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Polish politics: Lessons in etiquette

boletus  30 | 1356  
29 Mar 2012 /  #1
Polish Sejm
Deputies, RP: Booo!

Nowicka, Speaker: Please be quiet.

Miller, SLD: Madam Speaker, this stoned mob is not able to hinder me.
(Ta naćpana hołota nie jest w stanie mi przeszkodzić).

Rozenek, RP: I do not lower myself to this level of comments. This is the level reserved for declining grumpy politicians.
(To jest poziom zarezerwowany dla stetryczałych, schyłkowych polityków)

Mrs. Marshal , the stoned rabble can not stop me - told the Sejm deputy SLD Leszek Miller , referring to members of the Palikot Movement , who wanted to stop his speech .

The parliament is debating the exposé Minister Radoslaw Sikorski on . Foreign policy. Head SLD Leszek Miller said that the Alliance endorses the general line of foreign policy, however, has her reservations. He added that the Alliance endorses , among others, where is the question of deepening integration in the EU .

Sejm, 2012-03-29

Niesiołowski, PO: [praises FM, criticizes PiS for the spectacle in Brussels]

A deputy, PiS: [attempts to interrupt]

Niesiołowski, PO: For you Madam, Poland does not exist as long it is not governed by Kaczynski and your party. But Poland will be independent in spite of you and your leader, who bears a strange resemblance to Gomulka. (...) Gomulka should be your patron. A huge talent. Some kind of PiS trademark.

Błaszczak, chief of the PiS parliamentary club, in interview for TVN24, about recent arguments between PO and PiS regarding the Smoleńsk crash:
- If anyone wants to trigger a war, it is perhaps Donald Tusk; I will not be surprised to see him at a press conference in general's uniform, announcing the introduction of martial law."
Ozi Dan  26 | 566  
1 May 2012 /  #2
Thanks Boletus.

Your interesting dialogues bring to mind the antics of Stanislaw Stadnicki, who in the early C17 openly called the King a perjurer and a card sharper, or of the Polish Ambassador to Queen Elizabeth 1, who criticised her war with Spain as effecting Polish trade. Good to see Poles in power staying true to the antics of their predecessors!
OP boletus  30 | 1356  
1 May 2012 /  #3
the antics of Stanislaw Stadnicki,

Oh, the famous Stadnicki. One particular story is related to history of Uherce Mineralne, a village at the foothills of Bieszczady, Lesko district. Here is a corresponding excerpt, which I translated from Polish Wikipedia.

At the end of the sixteenth century, Dorota Herburt brought Uherce in the dowry to Stanisław Tarnawski, Chorąży (Ensign) of Sanok. The Ensign had a fairly substantial estate consisting of 14 villages, but he also had huge debts. Its main creditor was Jan Tomasz Drohojowski, Grand Crown Referendary, Governor (Starosta) of Przemyśl. Expecting serious trouble from such high-ranking person, the smart Chorąży donated in perpetuum all his estates to Castellan of Przemyśl, Stanislaw Stadnicki from Lesko.

In 1601, during a private war between the owner of Uherce, Stanisław Tarnawski, Ensign of Sanok, and his creditor Jan Drohojowski, Grand Crown Referendary, a fortified camp - surrounded by moats filled with water - was established by Drohojowski between Glinne and Uherce. From there his army was harassing Tarnawski's estate and his ally Stadnicki, a new owner of Uherce. And so began a private war that lasted four years. The soldiers of Referendary used to catch artisans and merchants going from Lesko to the fair in Chyrów, take the cattle and horses from the fields, and perpetrated rogue attacks in the area.

During this period, Tarnawski repeatedly defended himself and hid in Uherce manor from the Referendary troops - every time successfully. Accomplishing nothing, Jan Tomasz Drohojowski died at the hands of Stanislaw Stadnicki's people in 1605.

Good to see Poles in power staying true to the antics of their predecessors!

Yes, this is what Poles are famous for. :-(

I think Jan Suchorzewski was mentioned in this forum at least twice: In a pathetic scene in the Sejm, trying to prevent the King from signing the Constitution of 3 May and indirectly - in showing image of the Jan Piotr Norblin painting: "Hanging in effigy of the leaders of Targowica Confederation, Warsaw, 1794, in the aftermath of the Warsaw Uprising."

