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Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
23 May 2010 /  #91
Yeah, that's why I said perhaps I am misunderstanding you, it didn't sound like you :)

No prob, my friend :)


M-G (tiens)
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
23 May 2010 /  #92
As I understand it, loads of ppl started throwing stuff at the police. I would call that making wrong decisions, wouldn't you?

6 policemen were wounded quite badly, including the policeman whose gun went off (I say went off because if there was a struggle for the gun, well then we don't know exactly who did what).

32 people were arrested because they threw stones, chairs and anything at hand, at the police, it was a riot.
The guy who was shot had been to prison in Poland before this and legged it when the cops showed up, so they pursued him, got him to the ground, all hell broke loose with a riot, the guy was shot while trying to get the policeman's gun. And then the police couldn't get to the shot man to help him because of the riot.

Is my understanding of what the various newspapers say.
richasis  1 | 409  
23 May 2010 /  #93
As I understand it, loads of ppl started throwing stuff at the police. I would call that making wrong decisions, wouldn't you?

Yes, rioting against the police is never a good way to remain low-key when one is a criminal perpetrator

all hell broke loose with a riot, the guy was shot while trying to get the policeman's gun

Well, this is the fault of the racist host-country who didn't do enough...
maya160281  - | 6  
24 May 2010 /  #94
Hey guys...it really bad..it mere racism and i read the police met with aggression,even if its true, the police that shoot is stupid and incompetence.

(1) In protective intelligence and threat accessment he has failed...i know there re other places he could have shot e.g in the leg to stop the assault.Why must he shoot to kill.


(3) Time will judge.
shush  1 | 209  
24 May 2010 /  #95

How is that racism?
maya160281  - | 6  
24 May 2010 /  #96
It is known also some cases where u need information from a presume criminal...you dont kill him...you disable him and make him unable to hurt..you..why did he have to shoot to kill.That is what baffled me...I repeat...it is mere RACISM and these is bad.Dont forget we have polish citizens also in other countries.Think.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
24 May 2010 /  #97
i know there re other places he could have shot e.g in the leg to stop the assault

It's almost impossible to aim at the leg when a person is aggressive, because that person is constantly moving his body.

Even if he aimed at the thigh, the object moves all the time, and a hit in the abdomen is extremely common.
maya160281  - | 6  
24 May 2010 /  #98
what else to you expect from the interpretation....RACISM ofcourse...Just tell why you think he shot to KILL.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
24 May 2010 /  #99
1. A person who stands still is very easy to shoot in the thigh.
2. A aggressive person who is moving all the time, is extremely difficult to shoot in the thigh.

As I said, in situation nr 2 it's extremely common to hit the abdomen, even if you aim at the thigh.

Shooting a moving person in leg below the knee is almost impossible.
maya160281  - | 6  
24 May 2010 /  #100
you are right...but belive me if he had wanted to shoot to disable the presume criminal he could have.beleive me...its human soul we are talking about.I repeat again if it was a criminal that sensitive information is needed from him.he would have somehow not shot him to kill him.i see this as man inhumanity to man...and beef
shush  1 | 209  
24 May 2010 /  #101
Just tell why you think he shot to KILL.

Because they were struggling for gun, the guy wanted to take away the police officer's gun so how the policeman suppose to CHOOSE where to shoot?

Anyway, just read what was already said, it just plain stupid what u are saying, sorry.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
24 May 2010 /  #102
the guy wanted to take away the police officer's gun so how the policeman suppose to CHOOSE where to shoot?

Good point.
zuczek  3 | 52  
24 May 2010 /  #103
People talking about shooting to "wound" have no experience with firearms. I even question this idea that Polish Police have a "shoot to wound" first order because it is extremely impractical. In most all Modern Police departments the firearm is a deadly force tool and you shoot to kill if it comes to that. Trying to shoot someone in the leg is ridiculously impractical and can still kill them by hitting a major artery. This kind of silly idea comes from TV and people who have never touched a gun, not real life.
maya160281  - | 6  
24 May 2010 /  #104
ok...may be i was just angry...it has already...
shush  1 | 209  
24 May 2010 /  #105
In most all Modern Police departments the firearm is a deadly force tool and you shoot to kill if it comes to that

Probably it's right - if someone has to shoot at all so probably in self-defense, otherwise why fire a gun at all?
maya160281  - | 6  
24 May 2010 /  #106
now i see your point...but its unfortunate
richasis  1 | 409  
24 May 2010 /  #107
It's almost impossible to aim at the leg when a person is aggressive, because that person is constantly moving his body.

