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Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw

nunczka  8 | 457  
25 May 2010 /  #241
I stayed out of this debate as long as I could. I know that I am not equal to you university educated youngsters. Nut I have an advantage over most of you. I am 85 yrs old and my parents were Polish Immigrants.. I keep seeing in here that there were statement made that poverty breeds crime. Bull Schidt! My parents along with all of the other Immigrants were dirt poor. This is true with all the other nationalities.There was no crime.People worked hard and did without.. There was no welfare.. Everybody pulled his own weight. After two World wars, America grew into a mighty nation on the backs of Immigrants. Today America is loaded with wealthy 1st and 2nd generation nationalities.. We were taught to be frugal by our parents.

Since the 1970 The black population exploded. Along with it came crime, drugs,welfare, our cities are in decay because of white flight. America is headed for a third country status.

I can see a repeat of it again in Europe.. Somebody better wake up before it's too late.

I will end my post here ,for if I add more I will be banned.. GOOD LUCK EUROPE
Stu  12 | 515  
25 May 2010 /  #242
The police have guns in the UK

And that's not true either. Only special units (like officers in an Armed Response Vehicle or Special Branch) carry weapons; you need to be licensed as an Authorised Firearms Officer.

In Britain, those selected for training in the use of firearms are usually older, more experienced officers. They have to pass tests in marksmanship and fitness. I guess that's why gun-related crime is still a very small element in British crime statistics. Last year there were about 4,000 armed incidents in England and Wales and 42 people died from gunshot wounds. In the US about 30,000 people each year are killed by guns - and another 90,000 injured.

If my maths don't fail me that's resp. 0,08 deaths per 100.000 inhabitants against 97 deaths per 100.000 inhabitants. Maybe the Brits have a point here.

Since the 1970 The black population exploded. Along with it came crime, drugs,welfare, our cities are in decay because of white flight.

Sir, let me respectfully disagree with you. You should make a difference between the African immigrants (which started around 1965, by the way) and the African-Americans. Obviously you are referring to the African immigrants, so the first group. Let me tell you that the African population in the US is just under 900.000 (out of a total US-population of about 309.350.000 people (census.gov/population/cen2000/stp-159/STP-159-africa.pdf).

Please have a look at the US Census and other sources: 19,4% of all adult African immigrants in the United States held a graduate degree, compared to 8,1% of adult white Americans and 3,8% of adult black Americans in the United States. This would suggest that America has an equally large achievement gap between whites and African/Asian immigrants as it does between white and black Americans.

Of the African-born population in the United States age 25 and older, 86,4% have a high school degree or higher, compared with 78,9% of Asian-born immigrants and 76.5% of European-born immigrants. These figures contrast with 61,8% of the total foreign-born population. Immigrants groups in general tend to have higher high school graduation rates than the native-born general American population.

So I am afraid, what you are saying isn't confirmed by actual, public data.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
25 May 2010 /  #243
And that's not true either. Only special units (like officers in an Armed Response Vehicle or Special Branch) carry weapons; you need to be licensed as an Authorised Firearms Officer.

I said the Police in the UK have guns, I didnt specify which ones had them..so please dont call me liar.

Last year there were about 4,000 armed incidents in England and Wales and 42 people died from gunshot wounds.

42 deaths and rising..

Maybe the Brits have a point here.

We have more armed tactical units now than we have ever had, which means we have more officers who are able to use guns, it will never be like America, but gang violence is increasing.

19,4% of all adult African immigrants in the United States held a graduate degree,

Where was the degree attained?
convex  20 | 3928  
25 May 2010 /  #244
If my maths don't fail me that's resp. 0,08 deaths per 100.000 inhabitants against 97 deaths per 100.000 inhabitants. Maybe the Brits have a point here.

Maybe, they're trading their last line of defense for a drop in gun crime which still hasn't taken place.

Let me get this straight, the suggestion is to have all the legal gun owners give up their guns so that the gun crime rate will go up?

Isn't it strange how the areas in the US with the highest rates of gun ownership have the least amount of gun related violence?

I understand that Jamaica is now gun free as well, good for them!

Anyway, I'm pretty happy when I'm in the Czech Republic, where gun ownership is nearly a national pastime. I have a very nice CZ75 that I carry on occasion. Even better than that, I know that the chances of me becoming the victim of gun violence in the gun crazy Czech Republic is about half that of heavily restricted Poland. Strange world.
Stu  12 | 515  
25 May 2010 /  #245
call me liar

Jee, you are easily offended! I just said that what you said was not true. That's not the same as calling you a liar. Please ... chill out! Get a grip!