One of those who's effigy was hanged was Jan Suchorzewski. Both images can be seen at the first link above.
Alligator  - | 248  
1 May 2012 /  #4
Title of thread is somewhat misleading or I don't know what etiquette means...
boletus give us something positive.
Ozi Dan  26 | 566  
2 May 2012 /  #5
Oh, the famous Stadnicki.

I think he's also credited for snatching a script out of Zamoyski's hands when he was delivering a speech in the Seym.

Title of thread is somewhat misleading or I don't know what etiquette means...
boletus give us something positive.

I think Boletus is taking the ****...

Kind of like saying "Nazi Germany - a lesson in tolerance"
OP boletus  30 | 1356  
2 May 2012 /  #6
boletus give us something positive.

Joachim Brudziński, interview for onet.pl: "PiS jest szlachetniejszą i trwalszą marką, niż The Rolling Stones" - PiS (Law and Justice) is more noble and durable brand than "The Rolling Stones".
Alligator  - | 248  
2 May 2012 /  #7
"PiS jest szlachetniejszą i trwalszą marką, niż The Rolling Stones"

Incredibly positive
jon357  72 | 23361  
2 May 2012 /  #8
"PiS jest szlachetniejszą i trwalszą marką, niż The Rolling Stones" -

Ad as long as they're around, the voters won't get no satisfaction from jumping Jarek Flash.

I was sat by Jerzy Buzek on the plane yesterday - now he's the sort of politician who's also a statesman.
OP boletus  30 | 1356  
4 May 2012 /  #9
A history class .....

On the first day of school before the start of the lesson, the teacher presents a new student to the class:
This is Nguyen Dong from Vietnam ..... from now on he will be your friend.
Lesson begins. The teacher says: ..... see how much you remember from Polish history.

Who spoke these words: "Mieczów ci u nas dostatek"? (We have plenty of swords).
There is deathly silence in the classroom, only Nguyen raises his hand and says: - Władysław Jagiello to envoys of Teutonic Knights before the Battle of Grunwald, July 1410.

- Here you go, aren't you ashamed? Nguyen is a Vietnamese, and he knows Polish history better than you.

- Do you want to prove that "Polak przed szkoda i po szkodzie głupi" (a Pole is stupid not only before but also after harm is done)? ..... Well, what poet wrote it?

Nguyen gets up again. - Jan Kochanowski in the "Songs of Podolia havoc", 1586.

The teacher looks reproachfully at the students. There is silence in the class.
Suddenly a loud whisper is heard: "Bierz dupę w troki i spier....j do swojego gównianego kraju" (Take off your ass and get feck out of here to your sh**ty country).

- Who said that?! ..... the teacher yells and to that Nguyen responds, reciting: - Józef Piłsudski to General Mikhail Tukhachevsky on the outskirts of Warsaw, August 1920.

The class gets even quieter. But one can hear someone muttering under his breath: - You can kiss my ass.
The teacher, more and more nervous: - You overdid it this time. Who was it?
Nguyen gets up again ....... - Andrzej Lepper to Aneta Krawczyk at the Fourth National Convention of Self Defense, Warsaw, January 2004.

This is already too much for the teacher. The poor woman falls back into the chair, moaning: - O God, give me strength ..
Nguyen, without waiting to be prompted: - Pope John Paul II at the sight of pilgrimage of Radio Maria Family, St. Peter's Square in Rome, March 1994.

The teacher faints. The class raises a wild scream. After a moment the door opens and the mad directed runs in:
- What the the hell are you doing?! I have not seen such a gang of morons in all my life!
And Nguyen responds: - Nicolas Sarkozy to the Polish delegation, European Union summit in Brussels, October 2008 years

Squad of shame - a criminal gang of mercenaries and agents recruited, on behalf of the occupation regime, to discredit Poland and the athletes representing her, in the eyes of Europe and the entire world.

