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Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)?

TheLox  - | 50  
4 Dec 2012 /  #211
I like this country, but I don't like what it does. "Freedom of speech" does not exist anymore. If you use Freedom of Speech, they throw you in jail. And as for the Government. The Government and the Military go hand in hand, considering the fact that most if not all of the American Government participated or is affiliated with the Military.
call1n  2 | 192  
4 Dec 2012 /  #212
The catholic church in Germany has a much longer history than the Polish one.

The original Polish Pagans original perceived German catholicism as German paganism...
they were wrong... Catholicism(and reformed catholics AKA Protestantism) is worse!
Just look at the race laws of 1929 America!

10 million speaks for itself.

Yes and considering my grandparents feared of being put in a concentration camp since the Commies got the bomb, tell 1991, and since then things have not much improved... um... the 10 million came before 1929. They never allowed the minute amount of people from Eastern Europe since 1929 to disevow, the racist policy!


I want Poles to look stupid. Maybe then they can be percieved as goyem Germans, that will go along with zionism, and guilt, and maybe they will let more Poles in here!

The reason they do not want Poles in America: they are too smart!
They know what Stalin did, and that the same fate awaits America!
In any case, my Grandfather was the smartest guy 99 percentile, and when he tried to join airforce they would net let him because he was a Polak ( and the percecption of that).

They made him a Marine
He left Newark, because he knew what was coming.
He was not stupid, like the dumb red commies, that went along with the Polish Provisional government(which just "happened" to be Jewish run).

Anyone who is smart and has to balls to act on it, is "racist" and sent to Siberia!
Isnt that right Leon Trotsky, or should I call you by your real name, Michael Bronstien, from the BX New York!
4 eigner  2 | 816  
4 Dec 2012 /  #213
um... the 10 million came before 1929

nope. Poles never quit coming until today.
call1n  2 | 192  
4 Dec 2012 /  #214
There have never been more that 160,000 Poles come into America in a single year, or 160,000 people come in to America from all of Eastern Europe since 1929!

Answer that one, you denier of Racism, because your so anti-racist, but your anti-racism is in fact racism...
or answer this one:
Contrary to wikipeida, and other Stalinist propaganda sources, the word Kike actually means "eastern european Jew" signifying that the Jews are like lowly Polaks!

Should Polish get offended that the Jews are offended to be called kike?
Or should we make the Jews say "thank you" after being called kike?

Answer that, you too anti-racist to be racist, hypocrite.

Well, thank you and I gladly take your word for it!

Spoken like a true German goy!
Access granted, you can come to America any time.
Just as long as your guilty and you never say anything bad about the Jews or Israel.
TheLox  - | 50  
4 Dec 2012 /  #215
Call1N...........Where the f*** do you even live? Poland or America?
4 eigner  2 | 816  
4 Dec 2012 /  #216
There have never been more that 160,000 Poles come into America in a single year

so what? How many Poles (or anyone else for that matter) a year do you consider enough, Call1in? Nothing against Poles but why does anyone believe that there should be unlimited entry to this country for anyone, especially now, when we're hurting?

Where the f*** do you even live?

he lives in his own world ;-)
TheLox  - | 50  
4 Dec 2012 /  #217
Now that's funny. I think he.......I mean she disagrees just to disagree
Lenka  5 | 3533  
4 Dec 2012 /  #218
I will say this only once as I already wrote it to call1n:
America has the right to decide how many ppl and from which countries they want to let in.We may not like it but that's how it is.They are not really hurting Poles by not letting them in so there's no reason to go on with all this racisms accusation.
TheLox  - | 50  
5 Dec 2012 /  #219
You are blessed if you come to America, although it is not always the way it is thought out to be. The town that I live in, you're lucky if someone even knows you exist, because it's upper class. Silent is the night with nothing but the smell of fresh air and fabric softener as you walk up the street past the old Victorian houses.

I have a best friend whose Russian. She and her parents came to this country when she was about 10. I'm going to ask her how hard it was getting into this country, which I'm assuming wasn't hard because she's here, as well as a citizen.

No, it wasn't hard for her. *Bright Smile*
JimmyH  1 | 21  
5 Dec 2012 /  #220
Sorry, I don't support Poland entering the visa waiver program.
TheLox  - | 50  
5 Dec 2012 /  #221
I really don't care to be honest with you. But why do you say that?
call1n  2 | 192  
5 Dec 2012 /  #222
so what? How many Poles (or anyone else for that matter) a year do you consider enough, Call1in? Nothing against Poles but why does anyone believe that there should be unlimited entry to this country for anyone, especially now, when we're hurting?

