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Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)?

call1n  2 | 192  
4 Dec 2012 /  #181
1. Not get killed by communist!
2. Not get killed by Nazi's
Only the Jews are allowed unlimited immigration and free safe haven.
I am really complaining about the anti-immigration policies in 1929, which Poles would have a real reason to come here...
And that the fact that America, is so apologetic to crimes aganst Jews, but nothing to mention, that they still have a racist immigration Policy against Eastern Europe, and you know, if you have a parent from Eastern Europe and try to get a security clearance, or some kind of job as a trusted American, it is worse than if you are an Arab!

I would not be surprised if they took people in this country from Eastern Europe and throw them into concentration camps, that is what my grandparents were so afraid of (during the cold war), even though historicly their grandparents fought and died against communism!(which at the time in its early stages was Jewish not Slavic or Eastern European!)
TheLox  - | 50  
4 Dec 2012 /  #182
When you say "this country", you are reffering to America correct? I'm assuming you live here?
call1n  2 | 192  
4 Dec 2012 /  #183
Yes, I am refering to America. My grandparents were afraid during the cold war of going to a concentration camp!
There! You cannot admit it!
The USA never apologized for anti-Eastern european racism, only "Felt sorry" for jews who were really at the trigger of the guns that shot ethnic eastern europeans during bolchivic revolution and post-ww2 government put in Poland, and Baltic states!

They sent ethnic japanese to concentration camps during world war 2, because of Race! Germans and Italians were treated not nearly as bad, and GERMAN POW's were treated better than most ethnic minorities in America, and behind all the fake ideas of freedom and civil rights, America was at the heart of the cold war, and it would not be that far off your mind if you were identified with being an ethnic eastern european that you could be sent to a concentration camp!

F-ing Pathetic America!
and you can tell uncle sam, to go screw himself!
And tell Israel, they will get what they deserve, and America too, if it keeps up the Hilary Roten Clinton sentimental Doctor Phil Crap it does not wake up!
Meathead  5 | 467  
4 Dec 2012 /  #184
I live in the US and what you are saying is nonsense. Nobody cares about Poles or Poland here, and you know that.

exactly! Americans are ambivalent towards Poles and Poland. Visa problems are emulating from Warsaw or Brussels not Washington DC.

Brussels wants cheap labor.
call1n  2 | 192  
4 Dec 2012 /  #185
I live in the US and what you are saying is nonsense. Nobody cares about Poles or Poland here, and you know that.

I hope you realize, that Americians do not care about Poles, means that Americians dislike Poles. It is sort of a way to say, well we are racist, but cannot even admit it to ourselves.

Second thing I hope you realize, is that the 1929 Racist immigration law against Poland was never repealed!
I am Americian and tell you, the Jews hate the Poles the most out of all the ethnic groups in america
There is even more shame for a Jew to be called Pole, than being around Blacks(which they also despise!)
you need to wake up from your Hilary Roten Clinton, Dr.Phil crap, and come to grips the way you want to see your country vs what it is!

And you know what, calling a Pole anti-semite, is anti-Polish!
But anti-polish has no meaning, in america, because America has been anti-polish since 1929... nothing has changed!
Lenka  5 | 3539  
4 Dec 2012 /  #186
Are you saying I am less?

I think I read this line somewhere...oh yeah,you send me the same line in PM.You prepared your statemets and send it weverywhere you can?Very sad.

No, but you are upset about a non-issue. This has been discussed before by the way:

He knows that,posted there the same thing.He's posting only two thingd:"Poles v. Jews"and "Thor skin".
Ironside  50 | 12954  
4 Dec 2012 /  #187
Call1n,so why are there so many Poles living here?

What do you mean?
Lenka  5 | 3539  
4 Dec 2012 /  #188
and come to grips the way you want to see your country vs what it is!

Funny thing-you wrote that one before as well.

And you know what, calling a Pole anti-semite, is anti-Polish!

No.it's not.It's either true or false but not anti=Polish.
call1n  2 | 192  
4 Dec 2012 /  #189
No.it's not.It's either true or false but not anti=Polish.

Your right!
And it is not anti-Polish when the blacks came and sacked all the Polish sausage houses in Newark and Detroit!
Because that would be racist to say something about the blacks!
And the Germans are "anti-Polish" pagans anymore... they converted to catholic!
(even though that is worse)
And the Russian orthodox Christians are not "anti-polish" anymore, they are "equal" communist
(even though that is worse)
And America is not an empire!
They just burn down Polish Sausage houses in the name of "anti-racism" call it equal opportunity communism... and then shove Burger King and MacDonalds, on every block!

(that is not anti-Polish)
And then when everyone is unhealthy, the "anti-racist" can come back, after "capitalism failed" and say see, you Polish eat Macdonalds all the time, we need to restrict your income, so you don't get so fat!

NO, America is not an empire, America is worse than an empire!
And the Jews, can say we are not sectarian Talmudic Jews anymore, we believe in Political zionism, we are "equal and fair" and "multi-cultural"

No, You are worse than talmudism! you are nazi!
You just create some worse each time, in defense of being not that!
I know your game! Polish are not Potato, I am not fooled, and that is why there is no immigration to America from Poland!
TheLox  - | 50  
4 Dec 2012 /  #190
Call1N:F-ing pathetic America.
Talk about racism, F-ing Hypocrite.
Call1N, just shut your face. I think you just like to hear yourself talk. You make me want to **** smack you. If America hates Poles so much, then why do they live here? I'm of Polish descent you idiot.

