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Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw

RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
24 May 2010 /  #181
Everybody knows and it has been proven that poverty leads to a bigger rate of crime. Why do you think that the crime rate is much higher in the poor areas of a city?

Bollix. Poor people dont cheat, rob, rape and kill — criminals do.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
24 May 2010 /  #182
"Relatively speaking" is important to this debate.

Indeed it is. 2 per cent of the Polish population in NL is involved in some criminal activity. That leaves alone the huge number of Polish drunk drivers. 2 per cent of the Polish population...That's actually just as much as the percentage of criminals among the black population in Poland...So if we follow the reasoning of some here, Poles are just as criminal as the blacks in Poland! So what the heck are we talking about.

Oh, I see, the relativity is only important for the coloured ppl. 2 per cent of Poles in NL (which is a higher number than the number of blacks living in PL) is of course not as bad as 2 per cent of the blacks...

Poor people dont cheat, rob, rape and kill — criminals do.

Agreed, however, it is a proven fact that crime rates are higher in poor areas and when a poor person steals or kills anyone, it's a criminal.


M-G (sounds logic, doesn't it?)
A J  4 | 1075  
24 May 2010 /  #183
How does that explain the fact that many poor people do not commit crime?

Those people are very strong-willed and have a strong sense of decency, and perhaps it also has to do something with pride. (Or fear.) But there are also people who see corrupt liars and thieves up in the office, people who really have nothing, and such people might think it's justifiable to steal, rob or take something away from the people they see as the biggest criminals. (Which infact, they are.)

I'm not exactly rich either, but I'm not going to rob someone, or steal anything. I know I'm better than that. I've been humiliated to the core though, simply because some people have this strange idea in their minds that it must be you who's too lazy to become wealthy. They expect you to fix everything they've basically recieved on a golden platter, (Which is my opinion of kids with wealthy parents.) but they fail to see they've made everything so expensive that it's incredibly hard to find your way out of such a situation. Some people don't respond well to this kind of public humiliation, which happens from time to time, especially when you've done something stupid. Some people break under this kind of social pressure. (I call it social repression though!) It's not a nice thing to experience, especially not when you know you've always worked hard for your money. I don't need your pity or compassion though, so that's not why I'm telling you. I'm already taking steps to get myself out of this situation, and I'm confident I will make it. Some people aren't confident though, and may have a very low opinion of themselves, or lack the capacity or the opportunities. Anger can be a ***** sometimes. (You'd be angry aswell if you know what it's like, trust me.)

But let me rephrase the question: Have you ever seen Tiger Woods rob someone? Does Obama have a criminal record? Aren't black people fighting alongside white people in the American army? Aren't they fighting to secure your financial interests? It obviously doesn't have anything to do with skin-colour!

Let me rephrase the question again: Have you ever seen a wealthy person break into someone's house for a few Dollars? Have you ever seen a wealthy person rob someone for a few Dollars? I'm willing to bet that you haven't, unless you've seen a cleptomaniac who's addicted to stealing.


Agreed, however, it is a proven fact that crime rates are higher in poor areas and when a poor person steals or kills anyone, it's a criminal.

Poverty causes problems, problems cause crime. There are thousands of Psychologists, Economists and Sociologists who have studied this subject worldwide, and the results don't lie. It's a proven fact of life, but ofcourse these guys here have a better, and more plausible explanation. (They're starting to sound like a bunch of mini-Hitlers if you ask me!)

free_ones  - | 19  
24 May 2010 /  #184
That's something Hitler would say, and we all know how he felt about Polish people, don't we?

What is that ? I don't support fanatics like Hitler at all but before posting something like this READ something about it first. His problem was something different. It was not about Polish, Slovakian etc. I could say that you are not educated very well. It was stupid. I have been living in UK for about 5 years and it changed my point of view badly. I know Americans too, and still back in USA they have problems with Afro-Americans. They live next to each other for so long time and still the same xxxx. We are just not compatible. Regarding love, married etc. What is this ? Are you from Mars. Africans I know aim for ugly, fat girls because they know: "soon I will get a passport" than I will bring my family and friends. In next ten years in Warsaw we will have next Brixton in London. Black area where if you are not black you will get stubbed. Thanks, no way. Poland is not a place for them.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
24 May 2010 /  #185
Hey, learn to quote right, I didn't say that.


M-G (tsk)
UsefullIdiot  - | 10  
24 May 2010 /  #186
I take it you are now talking about Poles and other Eastern European migrants, willing to work for a salary less than what is usual in a specific country? They suit this description perfectly, namely.

I'm talking about anyone, Americans, Irish, Poles, Brits, Mexicans, anyone who is used as a means to lower a set of wage and/or labor standards [and in many cases breaking the law in doing so]...

