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Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw

A J  4 | 1075  
24 May 2010 /  #211
Maybe Polish people do get exploited in Netherlands, but from the 6-7 years i've lived there i know for sure that no black or moroccan is exploited, yet they top the crime lists. So far for your excuse to commit crime.

You know for sure? How? Do you still live here?

Give me some examples of lies, falsehoods and manipulated facts or keep your mouth shut.

Well, like it or not, but you're spreading falsehoods and manipulate the facts when you use a list of fugitive suspects and somehow manage to claim that these are all the criminals who have committed crimes in Holland, while in reality, it's just one list of current fugitive suspects. It says absolutely nothing about the whole picture. You made it seem like the evidence that coloured people committed more crimes. I can show you other lists from earlier months aswell, and you wouldn't see any coloured people on those lists. Go ahead, you know where to find that site, so you can dig up the previous lists aswell. Sometimes there are more coloured people than white people on those lists, and sometimes there aren't. So that's why I'm saying it's false to claim coloured people commit more crimes when you're using such lists. Okay?

Nobody here has written that all people from a certain skin colour are bad, so what point are you trying to make?

Take a good look at The Racist Thread I've created again, and then tell me how your comments are not racist. Even ZIMMY pointed out such comments are racist, do I need to say more?

Just like MareGaea you first accuse people like me and DariuszTelka (if you read this: you are really excellent in writing what many of us are thinking but can't express because our English writing skills aren't as good as yours! keep on going!) of racism and then you come up with some ridiculous assumptions about us to back it up.

I'm not accusing you. I'm pointing out that a lot of your comments are racist. (Which is a fact.)

Again back up your insults or stop your lying!

I just did. (Again.)

Who do i try to silence? Who do i intimidate? Your mouth is getting bigger and bigger, just like many 3rd world immigrants in your country. At least you do a good job adapting to them, but as a typical leftie, i don't think you will have problems adapting to immigrants.

For your information: A lot of Dutch people consider Polish people third-world immigrants aswell. (I'm not one of those.) Something else you should know: I value European culture above all other cultures. I will always defend our freedom, and I will always defend our way of life. I will always put my own people first. Unfortunately, many of our people are not putting their own people first. I'm merely trying to convince people it's better to find a civilized solution somewhere in the middle, instead of trying to place the blame on one group of people. I'm objective from person to person. (Well, sometimes I lose a bit of my objectivity, but that's why I'm human!)

Poverty doesn't cause crime. Bad people cause crime. Like someone else pointed out, there are many poor people who don't rob or hurt other people.

I've said this earlier, and I will say it again: This subject has been studied worldwide. This is not my opinion. This is a fact of life. So are the Polish people a worse kind of people than Dutch people because they commit more crimes than Dutch people? (That's what you're basically saying.) I'm saying it's because of poverty. I've seen Polish people who were sleeping in stables, and I'm ashamed it happens in my country! I'm not using these figures to give Polish people a bad name, and I'm not trying to tell you Moroccans are doing so great in my country, because they really aren't! I'm simply looking at all these facts to come to a simple conclusion. An objective conclusion. Why? Because I hope to solve problems, instead of creating more problems.

So where are your articles? I haven't seen any.

Well, if you guys can give me a break for a second, then I might actually be able to take a good look into this, because the CBS has a really huge database. Every statistic about every little thing about Holland can be found here. (From how many toothbrushes have been sold to whom and whom commited which crime and when.) It's not something you dig up in a few minutes!

wzgrza  - | 46  
24 May 2010 /  #212
This has been in the news lately. What is the big deal? He was breaking the law, a scuffle broke out, tried to run away, there was aggresion towards the police, the guy got shot. No surprises here. Nothing news worthy, either. Next thing you know it will be arms across Poland for this poor black guy who got murdered by the cold blooded, racist Polish police. wtf
jonni  16 | 2475  
24 May 2010 /  #213
He was breaking the law,

We don't know that yet. There are differing accounts, nothing proven.

there was aggresion towards the police,


who got murdered by the cold blooded, racist Polish police

There hasn't even been a post-mortem on the victim's body yet to determine entry and exit wounds, never mind an inquest.
free_ones  - | 19  
24 May 2010 /  #214
Cut of this ********. If it in stead of Nigerian this policeman will have to deal with polish guy story will end exactly in this same way. What would you do in his situation ? Idiots overusing word racism. It has nothing to do with colour !!
wzgrza  - | 46  
24 May 2010 /  #215
Re-read my post. I am agreeing with you.