Yes, 42 and rising ... so? 30.000 and rising disproportionally. I really can't see what you are trying to proof with that statement.

which means we have more officers who are able to use guns

I am afraid that's not true either ... Between 1997 and 2006, the number of authorised firearms officers in England and Wales fell from 6.738 to 6.584, even though there have been increases in overall police numbers and gun crime has been increasing as well.

Where was the degree attained?

In the US.
nunczka  8 | 457  
25 May 2010 /  #246
Sir, let me respectfully disagree with you. You should make a difference between the African immigrants (which started around 1965, by the way) and the African-Americans. Obviously you are referring to the African immigrants, so the first group.

SIR! The Africans that I am refering to are American born,and immigrated from the south. I have watched good solid neighborhoods disintegrate with white flight, as soon as they realized what trash invaded the neighborhood. American cities are dying.. Baltimore, Detroit. Philly,Richmond etc. There is talk about bull dozing these cities to rid them of abondonded crack houses.. Taxes are not paid because the women have children out of wedlock,and the state has to support them.

Tell your crap to the Europeans.. They will buy it for awhile before it happens to them.

Lodon and the low countries are already cess pools.
Stu  12 | 515  
25 May 2010 /  #247
I have a very nice CZ75

This means you just want to brag about it. Doesn't cut it with me, I am afraid. This is what you get when you have firearms at home and are completely irresponsible


If you want to play with guns, join a gun club or the army. I get ample practise with my Diemaco C7 and my Glock 17 without having to keep that crap in my own house. And I am pretty happy about it as well.

are American born

Well ... then your whole statement was flawed from the beginning, wasn't it? Since you said: "Since the 1970 The black population exploded". The African American population already lived in the US. They were brought there as slaves, remember?

The Great Migration of African Americans was between 1910 and 1930, by the way. It was the migration from the South to the North. Since 1965 there is a New Great Migration, where African Americans were going back to South following de-industrialization in Northeastern and Midwestern cities.
OP frd  7 | 1379  
25 May 2010 /  #248
I have watched good solid neighborhoods disintegrate with white flight

Isn't it better then it was not so long time ago? You don't see cases similar to Pruitt-Igoe or Cabrini Green panel buildings projects falling into ruin and gang violance. At least I haven't heard about such cases.
convex  20 | 3928  
25 May 2010 /  #249
This means you just want to brag about it

Of course I do, it's a nice pistol. Why wouldn't I brag about it? It's cheaper than a HiPower and is a joy to shoot.

This is what you get when you have firearms at home and are completely irresponsible

What's the problem?

So tell me Dr. Safety, ever had a knife pulled on you? Ever had your home robbed? How quickly do the police respond to a call in your neighborhood? Has the crime rate in your country gone up or down over the last 20 years? I guess if the police were doing their job, none of the crime statistics would play a role...

But all that is irrelevant of course, the reason that I own guns is so that I can shoot dead any agent of the government that attempts to deprive me of my life or liberty. Whether you're a Nazi, or a Communist, or a Nationalist, or a Religious whacko, or.... Well, you get the picture.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
25 May 2010 /  #250
Jee, you are easily offended!

Not at all, you said I wasnt telling the truth and inferred that I was lying, I politely asked you not to call me a liar.

Yes, 42 and rising ... so? 30.000 and rising disproportionally. I really can't see what you are trying to proof with that statement.

My point is that gun crime is rising in the UK, I thought my statement was quite clear, I have no interest in US if they chose to give every idiot under the sun the right to bear arms then Im actually surprised there aren't more gun related deaths.

I am afraid that's not true either ... Between 1997 and 2006, the number of authorised firearms officers in England and Wales fell from 6.738 to 6.584, even though there have been increases in overall police numbers and gun crime has been increasing as well.

Could you give me your source, because I have friends on the force who will refute your comments.

In the US.

I suppose if an immigrant is paying twice what a home student is paying, they are more inclined to pass, just another foot in the door and a way to get a green card - why do you think these people study in the US?
Stu  12 | 515  
25 May 2010 /  #251
ever had a knife pulled on you? Ever had your home robbed?

