Nearly a million signatures have been collected amongst irate parents in protest against a government scheme to force children to start first form at age 6. AT present the starting age is 7 but there is a zero class or nursery form for 6-year-olds. True to form (no pun in tended), as he did re ACTA, Tusk is again pushing ahead with the unpopular measure despite widespread opposition.
Prime Minister Donald Tusk and Minister for Education Krystyna Szumilas government presented a draft amendment to the Law on the Education System . It is assumed that half of the six-year compulsory go to schools in September 2014. A year later - have all . A class for freshmen will count no more than 25 people.
Reduction of school age to six years raises a lot of controversy . Oppose reform of parents organized around action . Under the proposal for a referendum on the six-year gathered more than half a million signatures. Parents fear for example, that children aged six years are not yet ready to send them to school that classes are too large, and the age difference between students will not be conducive to the development of children.
Prime Minister Donald Tusk and Minister for Education Krystyna Szumilas government presented a draft amendment to the Law on the Education System . It is assumed that half of the six-year compulsory go to schools in September 2014. A year later - have all . A class for freshmen will count no more than 25 people.
Reduction of school age to six years raises a lot of controversy . Oppose reform of parents organized around action . Under the proposal for a referendum on the six-year gathered more than half a million signatures. Parents fear for example, that children aged six years are not yet ready to send them to school that classes are too large, and the age difference between students will not be conducive to the development of children.