This criminal commando was established on 2012-05-02 by a known agent and collaborator of the occupation regime, a man named Franciszek Smuda (operational alias "Franz", aka "Coach without Matura"), on the personal order of self-proclaimed "Prime Minister" and puppet Donald Tusk and Elected-by-Mistake WSI-Agent Lair-President Bronislaw-False Count-Beast-Komorowski (Russian:Бронислав Коморовскu, operating nickname, "The gamekeeper").

The criminal shame commando has long aroused suspicion of one of the most oustanding resistance fighters and - at the same time - one of the greatest thinkers of modern times, the legendary man who stopped England in 1973, a former goalkeeper of the Poland's football national team, a PiS MP, Jan Tomaszewski.

His brilliant investigation during last several months, was a totally full and devastatingly crushing success, which consisted of both the exposure of tone and etymology of one of the top-secret agent operating nicknames of agent Smuda, as well as recognition of the true faces of his chosen ones.

Below are the milestones of Jan Tomaszewski's daring investigation, together with the partial conclusions, to which he was coming in its various stages:

2012-10-12, in an interview for Super Express:
- If Smuda has no high school diploma then - according to the rules - he can at best coach a third league team. [...] Franz uses the UEFA Pro license, because he graduated from Coaching Academy of Polish Football Association PZPN. I suspect that he has no Matura, and therefore he had no rights to attend this academy.

2012-02-28, Interview with Monika Olejnik (Operating nickname: Daisy) on TVN24:
- I do not watch the Polish national team, because it consists criminals and frustrated French and German players. [...] This is not my team. [...] I boycott the Smuda team. I do not identify with this team and I am ashamed that the jersey with the white eagle is being devalued.

2012-05-03, interview for dziennik.pl:
-This squad is a disgrace for the country of 40 millions people. Such squad could only be selected by a coach without Matura.

- £ukasz Piszczek has been convicted for corruption in football. The other three (Damien Perquis, Sebastian Boenisch i Eugen Polanski) are the French-German rejects, who did not get selected into their own national teams and thus they will play for Poland by their grace. Shame that such people will represent our country

-- It's not too late yet. Resign from the Poland's team! This way you will save us from shame, and you will also save your own faces somehow.

2012-05-03, in a conversation with the service sportowefakty.pl
- Unfortunately my worst suspicions have been confirmed. For me, this is a team of infamy of nation of forty million. For me, if a player, who last year was sentenced by court for corruption, without a penalty of disqualification, is selected to our national squad and if he is going to represent the nation of 40 million, than this is a disgrace.The same applies to that Frenchman and the two Germans

translated from: Kadra hańby, Muzeum IV RP

Where does his infatuation with Smuda's lack of education come from? From his three years extramural coaching studies in Warsaw's Academy of Physical education? Evidently, formal education has nothing in common with class, which he evidently misses very badly - as he behaves like a buffoon or a pissed Borat. Or as a frustrated PiS party activist.

Friday, 2012-05-11
A parliamentary debate on the governmental proposal regarding retirement age at 67 years, for both sexes:

Beata Kempa (Solidarna Polska):
- Mr. Prime Minister, how much one has to hate his own people to prepare them such a fate?

Prime Minister Tusk (PO), reminding the PiS MPs the words of the Kaczyńskis brothers, in 2008, advising the late retirement:
- Here was a talk about a disgrace, a betrayal, and about me hating the people. Do you really disagree that Poles retire prematurely now? Well, the Law and Justice disagrees, but President Kaczynski agreed with in 2008.

Then he added, citing the deceased president
- >> we have to aim for people to retire later, even though this is not popular <<
- Does PiS agree with this thesis now? So then (in 2008) it was the far-sightedness, and today it is a disgrace and betrayal. What happened with you that you now assess the proposal - whose one of the sources is Lech Kaczīnski - with such words?

Kaczyński (PiS), standard demagogy ...

Anonymous voice from the left to Kaczyński: "Phone your brother!" (for an advice)

- Well, now his colleagues at this very moment say "call him" . This incredible level of rudeness is your doing, in terms of Polish public life. This almost incredible booriness is on the level of Adolf Hitler's dreams about Poles, and about fate of Poles.

