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Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw

jonni  16 | 2475  
23 May 2010 /  #61
a focktard,

Typical Polish charm. Misspelt too.

its easy to simply lunge at a man standing a meter away

A professional Police officer might be expected to take a bit more care.

an easily accesible place.

Gets worse.

every right to kill the assailant

The unarmed "assailant".

are we sure that the cop who fought over the weapon was actually the one who fired the fatal shot.

A very interesting point. I wonder if there's anything on film, either security camera or someone's mobile.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
23 May 2010 /  #62
The unarmed "assailant".

Well he was on his way to become an armed assailant and got shot for it, good for our police too.

You go for a police officers gun you get shot, i dont really see any problem here.

are we sure that the cop who fought over the weapon was actually the one who fired the fatal shot.

Good point, the n*gger might have dusted himself, it was after all a hand to hand fight.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
23 May 2010 /  #63
We also know that there was an attempt to grab the officer's weapon.

Doesn't seem so speculative any more.
jonni  16 | 2475  
23 May 2010 /  #64
good for our police too.

Not that good if someone paid (and presumably trained) as a plain-clothed police officer to keep the peace and protect the public lets him/herself get in a situation where a suspect can "attempt to wrestle the gun from its holster" and end up shooting an unarmed person dead in a probably crowded place, in broad daylight. Near a Police Station too.

When one of the merchants fled, was shot

SeanBM  34 | 5786  
23 May 2010 /  #65
are we sure that the cop who fought over the weapon was actually the one who fired the fatal shot.

When one of the dealers wanted to snatch a police officer's gun, he shot the assailant. The young man was killed on the spot.

Nigerian trader lost his life

In the vicinity of the Decade Stadium police while trying to control were attacked by a group of black men

The incident took place at the entrance station. According to preliminary findings, a group of police officers from criminal division inspection conducted at the bazaar. The officers approached the few blacks men to their present ID. Then there was a struggle.

- The police met with a very high aggression. Large enough that the officers came to throw various objects. We also know that there was an attempt to break weapons officer. Then a shot was fired - said a spokesman for the National Police Headquarters.

I think that's a yes.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
23 May 2010 /  #66
Not that good if someone paid as a plain-clothed police officer with taxpayers' money to keep the peace lets him/herself get in a situation where a suspect can "attempt to wrestle the gun from its holster"

In 90% of situation of a police officers work when he needs to ID a suspect in all countries there exists a risk of a police officer being disarmed.

If he tried to disarm the police officer and shot himself by accident or got shot in self defence everything is A-OK thats the kind of behaviour that can and should get an assailant shot.

Please, keep your language in check.
Thank you.

jonni  16 | 2475  
23 May 2010 /  #67
there exists a risk of a police officer being disarmed.

Read the article from RP. Witnesses say he was trying to escape.

Only the Police's own press office (not a paragon of neutrality) say anything about trying to disarm him. Camera footage would help here.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
23 May 2010 /  #68
Read the article from RP. Witnesses say he was trying to escape.

Witnesses are other illegals who assaulted the police officers and have every reason to lie in order to cover their own asses.

Only the Police's own press office (not a paragon of neutrality)

Actually if there was a good neutral medium thats Police's press office, they're very professional and have been so for a long long time.
Karl1983  8 | 41  
23 May 2010 /  #69
I have many stories where white people have been harassed, beaten up and even killed by police. Why make this into a race thing?

Excellent point and well put across!
jonni  16 | 2475  
23 May 2010 /  #70
Witnesses are other illegals

Where does it say that the witnesses are "illegals"? Even if they were (and we don't know that) their testimony is no less valid. The reverse if anything, since they are risking deportation and worse by giving a testimony.

a good neutral medium thats Police's press office

How can the same organisation be neutral? An independent third party would be neutral, wouldn't it?

they're very professional

No doubt they are. The European Court more so.
Karl1983  8 | 41  
23 May 2010 /  #71
Clearly frd didn't mean to cause such controversy by creating this thread but as always the racists have to intervene, and by this I mean both groups those who are against blacks and those who are racist against Poles and white people. What is the point of all this?
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
23 May 2010 /  #72
Where does it say that?

Apparently the entire market was illegal otherwise there wouldnt be any raid.

How can the same organisation be neutral. An independent third party would be neutral. wouldn't it?

Simple, professionalism.

The European Court more so.

what does the European Court has to do with an idiot getting killed for assaulting a policeman?
richasis  1 | 409  
23 May 2010 /  #73
This incident proves both tragic and unfortunate.