I will say this only once as I already wrote it to call1n:
America has the right to decide how many ppl and from which countries they want to let in.We may not like it but that's how it is.They are not really hurting Poles by not letting them in so there's no reason to go on with all this racisms accusation.

I consider that there should be more Poles entering USA than Jews, because they suffered more, and had to face a Jewish-Communist Provisional Government, and be sent to Siberia after the war!

Are you saying the Poles are less?
4 eigner  2 | 816  
5 Dec 2012 /  #223
Poles are not less or more, no one is. The question whether one of them suffered more than the other, has nothing to do with our immigration laws. Besides, it's not exactly true what you said.
JimmyH  1 | 21  
5 Dec 2012 /  #224
I consider that there should be more Poles entering USA than Jews, because they suffered more, and had to face a Jewish-Communist Provisional Government, and be sent to Siberia after the war!
Are you saying the Poles are less?

Six million Jews died in the Holocaust partially because of Poland's fault since the Polish military failed to protect Jewish citizens. Also, Jews continued to suffer in post-war Poland which is one of the reasons why many of them left during that time.

Also, it's not America's responsibility to take in Poles and take care of them. You have a strange way of looking at the world.
TheLox  - | 50  
5 Dec 2012 /  #225
Well said Jimmy H. Is that not what most other countries come here for anyway?

The Pentagon said Wednesday it plans to send a U.S. Air Force detachment to Poland to support fighter jets and transport planes, marking the first time that U.S. soldiers have been stationed there.

The announcement was made at the end of talks between Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and his Polish counterpart, Tomasz Siemoniak. The detachment "will arrive this fall to support quarterly F-16 and C-130 deployments beginning in 2013 and will be the first U.S. forces stationed on Polish soil," Pentagon spokesman George Little said in a statement.

"The arrival of this detachment will mark a new step forward in the relationship between United States and Poland and enable closer military cooperation."

U.S. F-16 fighters and C-130 transport aircraft are to be deployed in Poland on a rotating basis as of next year, the statement said.

The ministers also discussed Poland's contribution to the international force in Afghanistan, where nearly 2,500 Polish troops are stationed in the eastern province of Ghazni, and Warsaw's participation in NATO missile defense.

Poland and Romania are each expected to host a ballistic missile interceptor site by 2018. Turkey is to host an early warning radar system

Care package from America? Yes, you could say we are doing enough. Although I feel that this MIGHT be stopped, considering that Russia
may fear that this specific detachment may interfere with their Radar system.

So that being said, whether Russia chooses to partaken enthusiam to this specific situation is beyond me.
Ironside  50 | 12951  
5 Dec 2012 /  #226
Six million Jews died in the Holocaust partially because of Poland's fault since the Polish military failed to protect Jewish citizens

Also -

Also, it's not America's(Poland's) responsibility to take in Poles(Jews) and take care of them. You have a strange way of looking at the world.

. Also, Jews continued to suffer in post-war Poland which is one of the reasons why many of them left during that time.

Suffer in what way? Many of those if not most were prominent members of Soviet-Poland establishment when in 60' commies groomed batch of Poles(traitors) to take over all sensitive departments they got rid off competition - simple!

Noways those who were helping with putting Poland under the Soviet heel and were kicked out by commies they helped to groom hold a grudge when in fact that should be hunted down by independent Poland for their part after WWII! I guess they are all death anyway but their progeny are full of BS fed to them by their daddy or grandpa!

Many left because Soviet Poland wasn't really a good place to be for anyone including 90% of Poles!

Nothing against Poles but why does anyone believe that there should be unlimited entry to this country for anyone,

The point is you have unlimited entry for anyone from the EU but Poles! Come on where have you been when we were debating it before!>?
p3undone  7 | 1098  
5 Dec 2012 /  #227
Ironside,I agree that we the U.S. should grant Poles the same access as any one else and I'm not sure what the reasoning is,but the situation is not as call1n would have you believe,or when I grew up,I would have been messed with being of Polish descent;never happened.The time when that type of sentiment towards eastern Europeans was normal,has long since past.
call1n  2 | 192  
5 Dec 2012 /  #228
Listen, my grandparents faced blantent racism through their whole time in America and changed their name and denied who they were. That means this country has the ability to make someone want to commit genocide against themself. That is worse than Stalinism and Nazism. And you know what, since the Commies got the bomb, they were afraid of going to a concentration camp. That is how obserd this "equal" bias to the Jews is.