We don't know that yet. There are differing accounts, nothing proven.


There hasn't even been a post-mortem on the victim's body yet to determine entry and exit wounds, never mind an inquest.

The facts are blurry, but thats all we have to go with at the time. And there seems to be a general consensus that this is roughly what happened.
richasis  1 | 409  
24 May 2010 /  #216
I'm pointing out that a lot of your comments are racist. (Which is a fact.)

And yours are libtarded (which is more so a fact). Your point?

DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
24 May 2010 /  #217
What is that ? Any comments please

This debate is actually in full bloom in Norway today. A comedian, but with a university degree in sociology, called Harald Eia, made a 7 part documentary about public opinion and political correctness. (Can be found on NRK.no, norway's public television network). He talked to the typical leftist professors in norwegian universities, asked them questions like; "Are men and women created equal", "Are we born gay" and "Are blacks more violent than whites?" (And almost got beaten up while doing the series in a black area!). Typical firestarters in any debate situation. Then he went to top professors and scientists in Europe and the U.S. and came home with some really politically incorrect answers, that put the norwegian professors and sociologists in a very unflattering light. The Norwegian professors and leftist establishment went ballistic, attacking him and the network for spreading "Hitlerism", (As is popular by some posters here if they feel uncomfortable with the truth), and for making people "feel bad"(!). "He should stay with comedy", they moaned and the professors interviewed went into super-defensive modes and tried to excuse themselves with answers like; "I'm not interested in that aspect of the science"(!), and some even claim they lost sleep over these allegations (the one most laughed at was Jørgen Lorentzen, a gender scientist). It made them the laughing stock of all the internet forums and debate shows in Norway, and the commentary sections went on for hundreds of pages on the biggest newssites. Finally someone had let the cat out of the bag! Not soon after a professor named Ole Jørgen Anfindsen, came out with a book that is called "The suicide paradigme", about the european states and their suicidal policy of opening our borders to millions of people, who, as he scientifically tries to explain in his book, are "Just not like us", and which "will in the end kill off the european society as we know it". So some scientists, in the year 2010, have actually come out and said that the africans do not only differ from europeans in looks, but also in behaviour, intelligence and other important human traits. They have been norwegian (Afore mentioned), finnish (Professor Emeritus Tatu Vanhanen), english (Richard Lynn), american (James Watson, J. Philippe Rushton and Arthur Jensen) and of many other nationalites. Some even receiving nobel prizes for their work with DNA like James Watson. All have been viciously attacked for their work, but as professor after professor have dared to speak their mind, the debate is now "out there", and although some of the names I mentioned can be "easily" confronted and brushed away as "crazy", there are hundreds behind them, waiting to take their places. From Wikipedia on Race and IQ; "The claim that the IQ gap has a genetic component met with widespread criticism in the popular media, particularly after the publication of "The Bell Curve", but has today gained acceptance by the wider academic community".