Ah ok, so I have a new job for you: you can come and clean my toilet. After all, it's a lie that these ppl do the jobs that the natives don't want to do. I don't want to clean my toilet, so I will hire a useful idiot to do so. Great ideas you have. :)

You really are a Neo-Bolshevik leftist drone, aren't you? Is your brain wired to the BBC? The old classic toilet cleaning argument. Generally speaking, most people clean their own toilets, takes about 5 minutes or so. For those that can't spare that overwhelmingly HUGE chunk of time, they usually higher a cleaning service, who are generally made up of... drum roll please... working class people, employed by the CLEANING SERVICE. You are aware that there are thousands upon thousands of towns and cities around the world without any immigrants, and they all have very clean toliets. You really need to get out of that basement, and do some traveling.
shush  1 | 209  
24 May 2010 /  #187
I don't get what's the whole fuss about. It is normal to native of some country to expect from immigrants to obey the law and try to assimilate with them. If they are commiting crime they should be send where they came from, there is no reason why a host country should have to deal with such people. That rule should apply to everyone - African in Poland, Pole in the UK, Brit in Germany etc etc. I don't see the problem in sending polish criminals back to Poland (I would prefer them to be send to Australia though lol ), it just seems fair. They are guests after all so should behave as ones.
richasis  1 | 409  
24 May 2010 /  #188
Indeed it is. 2 per cent of the Polish population in NL is involved in some criminal activity.

I can (and do) believe that number.

That leaves alone the huge number of Polish drunk drivers.

If not, we're talking double-digits. :)

2 per cent of the Polish population...That's actually just as much as the percentage of criminals among the black population in Poland...

Any number of alien criminals, regardless of race, is too much.

So if we follow the reasoning of some here, Poles are just as criminal as the blacks in Poland!

This stands to reason. Yes, in fairness and principle, I agree.

So what the heck are we talking about.

We're on the same page, M-G. :)

Poverty causes problems, problems cause crime.

So, does unbridled immigration make sense?
free_ones  - | 19  
24 May 2010 /  #189
Simply GET LOST to all bad emigrants.
Polish policeman was defending him self. I would do exactly this same. At least his kids can still see their father.

Regarding emigrants in Poland I prefer Asian ones. They are not that problematic, they are useful and hard working people.

I am going to study now. bye bye
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
24 May 2010 /  #190
I'm not lying. Sorry.

But you are, you are.
You are lying. Just take a look at overall chart crimes reported for the Netherlands. Poles started to migrate to the Netherlands since 2004, the overall number of crimes reported in Netherlands have been dropping since 2002 and is much smaller then prior to the first wave of Poles ever hitting Netherlands, so despite the great influx of Poles to the Netherlands the overall numbers are steadily dropping, interesting phenomenon is it not? Besides the increase of 0.4 million for 2009 compared to the previous year is mainly due to various types of vandalism, suggesting that the crime was committed by younger people perhaps your own unemployed drug addicts with nothing but time on their hand.

The results I sited are taken from National Safety Monitor, a joint publication by Statistics for Netherlands, the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and the Ministry of Justice. You can look it up yourself. No one denies the fact that some Poles did commit crime while in Netherlands, however you are trying to prove it’s due to the influx of Poles in your country and lying as to what the statistics are, purely on some demented logic of yours stemming from sudden fascination of crime statistics without bothering to check out the facts or compare the data to relevant years. The overall crime in Netherlands was much higher prior to Poles migrating there period, now stop trolling.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
24 May 2010 /  #191
You really need to get out of that basement, and do some traveling.

You're right. I haven't seen much of the world just yet. And I haven't got a clue where those ten thousands of Airmiles in my account come from. And again, sweet irony, sb who pays hommage to his own nick...


M-G (has probably seen more countries that the useful idiot)
jarnowa  4 | 499  
24 May 2010 /  #192
Well, I am from Holland, and the truth is that the Polish are committing the most crimes here.

I'm still waiting for your fake evidence you promised to post yesterday after your lunch.

Here's the evidence that you are lying:

Out of 131 photo's or names, at least 70 are black or arab. Only 35 are for sure white. A few of them are either British or German and you can also assume that there will be a few native Dutch included. This leaves very little room for your stupid statement

the Polish are committing the most crimes

Shame on you to manipulate the facts to protect your criminal 3rd world friends.
UsefullIdiot  - | 10  
24 May 2010 /  #193
M-G (enjoying the breeze from a mile up my own self-righteous ass)
shush  1 | 209  
24 May 2010 /  #194
most crimes are committed by Polish males

Why dont u send them back to Poland then?
free_ones  - | 19  
24 May 2010 /  #195
What is that ? Any comments please


RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
24 May 2010 /  #196
How do Nigerians end up in Poland anyway?
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
24 May 2010 /  #197
Migrating from Western European countries, open borders remember.
shush  1 | 209  
24 May 2010 /  #198
How do Nigerians end up in Poland anyway?