Not counting the people that got sent to siberia. I am sure it was more than 6 million.
And this prejudice and discrimination is not just towards Poles, it is all Eastern European peoples.
It never went away, they just did racism under anti-communism, then after 1991, they have no excuse, America is still racist like it was in 1929!
(and for that matter, so are the Jews, who complain of Polish Anti-Semitism because they do not want to be called Kike "meaning eastern european Jew")

The Jews of America want no association with the Polish!
They want to pretend they are high society big jews like the great gatsby!
What a fraud multiculturalism is, and especially the Jews!
Lets talk about the fact that Jews from anywhere in the world can get visa to America through Israel....
Including the Russian Mafia, which is in fact Jewish...
And once the Mafia has a US visa they can go anywhere!
p3undone  7 | 1098  
5 Dec 2012 /  #229
call1n,What years are you talking about?My Grandparents did as well.This was quite along time ago.This is why actors changed their names back then,Anti Semitism was strong back then as well.It hasn't been like this in a long time.
call1n  2 | 192  
5 Dec 2012 /  #230
Jews change their names because they don't want people to know that they're Jews (eastern European Jew!)they are not changing their names denying their Jewishness.

They just want to pretend their are high Jews from western europe
If an ethnic Pole changes his name, he is denying his Polishness.
That is genocide!
The Jews reaction to anti-semitism in America, is to deny that they are like the ethnic eastern Europeans!
My great grandparents came over in the early 1900's.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
5 Dec 2012 /  #231
They all changed their names back then,because of racism.Anti Semitism was strong back then,or do you not know American History?Your grandparents came over in the early 1900's;so of course they would have dealt with racism as did immigrants coming from anywhere did back then.
5 Dec 2012 /  #232

If an ethnic Pole changes his name, he is denying his Polishness.
That is genocide!

I see that Webster's First Picture Dictionary doesn't contain the word 'genocide'.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
5 Dec 2012 /  #233
The point is you have unlimited entry for anyone from the EU but Poles!

I wasn't talking about tourism, where people come for a visit and go back home within three months. .

I agree that we the U.S. should grant Poles the same access as any one else


I'm not sure what the reasoning is

overstaying is one of the reasons if not the main one
call1n  2 | 192  
5 Dec 2012 /  #234
I see that Webster's First Picture Dictionary doesn't contain the word 'genocide'.

Does it contain the word "kike" meaning eastern european jew....
and that the Jews in America are very much offended to be called such lowly Polaks....
ufo973  10 | 88  
6 Dec 2012 /  #235
Americans are smart asses!!

They know there is extreme poverty and unemployment (they earn 1100 zloty in fast food restaurants,,most paid jobs are 1500 zloty for unskilled labours and 2000 to 3000 zloty for skilled labours) so imagine the situation of american job markets if they give the chance to millions of Poles to enter america???

They will never give them visa waiver program anytime soon.
TommyG  1 | 359  
6 Dec 2012 /  #236
so imagine the situation of american job markets if they give the chance to millions of Poles to enter america???
They will never give them visa waiver program anytime soon.

It will happen eventually. All the doors will come down one day:D
There are 38 million Poles who could probably earn a better salary just by walking across the German border and working there. No visa required:D

Money is not everything in life. You will learn that one day:P
TheLox  - | 50  
6 Dec 2012 /  #237
call1n  2 | 192  
6 Dec 2012 /  #238
You still get paid more in USA. And the economy in Poland isnt that great either...
There are certain jobs that will pay much more. (and are in demand)
In any case, what I am really complaining about is the 1929 anti-immigration act, that there was never an apology for. The 1965 "apology" was only for jews and non-whites (nothing about eastern european non jews)

That you don't have an response for: There never was an apology!
TheLox  - | 50  
6 Dec 2012 /  #239
I was born way after that date, so I couldn't help you. Im 23.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
6 Dec 2012 /  #240
There never was an apology!

I don't see any reason for it. They shouldn't apologize to anyone to begin with.

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