You only have to look at Africa Vs Europe to understand that there is SOME DIFFERENCE! Check the nobel price recipients for the last 100 years, look at the ancient lands of Persia, Egypt and the like and what is left today. The same poeple living there are obviously not the same ones who built what we today marvel at. Look at the buildings in Europe, the castles, the churches, the infrastructure and the high level of science, tecnology and philosophy. We're taking pictures of distant galaxies and transplanting hearts, while africans still haven't found out how to run a democracy! Or even make a car, or create or invent anything close to what we do. And everywhere they go, wether it's France, England or Norway, or across the ocean to the states or down to Australia, the story repeats itself. Bad integration, poor grades in schools, low income jobs- and housing, high criminal rate, high sexual disease rates, high drug user rates and so on. There is not ONE SUCCESSFULL african country! (As compared to any european country). And there is no multicultural success story in any country they have entered into. They do not achieve anything, where ever they go, apart from tension and hostility, and ultimately failing to make a positive mark on any white society. (Sports and music do not count). We are talking nation building here, not entertainment.

In Sweden they started pixelating the black criminals to look white in "unclear" photos in the newspapers and on T.V shows...they have been caught lot's of doing this, and there was a big argument on a live crime show the other day, where the presenter almost lost his temper when the other host called it double standards, since swedish television regularly post pictures of white criminals. The main reason was not to "increase resentment among swedes"...oh yeah, that's gonna make things work. Lie to the public.

But I will also like to give a small applause to the posters, "A J" and "Usefullidiot", who have been able to bring the level of conversation up a bit from the MareGaea's and Harry's who seem to be more into person-bashing than actual debating the topic. I'm ashamed to admit that I have stooped to their level of bickering and personal insults a few times. Now back to topic; It is not only the immigrants themselves, although they do commit the crimes, but ultimately it is our treacherous governments and corrupt politicians who in telling us that we need to open our borders for the poor and needy africans and arabs, have created the foundation for what eventually will be an open out civil war among muslims and christians/atheists in Europe in the not too distant future. But the recent revelation that that the ruling elite in Britain (The Tory's) willfully have imported millions of 3rd worlders into their land, because they overwhelmingly vote "leftist" and will keep them in power, puts a big piece in the jigsaw. (Big newsstory a while back after the document was leaked to the press). This is just a plain and simple fact, and it's the same political parties that have done the same thing to all the european countries! I have reserved the highest tree in my garden for them. We already see the small fires breaking out in places like Paris, Bradford, Malmo and Oslo. Just look at the EDL for christ sakes, they came out of nowhere and suddenly they are thousand strong marching in the streets! The same will happen in France, Holland and Germany soon. These countries are not as patriotic as the English, but it's coming! Right wing extremists as you leftist call them like BNP, Front National, Sverigedemokraterna, Jobbik and more of them are getting seats in all the parliaments. Why? Because something clearly isn't working. The social democrats have failed miserably all over Europe, and they are suddenly waking up to a new day in their parliaments, sitting next to the man, or woman, whom they never would even talk to only years earlier.

Regarding to the "poor" argument; in Norway we're pouring millions into immigration, free schooling, free healthcare, free education, preferred job treatment plans, free kindergardens, humongous welfare packages, but still the africans and arabs riot in the street, and 4th generation pakistanis as young as 11 harrass and grope grown up women in gangs in our parks! Police can do nothing, as they are underage. If poverty really was the name of the culprit here, why isn't it better in Norway, than say some poor suburb in England? We don't have extreme ghettoes as they do, yet, we're still in the beginning of getting white no-go zones and if there's a problem we pour money on it until it's "contained". But one day the money will run out, and what happens then? It's not really about poverty. That's just the latest excuse from the left side, who are now finding it harder and harder to explain why our cities are burning and why their multicultural dream is not coming into fruition, rather rotting like days old tomatoes in the sun. Oh, and by the way, we just got a chapter of the worlds deadliest gang "MS-13" in Oslo, founded by well educated, well-fed, healthy, safely brought up, sons of immigrants. How do you explain that, "Well-travelled-MareGaea"? Or "Seven-passports-Harry"? (Sorry).

