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1945-2010 Poles will march on Red square

Paulina  16 | 4403  
12 May 2010 /  #31
If you'll analyze who is writing sad comments about Poland, you'll find that many of them do almost the same about Russia in another threads.

Not really.

Ukrainian nazis is most active...

Velund  1 | 511  
12 May 2010 /  #32
Not really.



LJ, article comments on news resources like gazeta.ru, russian-speaking forums with not so tight moderation (and even in offtopic lounges on quite good moderated tech forums like ixbt.com there is a lot of such persons or bots - they stick to gas and ukraine related threads mostly but periodically throw some sh*t everywhere).

Just seen how fun for such guys was the news about explosion in a coal mine...
Paulina  16 | 4403  
12 May 2010 /  #33

Yup. Those Russians I came across on the internet were very patriotic about Russia. The only Russian thing they attacked was liberal opposition and liberal media.

Just seen how fun for such guys was the news about explosion in a coal mine...

I'm sure there are such people on the internet.
But I personally have different experiences. I discussed mainly with Russians from Russia. Also with some living in Ukraine and Poland. There is a Polish-Russian LJ community I visit and there are only Russians there. I also know a Russian forum where there are Polish articles, blogs and forums being translated on a daily basis (if I'm not mistaken Borrka is well known over there thanks to those translations). You can imagine what's going on in there :)))

But I think those people are a "specific" crowd. Or, at least, I hope so ;)
Sasha  2 | 1083  
12 May 2010 /  #34
I also know a Russian forum where there are Polish articles, blogs and forums being translated on a daily basis (if I'm not mistaken Borrka is well known over there thanks to those translations). You can imagine what's going on in there :)))

Inosmi you mean? It's a cesspool of hatred and fiefdom of jingoes and hatemongers. It's like surveying prisoners to get an idea on what the life on the freeside is.

But the really sad thing about it is that it only takes a translation to make a mess. One doesn't even need to make up any kind of nutritional cocktail. Everything is ready.

I bet you, Paulina, ran onto the same ilk of Polish guys over there...
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
12 May 2010 /  #35
Holy sh*t, Konstanty was hacked!

Ukrainian nazis is most active...

Thats just not true, the dry facts are the average Russians mindset is... Difficult to say the least.

I am sympathetic towards patriotism, even extreme patriotism but thats hardly whats going on, Russia has a long history of botched plans and squandered grandeur that led to what it is today but when you attempt to discuss it with Russians you get a lot of things, none of them a discussion.
pawian  219 | 24792  
12 May 2010 /  #36
Victory Parade

Russians and other nations of former Soviet Union

After them Poles

Next, Western allies

There were also French troops which was unfair because the French cooperated with Hitler and even fought against Americans and British in Africa. Only General de Gaulle and a few French units were on allied side but one swallow doesn`t make a summer. Poland, twice smaller than France, had a twice bigger army.

In Poland, at Red Army cemeteries, Poles together with contemporary Russian officers and WW2 veterans, put flowers and lit candles at Soviet/Russian graves.

Poland officers

On 1 November, Poles also light candles on Soviet/Russian graves.
Paulina  16 | 4403  
12 May 2010 /  #37
Inosmi you mean? It's a cesspool of hatred and fiefdom of jingoes and hatemongers.

Yes, Inosmi :) But most of the "fans" of Poles and Poland moved to "Inoforum" ;) And then to another forum.

It's like surveying prisoners to get an idea on what the life on the freeside is.

I hope so :)
But I must admit sometimes I wonder whether some of their views are marginal or predominant in Russian society. It's because I meet mainly such Russians. It seems that Polish themes somehow attract this sort of folk. I guess they feel a need to fight against the enemies of Russia, even on the internet ;)

You know, some of them are nice. And those Russians write they don't hate Poles. But their views give me creeps o_O

I bet you, Paulina, ran onto the same ilk of Polish guys over there...

Yes, but on the Polish internet. Poles rarely visited Inosmi and then Inoforum. They usually don't know these forums exist (which is good, I think ;)). And they don't know Russian language well enough to read or to write there.


День 9 Мая в Варшаве. 30 фотографий:



Unfortunately I missed the parade in Moscow (it was to early for me for a Sunday morning ;)). But later I went to the Soviet cemetery in my city to light a candle and put a flower :)
TheOther  6 | 3596  
13 May 2010 /  #38
Victory Parade

Kind of strange. Have the Poles forgotten who attacked them in 1939?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
13 May 2010 /  #39
They got invited, that's makes them happy and hopefully takes the bite out of...you know...this parade they missed.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122  
13 May 2010 /  #40
Kind of strange. Have the Poles forgotten who attacked them in 1939?

