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Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw

Ironside  50 | 13046  
24 May 2010 /  #151
No, you are a guest in Norway: if you don't like it, go back where you came from.

and who are you?
he is partly Norwegian
and you are all nobody


stop shouting you are not in the jungle

yeah right. This is what it results to when you cant defend yourself.

defended? you should defend yourself as you come across as racist
and ?I called you names because that got your attention, you .....
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
24 May 2010 /  #152
where they courses about criminals attacking policemen?
what were they conclusion that if criminal was an immigrant and black there is double reason for a policemen to rather get shot than shoot somebody because of slim chance that there is misunderstanding ? \

This was an incident, nothing more than that. An unfortunate incident, but an incident.

@DariuszTelka: do these so called reports also mention how much Poles there are in jail or how much Norwegians? I bet they do, but probably you just read conveniently past them. Like Harry said: you're a guest in Norway, who is complaining about other guests.


M-G (tiens)
free_ones  - | 19  
24 May 2010 /  #153
Dariusz Telka I agree with you. Probably most people who have had opportunity to deal with mix society too.

Massage for polish people:

Don't be naive and don't believe that everything will be fine while living around foreigners. It brings always only problems ... You don't want to be afraid that someone will rape your baby on its way back home from school. There is nothing in the world worth this risk.

Massage for foreign people:

If you want to live in our society, offer something from you too, respect law and people. If not GET LOST !!

Massage for polish government:

Check everyone's criminal record all theirs family members etc. before letting them in, because one day it could be your baby !!!!!!!!

If they brake a low send them back immediately. If they deserve prison keep them there than send them back.


British, French, Americans and many more took advantage of Africans in past. We, Polish didn't. Remember we don't owe you nothing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is a favour you are there nothing but favour. Remember that and don't mess around !!!!!
jamies  - | 5  
24 May 2010 /  #154
British, French, Americans and many more took advantage of Africans in past. We, Polish didn't. Remember we don't owe you nothing

But you formed a union with those that did. or what is the EU for?
free_ones  - | 19  
24 May 2010 /  #155
It doesn't mean that I have to pay for their actions. Pure logic, for me at least.
24 May 2010 /  #156

Actually, a large number of Poland's criminals moved to the UK when Poland joined the EU.
free_ones  - | 19  
24 May 2010 /  #157
Maybe you are right. But you know what ?, they do their jobs here and they work hard now. Without that you cannot survive in UK as a Polish. British don't give you council house, benefits etc. like in case of another 3rd world nationalities. At the same time I have to work study and I teach Cisco during weekends . Can you do it too ? I doubt it.

My conclusion is:

If you are foreigner or not in Poland remember, you are not in UK or Africa. Respect rules don't be violent, don't start with police because you can get shot. We are post communistic country. You don't mess with us. Simple as that.
24 May 2010 /  #158
British don't give you council house, benefits etc. like in case of another 3rd world nationalities.

Please don't tell lies: Poles are entitled to council housing in the UK.
free_ones  - | 19  
24 May 2010 /  #159
Yes, they do but they don't receive whole package like Africans for example. That is what I meant.
UsefullIdiot  - | 10  
24 May 2010 /  #160
Mass immigration is shock and awe class warfare against the economically immobile working people of any particular nation state. It's a tell-tale sign of ultimate corruption within the ranks of the ruling elite. It's goals are simple, lower wages / cheaper labor... The lies it hides behind are "jobs the natives don't want, and or jobs the natives are too lazy to do"...

Mass immigration is as sustainable as a swarm of locusts through a corn field. Sadly the only thing protecting Poland from this plague of US/EU style greed, is the simple fact that it isn't economically ripe enough for the harvest, not yet. What a sad predicament to be in, knowing that as soon as ripe bulging fruit begins to hang from Poland's vine, the elite of the nation will then open the flood gates of cheap third world labor, and suddenly this country will be awash in the Utopian Bliss that we're now seeing in Malmo, Paris, Birmingham, Oslo, Rotterdam, parts of London, Arizona, California... the list goes on and on...