Even if he aimed at the thigh, the object moves all the time, and a hit in the abdomen is extremely common.

Absolutely! All these armchair-sharpshooter libtard-types really show their 'true colors' with these screams of racism.

If this were racism, all of these criminal perpetrators would not be in Poland to begin with. Please allow me reiterate:

This incident proves both tragic and unfortunate.

Tragic is that the perpetrator was ever in Poland.

Unfortunate is that Poland has to $hip him home.

Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
24 May 2010 /  #108
Just tell why you think he shot to KILL.

It wouldn't matter where one is shot, if the bullet travelled along the bone and ripped a few arteries or went through multiple organs. The result would be the same. The entrance and exit wounds don't always appear in a straight line.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
24 May 2010 /  #109
i know there re other places he could have shot e.g in the leg to stop the assault.

Holywood fiction. It is standard police practive to aim for the largest target i.e. the stomach.
free_ones  - | 19  
24 May 2010 /  #110
I don't understand where is a problem. Who cares who was this guy ?, Polish, Russian, American etc. You attack police it is very likely you will get shot. I live in UK and I f.....ing hate if I have to past by Brixton in London and hope to not get stubbed because I am white foreigner. Cut of this O. J. bull....t !. You migrate to any country, respect law, rules and leaving there people. Work, study, set up own business but do not commit crime. Doesn't matter where from you are. If you don't want to do it get lost or get shot. Poland it's not UK that everyone can do whatever they want without consequences. British have enough of this s.... They sell own properties and leaving to Australia for instance. I don't want to be afraid of foreign people in my own country like them. Lesson number one.

Ps. guess what will happen to you if you will attack Nigerian policemen in Nigeria ...
richasis  1 | 409  
24 May 2010 /  #111
I don't understand where is a problem.

The problem is: this man should have come to USA illegally. He would be openly-settled and regularly sending money to his Swiss bank account. :)
rychlik  41 | 372  
24 May 2010 /  #112
First of all, this could've happened anywhere.
Secondly, I don't care who you are and what you do but nobody wants to shoot someone for no reason. If this Nigerian tried to steal the gun of the Police officer then of course he deserved to get shot. Should the police officer lose his life so he does not offend the n'igger?! That's absurd. Don't f'uck with the police. I know I never have. The surprising thing is that there are 32 Nigerians selling s'hit in Warsaw. What the h'ell, are they trying to turn the city into Paris or something? If they're into illegal s'hit, deport them.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
24 May 2010 /  #113
(1) In protective intelligence and threat accessment he has failed...i know there re other places he could have shot e.g in the leg to stop the assault.Why must he shoot to kill.

Trying to shoot someone in the leg is ridiculously impractical and can still kill them by hitting a major artery.

And this is, as it turns out, exactly what happened.
The shot was in the leg and the victim died as a result of blood loss.

This would indicate that either one, or both are true:

- the officer did no shoot to kill
- the death is accidental, as it may have resulted from the struggle for the weapon.

It is very heartwarming to see so many posters display their deep humanism in defense of the previously convicted criminal resisting arrest, and so eager to crucify the police officer who risked his life. All that before any court dates have been even set, if they will e set at all.

It seems there is a lot of real talent here. People who hold mediocre jobs teaching English in, of all places, Poland, while they could be solving some really complex criminal puzzles. At a phenomenally low cost I may add. After all, they reached the verdict without talking to even one witness, or police officer.
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
24 May 2010 /  #114
OMG! that area of Warsaw looks like a fukcing jungle... negroes bez koszuly, bez buty.... Who is responsible for this $hit??? too late for Poland, last guy out, turn the lights off.....