That was Soviet Union+ Stalin,
When Soviet soldiers walked into Poland later during the war they hugged AK soldiers they met and fighted toghether to pull out the Germans but later on came the NKVD and everyone turned their faces into sad faces

1 thing is Hitler got elected into power
second thing Stalin killed more Russians then he killed Poles...
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
13 May 2010 /  #41
That was Soviet Union+ Stalin,
When Soviet soldiers walked into Poland later during the war they hugged AK soldiers they met

Erm...you think all the Red Armists who before invaded Poland had died in the mean time and the new huggable Red Armist hugging AK soldiers were all new and fresh?

Interesting! :)

It was the same with the Germans...honestly...in the beginning they were the bad invaders but they completely changed after '44...they wandered back into Germany and fighted only a justified and righteous defense war for the Heimat against the attacking allies...no Hitler anymore...seriously!

second thing Stalin killed more Russians then he killed Poles...

Stalin killed more Russians than Germans...heck he killed more Russians than anybody else...Russians don't seem to mind why should we!
13 May 2010 /  #42
It was the same with the Germans...honestly...in the beginning they were the bad invaders but they completely changed after '44...they wandered back into Germany and fighted only a justified and righteous defense war for the Heimat against the attacking allies...no Hitler anymore...seriously!

Poor poopsies

Yeah, payback is a b!tch :)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122  
13 May 2010 /  #43
They got invited, that's makes them happy and hopefully takes the bite out of...you know...this parade they missed.

Yeah that gives an other thing to think of, I bet that if the British did a parade now and then and invited some Polish soldiers over things would get better ;p

It was the same with the Germans...honestly...in the beginning they were the bad invaders but they completely changed after '44...they wandered back into Germany and fighted only a justified and righteous defense war for the Heimat against the attacking allies...no Hitler anymore...seriously!

That is a fact ;)
(what could those Hitlerjugend have done defending Berlin during 1944? Gas people? Hardly)

Russians don't seem to mind why should we!

They start to mind thanks to their nowadays president? :D

Erm...you think all the Red Armists who before invaded Poland had died in the mean time and the new huggable Red Armist hugging AK soldiers were all new and fresh?

You know by yourself that the Soviet lost a lot of soldiers, there was a LOT of recruitment going on and I doubt really there was a lot of survivors from 1939-1941 when the Red army was entering Poland later on...

Also they hugged those AK and cheered together because they were allies not of anything special. But ofc these NKVD saw upon AK as fascists and so on :((

Yeah, payback is a b!tch :)


It clearly shows that they invited for nowadays political reasons ONLY :)
(now I kinda know how the commies feel in Russia, poor sods)
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
13 May 2010 /  #44
Some Frenchies sided with Gitler so they shouldnt now be invited,conveniently forgeting Bir Hakim ,Juans French colonials negating the cassino defence line with a superb flanking movement(meaning the fall of the monestry was a military irellivence) 2nd armoureds superb drive through france in 44 etc etc.

God almighty,get over yerselves,every single european country had collaborators and soldiers who for one reason or other wore feld grau and swastikas,Polish highlanders volounteering for the SS, thousands of Polish "ethnic Germans" stationed in Normandy(ethnic germans untill they came under fire from Yanks or Brits then suddenly full Poles again....).

Countless thousands of vlasovite russian traitors yet I dont hear any suggestions that the Russian army shouldnt have marched in Red Square because a few cossaks served with the nazis?Or would that be the good old PF double standards kicking in again?

Or how about the 33 Brit/colonials who served in the BFK,should the welsh guards not have marched because of a few scumbags like Amery or Joyce.

content removed
Paulina  16 | 4403  
14 May 2010 /  #45
But ofc these NKVD saw upon AK as fascists and so on :((

Not only NKVD. Also today's Russians :( I've noticed they preffer AL.
At least those Russians I was writing about before.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122  
14 May 2010 /  #46
At least those Russians I was writing about before.

people need time to learn, time will come when they will know what they knew
TheOther  6 | 3596  
14 May 2010 /  #47
You mean the Soviet puppets of Poland

you're talking about SOVIET controlled Poland

That doesn't change the fact that it were Poles who worked with the Soviets and helped them to control their country and their fellow countrymen until 1989. Why is that so hard to accept? It's part of Poland's history.
plk123  8 | 4119  
14 May 2010 /  #48
Hope, you will forgive us some misdeeds towards your country in the past.

take down dose posters of the killer named stalin and we'll talk.
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
14 May 2010 /  #49
take down dose posters of the killer named stalin and we'll talk.

