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Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw

jamies  - | 5  
24 May 2010 /  #121
France? No. England? No. Spain? No. Holland? No. Germany? No. Australia? No. The U.S.?

I now begin to wonder that all of you think that you own the world and cant live with other people that live in this planet with you. Its obvious that this is coming from an Eastern European Forum. I really dont expect any good from people here. Racism, Hate, Xenophobic attitude is what rules your world.
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
24 May 2010 /  #122
Racism, Hate, Xenophobic attitude is what rules your world.

I know, the muslims and africans are really bad. Here we give them a new life, security, free schooling, free housing, free medicine and still they call us racists and bigots if we ask them not to break our laws!

Oh, wait, you meant, us, the europeans...WE'RE the haters and racists...um...eh...for giving them all the above. Yeah, we are really bad, bad people.

I guess I'd better pack my bags and move to Uganda, and demand a better life there. Wonder how that's gonna pan out.

richasis  1 | 409  
24 May 2010 /  #123
I now begin to wonder that all of you think that you own the world and cant live with other people that live in this planet with you.

Very astute observation for your very first post here. Welcome to PF.

Its obvious that this is coming from an Eastern European Forum.

Let me guess, the name gave it away, right?

I really dont expect any good from people here.

You just might be surprised.

Racism, Hate, Xenophobic attitude is what rules your world.

Unfortunately, this has been a part of human existence since the beginning.
Still, today's forced Multiculturalist agenda policies tend to exacerbate this.

I guess I'd better pack my bags and move to Uganda, and demand a better life there. Wonder how that's gonna pan out.

Better still, maybe jamies will escape the intolerant racist West for tranquil, utopian Uganda.

You are ignorant my friend.

to think africans and arabs don't kill each other?
Ironside  50 | 13046  
24 May 2010 /  #124
coming from an Eastern European Forum.

sorry to burst your bubble but this is an American Forum where Poles from Poland are minority and DariusTelka is from Norway.

As for your remarks about origin eastern Europe is funny and maybe seen rightly as double standards .Your prejudices are obvious I'm sure that specialist could find racism in your post.

I'm have thought that you know better, one cannot expect it from Harry, welsh is welsh but you? I'm disappointed about the stand you choose to take on the issue ...
jamies  - | 5  
24 May 2010 /  #125
to think africans and arabs don't kill each other?

Thats why you try to do harm to them, cos they kill themselves....

These people were just like your fathers who immigrated to the US from Europe to find jobs... the Irish, the Italians... they also committed crimes too..but would you say that they love to commit crimes.... no way...they just wanted to make a living, but they were not given those opportunities. They sold in market places, they sold drugs, the committed murder, they stole....now it has changed. This is what comes with Immigration. I am talking about your father and grandfathers.

Give it time and it changes. Its sooo unfortunate that you will be dead by that time, or probably too old to understand the changes.
richasis  1 | 409  
24 May 2010 /  #126
Thats why you try to do harm to them, cos they kill themselves....

No, they're actually doing quite the job of that themselves.

These people were just like your fathers who immigrated to the US from Europe to find jobs... the Irish, the Italians...

Not quite. The America that these people ultimately came to was settled by their own European brethren.
Still, the Europeans that you cite immigrated to America LEGALLY and sacrificed their lives for it thereafter.

They sold in market places, they sold drugs, the committed murder, they stole....now it has changed. This is what comes with Immigration. I am talking about your father and grandfathers.

The very few who did were punished. American immigrants BUILT America. They died in service of their adopted country. Can the same be said today?
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
24 May 2010 /  #127
It's not like we expect Poland to be this super-nice, always sunny, crime free country, far from it. But isn't it enough with the crime our own people commit, do we really have to import people who have a tendency to be even more criminal? Where is the rational thought behind this?

When I turn on the T.V. in Norway, I expect to read about sharia police beating up people, some muslim complaning about his wife and 8 children being forced to take off the burka or some poor drunk norwegian woman being gangraped in a park. That's all part of my coffee and danish in the morning. But when I read this happening in Poland, then my heart just drops. I've already been forced out of my city of Oslo and out to the rural countryside in Norway, and now it's happening here too. So only Poland remains for me and my family now. This is indeed a sad day for all poles.