Poland has been poor for many years, yet, the prisons are not overflowing with murderers, rapists, drugdealers and other scum. Yes there are plenty of violent and hardened criminals there, but they mostly do not even come close to the violence we experience from the africans or arabs. They would never stab a 90 year old woman and then rape her, or gangrape 12 year old girls after drugging them! (Happens on a regular basis, just with different africans/arabs every time). They would not start shooting with machine guns in a busy shopping district or give hundreds of women HIV! There are no race riots in the prisons, there are no ethnic gangs or wings in the prisons stabbing eachother in the ball-yard. Why isn't Slovakia, The Ukranie, Belorussia and Bulgaria gripped by horror of mass killings, witch doctors who kill albinos, gangs that riot in the streets and women being raped every 7 seconds like in South Africa (Or any other african country)? These european countries are not exactly rolling in money and wealth! Oh, and by the way, you leftists in here, have you heard of the new racism in South Africa, where blacks kill other blacks, because they are taking their jobs and money from them? I've yet to see a polish man put a tire around a slovak and set him on fire and then push him down a hill to his death, because he wasn't polish...or 10 polish men machete a family with children because they weren't from the same country. But hey, your favourites, the africans seem to have no problems with doing it to their "brothers" and "sisters". Downloaded any "kill whitey" songs with your pal Nelson Mandela lately? You know, the one where he clenches his fist and sings..."kill the 'AMA-Bhulu'"?(Whites).


Peace out!

ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
24 May 2010 /  #218
Fact is there are more Polish immigrants in Holland than there are Moroccans. So as a group, in total, they commit more crimes than Moroccans. What's so hard to understand about that?


According to the 2009 figures from the Dutch statistics bureau CBS, there are 1,809,310 non-Western 'allochtonen' living in the Netherlands out of which there are 330,000 Moroccans, 1,478,396 Western 'allochtonen' out of which there are estimated 150,000 Poles and 13,198,081 'autochtonen' (native Dutch). As you can see for yourself there are twice as many Moroccans in Holland then Poles. Conclusion: I won’t bother discussing the rest of your outrageous claims with you, there's no point since you’re not misinterpreting the only statistical data which you trust but deliberately lie.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
24 May 2010 /  #219
Welcome Back, Sokrates.

My first ban i guess i'm a man now!

Also while shooting black people who're running for it is genetically implanted into all white people since the time we used to own blacks on our plantations i'm still enraged when people attack our police for doing their job, protecting the people and themselves.

Also Nigeria is protesting that we shot a criminal in mid-crime, given what kind of a state they are they can go f*ck themselves.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
24 May 2010 /  #220
My first ban i guess i'm a man now!

Do tell...what did you do?
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
24 May 2010 /  #221

Ah, I remember this, this is just history repeating itself.

Most of the people on here who are racist actually hate poor uneducated people, from war torn countries and since many are from Africa they make the false presumption that the two are connected.

The exact same criteria was used on Irish people when we were forced to leave Ireland in the millions due to desperation and

irish and Africans

This is just the start of this debate, so if anyone is interested in what I am on about I am more than happy to continue.

I would look to your own people's history before pointing fingers because I bet that at some point your people were driven, out of desperation, to do unspeakable things.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
24 May 2010 /  #222
Do tell...what did you do?

Casual racism :))))

With "Scientific racism Irish", from an American magazine, Harper’s Weekly , shows that the Irish are similar to Negroes, and should be extinct:

AHAHAHAHAHAHA thats focking awesome!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
24 May 2010 /  #223
Casual racism :))))

They are much to touchy these days...
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
24 May 2010 /  #224
I guess Pharaohs looked very white, don't you think?

Sorry i'm not entering any link or discussing Egypt, it inherently leads to mummyfied corpses, i'm scared sh*tless of those.

You can kick out as many Negros as you want. Truth is, Polish women will keep on mixing with them. How will you control that?

I wont, if they want to play with blacks and have brown children and HIV thats their cup of chocolate.

True, Native Americans had no writting, but they had better social systems and built architectonic wonders.

Ever heard of dark ages?

The social system where they were a stagnant people? Yeah awesome, architectonic wonders? Hardly, i can show you a dozen castles in Poland built by Poles and Germans that kick the sh*t out of anything the Incas erected.