Damn it..I'm escaping Norway to settle in Poland to get away from just this kind of multicultural experience...and this is what Poland has turned into in a matter of years? Where can I go, if not Poland to still experience the european way of life, free from shoe- and shirtless africans wrestling the local police? France? No. England? No. Spain? No. Holland? No. Germany? No. Australia? No. The U.S.? No. If not even Poland, then we're sh*t out of luck folks.


  • Poland 1990

  • Poland 2010
southern  73 | 7059  
24 May 2010 /  #115
Poland and Russia are the two places in Europe where Blacks risk getting beaten or killed.
richasis  1 | 409  
24 May 2010 /  #116
Damn it..I'm escaping Norway to settle in Poland to get away from just this kind of multicultural experience...and this is what Poland has turned into in a matter of years?

WOW - I wanted to post this same thing, Dariusz. I too am leaving my home-country (USA) to resettle in Poland. You've expressed my feelings exactly.

BTW Dariusz: your post may have qualified you for AJ's Racism Thread. Apparently, we aren't entitled to free-thought in his idealistic, enlightened world.

Poland and Russia are the two places in Europe where Blacks risk getting beaten or killed.

I sometimes think Russia may be the last bastion of hope for those who desire to escape the ever-encroaching Multiculturalist agenda of the NWO/PTB.
plk123  8 | 4120  
24 May 2010 /  #117
Poland and Russia are the two places in Europe where Blacks risk getting beaten or killed.

southern  73 | 7059  
24 May 2010 /  #118
Poland and Russia are the two places in Europe where Blacks risk getting beaten or killed.

I suspect environmental reasons.
plk123  8 | 4120  
24 May 2010 /  #119
that makes no sense
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
24 May 2010 /  #120
Poland and Russia are the two places in Europe where Blacks risk getting beaten or killed.

I've read, and heard several times, that the immigrants that come from the 3rd world do not respect our laws and our society. At any level.

They say; we steal your things, we rape your women and we sell drugs to your children, but how do you punish us? By sending us to 4 star prisons with 3 warm meals a day, a TV and radio in our cell, a work-out room, a library and if the sentence is long enough, an education. That is not punishment, that is pure luxury for a person coming from the jungle or the slums of africa.

They laugh at our laws and at our weak society, where people are not afraid of the government or the police. Like one poster put it earlier in this thread, try running away or wrestling with the police in Africa, and see what happens. Try raping a woman or stealing something in any of their countries, and you will soon find out what swift justice is all about. Either by hanging, shooting, stoning, decapitation or anything else that will do the job.

In Norway, (I use Norway as an example because I live here), the criminals from the 3rd world laugh at the judge and the victims (If they still live to tell their tale), when the sentence is being read to them in court. They can't believe their criminal activity is being rewarded with a hotel stay and money in the bank. You actually get "daymoney", which equals 8 euroes a day, when you are in prison in Norway, which is more than the africans would get back home. In a month. So, for them it's a win-win situation. Do the crime, you get the money for it, do the time, you still get the money. And one wonders why they are coming in the thousands. I don't think they get too many zlotys in a polish prison, and the food might not be good either, but still, it beats living under the open sky in Africa.

Obviously, since the article about the incident in Warszawa mentioned several dozens of rock pelting africans attacking the local police, letting africans sell illegal merchandise/drugs openly in the streets, Poland has come a long way in meeting the "european" way of treating 3rd world immigrants with kid gloves. They would not dare to do this if they knew the consequenses would be disasterous. In Norway, (again), they made the downtown Oslo look like Gaza last year. No one cared. The police waited nicely until they were done, then the clean up crew came in and made everything look all nice again, so the german tourists wouldn't see what really happened the week before. The rioters, all africans and arabs, were given fines, reduced sentences and "don't do this again", to make them really understand that we have laws in this country!

By shooting the african, maybe this will send a signal to the other africans, that if you break the law in Poland, you might get shot. Maybe this will make them stay clear of Poland's borders. Or is it still worth the risk?


(Of course in anyone want's any links, I will provide them for you for all the examples I mentioned above, just in case someone actually thinks I'm talking out of my a**).

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