Don't forget to repeat their mantra... "borders are an archaic construct, sustainable economics = a nation full of lazy people, and there is no such thing as finite resources." Oh yeah, I almost forgot the most important part of the tune... "I'm not a racist... I'm not a racist... I'm not a racist... I'm not a racist..." If you repeat this mantra enough times, soon you'll no longer feel entitled to live in an economically sustainable, peaceful, culturally continuous society. Don't forget to hate yourself for all of those modern privileges either, like living wages, low crime rates, and affordable housing...

Joking aside... If you can't quiet that bleeding heart that's pounding somewhere within your mind, then put it to a use that isn't a fool's errand. Vote in politicians that play fair at home, and that play fair aboard. Support trade between nations that is fair, and sustainable for everyone. Support sustainable demographic growth rates around the world, particularly in the Third World.

Struggles aside, Poland is a great country. Poles owe the world nothing, and you have just as much of a right to preserve your ethnic heritage, as anyone else... If Africans or Muslims are entitled to their own ethnic heritage, then so is everyone else. Don't fall for the lies...
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
24 May 2010 /  #161
Yes, they do but they don't receive whole package like Africans for example. That is what I meant.

Council housing is open to all.
free_ones  - | 19  
24 May 2010 /  #162
And weather is no so good too ... Don't catch details like this. You know what I mean. Are you 15 years old ? or what ?
It is better for you to not start benefits subject and foreign people in UK. It proves something else too ... massive fraud.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
24 May 2010 /  #163
Check everyone's criminal record all theirs family members etc. before letting them in

Hmm..maybe we should do that in the UK, I can name 4 Polish rapists (thats off the top of my head) and our prisons are full of Polish petty criminals...(we even have 2 prisons dedicated to foreigners)

As to this thread, a man died, regardless of his nationality thats a shame...But he shouldnt have tried to run..he just proved he was committing a crime (inocent people dont run!), as for trying to take the officers pistol off him (if he did) this was a clear indication he was quite happy to use it himself..so instead of a dead nigerian, there would have been a dead Polish police officer.

And the fun begins in Poland...just imagine it in 10 years time..We had another drive-by shooting at weekend, you have all of this to look forward to.
free_ones  - | 19  
24 May 2010 /  #164
Well, I am from Holland, and the truth is that the Polish are committing the most crimes here.

You are from Holland. What you mean ? When did you migrate there ... :) ?
gregy741  5 | 1226  
24 May 2010 /  #165
gosh!!!! where are our football fans when we need them?!!!!!! kick this sc....out from Poland
black can only create slums and ghettos.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
24 May 2010 /  #166
And, pls, do NOT use political correctness as an excuse. This has nothing to do with it. I'm not political correct when I bash racists.

you are an excellent example of a political correct person who denies being one.

you don't want people to tell the truth.
you don't acknowledge the freedom of expression, which means that people have the right to be positive or negative about any group in society, whether white, black, jewish, native, immigrant, people listening to rock music, people listening to rap, etc.

you actively advocate censorship on this forum and you try to silence people just because you don't like their opinion about some groups.

you basically don't deserve to live in a free country, because you only respect your own freedom.
A J  4 | 1075  
24 May 2010 /  #167
Mass immigration is shock and awe class warfare against the economically immobile working people of any particular nation state. It's a tell-tale sign of ultimate corruption within the ranks of the ruling elite. It's goals are simple, lower wages / cheaper labor... The lies it hides behind are "jobs the natives don't want, and or jobs the natives are too lazy to do"...

It's refreshing to actually see someone who does understand the core of the problem. Partially, because there are actually employers and lawyers aswell as politicians who actually oppose these people.

Mass immigration is as sustainable as a swarm of locusts through a corn field. Sadly the only thing protecting Poland from this plague of US/EU style greed, is the simple fact that it isn't economically ripe enough for the harvest, not yet.