Tragic is that the perpetrator was ever in Poland.

Unfortunate is that Poland has to $hip him home.
Karl1983  8 | 41  
23 May 2010 /  #74
what does the European Court has to do with an idiot getting killed for assaulting a policeman?

Exactly, all he had to do was co operate like any other normal human being, why slam the police? They are doing their jobs, do you think that police officer is happy now? He is probably going through hell, and will remember this forever!
jonni  16 | 2475  
23 May 2010 /  #75
Apparently the entire market was illegal otherwise there wouldnt be any raid.

Somewhat illogical. The entire market? All traders? All customers? You assume too much as usual.

Simple, professionalism

Too ridiculous to comment on. But I will. You seem to be saying that the organisation's own press office is neutral!

what does the European Court has to do with an idiot getting killed for assaulting a policeman?

Firstly, we don't know that he did "assault a policeman" I assume you mean police officer, but anyway - Rz have already written that witnesses say he was trying to escape. The truth will no doubt come out in the end. Secondly, the European Courts have already awarded large sums of money to victims of the Warsaw police and if he was indeed shot while running away they will probably do so again.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
23 May 2010 /  #76
untermenschen (as non-whites in Poland are frequently reminded that they are)

Maybe you remember who 'untermenschen' was used to describe in the beginning?
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
23 May 2010 /  #77
and if he was indeed shot while running away they will probably do so again.

Where are you getting that idea from?
I see he ran away from the police, they ran after him, he was thrown to the ground, the policeman tried to handcuff him and the guy went for the policeman's gun, in the struggle he got shot.

What do you see?
jonni  16 | 2475  
23 May 2010 /  #78
Where are you getting that idea from?

Do you remember the case of the woman early this year? She wasn't killed, but was unneccessarily arrested and kept in the cells overnight because the arresting officers wanted to go off shift and do the paperwork in the morning. She got several thousand Euros, and her case was one of several similar. It was quite well covered with the press and I think there are posts here about it.

I see he ran away from the police, they ran after him, he was thrown to the ground, the policeman tried to handcuff him and the guy went for the policeman's gun, in the struggle he got shot.

Remember the witnesses cast some doubt on that.

I had a twat

The calm voice of intelligent debate. And maturity and experience - some of us have socks we bought before 1983!
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
23 May 2010 /  #79
I'm white, and whenever I'm confronted by the police I always keep my arms by my side

Does that happen a lot? :) I'm white too, but I only got confronted once when I was 15. Never since.

I have many stories where white people have been harassed, beaten up and even killed by police. Why make this into a race thing?

It became a race thing pretty quickly after a few participants decided it was a good idea to involve the entire black race into the incident. Most of it has been removed though.

Harry; what's up with the "whitey-bashing"?

I actually have to go with Harry on this one; there is such an incredible amount of "black bashing" on this and other threads that it only seems fair that the whites get a share of their own cake. And that is suddenly a bad thing? Compare the number of bashings of coloured ppl with the number of times that white ppl get bashed. I do not go with his terminology, mind you! But his point is pretty clear and I think I have described it correctly in this paragraph.

Only when there is "whitey bashing" then the "intermediators", who try to reason with the "whitey bashers", but remarkably enough never with the "black bashers", pop up. On a first impression this would seem that those "intermediators" actually agree with the "black bashers".

In fact, there should be no bashing of any ppl whatsoever, but if it's gonna be that it's mainly black ppl who get bashed here, expect some white bashing in return. And don't start crying if it happens. It's simple: no white bashing means no black bashing. Let's all agree on that and we will have a merry conversation without any foul atmosphere.

And, pls, do NOT use political correctness as an excuse. This has nothing to do with it. I'm not political correct when I bash racists. I don't care about political correctness, I just find racism disgusting. Besides, with the right-wing wind that is flying currently through Europe, it might just soon be "political correct" to be racist, which in turn would make all the ppl who are currently using the term as an excuse anti racists, as racism would be PC.

Let's just regard this as a tragic incident in which a couple of ppl made the wrong decisions and one person is left dead. That is sad enough, and it really doesn't matter if the deceased is black, white, purple, yellow or green. His blood is just as red as yours.


M-G (no time for racism)
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
23 May 2010 /  #80
unneccessarily arrested and kept in the cells overnight because the arresting officers wanted to go off shift

I know that police do lie to cover their arses like Ian Tomlinson and Jean Charles de Menezes.