Dark ages were still technologically centuries ahead of native americans so your point is?

Casual racism :))))

They are much to touchy these days...

Bloody n*ggers the lot of them!
richasis  1 | 409  
24 May 2010 /  #225
Most of the people on here who are racist actually hate poor uneducated people

Those of us who hate criminals, not the poor and uneducated, aren't.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
24 May 2010 /  #226
But uneducated poor desperate people make up a large part of criminals, that is the whole point.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
24 May 2010 /  #227
I don't hate poor and uneducated people...as long as they stay poor and uneducated at home that is.

I have also nothing against Arabs, Turks or Marsians...as long as they stay in Arabia, Turkey or Mars (the occasional holiday in Europe excluded).

I just don't want those poor, uneducated, foreign, cultural different people clogging my own country!

Is that racist? Well, then I am one! Shoot me...
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
24 May 2010 /  #228
Those of us who hate criminals, not the poor and uneducated, aren't.

I just want my country to remain relatively homogenous. Ditto with europe.

Whats wrong with that?
richasis  1 | 409  
24 May 2010 /  #229
South Africa which began degenerating as soon as blacks took over

NY Times: Postcard from Zimbabwe

"When the country changed from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe, we were very excited," one man, Kizita, told me in a village of mud-walled huts near this town in western Zimbabwe. "But we didn't realize the ones we chased away were better and the ones we put in power would oppress us."

"It would have been better if whites had continued to rule because the money would have continued to come," added a neighbor, a 58-year-old farmer named Isaac. "It was better under Rhodesia. Then we could get jobs. Things were cheaper in stores. Now we have no money, no food."

RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
24 May 2010 /  #230
Thats .........

Is there any debate in the Polish parliament or is Poland, like the rest of europe, about to become multicultural by default?

Circa 30,000 Irish 18-30 years emigrated to US/CAN/AUS/NZ/UK in the last 18 months. This is constantly debated and discussed in our parliament. Over 1,000,000 foreigners arrived on our shores en masse over the past decade. Not a peep, not a single debate.

Its important for Poland to debate, inform, and legislate for the impending "enrichment". As sure as night turns to day, Poland will eventually get its share of mass immigration.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
25 May 2010 /  #231
Is there any debate in the Polish parliament or is Poland, like the rest of europe, about to become multicultural by default?

We're a strongly catholic country thats been monolithic as a society for the last 65 years, the first major ethnic issue is going to cause an instant backlash of deportations etc, i'm not really worried about our politicians bending over.

Its important for Poland to debate, inform, and legislate for the impending "enrichment". As sure as night turns to day, Poland will eventually get its share of mass immigration.

Whether we accept it or not is another matter, personally i'm all for selective migration, Europeans who've been around for at least six generations (this allows us to avoid spelling it out along the lines of "no blacks or arabs allowed").
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
25 May 2010 /  #232
We're a strongly catholic country thats been monolithic as a society for the last 65 years, the first major ethnic issue is going to cause an instant backlash of deportations etc, i'm not really worried about our politicians bending over.

Around ten years ago, I would have said the same(apart from the shower of horrible bastards up north). As a teenager, seeing a black chap around my neck of the woods, would have been most unusual. Now, the area is predominantly foreign born. In 2003, my school had 900 students. A couple of Iraqi refugees, a few brits and one or two europeans. They probably made up 0.5% of the students. Now 60% of the schools students are foreign born.

I can back up my claims with governmental reports, but Id be going off topic. Anyway, my point is that demographics can change at a blink of an eye. You could feck off to America for five or six years and come back to find your hometown changed beyond recognition. Never say never.
richasis  1 | 409  
25 May 2010 /  #233
You could feck off to America for five or six years and come back to find your hometown changed beyond recognition. Never say never.

Agreed. But after returning from Amerika, you might still breathe a (tiny) sigh of relief. I know. I live in Amerika.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
25 May 2010 /  #234
Another aspect that people are not looking at is where the person shot was from, of the fifty four countries in Africa he came from Nigeria.