No way, he was our leader, why we should?
TheOther  6 | 3596  
14 May 2010 /  #50
can you find a country more anti Soviet than Poland before the second world war?

That was not my point. If Wikipedia's numbers are correct, the PZPA had over 3.5 million members in the 1970's. That's roughly 10% of the total population of that time. You cannot call 10% of the Polish population "Soviet puppets" and pretend that they never existed or were not "real" Poles, as quite a few people on PF want you to believe.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
14 May 2010 /  #51
Pawian i Paulina, thanks for pics!

But later I went to the Soviet cemetery in my city to light a candle and put a flower :)

Thanks, Paulina, I heartily appreciate that!

It's because I meet mainly such Russians. It seems that Polish themes somehow attract this sort of folk.

Your observation is pretty much accurate. Amid the lack of information about Poland in Russia most of sane people walk pass this topic, whereas jingoes settle down on it like on a strainer. As I said it unfortunately takes a couple article or a forum thread translated to foment hatred. In other words, the problem is mutual.
Paulina  16 | 4403  
14 May 2010 /  #52
Pawian i Paulina, thanks for pics!

Не за что :)

Thanks, Paulina, I heartily appreciate that!


As I said it unfortunately takes a couple article or a forum thread translated to foment hatred. In other words, the problem is mutual.

Yes, I know :(
But I think some of their views originated from long before reading Polish articles and forums.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
15 May 2010 /  #53
You cannot call 10% of the Polish population "Soviet puppets" and pretend that they never existed or were not "real" Poles, as quite a few people on PF want you to believe.

This is a slightly hard concept for you to understand, but if your whole livelihood depended on party membership and how far you were going to get in life, you would be one of the first to join I am sure.

And i can tell that is the case because unlike the Poles, you attachment to your country is only skin deep. If not existent altogether.
15 May 2010 /  #54
This is a slightly hard concept for you to understand, but if your whole livelihood depended on party membership and how far you were going to get in life, you would be one of the first to join I am sure.

So you've got no problem with the Germans who joined the Nazi party? Although if it's about livelihood, I assume you've got no problem with the Nazis who earned their living running the death camps. Oh, sorry, of course I mean that you have no problem with the Nazis who ran the death camps which were for Jews and Roma.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
15 May 2010 /  #55
because unlike the Poles, you attachment to your country is only skin deep

ROTFL!!! Do you have the slightest idea where I'm from? Hint: you are a guest there...

This is a slightly hard concept for you to understand, but if your whole livelihood depended on party membership and how far you were going to get in life

You were the one who agreed to call your fellow countrymen "Soviet Puppets", man. I was just calling them what they were - Poles.
internaldialog  4 | 144  
15 May 2010 /  #56
an interesting article regarding the victory parade back in the day from one of the Polish Air Force fighter pilots:

I was 19 when I arrived in the UK in the summer of 1940. The RAF needed pilots and I wanted to fly. After two months of English lessons, I attended the elementary flying school, then the secondary one. At the end of 1941, I was posted to Squadron 316, "The City of Warsaw Squadron", where I joined the RAF as a fighter pilot and began flying Spitfires operationally.

hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
15 May 2010 /  #57
You were the one who agreed to call your fellow countrymen "Soviet Puppets", man. I was just calling them what they were - Poles.

Don't play stupid I know what you are on about, just because you can't get them directly you use insinuation and innuendo.

ROTFL!!! Do you have the slightest idea where I'm from? Hint: you are a guest there...

Not a guest, otherwise i wouldn't be standing for the vice presidency of my local branch.

So you've got no problem with the Germans who joined the Nazi party? Although if it's about livelihood, I assume you've got no problem with the Nazis who earned their living running the death camps. Oh, sorry, of course I mean that you have no problem with the Nazis who ran the death camps which were for Jews and Roma.

Huge distinction between the two, if you can't see that, than you're just too stupid and I can't be bothered explaining it to you, considering that you most probably know the answer and are just playing the fool.
Crow  154 | 9260  
15 May 2010 /  #58
ooopaaaa, Poles and Russians marching together. What a fu***** combination. Best news that Serbian can get

Let`s party... Poles and Russians, Hir they come, Hir they go

[i entered in phase where i expressing my feelings thru pictures and videos]
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 May 2010 /  #59
It was quite an event :) A great gesture from the Russian top brass. Crow, this is a song for you to sum up your reaction. The group is Polish, ...
Crow  154 | 9260  
15 May 2010 /  #60
It was quite an event :)

yes yes

Crow, this is a song for you to sum up your reaction. The group is Polish

hvala ti [thank you]. One can get erection from it

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