It's not sustainable, because they forgot about middle class. Most immigrants don't spend as much, and with the labour getting cheaper, they couldn't even spend more if they wanted to! So ofcourse I don't think I have to explain to you that they're collapsing on their own foundation. They were smart enough to notice this themselves, and that gives me hope for the future. (Because they're already starting to sing a different tune.)

What a sad predicament to be in, knowing that as soon as ripe bulging fruit begins to hang from Poland's vine, the elite of the nation will then open the flood gates of cheap third world labor, and suddenly this country will be awash in the Utopian Bliss that we're now seeing in Malmo, Paris, Birmingham, Oslo, Rotterdam, parts of London, Arizona, California... the list goes on and on...

I can see only one solution: People should vote for a party who supports their own working class, which usually are the Socialists or the more social parties, and in some cases centre-right conservative parties. I hope people aren't going to confuse the Socialists with Communists again, or even Nazi's. Modern-day Socialism has nothing to do with National-Socialism, or even Communism.

Don't forget to repeat their mantra... "borders are an archaic construct, sustainable economics = a nation full of lazy people, and there is no such thing as finite resources."


Oh yeah, I almost forgot the most important part of the tune... "I'm not a racist... I'm not a racist... I'm not a racist... I'm not a racist..."

Indeed, I'm not a racist. Look at how you started your story. Is this the fault of the immigrants? Or is it the fault of the people who are currently in charge? Why should I be mad at someone else who sees an opportunity for a better life? I'd rather be mad at the one who's truly behind it. I'll give you that much, you've noticed who the real culprits are behind it all, which is a good start. I mean, it's pretty lame and uneducated to blame a foreign worker for all the things our politicians have decided in Brussels.

If you repeat this mantra enough times, soon you'll no longer feel entitled to live in an economically sustainable, peaceful, culturally continuous society. Don't forget to hate yourself for all of those modern privileges either, like living wages, low crime rates, and affordable housing...

Don't be too naive though, because societies will never truly be peaceful. There will always be some lunatics and criminals. I'm sure you know that already, and our history has proven this time after time.

Joking aside... If you can't quiet that bleeding heart that's pounding somewhere within your mind, then put it to a use that isn't a fool's errand. Vote in politicians that play fair at home, and that play fair aboard. Support trade between nations that is fair, and sustainable for everyone. Support sustainable demographic growth rates around the world, particularly in the Third World.

I agree. Fair trade and aid programs will eventually create strong and civilized business-partners out of continents which are now everyone's problem.

Struggles aside, Poland is a great country. Poles owe the world nothing, and you have just as much of a right to preserve your ethnic heritage, as anyone else... If Africans or Muslims are entitled to their own ethnic heritage, then so is everyone else. Don't fall for the lies...

Yes, but there's still no reason to hate on someone else if he or she falls for someone who happens to have a different ethnicity, or nationality. Love between two people shouldn't be societies' business, nor should it be any business of a government either. No one should tell people who to marry. (And no one should make it impossible for people to marry either, as we're experiencing now.) The truth is somewhere in the middle, and so are all of the solutions.

Not left, not right, but in the middle.

z_darius  14 | 3960  
24 May 2010 /  #168
Well, I am from Holland, and the truth is that the Polish are committing the most crimes here. (Sad but true.)

Sad and true thing is that you are a liar.

This is what is contained in Conclusions of a research paper
Poles in the Netherlands
A FORUM research fact sheet

Relatively little crime is committed by Poles in the Netherlands. Most common offences are traffic offences and non-violence property offences. Dutch police forces now work together with the Polish police in order to tackle crime more effectively.

FORUM is a Dutch, independent knowledge institute and centre of expertise for multicultural affairs.
24 May 2010 /  #169
black can only create slums and ghettos.