Oil War - Nigeria 2005


Bottom line: Shell arms and pays the military/government to suppress and even kill the local population for profit. 50% of the oil industry in Nigeria is Shell's and this has been going on for decades.

I am not excusing the man from trying to get a policeman's gun here in Poland and he paid the price for that with his life.

I am saying that desperately poor uneducated people from war torn countries are more likely to commit crime, it is not because they are African or black as some of the people here would have you believe, scratch the surface and you will find answers.
1jola  14 | 1875  
25 May 2010 /  #235
Some Nigerians do well in Poland:

From Nigeria to Lodz city council thenews.pl/news/artykul74196.html

After 15 years John Godson feels very much at home in Poland.

'I travel a lot. Each year I get to travel outside maybe four to six times. And I alwyas feel at home when I come back to Poland. Last December I was in Nigeria for one month. After two weeks I just felt I wasn't in the right place. I always feel at home when I'm in Poland. I don't know how to explain it.'

Epicurus  - | 30  
25 May 2010 /  #236
Let's hope Poles have the backbone to deport all these Africans and vote out politicians who allow them to enter Poland. If not, Poles can look forward to all the social problems that accompany blacks and the destruction of their unique Polish identity. It's odd how those who promote "diversity" end up creating the exact same type of populations everywhere.

This has been in the news lately. What is the big deal? He was breaking the law, a scuffle broke out, tried to run away, there was aggresion towards the police, the guy got shot. No surprises here. Nothing news worthy, either. Next thing you know it will be arms across Poland for this poor black guy who got murdered by the cold blooded, racist Polish police. wtf

Looks like Poles are not immune to the bleeding heart anti-racist syndrome. The fable of the Scorpion and the Frog entails this mindset well.
Stu  12 | 515  
25 May 2010 /  #237
Let's hope Americans/Canadians/English/Irish/Germans/Dutch/etc have the backbone to deport all these Poles and vote out politicians who allow them to enter the US/Canada/England/Ireland/Germany/The Netherlands/etc. If not, Americans/Canadians/English/Irish/Germans/Dutch/etc can look forward to all the social problems that accompany Poles and the destruction of their unique American/Canadian/English/Irish/German/Dutch/etc identity.

It's odd how those who promote "diversity" end up loosing their fish, geese and swans from the rivers and lakes, have Polish drunk drivers causing accidents, have homeless Poles hanging around their railway stations, have Polish men stealing or raping their women, have Polish women polluting the once so pristine American/Canadian/English/Irish/German/Dutch/etc gene pool, etc...

Just to show you how absolutely ridiculous your remark is. Get a life, you little frusto.
free_ones  - | 19  
25 May 2010 /  #238
I am not excusing the man from trying to get a policeman's gun here in Poland and he paid the price for that with his life.

I will make it clear. Those Nigerians live in society of violence. What you think guys ? Can you civilised them within 5 years of time ? Answer is NO. Still they will brake a law still, rape, kill etc. It is like with a soldiers. Individual who spend 20 years killing for army will not be able get normal quickly. He is able to kill human than eat hamburger over his body. They just get just to it. Here in UK Nigerians an people from Zimbabwe are banned. Probably because those countries are so corrupted that most of them has 2 different passports (30 years old guy with passport saying that he is 15, reason is UK has to do age check on him and let him in to the UK. Than usually they are gone). If it is so easy for them to get second passport checking criminal record doesn't make sense. Even if you deal with killer still he can get papers "proving" that he is a priest.

People remember we polish don't owe those Africans nothing, we never took advantage of them. I don't see a point of binging them here. It is too risky.

Ps. I study with them, I also was working around them, and sometimes I was teaching them too. Trust me, they are not educated, violent and so lazy that you cannot imagine.