They stopped over while going to Ireland.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
24 May 2010 /  #199
But you are, you are.

No he is not:


Translate it yourself, it says that 1 in 4 burglaries are committed by Polish gangs from Wroclaw.

Another one:


Again, translate it yourself. This is about the fact that bursting into a windowshop with a car is the speciality of Polish criminals in NL.


M-G (enjoying the breeze from a mile up my own self-righteous ass)

Gee, you really are not intelligent, are you?


M-G (tiens)
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
24 May 2010 /  #200
How do Nigerians end up in Poland anyway?

My guess would be via plane.

(BA, Lufthansa, Alitalia and Air France all offer flights to Europe from Lagos)
A J  4 | 1075  
24 May 2010 /  #201
Here's the evidence that you are lying:

You're desperatly trying the manipulate the facts again. These people are on the list of wanted criminals. These people are being searched for by the police department. This list says absolutely nothing about criminals who have been caught, because caught criminals aren't searched for. So what you really have there, is a list of fugitive suspects. Is this your proof that I'm lying? After the information one of your buddies posted here about 2006 and 2007? It was 2% of the Polish people back then, but I can garauntee you these figures are much higher now.

I'll post it after you've made some ridiculous accusations again. I didn't get to it yesterday, because someone else caught my attention. But I will, don't worry. I'm still waiting for you to answer some of my questions though, and perhaps this is why I don't feel like wasting too much time on you, because you're still displaying an inability to acknowledge a number of hard facts. You're also evading questions about your true nationality, and since I have told you my nationality, it's only decent to answer such questions. (Because it will prove my point that you're not the Poland expert you claim to be. Or even the Polish patriot you claim to be.)

ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
24 May 2010 /  #202
Translate it yourself

Why should I? Is it reliable source of information? My are the statistics taken from Dutch government sites.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
24 May 2010 /  #203
My links are highly respected and neutral newspapers. But suit yourself.


M-G (tiens)
free_ones  - | 19  
24 May 2010 /  #204
What is all about with NL. Do you realise what kind of people you attract ? Drugs addicted idiots and prostitute lovers. I have got what you want. The worst people from everywhere.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
24 May 2010 /  #205
Migrating from Western European countries, open borders remember.

Yes, but are they getting work permits or claiming asylum(lol)?

Why are the Polish government importing third worlders when millions of Polish citizens were forced to leave during the past decade?

Doesnt make sense to me.

For a little insight into Nigerian asylum scammers - irishsavant.blogspot.com/2008/08/letter-in-irish-independent.html
jarnowa  4 | 499  
24 May 2010 /  #206
Maybe Polish people do get exploited in Netherlands, but from the 6-7 years i've lived there i know for sure that no black or moroccan is exploited, yet they top the crime lists. So far for your excuse to commit crime.

It's not skin-colour which causes criminality. That's something Hitler would say, and we all know how he felt about Polish people, don't we?

Nobody here has written that all people from a certain skin colour are bad, so what point are you trying to make? Just like MareGaea you first accuse people like me and DariuszTelka (if you read this: you are really excellent in writing what many of us are thinking but can't express because our English writing skills aren't as good as yours! keep on going!) of racism and then you come up with some ridiculous assumptions about us to back it up.

Poverty causes crime. If you can't see that, you're blind, because I can give you dozens of news articles about Polish criminals in Holland.

Poverty doesn't cause crime. Bad people cause crime. Like someone else pointed out, there are many poor people who don't rob or hurt other people.

Before you say anything again. I'm not posting those articles to show you how bad Polish people are. I'm posting those things to show you that POVERTY causes crime. Now it's your turn to be honest and acknowledge the simple truth. Open your eyes dude! It's not as simple as you're putting it here.

So where are your articles? I haven't seen any.

You have the right to be negative about us. But you don't have to right to slander and spread lies and falsehoods, or manipulated facts.

You are a liar by telling that i'm lying. Give me some examples of lies, falsehoods and manipulated facts or keep your mouth shut.

It's also a sign of intellectual incapability when you're selective with the articles you present. There are always two sides to every story. Always. You fail to see the other side of the story. You blame it on skin-colour, and that's basically the same as what Hitler did.

Again back up your insults or stop your lying!

No he's not. He's simply pointing out the fact that you and your buddies are trying to intimidate and silence reasonable people with your hateful rubbish, childish insults and racist comments.

Who do i try to silence? Who do i intimidate? Your mouth is getting bigger and bigger, just like many 3rd world immigrants in your country. At least you do a good job adapting to them, but as a typical leftie, i don't think you will have problems adapting to immigrants.