Better still, maybe jamies will escape the intolerant racist West for tranquil, utopian Uganda.

If only, richasis! On the contrary, all of the liberal, multicultural advocates actually are full of BS, they say they want a mixed state, but they take their children out of public schools, they relocate to safer areas and they only keep in contact with the 3rd worlders if they have to. In Norway this has been revealed several time just this last month in our daily newspapers. (Links can be given if wanted). It's the rest of us, the normal people who have to live in the actual mad world fantasy people like Jamies concoct up in their heads. He himself probably have never had a real black or asian friend. But he likes the pictures in the magazines, and the cool movies where the white and black actors are best friends and do cool things together, however forced it looks like.

These people were just like your fathers who immigrated to the US from Europe to find jobs... the Irish, the Italians... they also committed crimes too..but would you say that they love to commit crimes.... no way...they just wanted to make a living, but they were not given those opportunities. They sold in market places, they sold drugs, the committed murder, they stole....now it has changed. This is what comes with Immigration. I am talking about your father and grandfathers.

That is as far from the truth as one can come, Jamies. After 50 years in Europe, we are a divided people. In america, after 50 years, poles, italians, irish, germans and norwegians all moved into eachothers neighbourhoods, marrying eachother, working with eachother, building the country up to the most powerful force in the world. In Europe, the muslims stay seperate, move into their own areas, marry their own people and open their own stores with only family working in it. Big difference. There is no mixing as our european forefathers did. I'm of norwegian, polish and german heritage. My best friend is half serbian and half norwegian. The list goes on. But the pakistanis I meet. They are all 100% pakistani. Or iraqi. Or somali. You don't see a somali and a pakistani mix, do you? Only whites mix with africans, because they're told in school and by our media that it is "cool", or "in". But what comes from it? A child with a split personality without any real self-worth and home. My wife is catholic, I'm protestant, that's as far as our "split" go. Our child will never know or feel shut out or different, because of our marriage. In your society, Jamies, everyone will walk around feeling nothing, or just hate. Because they will have nothing to be proud of.

The very few who did were punished. American immigrants BUILT America. They died in service of their adopted country. Can the same be said today?

America of today, is mirroring the Europe of today, a complete mess, which is going down the drain so fast, it's gonna happen before our generation dies out. Poland, which we saw just now, is attaching itself to this destructive way of living. Why would all these nigerians get visas to come in and live in Poland. For what reason? To sell counterfeit nike's and drugs under their table? To be involved in shootouts with the police in our city streets? To become the topic of our discussion? I'd rather we didn't have this discussion! But you know what, because of people like you, we are having it right now.

And you call ME the hater?

vetala  - | 381  
24 May 2010 /  #128
Its obvious that this is coming from an Eastern European Forum. I really dont expect any good from people here.

Wow, racist and wrong! Stay classy.
jamesams1357  - | 35  
24 May 2010 /  #129
am polish by blood and africans know who i am and i know why they come to poland i give you a hint its got to do with black woman
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
24 May 2010 /  #130
Poland, do not mirror the insane immigration policies of our foolish leaders here in the west.

Some fun facts about african immigration.

My country experienced-

- A 400% increase in HIV, thanks to mass immigration from sub saharan africa.
- Africans 1300% more likely to be on welfare.
- Africans 1000% more likely to commit crime, compared to the natives.

I could go on.
Ironside  50 | 13046  
24 May 2010 /  #131
I could go on.

I know :D

Immigrants from Africa and Asia tend to see western country's as rich and they have no calms about taking from rich, at the same time they do not perceive western culture as superior or even attractive ....... well
nunczka  8 | 457  
24 May 2010 /  #132
Darius! A good post. Very typical of our situation in America. Our justice system, is broken A black man who commits a violent crime and gets a long sentence, is released after just a few years to ply his trade again..They stay on welfare having illigitimate babies with no fathers.