Yes, I had. I have been shot at several times, had a couple of knives pulled on me and my home was robbed twice. With regard to the robbery, police was here within 10 minutes. So no complaints there. Here are the crime rates for my country


With regard to the knives ... the guys with the knives lost. If you know how, then it's a piece of cake to disarm suckers like that without pulling a gun. I would suggest some good self-defence classes and you'll see how easy it is. Even people pointing a gun at you are pretty easy to disarm. I'll be happy to teach you if you want.

your source

It's the Home Office in response to Tory parliamentary questions in 2007. And there is a difference between calling someone a liar and telling him or her that what (s)he says is factually untrue. I wasn't inferring you were lying at all ... I just said you were wrong.
nunczka  8 | 457  
25 May 2010 /  #252
Well ... then your whole statement was flawed from the beginning, wasn't it? Since you said: "Since the 1970 The black population exploded". The African American population already lived in the US. They were brought there as slaves, remember?

Yes, BUT! As they started to migrate to the north, they came in droves. Displacing whole Caucasian neighborhoods. Up until that point, we the Caucasians, Jews, Poles, Greeks, Irish, Italians, Bohemians etc lived in perfect harmony. We soon found that the crime,drugs, filth and squalor that they brought was unlike anything we ever imagined.. THUS>>>>WHITE FLIGHT
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
25 May 2010 /  #254
Yes, BUT! As they started to migrate to the north, they came in droves. Displacing whole Caucasian neighborhoods. Up until that point, we the Caucasians, Jews, Poles, Greeks, Irish, Italians, Bohemians etc lived in perfect harmony. We soon found that the crime,drugs, filth and squalor that they brought was unlike anything we ever imagined.. THUS>>>>WHITE FLIGHT

Same in the UK, Moss Side used to a beautiful area now they have driveby shootings..no guesses for what colour skin the criminals have? Look at certain estates in London where there's gang war between different african immigrants, thus making it unsafe for English minorities to live.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
25 May 2010 /  #255
So I am afraid, what you are saying isn't confirmed by actual, public data.

I'm afraid the conclusions you reach based on the document are not as clear as you may wish us to believe. I'm not sure if you did it on purpose, offered a peculiar interpretation of what "African" means, or if you simply did not read the document carefully. The document it does not deal with "African" immigrants but withimmigrants born Africa. I hope you can see a not so subtle difference. Just look at the table again. It states very clearly what the ethnic divisions among those immigrants are.

- White...................................................................... 205 595
- Black or African American........................................... 512 630
- American Indian and Alaska Native............................ 670
- Asian...................................................................... 37 800
- Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander................ 880
- Some other race...................................................... 24 110
- Two or more races........................................................ 99 620

Of those 205K White "Africans", as you suggest they are, most may be former South African land and business owners, many possibly shrewd and not so nice but more likely to have attained a higher level of education than the people they abused for centuries.

Admittedly, that data does not prove that most of the educated "Africans" are in fact White.
As a result, the document does not lead us to the conclusions you ask us to believe, nor does it lead to the conclusions that would be contrary to yours. In short, the document fails to illustrate the point you're making.
Stu  12 | 515  
25 May 2010 /  #256
Of those 205K White "Africans", as you suggest they are

I can't remember I did, actually. I said there are about 900.000 immigrants from Africa, i.e. regardless of colour. So ... looking at the stats there were only 512K "black" immigrants from Africa ... even less than the "hordes" nunczka talked about.
1jola  14 | 1875  
25 May 2010 /  #257
I've read in today's paper that the man would have lived had the cops not been pelted by stones while trying to help the then injured guy. They we driven away.

He was shot in the thigh, but the femoral artery was cut.

I go to this market and it is normally very calm. I buy bok choi and shrimp from the Vietnamese and police controls are normal and accepted. No one panics. This market is long gone from when you could buy AKs. The guy who was shot had three kids and had been in Poland for five years; he had a criminal record also. Hard to tell what happened.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
25 May 2010 /  #258
I can't remember I did, actually. I said there are about 900.000 immigrants from Africa, i.e. regardless of colour.

No need to remember. Scrolling up and reading will do. This is what you wrote:

You should make a difference between the African immigrants (which started around 1965, by the way) and the African-Americans. Obviously you are referring to the African immigrants, so the first group. Let me tell you that the African population in the US is just under 900.000

Since you seem to put a stress on the racial characteristics of the population discussed, your post lead us to believe that there were about 900,000 Black Africans living in the US. That obviously is not true.

So ... looking at the stats there were only 512K "black" immigrants from Africa ... even less than the "hordes" nunczka talked about.

Yes, not 900,000 African immigrants as you stated earlier.
Your point, or one of them, though was (as I understood it) that those "Africans" were on average so much better educated than most groups born in the US. All I'm saying is that the conclusion to that effect does not transpire from the census data you linked us to. The document deals with all people born in Africa (not just with Black Africans) who now live in the US.