Freedom doesn't mean someone else's freedom should end where your freedom starts.

It's you and your matey who try to limit freedom for the holy sake of Multiculturalism.
A J  4 | 1075  
24 May 2010 /  #207
Why dont u send them back to Poland then?

You can find that explanation in the Forum link whatever-his-name-was provided. We can't send them back after they came out of jail, because they're EU citizens, which gives them the right to stay here. (And commit more crimes.)

The results I sited are taken from National Safety Monitor, a joint publication by Statistics for Netherlands, the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and the Ministry of Justice.

Can you read Dutch? Or do you always rely on external sources? I will post statistics from the CBS, which is the only reliable source here. It's the only official source when it comes to statistics from our government. Nice try though. Oh, and another question, which period of time are you talking about to be exact? I'm talking about today. Not about last year, or the years before.

You can look it up yourself. No one denies the fact that some Poles did commit crime while in Netherlands, however you are trying to prove it’s due to the influx of Poles in your country and lying as to what the statistics are, purely on some demented logic of yours stemming from sudden fascination of crime statistics without bothering to check out the facts or compare the data to relevant years.

Some Polish people? We're actually talking about tens of thousands of people. I'm not trying to prove crime rates have risen due to Polish people. I'm just simply stating a fact when I say the most crimes are committed by Polish people. And if we're going to speak relatively, then they commit twice as much crimes as Dutch people. (Procentual.) Again, hard facts, which you can also read in the Forum report that your buddy provided us with. In the chapter about crime I believe. Do you even think before you post your links? Or are you just getting a bit too excited because Polish people are responsible for a most of the crimes which are being committed here?

The overall crime in Netherlands was much higher prior to Poles migrating there period, now stop trolling.

I can prove you're wrong, and I will. Infact, your buddy has already proved you wrong by posting that Forum report himself. Trolling? I'm serious. You can gang up on two Dutch people with all your friends in some desperate attempt to save your face by spamming us with questions, through sheer numbers, but that approach will not change the simple facts here.

You still haven't answered much of our questions. All I've seen so far from you guys has been denial and the manipulation of facts. So I suggest you follow your own advice, and stop trolling. Or you can start being honest, and acknowledge simple facts here, instead of trying to divert the conversation with procentual talk. Fact is there are more Polish immigrants in Holland than there are Moroccans. So as a group, in total, they commit more crimes than Moroccans. What's so hard to understand about that?
richasis  1 | 409  
24 May 2010 /  #208
Poverty doesn't cause crime. Bad people cause crime. Like someone else pointed out, there are many poor people who don't rob or hurt other people.

I believe that was RevokeNice - and that statement is the absolute truth. Poverty is the perpetual (and perpetuated) excuse.

You can find that explanation in the Forum link whatever-his-name-was provided. We can't send them back after they came out of jail, because they're EU citizens, which gives them the right to stay here. (And commit more crimes.)

Great. So just allow illegal (non-EU) immigrants into your country. Those criminals will drive out the legal (EU) criminals. And then the illegals get asylum.

What's so hard to understand about that?

Anyone in Europe illegally is a criminal - reported or not.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
24 May 2010 /  #209
Most crimes here are currently committed by Eastern Europeans.

So East Europeans means Poles in Holland?

I can show you statistic from the CBS in a spreadsheet, but I'm not going to be able to translate it, so this won't prove much.


You're outdoing yourself.
The conclusions of the research I posted are less convoluted. They state simply that Poles commit relatively few crimes in the Netherlands.

In fact, according to The Dutch justice ministry there aren't enough criminals, so they decided to close some prisons, 8 I think).

Since a year old data is insufficient for you, that article is dated May 20. 2010, just last Thursday.

So let's get that straight. Poles increased crime rates in Holland and as a result there is less crime?
jarnowa  4 | 499  
24 May 2010 /  #210
Is this your proof that I'm lying?

Talking about desparate. You now suggest that the wanted list isn't representative for criminals in general. In other words you suggest Dutch police is racist by deliberately putting far too many coloureds on the list.

Which is downright ridiculous, because Netherlands is the country in which so-called "racism" is about the worst accusation any organisation can receive, so it's extremely unlikely that criminal facts are being manipulated to paint a more negative picture of non-whites.

I already wrote Dutch police even lowered the already low standards for becoming police officer because otherwise too many blacks and arabs would fail the test and the police would be "too white" according to the socialist racists.

After the information one of your buddies posted here about 2006 and 2007? It was 2% of the Polish people back then, but I can garauntee you these figures are much higher now.

Show me.

It's no secret that i'm from Flanders and after living in the multicultural sh#tholes Antwerp and Rotterdam for way too long, me and my now ex-gf moved to Poland because EU gives Europeans the right to live in other EU countries.

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