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Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)?

TheLox  - | 50  
6 Dec 2012 /  #241
The Pentagon said Wednesday it plans to send a U.S. Air Force detachment to Poland to support fighter jets and transport planes, marking the first time that U.S. soldiers have been stationed there.

The announcement was made at the end of talks between Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and his Polish counterpart, Tomasz Siemoniak. The detachment "will arrive this fall to support quarterly F-16 and C-130 deployments beginning in 2013 and will be the first U.S. forces stationed on Polish soil," Pentagon spokesman George Little said in a statement.

"The arrival of this detachment will mark a new step forward in the relationship between United States and Poland and enable closer military cooperation."

U.S. F-16 fighters and C-130 transport aircraft are to be deployed in Poland on a rotating basis as of next year, the statement said.

The ministers also discussed Poland's contribution to the international force in Afghanistan, where nearly 2,500 Polish troops are stationed in the eastern province of Ghazni, and Warsaw's participation in NATO missile defense.

Poland and Romania are each expected to host a ballistic missile interceptor site by 2018. Turkey is to host an early warning radar system

Care package from America? Yes, you could say we are doing enough. Although I feel that this MIGHT be stopped, considering that Russia
may fear that this specific detachment may interfere with their Radar system.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
6 Dec 2012 /  #242
what I am really complaining about is the 1929 anti-immigration act, that there was never an apology for.

Geeze, that was almost 85 years ago, and you still want an apology? You weren't even born then, so why are you so obsessed with this old crap?
call1n  2 | 192  
6 Dec 2012 /  #243
Yes I want an apology considering my grandparents had to live in fear of being sent to a concentration camp!
When most of the communist propagators was wall-street and london, and Jews!
Yes I want an apology since the quota set in 1929 has never been proven to be changed, as there never were very many non-jewish eastern europeans coming into america for that long!

I don't see any reason for it. They shouldn't apologize to anyone to begin with.

Your Lithuanian, and you don't think there is a need for it?
You cannot represent yourself, that you want immigrants coming from where you came from?
You call that love?
I call it hate!
Every group that came into America, helps more of them-self come in!
The Jews have unlimited entry through Israel!
Why don't you go pester them, with your anti-immigrant views, instead of c0k blocking your own eastern European brothers!

U.S. F-16 fighters and C-130 transport aircraft are to be deployed in Poland on a rotating basis as of next year, the statement said.

Yeah! England sent planes and boats to Poland to fight and die for them before the seccond world war, but did they really protect Poland from commies and Nazis, when it was outside of Britians interest? ... NO
p3undone  7 | 1098  
6 Dec 2012 /  #244
call1n,how many more people do they need to let in?What do you mean by concentration camps?
call1n  2 | 192  
6 Dec 2012 /  #245
I am just talking about the concentration camps that they sent Japs to, that were kept open just in case and are still open...
and I do not believe the 10 million Poles in this country really had good representation ... ever, even after communism ended!

call1n,how many more people do they need to let in?What do you mean by concentration camps?

I already told you. They need to let in more Poles and less Jews. Why should the Jews get better treatment?
p3undone  7 | 1098  
6 Dec 2012 /  #246
call1n,what is the difference in the numbers,and why should there be less Jews allowed?
sledz  23 | 2247  
6 Dec 2012 /  #247
They need to let in more Poles and less Jews. Why should the Jews get better treatment?

How about we don't let anyone else in, seal off the borders and deport all Illegals?

All that money we could save by stop giving free handouts to criminals that break our laws!
JimmyH  1 | 21  
6 Dec 2012 /  #248
And this prejudice and discrimination is not just towards Poles, it is all Eastern European peoples.

You are so ignorant, it's not even funny. All immigrants faced prejudice especially the Irish, Italians, and Chinese. I highly suggest you look into some of the horrors that Chinese immigrants faced in America. Perhaps that will bring some light into your empty head.

Even today Italians are constantly ridiculed as being part of organized crime with movies and TV shows like The Godfather, The Sopranos, Boardwalk Empire, etc.. In fact, Hollywood stereotypes the Irish and Jews in organized crime as well. I rarely see Hollywood do this with Poles.

Lets talk about the fact that Jews from anywhere in the world can get visa to America through Israel....

More ignorance from you. First of all, Israel is not in the visa waiver program. Many Israelis easily settle in America because MANY OF THEM HAD A PARENT OR GRANDPARENT WHO WAS AN AMERICAN CITIZEN.

Now please go educate yourself as you clearly need more knowledge. Your blatant anti-Semitism makes Poles look really bad.
ufo973  10 | 88  
6 Dec 2012 /  #249
They will ruin their job markets also like they did to Germany, Netherlands, England etc...
6 Dec 2012 /  #250
I rarely see Hollywood do this with Poles.

Probably that's because they believe that Poles are too stupid to create an organised crime.

I highly suggest you look into some of the horrors that Chinese immigrants faced in America.