A side note, but somewhat illustrating my point, is about a White South African who applied for a political asylum in Canada, citing racial persecution by Black Africans. The asylum was granted. South Africa protested and an appeal was filed. Not sure what the status is now. Regardless, is the White asylum seeker African or not? Tricky, huh?
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
25 May 2010 /  #259
I've read in today's paper that the man would have lived had the cops not been pelted by stones while trying to help the then injured guy. They we driven away.
He was shot in the thigh, but the femoral artery was cut.

This pretty much closes the discussion.

Cops shot him 100% according to regulations but he had bad luck for which they wont be held accountable, his mates killed him by acting the way blacks do though.
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
25 May 2010 /  #260
Here's another newsstory about the incident in Warszawa,

"He (Police spokesperson) said market vendors threw rocks and paving stones at police officers, destroying four police cars, after the Nigerian was handcuffed during routine checks on market traders".

"He said police officers had tried to stop the Nigerian man bleeding while waiting for an ambulance but they were prevented from doing so because they were still under attack. Thirty-two people, mostly foreigners, were arrested in the fracas". - Reuters


With regard to the robbery, police was here within 10 minutes. So no complaints there.

What if you didn't have the 10 minutes...there was no police to help the people linked in the article underneath here, but the son of the family was armed and saved his mother and father from the three africans who were going to kill them. Maybe that's why polish police should wear firearms when entering areas dominated by africans? Having a gun saved this family.


George8600  10 | 630  
25 May 2010 /  #261
I just don't want those poor, uneducated, foreign, cultural different people clogging my own country!

Is that racist? Well, then I am one! Shoot me...

Whats funny is that Americans used to say that about Germans coming over to the US in the early 1900's or Polish people who still come over here....

Is that ironic?

Sounds very much like the places where you belong.

Like Israel, where Ethiopian-Jews are unwittingly sterilized?

Funny how Israel is enacting Nazi policies which it escaped from to create it's very own country.... sigh.
Stu  12 | 515  
25 May 2010 /  #262
Please let's not compare apples with pears. The situation in SA is completely different than in the Netherlands. And to imply that all Africans carry guns is just preposterous. It's the same nonsense as when I would say that all Poles are drunk, uneducated rapists only good for picking fruit.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
25 May 2010 /  #263
"He said police officers had tried to stop the Nigerian man bleeding while waiting for an ambulance but they were prevented from doing so because they were still under attack. Thirty-two people, mostly foreigners, were arrested in the fracas". - Reuters

That statement is backed up by an image posted earlier in the thread. Two lads, wearing holsters, putting pressure on the africans gun shoot wound.

Whats was this african lads status in Poland?
z_darius  14 | 3960  
25 May 2010 /  #264
"He said police officers had tried to stop the Nigerian man bleeding while waiting for an ambulance but they were prevented from doing so because they were still under attack. Thirty-two people, mostly foreigners, were arrested in the fracas". - Reuters

That statement is backed up by an image posted earlier in the thread. Two lads, wearing holsters, putting pressure on the africans gun shoot wound.

That would point to the "protesting crowd's" responsibility for the death of the man. But so many posters cry racism regardless, before facts are known.

Elsewhere, on one of Polish news forums, I read a statement by a Polish woman who claimed her husband witnessed the incident and that the police office shot the guy in the side of the abdomen. The media report that the wound was in his leg. People doing what the victims was doing are likely to submit depositions against the police and that is logical. They would much prefer the police to have less presence in the area where a lot of iffy trading goes on.

Whats was this african lads status in Poland?

He was married to a Polish woman and they had three kids. That would point to him having some form of legit status in the country.
richasis  1 | 409  
25 May 2010 /  #265
Whats was this african lads status in Poland?

God forbid he only 'overstayed' his visa.

He was married to a Polish woman and they had three kids.

Yet another 'multicultural marriage' success story.
rychlik  41 | 372  
25 May 2010 /  #266
He was married to a Polish woman and they had three kids. That would point to him having some form of legit status in the country.

She must've been a heffer :)
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
25 May 2010 /  #267
He was married to a Polish woman and they had three kids.

Sorry for her parents and the kids.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
25 May 2010 /  #268
She must've been a heffer :)

Not really. She doesn't appear to be very ugly either. But then, he was a looker too :)

some pix here
richasis  1 | 409  
25 May 2010 /  #269
Not really. She doesn't appear to be very ugly either. But then, he was a looker too :)

She looks so happy in that picture. Gee, could that man dress or what?
convex  20 | 3928  
25 May 2010 /  #270
Are those stills from a security camera earlier in the slides?

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