Palikot (RP):
- I request a break, and I ask to convening the Convent of Seniors in connection with the incredible boorishness on the part of Jaroslaw Kaczynski.

- Chairman Jaroslaw Kaczynski compared my group and me to Adolf Hitler. I understand that a man who was willing to send his own brother to death in Smolensk, and who encouraged the use of "mining" detentions is capable of every wickedness. But the House must take care that some limits are not to be exceeded in this parliament.

Hofman (PiS): - In our opinion, this sentence was shouted by Janusz Palikot and his group. (...) Palikot preys on the personal tragedy of Jarosław Kaczyński.

Hofman(Pis), later at the Convent of Seniors:
- The transcript will show it and I hope that after such confirmation Madam Speaker will exclude this man from the session because he is not grownup enough to sit in this Parliament.

Palikot (RP). At a hastily convened press conference Palikot categorically stated that neither he nor anyone from his group said nothing about Lech Kaczynski
- I also deny that it was Leszek Miller who shouted it, because I was sitting next to him and I know that he did not scream that.

- However, some say it was Balt from SLD, who shouted it.

Balt (SLD), tens of seconds later, runs into the room:
- You're a lousy liar. I said nothing of this sort. Do not lie!

Palikot (RP): - Then deny it!

Balt (SLD): - No, you have to prove it.

Palikot (RP), after Balt was escorted out of the room:
- It can be easily seen who is guilt, right? "Hit the table and the scissors will answer." One who has nothing wrong on his conscience does not make any fuss.

Balt (SLD), after the break:
- I formally request to take a break and to convene Convent of Seniors in order to clarify libels and slanders, directed towards me by this boor, devoid of any deals.

Madam Speaker, Kopacz(PO), after cutting him off:
- Enough of this!
She then threatened to send any similar behaviour to the Parliamentary Ethics Committee.
- I consider this type of outrageous behavior as scandalous.
modafinil  - | 416  
11 May 2012 /  #10
/\ Is it possible they read Polishforums and have brought our style of debate into Parliament??
Alligator  - | 248  
11 May 2012 /  #11
or other way around...
Today was a day of shame in Parliament. Some of our "beloved leaders" think they can say whatever they want, without worrying about consequences. But there will be consequences, just wait untill next elections.

In the mean time, unfortunately their lack of responsibility is applauded by some...
OP boletus  30 | 1356  
12 May 2012 /  #12
Friday, 2012-05-11
Solidarity trade union blocked all the exists from Sejm building, arguing that the MPs should go back in to retract their new law about retirement age. Only the members of PiS and related parties were allowed to leave the building.

Reporter Ewa Stakiewicz attempts to interview Stefan Niesiołowski (PO) at Sejm courtyard.

She and Jan Pospieszalski directed a controversial documentary film "Solidarity 2010", about the crash of the Polish Tu-154 crash. The picture aroused much controversy. The directors were accused of lack of objectivity, biased selections of interlocutors and of their expressions, leading the interviewees, presenting professional actors and political activists as anonymous interlocutors.

NiesioIowski is known for his funny quick wit, but often politically incorrect and offensive.

Stankiewicz: - Mr. deputy ...

Niesiołowski:- And where are you from?

Stankiewicz: - Ewa Stankiewicz. ....

Niesiołowski: - I do not want to talk to you. You know why. Go to Pospieszalski!

Stankiewicz: - But I am Ewa Stankiewicz. I have a separate surname and a given name.

Niesiołowski: - So you are from that movie "Solidarity", this PiS filth?

Stankiewicz: - Not the PiS filth, but the document.

Niesiołowski: - Go to PiS. Please, turn it around or I will break your camera if you continue filming me without my consent.

Niesiolowski, after she continues asking questions, getting nervous:
- Are you deaf? Go to PiS and to those PiS toadies. And do not talk to me, or I will break your camera. Please do not film me without my permission.

Then he starts yanking her camera.

Anonymous: - Forget it, she is just provoking you.

Stankiewicz: - I will call the police.

Niesiołowski: - Get out of here! (Won stad!)

Stankiewicz: But this is a public place ....

