiS, a foreign company could buy it.

But maybe Polly was talking about the likes of Radio Maybach? Let's see what the report says:

2. Radio

Foreign ownership restrictions -

No national or regional limitations

Ah, so maybe he was talking about newspapers?

So, there you have it, a shining example of why relying on TVPiS and Radio Maybach for your news is a bad idea if you like facts rather than fiction.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Mar 2017 /  #15
foriegn stakes

Germans own a 98% stake in Germany's newspaper/magazine market. In Poland 98% of pbulicaitons is owned by foreign capital.

Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
20 Mar 2017 /  #16
In Poland 98% of pbulicaitons is owned by foreign capita

Do they publish a "Warschauer Beobachter" newspaper as well?
20 Mar 2017 /  #17
Poland 98% of pbulicaitons is owned by foreign capital.

Why are you again trotting out a Radio Maybach special which I already nailed in the third post of this thread? Four of the top 45 media sources in Poland are German-owned and three more partially German-owned, while 29 are Polish-owned.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Mar 2017 /  #18
media sources

That referred to newspapers and magazines not media soruces.
20 Mar 2017 /  #19
That referred to newspapers and magazines

Please stop posting Radio Maybach specials.

Look at the diagram above:
eight of the top nine weekly magazines are Polish owned, one is Swiss/German owned;
six of the top nine daily newspapers are Polish owned, two are Swiss/German owned.
cms  9 | 1253  
20 Mar 2017 /  #20
It is not Germany that owns these, rather it is Germans. I know it's a difficult concept for propagandists to understand, but the German state does not control Axel Springer or Bauer. Furthermore, there is nothing to stop Polish owners establishing their own popular newspapers websites or television stations.

Of course I'm not so naive to think that sometimes the owners of these companies don't drop by and have dinner with some German ministers, but that is no different from senoir Polish businessmen meeting Morawiecki in Krynica.
I also think that the biggest sources of news nowadays I'll probably Facebook and LinkedIn, both of which are under Private American ownership.

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