But that doesn't mean everything is a lie.

Remember the witnesses cast some doubt on that.

In one report, the other read like a fact.
richasis  1 | 409  
23 May 2010 /  #81
She got several thousand Euros

Sounds like she hit the Lotto.

But that doesn't mean everything is a lie.

Exactly. Police can be justified, too.
Karl1983  8 | 41  
23 May 2010 /  #82
This has been blown out of proportion, people are making slanderous comments about the police with stupid unrelated stories
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
23 May 2010 /  #83
Too ridiculous to comment on. But I will. You seem to be saying that the organisation's own press office is neutral!

More or less yeah, they're charged with diplomatic coverage of sticky situations rather then communist style cover ups.

Somewhat illogical. The entire market? All traders? All customers? You assume too much as usual.

Not really, if police raided the market most or all of the traders were illegals, if so they have reasons to lie.

Let's just regard this as a tragic incident in which a couple of ppl made the wrong decisions and one person is left dead

The only one who made the wrong decision was the n*gger who tried to disarm a cop, the police were doing their job all the way up to and including shooting the focker.
jonni  16 | 2475  
23 May 2010 /  #84
I know that police do lie to cover their arses like Ian Tomlinson and Jean Charles de Menezes.

Yes. Fortunately there were cameras in both of those cases. If we had to rely on the account of 'law enforcers' and their press office, you wouldn't even know their names.

But that doesn't mean everything is a lie.

When the police are trying to cover their backs, the likelihood of lies increases exponentially. The Blair Peach thing is only being resolved now all those years later.

Sounds like she hit the Lotto. :)

Probably worth it for one night.

More or less yeah, they're charged with diplomatic coverage of sticky situations rather then communist style cover ups.

Illogical and irrelevant. And still missing the point about neutrality. By the way, why mmention communism?

Not really, if police raided the market most or all of the traders were illegals, if so they have reasons to lie.

Innocent until proven guilty? The customers?


the focker

Do you really think that?
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
23 May 2010 /  #85
I actually have to go with Harry on this one; there is such an incredible amount of "black bashing" on this and other threads that it only seems fair that the whites get a share of their own cake.

Perhaps I am misunderstanding you but WTF?

You want to bash people because other people are bashed? that's just silly.

By the accounts I have read in the newspaper, a guy ran from the police, they tried to arrest him, a riot broke out in the mean time, the guy tried to get the policeman's gun and got shot.

It has nothing to do with bashing anyone, in my honest opinion.

When the police are trying to cover their backs, the likelyhood of lies increases exponentially.

Agreed, but so far your posts read like the police are guilty of a crime and with the information we have so far from the various newspapers, it reads like they were doing their job.
Karl1983  8 | 41  
23 May 2010 /  #86
The calm voice of intelligent debate. And maturity and experience - some of us have socks we bought before 1983!

Very good, but I thought with age came wisdom, not bigotted ignorance
richasis  1 | 409  
23 May 2010 /  #87
His blood is just as red as yours.

In this case, not any more...
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
23 May 2010 /  #88
Do you really think that?

Well he's black which means he's a n*gger, he's an illegal which makes him a focker, he assaulted an armed policeman which makes him an idiot, he failed which makes him dead.

So we have a dead black illegal idiot focker n*gger :))))
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
23 May 2010 /  #89
Perhaps I am misunderstanding you but WTF?

If you look at the other paragraphs, you would see that I say that there should be no bashing of ppl at all. This wasn't regarding the incident as such, but more a reaction to sb who said why racism has crept into this discussion. So I responded explaining that some ppl felt it necessary to involve the entire black population into the incident. I won't tolerate any bashing of any ppl, and you know that. But I cannot stand the fact that nothing is said when blacks get bashed, but yet start crying when whites are being bashed. That was what I was trying to say. I don't go with Harry's terminonlogy at all and you should know that. Btw, those comments I was referring to were removed in an earlier stage, so you couldn't have read them.


As I understand it, loads of ppl started throwing stuff at the police. I would call that making wrong decisions, wouldn't you?


M-G (tiens)
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
23 May 2010 /  #90
Yeah, that's why I said perhaps I am misunderstanding you, it didn't sound like you :)

Btw, those comments I was referring to were removed in an earlier stage, so you couldn't have read them.

Yeah, I kind of just skimmed over this thread at the beginning and I think a lot of things were already sent to random thread.

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