They contaminate our kids with drugs and turn them inti prostitution.

I could say more, but our liberal moderators have a way of not printing my posts.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
24 May 2010 /  #133
I'm escaping Norway to settle in Poland to get away from just this kind of multicultural experience

You know the difference between you and an outright racist is that at least they say it openly. You don't even dare that. You try to hide it behind semi-intelligent drivel, but you're saying basically the same.


M-G (lunch)
free_ones  - | 19  
24 May 2010 /  #134
Ok. I will make it clear. We don't want this same situation like in USA or UK. Cut of this O.J. talking guys. We have completely different values, traditions etc. It's not gonna work anyway. Based on stats and my own experience abroad, definitely no ... You are trying hide behind words racism etc. You know who creates this law ?. Some wealthy fat guy who owns 15 banks and lives in really nice area without that kind of problems and foreign people around his kinds. For him those people are just profit and cheap labour. He will never let them live around him. You expect from us respect in our own country. We gave you a chance and you attack our policeman. I can only assume what will happen with polish guy in Africa attacking policeman ...

I study in UK. In my campus we have all kind of people from everywhere. You know what I want to finish my study I get out from this country asap. Last time I was sitting with my friend from Somalia in library. There was some musli guy browsing an internet next to us for about 3h. Do you know what exactly he was doing ? Watching suiciders burning them self alive, bombs, some fanatics shooting around for a 3h constantly. I said to my friend: look at this guy, he is nuts. Guess what?, even that Somalian guy knows me for so long time and he didn't know this another guy at all he started defending him and he was almost aggressive. It's dangerous and stupid. British are afraid of foreign people in own country. Within last 5 years I heard a lot of stories and I have had a lot of situations by myself. No thanks ... changes are good but only if they bring something good. Tell me than, what Nigerians bring to our country ? In UK they are banned already. Why ? I don't know and I don't care. It means something, does it ?

Ps. I came to UK 5 years ago and I was always defending Africans, because of history etc. Now I know that true is different ...
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
24 May 2010 /  #135
You know the difference between you and an outright racist is that at least they say it openly. You don't even dare that. You try to hide it behind semi-intelligent drivel, but you're saying basically the same.

Is that your diagnosis, doctor left-wing nutcase? Nothing to rebute my claims, or ask for any links to my "racist drivel"? All you have up your sleeve is the "racist-card"? That is the last resort, of leftleaning, hippie-nonsense and shows that you have nothing to answer back with. I'm seriously fed up with people who can't argue the case, but has to argue the person.

I don't HATE black or muslim people because of their skin or religion. I HATE them because of their actions. If they just stopped breaking all our laws and treating us like dirt, then I would gladly accept them into my society. But so far, that doesn't seem likely to happen any day soon. And if you think they do all this because we whitey's are devils and racists, then you need to check you head.


Thanks for calling my posts "semi-intelligent"!! That inspires me to reach for new heights. Or lows in you eyes.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
24 May 2010 /  #136
Nothing to rebute my claims

Your claims? What claims? All I hear you say is that the blacks are treading on Norwegian law with both feet and that only one conclusion can follow, them out of there. That is all you're saying, so to me you're the same, albeit you use different terminology.

I HATE them because of their actions

You can dislike certain individuals for their behaviour, but no group is alike and can NEVER be accounted for the actions of an individual. If that were the case, it would be perfectly ok for me to call all Poles burglars, killers and thieves as a couple of them are currently in jail in NL for doing just that. But I don't and you know why that is? Because I know they are individuals, bad individuals and I know that not all Poles are like that. But that is a stage you yet seem to have to reach. Not a problem, it will take some time and some day you will, but just not yet.


M-G (tiens)
free_ones  - | 19  
24 May 2010 /  #137
One last think. I am just wondering what will happen if this guy will successfully grab this gun. Most likely he will shot policeman and they will star dancing around his body. It will motivate them to do it again and again. Now they have learned a lesson ...
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
24 May 2010 /  #138
Your claims? What claims?