100 years ago. Nowadays the only prejudice they face in America is that if you are Chinese then you must be a nerd. The same goes for Jews.

Your blatant anti-Semitism makes Poles look really bad.

How do you know he's Polish? He doesn't speak Polish, if he was raised in USA, then it means he's AMERICAN!
berni23  7 | 377  
6 Dec 2012 /  #251
They will ruin their job markets also like they did to Germany, Netherlands, England etc...

Easy there. Breath.
I doubt you have been to any of these countries, so what are you basing your assumptions on?
TheLox  - | 50  
6 Dec 2012 /  #252
JimmyH: Nowadays the only prejudice they face in America is that if you are Chinese then you must be a nerd.
Now that's funny.

JimmyH: The same goes for Jews.
Yes, that AND the fact that they are notorious for being wealthy snobs who bathe in money.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
6 Dec 2012 /  #253
Your Lithuanian, ............... eastern European brothers!

I'm aware of my ancestry but I don't live in the past. If you feel so bad about this country, why don't go back to Poland, the door is open. No one is forced to be here.
TheLox  - | 50  
6 Dec 2012 /  #254
The funny thing is, I didn't even know Call1N lived here. Exactly. No one asked you to be here. You're welcome to leave.
Ironside  50 | 12954  
6 Dec 2012 /  #255
Your blatant anti-Semitism makes Poles look really bad.

He is an American supposedly. I think he is yet another troll who enjoys attention not unlike yourself!
TheLox  - | 50  
6 Dec 2012 /  #256
No. I just like ******* him off. I don't give a sh** what people think, so how does that make me self centered? As you said, you think I crave attention. And what does that make you?

Now if you were to say I like to hear myself talk, you're right. At first I was a little weary about the situation, but then I formed a second opinion. Most people, (If you're human that is) DO like to hear themselves talk, because they simply like to hear they're own opinion, just like yourself. Right Ironside? Take that to the grave with you.
Ironside  50 | 12954  
6 Dec 2012 /  #257
Right Ironside?

WTF? What is your problem kiddo? I didn't say anything to you or about you!

t. If you feel so bad about this country, why don't go back to Poland

Go back? I mean his grandparents could go back, he would have to immigrate to Poland!
TheLox  - | 50  
6 Dec 2012 /  #258
Ironside:He is an American supposedly. I think he is yet another troll who enjoys attention not unlike yourself!
I apologize Ironside. I thought that comment was directed towards me. No hard feelings.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
6 Dec 2012 /  #259
Go back? I mean his grandparents could go back, he would have to immigrate to Poland!

yeah, if he really lives here
Ironside  50 | 12954  
6 Dec 2012 /  #260
I apologize Ironside. I thought that comment was directed towards me. No hard feelings.

No problem, all the best!

yeah, if he really lives here

sure for what we know he can be North Korean lol!
TheLox  - | 50  
6 Dec 2012 /  #261
Thank you

There are more Chickens in this world then People, Blame them.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
7 Dec 2012 /  #262
Maybe you should spend some more time in a proctorial school and learn more how to insult your fathers oak tree!

my father's "oak tree" is in Brooklyn, NY and I certainly won't insult it ;-)
hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
7 Dec 2012 /  #263
Poles have a strong history of going abroad to work illegally and they're still doing it now.

Gonna take a long time for that reputation to go.
TheLox  - | 50  
7 Dec 2012 /  #264
Work Illegaly, as in under the table pay? If so, I've done that. Whatever you have to do to take care of your family. Think about it, if you were starving on the street, would you not do the same if it came down to it?

Call1N? You're still mad about that? What kind of apology would you like? verbal?
4 eigner  2 | 816  
7 Dec 2012 /  #265
your Father's oak tree, as in your Forefather!
Remember who cut down the oak tree!

adult people make adult decisions. When your ancestors left Poland behind, it was for a reason, right? People who love Poland so much, stay in Poland or at least go back to Poland whenever they make enough money to live there.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
7 Dec 2012 /  #266
TheLox,Thank you,it's just my demeanor and I refuse to let people rent space in my head.I don't agree with call1n in,but he is entitled to his opinion and I always have to remember that.So call1n;What will you do if America apologizes?Will that be enough,or will it take more?
4 eigner  2 | 816  
7 Dec 2012 /  #267
What will you do if America apologizes?

then he'll apologize to America for asking for apologies.
TheLox  - | 50  
7 Dec 2012 /  #268
4 eigner, Lmao
p3undone  7 | 1098  
7 Dec 2012 /  #269
call1n, why should America allow less Jews in,why not make the amounts the same;no matter who it is.So now your saying that the Jews ran the Russian Gulags as well?
4 eigner  2 | 816  
7 Dec 2012 /  #270
I will ask the Jews to apologizing for running the gulag!

but then you're gonna have to apologize for being so damn apologetic, right?

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