Sounds very much like the places where you belong.
nunczka  8 | 457  
24 May 2010 /  #170

Just thought that i should allow some of you liberal European just how oppressed the blacks are in America. This is in Baltimore. Same as most US cities. Notice the boarded up homes.. The white population fled the city. Most of these kids have no fathers.. The mothers are on drugs. And the State supports them. They dont work.. God only knows where they stole the bikes from.. Welcome to America.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
24 May 2010 /  #171
i do not see many of those in your country Harry.You jews talk much about tolerancy .do not see any in Israel....
besides i am not stiupid kid you can brainwash with your left liberal ideology of "tolerency"mixing races .i use to live 7 years in peckham london...no for blacks in Poland!!!!!!
A J  4 | 1075  
24 May 2010 /  #172
you are an excellent example of a political correct person who denies being one.

No, he's not. I know his background very well, and I can tell you we've both been very anti-PC in our youths. We're part of the generation which got dumped right now, because we questioned everything. Our generation was too annoying for the establishment, and something tells me that we still are, judging from all the lame comments I'm reading here.

you don't want people to tell the truth.

You don't want to tell people the truth either, because you simply place the blame somewhere, which makes you only partially right, but you completely fail to see what's behind it all. Learn to see the bigger picture? Immigrants are being exploited aswell. Just like Polish people are being exploited in Holland very often! Atleast I'm honest about that, being a Dutch person, and I wholeheartedly disagree with the exploiting of hard-working people, regardless of where they're coming from. It's not skin-colour which causes criminality. That's something Hitler would say, and we all know how he felt about Polish people, don't we? Poverty causes crime. If you can't see that, you're blind, because I can give you dozens of news articles about Polish criminals in Holland.

Before you say anything again. I'm not posting those articles to show you how bad Polish people are. I'm posting those things to show you that POVERTY causes crime. Now it's your turn to be honest and acknowledge the simple truth. Open your eyes dude! It's not as simple as you're putting it here.

you don't acknowledge the freedom of expression, which means that people have the right to be positive or negative about any group in society, whether white, black, jewish, native, immigrant, people listening to rock music, people listening to rap, etc.

You have the right to be negative about us. But you don't have to right to slander and spread lies and falsehoods, or manipulated facts. It's also a sign of intellectual incapability when you're selective with the articles you present. There are always two sides to every story. Always. You fail to see the other side of the story. You blame it on skin-colour, and that's basically the same as what Hitler did. Time for you to acknowledge something, because not only is that being negative about a group of people in society, that's completely racist. Or do you really want me to quote a dictionary to explain the meaning of the word racist to you?

you actively advocate censorship on this forum and you try to silence people just because you don't like their opinion about some groups.

No he's not. He's simply pointing out the fact that you and your buddies are trying to intimidate and silence reasonable people with your hateful rubbish, childish insults and racist comments.

you basically don't deserve to live in a free country, because you only respect your own freedom.

Freedom doesn't mean someone else's freedom should end where your freedom starts. If you see problems, you are free to discuss them. If you see problems within a certain group of society, then you are free to discuss them. The whole point is, that there are laws in Europe concerning racism and spreading falsehoods. I have to play by the rules, so that's why I expect you to do the same. Skin-colour does not cause criminality. Problems do. You're free to discuss those problems. So why don't you keep your racial hatred out of it and be objective? Maybe you'll actually learn something. I'm a very patient person, as you may already have noticed, and unlike you've showed us so far, I can admit to things I've done wrong, or things my nation has done wrong. Can you? Can you atleast tell us where you're really from? For the sake of honesty?

f stop  24 | 2493  
24 May 2010 /  #173
This is Warsaw? In pictures it looks like a 3rd world shantytown.
24 May 2010 /  #174
let me guess, the policeman is a racist just because the person was black? stupid.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
24 May 2010 /  #175
you basically don't deserve to live in a free country, because you only respect your own freedom

This actually made me laugh, coming from just about the biggest racist bigot on this forum. You really don't have a clue what you're talking about, do you? You babble on about freedom of speech and expression and all, but your "opinion" severely limits not only the freedom of speech of different groups of ppl but also the liberty of movement and their right to try and get access to another country in order to build up a future, a future they generally don't have in their own country. And then they are confronted with scum like you. You yourself are an immigrant, go back to your own country, I would say if I would follow your reasoning.

