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What Polish political party are you in favour of and why

WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
3 Jun 2011 /  #1
What Polish political party are you in favour of and why?

If any of course.

Even though I do not live in Poland and cannot vote I am a PiS supporter. While I do not want to go in to too much detail right now and I know a lot of people are against them I just feel they are thes best from what we have to choose now. I cannot like the communists of SLA while PO has too many smug people in it involved in corruption and they are doing an awful lot of stupid stuff right now too. A lot of promises have gone to the pooper so to speak. I know Pis might not be brilliant but I think they are patriotic and want the truth to be known. Poland is in a difficult situation right now so they are not going to save it or anything but at least they do what they can rather than making false promises and filling their own pockets. A lot of people, particularly PO supporters do not like Kaczynski and therefore are never going to like PiS if he is in charge while a PiS supporter does not have anything personal against Tusk or Komorowski they just see what they are doing and that is to say, not a whole lot, so they do not like PO and what it currently stands for.
gumishu  16 | 6182  
3 Jun 2011 /  #2
PiS - though I don't like the leadership of Jarosław Kaczyński and the way the party evolved in the last years (getting rid of many bright people)

I thought about voting for PJN for a while - a small splinter of PiS - but they behaved even more ridiculously than PiS (though not in the same manner)

why? - because no other party appart PiS stand for ideals I can connect to (I would vote for Korwin-Mikke's party if had no choice cause I know they are honest, well meaning people though I don't agree with sectarian doctrinaire liberalism they stand for)

I'm very much like yourself in these regards
henchin  - | 1  
12 Jul 2011 /  #3
Merged: Kongres Nowej Prawicy - new political party in Poland

I encourage to read the political program of Kongres Nowej Prawicy, a new Janusz Korwin-Mikke's party. Economic freedom, low taxes, liquidation of useless public offices and positions in effect of tax low simplification. PO promised an economic miracle in Poland but taxes are higher than four years ago and public debt is still growing. I appeal to you not to waste your voice in next election and vote Nowa Prawica. It's high time not to choose bigger or smaller evil. It's time to choose according to your conscience, choose that what is good for Poland.

RobertLee  4 | 73  
12 Jul 2011 /  #4
Unfortunately Poles have the American syndrom of choosing between two possiblities (while there are many in fact) - there may be many parties or presidential candidates but most will just consider the two options that have the highest support according to media. Even if they don't like either of them, they will vote for the "lesser evil", instead of considering another option. The older generation is particularly guilty of this - I noticed that Korwin-Mikke has quite a support among the youth. Maybe finally he will be successfull, as like you said, people are disappointed with PO and PIS and SLD.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Jul 2011 /  #5
a new Janusz Korwin-Mikke's party.

Another new one? He's going through parties like they're going to be banned again soon.

It's high time not to choose bigger or smaller evil. It's time to choose according to your conscience, choose that what is good for Poland.

Same old, same old. Korwin-Mikke's been saying the same thing since 1989 and has never won a seat.

Unfortunately Poles have the American syndrom of choosing between two possiblities (while there are many in fact).

I'm enjoying the fact that you say "two possibilities" - then go on to mention 3 possibilities.

Incidentally, your post is utter nonsense. If you look back at the elections since 1991 - the only time that an election has been a true two-party race was in 2007. There's a clear division between post-Communist and post-Solidarity parties, this is true - but there are many parties who come under either side.

Shall we go over the election results, just so you don't bother to argue with me? All results based on the 460-member Sejm, and ignoring the guaranteed seats for the German minority.

1991 - 29 parties won seats - with the highest percentage being a miserable 13.5% of seats going to the Democratic Union.
1993 - 6 parties won seats - with the highest percentage being 37% to the SLD.
1997 - 5 parties won seats - with the highest percentage being 33% to AWS.
2001 - 6 parties won seats - with the highest percentage being 41% to the SLD. The other parties ranged from 12.7% to 7.9%.
2005 - 6 parties won seats - percentages ranged from 27% for PiS to 7% for the PSL.
2007 - 4 parties won seats - the only "two party" free election in modern times - resulted in 41% for PO and 32% for PiS.

Poland is notable for the fact that the strongest parties often don't enjoy huge support in percentage terms - in fact, it's only in the last 4 years that anything approaching a two-party system has emerged. If PiS implode as expected, things will rapidly return to the old way of things - especially with only PO and the SLD resembling anything like a modern European political party (with discipline, et al).
Intermarium  11 | 64  
11 Feb 2019 /  #6

Donating to Polish political parties

Is this legal for foreigners to do?

Or is it a gray area like in the USA, where they can make a big deal about things if they want to (the alleged Russian funding of Trump), but can totally ignore the German government's donation to Hillary Clinton during her campaign.

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