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70% of Poles like Komorowski. Do you?

jon357  72 | 23559  
26 Aug 2012 /  #91
Ever eloquent and articulate, but maybe you'd like to expand on that.
1jola  14 | 1875  
26 Aug 2012 /  #92
Plus he's got the whole I'm nobility,

He tried to atone for that by marrying a woman whose both parents were in UB (secret communist state police).

Has he gone abroad yet?

His only achievement is a piece of recent legislature to make march organizers responsible for the conduct of all march participants. The putinazation of Poland continues.
sofijufka  2 | 187  
26 Aug 2012 /  #93
the treasonous swine that was Rajmund Kaczynski

hmmm... somebody used to say:
If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.
26 Aug 2012 /  #94
It is believed that Tusk's grand dad was serving in the German Army as s Volskdeutsch... A treator to the Polish state...
God , history really loves to repeat itself... :)
sofijufka  2 | 187  
26 Aug 2012 /  #95
It is believed that Tusk's grand dad was serving in the German Army as s Volskdeutsch... A treator to the Polish state...

yes, he was Wermacht soldier it's true, but earlier he was arrested by gestapo als polish fanatic, who was a great threat to III Reich. He was in Stuthoff camp, and later in KZ Neuengamme (his number was 5939). He was released in 1943. In 1944 Hitler had a great need for 'cannon fodder' , so in August Józef Tusk [like other Kaszebe] was by force conscripted into the army. In October 1944 he escaped and enlisted in Polish Armed Forces in the West
David_18  65 | 966  
23 Sep 2012 /  #96
When Komorowski decides to give back the land stolen by the communists from the polish people i will start to "like" him.

Should be in the interest of Komorowski since he comes from the landed gentry himself.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Sep 2012 /  #97
When Komorowski decides to give back the land stolen by the communists from the polish people i will start to "like" him.

And how do you propose a figurehead President does that?

Then again, did Kaczynski do that? No? Well then.
OICDAE  - | 4  
26 Dec 2013 /  #98
Merged: Bronisław Komorowski

What do you know/think about polish president Bronislaw Komorowski
Uglywoman  3 | 75  
26 Dec 2013 /  #99
WTF, that's not the president of Poland, liar
OICDAE  - | 4  
26 Dec 2013 /  #100
:D komorowski is president
jon357  72 | 23559  
26 Dec 2013 /  #101
He does what it says on the packet and first became President through duty rather than ambition. Never a bad thing.

There's a thread here about him: polishforums.com/news-politics-4/you-think-president-komorowski-best-man-job-56709/
Ironside  50 | 13053  
26 Dec 2013 /  #102
He does what it says on the packet and first became President through duty rather than ambition

The Death of the previous President haven;'t been confirmation when he took over - very fast, I would suggest ambition rather than duty.
He cannot spell.
jon357  72 | 23559  
26 Dec 2013 /  #103
Not so much ambition as the Constitution.

Who cares if he can spell?
Ironside  50 | 13053  
26 Dec 2013 /  #104
Not so much ambition as the Constitution.

no, he could wait for confirmation and then move to take over, after all President's function in Poland is not vital to the state workings.
jon357  72 | 23559  
27 Dec 2013 /  #105
he could wait

Only if he wanted to break the rules according to the constitution. The gentlemen had no choice in the matter.

Anyway, good that he did his duty and good that the public confirmed him in this role.

He's probably the best person in that role. His predecessor LK was an unmitigated disaster and a disgrace to Poland and to Europe, AK was ok but the alcohol was an issue and LW started off well but became increasingly reactionary and wasn't good at standing up to the church.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
27 Dec 2013 /  #106
Only if he wanted to break the rules according to the constitution. The gentlemen had no choice in the matter.

What is that you don't understand? It is not a chain in command in the military when one automatically steps in as someone need to be in charge 24/7. He didn't wait for confirmation of the death of the President and took over in a heart-beat and I mean not only nominally but he took p[positive step to practical take over the President office while nobody yet knew for certain what has happened.

I'm not saying that he didn't have the right to do it but I'm saying that your claim he is all duty and no ambition is not true.

By the way he is not a gentleman. Not in my books anyway.