Mass immigration is shock and awe class warfare against the economically immobile working people of any particular nation state. It's a tell-tale sign of ultimate corruption within the ranks of the ruling elite. It's goals are simple, lower wages / cheaper labor...

I take it you are now talking about Poles and other Eastern European migrants, willing to work for a salary less than what is usual in a specific country? They suit this description perfectly, namely.

The lies it hides behind are "jobs the natives don't want, and or jobs the natives are too lazy to do"...

Ah ok, so I have a new job for you: you can come and clean my toilet. After all, it's a lie that these ppl do the jobs that the natives don't want to do. I don't want to clean my toilet, so I will hire a useful idiot to do so. Great ideas you have. :)

Sad and true thing is that you are a liar.

I'm not saying that Poles commit the most crimes as I haven't seen any stats concerning this, but truth is that we had and have (although it seems to get less now) quite some trouble with Polish burglars - only recently a Polish guy breaks in three houses, kills two elderly and is caught red-handed while committing his third break-in in one night. Also we have quite some Poles getting arrested for drunk driving.

is a Dutch, independent knowledge institute and centre of expertise for multicultural affairs.

Forum.nl is sth like PF and if Forum.nl is independent and trustworthy, why can't PF be instead of all those racist bigots that in a minority, but unfortunately are the loudest. What I am trying to say here is that the ranting of those racists is not really good publicity for Poland. Just imagine when a random person that's interested in PL visits this forum and sees all those racist spout their vile; what you think would be the impression that this person gets?

I honestly believe that Poland is a good country, and welcoming ppl from elsewhere is not only a sign of the times which they have to accept; it will also be an enrichment, because most of the foreigners who come to live there are decent ppl.

let me guess, the policeman is a racist just because the person was black? stupid.

Weren't you the one who was complaining that black ppl are racist towards you? Isn't this remark nullifying this complaint?


M-G (tiens)
A J  4 | 1075  
24 May 2010 /  #176
Sad and true thing is that you are a liar.

Dutch police arrest ever more Polish suspects. From 2006 to 2007 there was an increase of 24% in the number of suspects, 2% of the Polish population in the Netherlands. This is higher than the percentage among the ethnic Dutch population (1%),

As you may already know It's 2010, the borders have been open for quite some time now, and we have different statistics now. Most crimes here are currently committed by Eastern Europeans. I can show you statistic from the CBS in a spreadsheet, but I'm not going to be able to translate it, so this won't prove much. But why I say that most crimes are committed by Polish males, is because they are, by far, the largest group of immigrants and temporary workers in Holland.

2% of all the Polish immigrants and temporary workers means we're talking about more people than there are Moroccans or Antillians in Holland. There are more Polish people in Holland than there are Antillians. Relatively speaking, Moroccans commit the most crimes, but since they're a smaller group most actual crimes are committed by Polish people. And I shall tell you something else aswell. In my region alone, I know of atleast 15 Polish guys who got murdered. They were murdered by Polish guys. They weren't murdered by black people. That's reality for you.

I'm not lying. Sorry.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
24 May 2010 /  #177
POVERTY causes crime.

How does that explain the fact that many poor people do not commit crime?
Poverty is no excuse for thievery, burglary, brawls and/or murder. Your liberal sympathies are misguided.
richasis  1 | 409  
24 May 2010 /  #178
Sounds very much like the places where you belong.

Like Israel, where Ethiopian-Jews are unwittingly sterilized?

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
24 May 2010 /  #179
Your liberal sympathies are misguided.

What kinda remark is this? Everybody knows and it has been proven that poverty leads to a bigger rate of crime. Why do you think that the crime rate is much higher in the poor areas of a city? Not because of the number of black ppl living there, but because of the poverty there, the ppl don't have nothing, sometimes even nothing to eat, so they start stealing. It happens, and it has nothing to do with the colour of one's skin.


M-G (tiens)
richasis  1 | 409  
24 May 2010 /  #180
Relatively speaking, Moroccans commit the most crimes

"Relatively speaking" is important to this debate.

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