Ps2. Someone could say: we should help them because they are poor. hehe in UK in a place where is 90% Africans population (UNI, Brixton) they discriminate Eastern European badly. Now there is only few of them in Poland and they attacking police. Can you imagine if we will have 10000 of them in our country?. They will feel like at home and problems will start like in UK. Countries like UK don't want them any more and they send them to Poland for example because they think that we don't know what will happen. Is it coincidence that we have in Poland Africans from Zimbabwe an Nigeria ? Guess what countries are banned in UK ? Exactly those two. They cannot get even tourist visa any more.

Honestly, I think they will never help you, why I should. NO WAY, get lost. I don't like politic but if I will find out that some politic group will fight against massive emigration from Africa I will vote on them, and I know whoever had to deal with them in countries like UK (where they are comfortable) will do too.

So did you hear? A policeman shot a foreigner in Warsaw...
paulinska  9 | 86  
25 May 2010 /  #239
I cant understand why this thread is online, First and foremost, No one knows the facts of the incident apart from the deceased (RIP) and the Police officer. Forget abt what the witnesses say - anyone could say anything depending on which side they're on.

Generally, i think killing someone for any reason is unexcusable and i'll not be dragged into this stupid debate of race cos it's very easy to prejudice the Police officer and yet it could be that he shot on purpose - how can we prove that? err NEVER!

Saying that the Nigerian guy tried to hustle the gun off him is very divisive - Why have the gun in the first place? Is this Polish Police policy, shoot on sight? I'm not naive to think that the police can't self defence but why use such excessive force? was it called for? Was the whole situation worsened by the amount of force exercised?

I've seen numerous Police raids across the world but you dont see police flagging around live arms unless u're dealing with fire arm dealers - If you want to see someone's status papers, is it necessary to have a live and loaded fire arm??

It's unfortunate that this whole episode involved people of a different race, however, i still think it could have happened to anyone BUT i codemn the unnecessary excessive force used. You dont kill a mosquito with a gun!! Common sense please!
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
25 May 2010 /  #240
Here in UK Nigerians an people from Zimbabwe are banned.

No they are not, they need visas.

Probably because those countries are so corrupted that most of them has 2 different passports (30 years old guy with passport saying that he is 15, reason is UK has to do age check on him and let him in to the UK.

I dont quite understand what you are talking about, first they're banned now they can get in if they are 15 years old? I think you are getting slightly mixed up with our assylum seekers laws whereby a person is more or less instantly granted assylum if they are a child.

hehe in UK in a place where is 90% Africans population (UNI, Brixton) they discriminate Eastern European badly.

I think you'll find white Brits dont exactly get a warm welcome in ethinic areas, that's why you wont see many living there, if Poles chose to live in these dirty ghettos then that's there problem, I would suggest doing a bit of research before moving to the UK if you want live somewhere nice.

People remember we polish don't owe those Africans nothing, we never took advantage of them. I don't see a point of binging them here. It is too risky.

I think you'll find that by joining the EU you didnt only sign up for just cash handouts and open boarders for work, you also signed up to mass immigration from 3rd world countries, it has nothing to do with you owing them anything...Poland are just another destination.

Countries like UK don't want them any more and they send them to Poland for example because they think that we don't know what will happen. Is it coincidence that we have in Poland Africans from Zimbabwe an Nigeria ? Guess what countries are banned in UK ? Exactly those two. They cannot get even tourist visa any more.

I think you'll find they apply for visas to study and your goverment gives them the visas, it has nothing to do with Britain. You also might want to check your facts, they are not (yes Im going to say it again) banned from the UK, they need visas.

Either way, most post was illinformed and I hope people realise that your comments are not ones of an English / British person.

Why have the gun in the first place?

The police have guns in the UK, the police have guns in the USA, why shouldnt Polish police have them?

If you want to see someone's status papers, is it necessary to have a live and loaded fire arm??

The police officer was plain clothed, who knows what kind of a unit he belonged to.

It will be interesting to see what is said after the enquiry, Im assuming that there will be one?

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