Niesiołowski, more yanking and more "Get out of here!"
-She almost broke my teeth with her camera.

An announcement from Portal Kontrowersje kontrowersje.net/tresc/100_000_tysiecy_zlotych_nagrody_za_swinski_ryj_palikota:
-We put up a prize of 100, 000 PLN for the Palikot's pig snout. It can be supplied in any form, as a whole or in pieces, but it has to be definitely dead. An alive Palikot's pig snout will definitely not be honoured. The award will be paid only for the dead Palikot's pig snout. I do not specify a time limit, this is an open hunting season for the Palikot's pig snout.

Contact: Anonymous on the part of the portal. But, on the other hand, any correspondent there is asked to provide all the pertinent data.
The introduction by: so-called "Matka Kurka", evidently known all over Internet, so he is not that anonymous, as he thinks.

And another beauty: A lead note - When Donald Tusk is going to commit suicide?

Ewa Stankiewicz, in interview for Super Express. This qualifies as motto of the week:
- I do not remember exactly how, but it seems to me that he tugged at me and grabbed my wrists. He just was furious.

He attacked me directly , physically . I do not remember exactly how , but it seems to me that tugged and grabbed me by the wrists . I just was furious - he says in an interview with " Super Express " Ewa Stankiewicz , referring to the incident with Mr Stefan Niesiołowski .
Ironside  50 | 12916  
16 May 2012 /  #13

have you been giving then lesson in etiquette? Niesiołowski must been your best pupil or was it Palikot ?
the first one is obviously mentally unbalanced !
OP boletus  30 | 1356  
18 May 2012 /  #14
I am sure any intelligent person understood the intent of my post #18 (see also #16). Bad behaviour of both parties aside, which is the antitype of good etiquette, Ms. Stankiewicz has shown a complete lack of logic, by putting in the same sentence the following three sub-expressions: "I do not remember exactly how", "it seems to me" and "he tugged at me and grabbed my wrists". This is why I called it "a motto of the week".

If she is going to court with this then good luck to her: courts need more than "it seems to me" and "I do not remember exactly how" - mixed with direct accusations of the type: "he killed her", "he stole it", etc. So yes, this is funny.

Jarosław Kaczyński responding to the question about his new transformation and peaceful rhetoric with respect to Euro 2012:

- There is no politician in Poland, who is more peaceful than I, and this how it has been throughout my entire 23 years of legal activity in politics.

- These are our opponents, who are interested in lowering Polish public life to the very bottom - named Stefan Niesiolowski or certain mister from Biłgoraj - he added.

PiS leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski announced that his party does not intend to protest and disrupt the course of Euro 2012 As pointed out , the PiS led to the fact that Euro 2012 is held in Poland and Ukraine.

Head of Law and Justice , when asked how his transformation and peaceful rhetoric , which now uses ws . Euro 2012 stated that he has always had a peaceful attitude. - There is no more peaceful in Poland oriented policies than me and that was the whole 23 years of my legal activity in politics. - That our opponents are interested to Polish public life reached the bottom, which is called Deputy Parliament Speaker or pan with Bilgoray - he added.

Levi  11 | 433  
17 Oct 2015 /  #15
Merged: Popularity of Polish Politicians according to Facebook

Do you think that it is possible to partially measure the popularity of Polish Politicians according to facebook?

Even being questionable measure, i made a check and saw some interesting things. Below some of the main politicians of the country by number of followers:

Barbara Nowacka (Left Alliance) - 22.833
Ewa Kopacz (PO) - 24.849
Donald Tusk (PO) - 37.190
Ryszard Petru (.N)- 72.173
Paweł Kukiz (Ind) - 149.854 (This is his page as politician, he have another as a singer with, obviously, more followers).
Bronisław Komorowski (PO) - 187.522

And then......

Andrzej Duda (PiS) - 362.754

So can we say that at least Facebook Popularity reflect the total failure of the Left Wing and the low popularity of Left Wing politicians among young people (the biggest share of users of Facebook) in Poland?

And an Outlier:

Korwin Mikke : 672.497

(But his popularity came in big part from Non-Poles, specially after the epic speech that he gave at the European Parliament).

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