The two-three dozens of links I've posted here on PF over the last year? The statistics about immigration and crime that is available online for all to see in whatever european country you reside in? The weekly stories about botched integration and violence? The muslim terrorist threat, you remember the London and Madrid bombings? Do you really refuse to acknowledge the fact that Europe is suffering under failed immigration policies and that Poland now are the next in line for this suicidal policy of mass murder of our women and children?

Obviously I can't beat a dead horse, MareGaea, but you seriously need to open your window and smell the kebab. And beware of the guy making it.

free_ones  - | 19  
24 May 2010 /  #139
Because I know they are individuals, bad individuals and I know that not all Poles are like that. But that is a stage you yet seem to have to reach. Not a problem, it will take some time and some day you will, but just not yet.

Are you serious ? Individuals ? Ask any British what they think about Polish and what about Africans ?
I will tell you:
Polish: generally hard working people not problematic (of course individuals are bad)
Africans: generally criminals, some individuals are ok

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
24 May 2010 /  #140
Most likely he will shot policeman and they will star dancing around his body. It will motivate them to do it again and again. Now they have learned a lesson

What would happen? He would be arrested or overpowered by the other officers, he would go to jail and receive the sentence he deserved. That's what would happen in a normal law abiding society.

The two-three dozens of links I've posted here on PF over the last year?

I've seen them, but are they representable for the entire population? One thing you should remember it's all too easy to hate a group just because you don't like certain individuals within that group. The better way is to look at it person per person, which is harder, but more smart. I have opened my window and I've seen what is going on. All I see is terrified ppl, scared of anything new and different. Once you can set yourself over that fear, you will see that it's not as bad as it may seem. All you have to do is get rid of stupid prejudices and unfounded hate. You can dislike an individual and there are a few black individuals that I truly don't like, but I am smart enough not to look at the whole group the same way. Everybody is different and once you understand that, you will have a better life. I've also seen the pics you posted here recently. What kind of impression you think they leave behind?

Polish generally hard working people not problematic (of course individuals are bad)
Africans: generally criminals, some individuals are ok

And you really don't see that this is a very racist remark? Poles are not that well loved in the UK, you know. But I guess it's ok to bash on the blacks and not ok to bash on Poles.


M-G (Poland 1990: an all white stereotype family; Poland 2010: a picture taken during some rebellion somewhere in the world and presented as if that is the future of Poland. I would say that is pretty racist)
jamies  - | 5  
24 May 2010 /  #141
it would be perfectly ok for me to call all Poles burglars, killers and thieves as a couple of them are currently in jail in NL for doing just that. But I don't and you know why that is? Because I know they are individuals, bad individuals and I know that not all Poles are like that.

Thanks for saying that. They just dont know. I would have to repeat that Most of them here are ignorant and its sad. People from a country could be good and bad. But you just dont conclude that all Nigerians are bad or all Arabs are evil. If most of them on this thread are educated, they would have learnt about the Falacy of Hasty Generalization. Its a philosophy course that is taught in the first yr of All Studies in the university. Maybe you dont have that in your schools....little wonder they just blah blah blah here.
24 May 2010 /  #142
I've read, and heard several times, that the immigrants that come from the 3rd world do not respect our laws and our society.

Got to love seeing an immigrant mouthing off about other immigrants and claiming that he's better than them because they are third world immigrants while he is second world!

In Norway, (I use Norway as an example because I live here),

No, you are a guest in Norway: if you don't like it, go back where you came from.

I guess I'd better pack my bags and move to Uganda, and demand a better life there.

Good idea, you've already moved to Norway and demanded a better life there. Now you're whining about Norway so you probably should go elsewhere.

I'm escaping Norway to settle in Poland to get away from just this kind of multicultural experience

You're going back where you came from? Well, I'm sure that the anti-immigrant idiots in Norway will approve of that.
Ironside  50 | 13046  
24 May 2010 /  #143
Falacy of Hasty Generalization.

read my previous post to you, you stupid ****** - maybe that will get your attention
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
24 May 2010 /  #144
Hasty Generalization

This falls in the same category as assumption, presumption and generally leads to wrong judgements and eventually to unfounded hatred. Yes, my friend, when I was in university, I had a small philosophy course too in which the term was being discussed.