Anyway, good that he did his duty and good that the public confirmed him in this role.

Good for whom? As it is not good for the majority of people in Poland.

He's probably the best person in that role

What role? In that system he is yet another redundant cost paid by Poles for the benefit of the few.

His predecessor LK was an unmitigated disaster and a disgrace to Poland and to Europ

At least he was active in the international politic, giving Poland an active factor in the world of diplomacy. He practically helped to enure Georgian independence for the time being.

Now Poland is just a yes-man for others.

AK was ok but the alcohol was an issue a

AK should end up in jail where he belongs.

LW started off well but became increasingly reactionary and wasn't good at standing up to the church.

Standing up to the church? WTF? What it has to do with anything? Is that your criteria of a good President or a politician? Those are good who support your radical views and bias?

He wasn't good because he is one uneducated twit and poser whose only title to be somebody in the politics was being a front-man for that clique that took over Poland after formal-end of the Soviet occupation.
jon357  72 | 23559  
27 Dec 2013 /  #107
What is that you don't understand? It is not a chain in command in the military when one automatically steps in as someone need to be in charge 24/7.

It was his duty and an obligation under the Constitution. What part of that don't you understand?

And no need to wait for 'confirmation' of any death. Just news that his predecessor was incapacitated.

active in the international politic, giving Poland an active factor in the world of diplomacy.

Active only in trying to turn Poland into an international joke. We are better off without him.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
27 Dec 2013 /  #108
Active only in trying to turn Poland into an international joke.

Oh really? Who has been laughing? Definitely not Georgians.

And no need to wait for 'confirmation' of any death. Just news that his predecessor was incapacitated.

Do you make it up as you go?
jon357  72 | 23559  
27 Dec 2013 /  #109
Who has been laughing?

Most of Poland.

do you make it up as you go along

The writers of the Constitution 'made it up'. And the L/JK regime tried to make up the rules as they went along.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
27 Dec 2013 /  #110
Most of Poland.

Most of the media?Do not equate it with Poland. So all the world for you is Poland or part of it, after all somebody voted on him like ....majority.

. And the L/JK regime

LK regime lol! I'm sure you have been persecuted by the regime. Did the new regime gave a medal for your pains? :D
jon357  72 | 23559  
27 Dec 2013 /  #111
Most of the media?Do not equate it with Poland.

Remember that some of us are here on the ground and don't depend on the media.


What else would you call it.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
27 Dec 2013 /  #112
Remember that some of us are here on the ground and don't depend on the media.

Maybe you are too deep in the forest to see the big picture?lol!

What else would you call it.

I would call what it was a government. If you would call JK government a regime then every government in Poland should be called regime and Tusk's government especially so.
jon357  72 | 23559  
27 Dec 2013 /  #113
Anyone who can see the big picture - and let's face it, people in PL are used to having to do that, is happy with the present guy. He may not be charismatic, he may not attract crowds of flag waving fans, but he is doing his job very well indeed.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
27 Dec 2013 /  #114
but he is doing his job very well indeed.

You mean it is his job to steal money from retirement funds or indebted Poland to the hilt?Who is he working for then?
Wroclaw Boy  
27 Dec 2013 /  #115
You mean it is his job to steal money from retirement funds or indebted Poland to the hilt?

is this dude a government official Ironside? the same kind of dude you were referring to regulate finances?
28 Dec 2013 /  #116
This thread was started by the guy himself?
jon357  72 | 23559  
28 Dec 2013 /  #117
No - by a regular poster who doesn't support President Komorowski.

You mean it is his job to steal money from retirement funds or indebted Poland to the hilt?Who is he working for then?

Do you think that's his function?
Ironside  50 | 13053  
28 Dec 2013 /  #118
He is supporting current government and have been PO member. I haven't seen him vetoing any of those things, it means he is supporting it.
jon357  72 | 23559  
28 Dec 2013 /  #119
That or there's no reason to use his presidential veto.
Ranger  1 | 23  
3 Jan 2014 /  #120
probably correct polls. I do not like Comrade Komarov. He is a traitor. He is almost as bad as Tusk.
Poland would benefit greatly from a dictator like Pilsudski instead of these "democratic" agents of the NWO.

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