M-G (lunch)
jamies  - | 5  
24 May 2010 /  #145
you stupid ******

yeah right. This is what it results to when you cant defend yourself. You can use abusive words all you want. Shows how Intolerant you are.
free_ones  - | 19  
24 May 2010 /  #146
Do you realise that you overuse word racism. Once again if you don't respect law and society get lost whoever you are; Spanish, Polish, African etc. I thing this conversation is pointless MareGea. You sounds like my Somalian friend. You will always defend "Own People" whatever they will do.

Regarding this:
Polish: generally hard working people not problematic (of course individuals are bad)
Africans: generally criminals, some individuals are ok

I have heard this from hundreds of British and Indians living in UK
A J  4 | 1075  
24 May 2010 /  #147
Its a philosophy course that is taught in the first yr of All Studies in the university. Maybe you dont have that in your schools

Well, I've never done any of those courses, but to me it's actually so simple and logical I think any four year old should be able to comprehend natural behaviour. Do children hate eachother when they grow up together? No they don't! Sadly some adults make them hate eachother.


I have heard this from hundreds of British and Indians living in UK

Sure, just like Jarnowa heard that the Polish in Holland are completely innocent, because according to him the most crimes were committed by black people. (He figured all of this out after translating one homepage.)

Well, I am from Holland, and the truth is that the Polish are committing the most crimes here. (Sad but true.) When I post a news articles about it, they get deleted. Apparantly you're only allowed to talk about coloured people, immigrants and foreigners here, as long as they aren't Polish or white. So what's the matter? Can't face reality? I didn't hear this from hundreds of people. I've seen, heard and read this on the news, I see it happening around me almost daily, I hear about burglary, theft and robbery everyday, have been a victim of robbery by a few Polish guys for a few times already, and all the figures from our national bureau of statics don't lie either.

In some countries, coloured people have problems. Yes. But there are also people who create these problems for them. So grow some balls and acknowledge that. Then you're being honest, and maybe then we can talk.

Ironside  50 | 13046  
24 May 2010 /  #148
had a small philosophy course too in which the term was being discussed.


where they courses about criminals attacking policemen?
what were they conclusion that if criminal was an immigrant and black there is double reason for a policemen to rather get shot than shoot somebody because of slim chance that there is misunderstanding ? \
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
24 May 2010 /  #149
Exactly. When the norwegian police last year confirmed that a 100%, yes that's a whopping ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of all the 144 REPORTED gangrapes were committed by 3rd world immigrants on ETHNIC WHITE WOMEN.

How about the fact that 70% of all immigrant inmates in prison in Norway are serving sentences that are longer than 1 year? Which means serious crime, in the lax norwegian criminal system. For you, leftist, that means robbery, stabbing, rape, drugs and murders. You know, "their thang".

The biggest prisons in Norway have over 70% immigrants incarcerated in their facilities, compared to 30% for the indigenous populace.

Africans score lowest on all work-participation serveys and highest on the crime and welfare receiving ones.

25% of all pakistanis in Norway were in one way or another involved in money-laundering, welfare-scams or tax-frauds last year. In one instance over 300 cab drivers were caught in one swoop. Total bill? 60 millon euroes scammed away in pakistani villages, where norwegian reporters found million euro homes, complete with cooks, servants and nannies.

Many schools in Norway are now almost 100% non-norwegian. Except for the teachers who receive extra benefits if they stay there and teach pupils who come to the school at age six without even knowing the language.

And on and on and on....have you read the threat "Mass immigration to Poland?"....many links there, not only from me, but also from other "racists".

I do not want this for Poland. Is that really so hard for you to understand, without calling me a "racist"?

free_ones  - | 19  
24 May 2010 /  #150
Did any of you defenders was chased by guy with knife in his hand ?
If not, go back to your mum and stop talking nonsenses. I give you one year in that kind of environment and all you will change its mind.

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