However, unfortunately, yes. There is racism here. But racism will never die as we all know. But never throughout studying American history have I heard of America being anti-Polish. They don't bother anyone. They come here, work hard, and keep to themselves. So Call1N, as racist as you're trying to make me sound, is not going to work. As I said before......I DON'T PARTICIPATE IN RACISM. IT'S PEOPLE LIKE YOU THAT MAKE US THE STEREOTYPICAL "DUMB POLES". YOU MAKE US LOOK STUPID. THANKS.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
4 Dec 2012 /  #191
And the Germans are "anti-Polish" pagans anymore... they converted to catholic! (even though that is worse)

The catholic church in Germany has a much longer history than the Polish one. Following your argument, the Poles were the savages who got baptized in 966... :)
p3undone  7 | 1098  
4 Dec 2012 /  #192
Ironside,I mean that there are a lot of Polish immigrants and Americans of Polish descent living in the U.S..If call1n was correct in what he has been saying,then chances are;that I wouldn't be living in the states either,as I am of Polish descent.There are more than 10 million Poles living in the U.S.Not an insignificant number.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
4 Dec 2012 /  #193
There are more than 10 million Poles living in the U.S.Not an insignificant number.

yep, especially considering that the entire population of Poland is only 38,216,000
Ironside  50 | 12954  
4 Dec 2012 /  #194
Ironside,I mean that there are a lot of Polish immigrants and Americans of Polish descent living in the U.S..If call1n was correct in what he has been saying,then chances are;that I wouldn't be living in the states either,as I am of Polish descent.There are more than 10 million Poles living in the U.S.Not an insignificant number.

How many of those have been born in Poland?
How many of those come after 1929 and how many before that date?
Then you would have an argument or not!
Just to say hey there is 10 million American Poles is not enough!
4 eigner  2 | 816  
4 Dec 2012 /  #195
c'mon Ironside, you know that what Call1in is saying is a total nonsense. There's no such a thing as racism toward Poles here (a few jerks here and there who are talking crap about you, don't stand for the entire country) and the numbers are confirming it.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
4 Dec 2012 /  #196
Ironside,my argument is that the U.S. no longer has this racist policy it had in "29" against the Poles.8,574 became permanent residents in 20009.Between 2000 - 20009 a total of roughly 117,000 people immigrated to the U.S..That's more than 10,000 a year.I don't know the total of Polish expats living in the U.S.,but I'm sure it's substantial.
Ironside  50 | 12954  
4 Dec 2012 /  #197
c'mon Ironside, you know that what Call1in is saying is a total nonsense

Well didn't he quoted some document to prove his case?

There's no such a thing as racism toward Poles here

I'm not saying there is!

and the numbers are confirming it.

you mean ten million Pol-Am?
That what I was getting at1 The number alone do no prove anything!

My argument is that the U.S. no longer has this racist policy against poles.8,574 became permanent residents in 20009.Between 2000 - 20009 a total of roughly 117,000 people immigrated to the U.S..That's more than 10,000 a year.I don't know how the total of Polish expats living in the U.S.,but I'm sure it's substantial.

Well, thank you and I gladly take your word for it!
4 eigner  2 | 816  
4 Dec 2012 /  #198
word? he provided numbers just like Call1in did and which you tend to take for granted, right?

Well didn't he quoted some document to prove his case?

why do you believe Call1in more than P3undone or me for that matter? We all provided numbers but our numbers prove that 10 millions of your countrymen made it here while what Call1in says, was obviously never enforced, as the number 10 million speaks for itself.
Ironside  50 | 12954  
4 Dec 2012 /  #199
why do you believe Call1in more than P3undone or me for that matter? We all provided numbers but our numbers prove that 10 millions of your countrymen made it here while what Call1in says, was obviously never enforced, as the number 10 million speaks for itself.

The number ten millions of Pol-Am prove nothing one way or the other! What is you do not understand?
I believe that there was law from 1929 which limited number of Polish citizens allowed into the USA!
P3done provided numbers and I do not ask for links because I trust him more if you must know.
TheLox  - | 50  
4 Dec 2012 /  #200
Again, I have never heard of such a law. And even if that was true, America wouldn't carry out some random law like that unless they had a pretty good damn reason for it. America wouldn't make some "law" based on discrimination.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
4 Dec 2012 /  #201
I believe that there was law from 1929 which limited number of Polish citizens allowed into the USA!

as far as I know, the number of eastern Europeans was limited, not just Poles.

The number ten millions of Pol-Am prove nothing one way or the other! What is you do not understand?

I'm afraid, you don't understand that if we hated Poles, there wouldn't be 10 millions of you here, simple as that. The law, Call1in is talking about, obviously wasn't strictly enforced, right?
Ironside  50 | 12954  
4 Dec 2012 /  #202
I'm afraid, you don't understand that if we hated Poles, there wouldn't be 10 millions of you here, simple as tha

Not necessarily! The law was implement in 1929. Before that date any number of Poles could enter the USA. As we know the biggest influx of immigrants to the USA from the Eastern Europe happened between 1890-1914, second in the years after WWI!All before 1929!

Given that those immigrants used to have many children there is no miracle if after 100 years they number would rise significantly supported by immigrants in later dates say 10 000 yearly!

Surely you do not suggest that ten millions of Pol-Ams are immigrants in first and second generations!
Do not take me wrong I'm not saying that is so! But only that ten millions do not prove anything!

And even if that was true, America wouldn't carry out some random law like that unless they had a pretty good damn reason for it. America wouldn't make some "law" based on discrimination.

keep dreaming:)
4 eigner  2 | 816  
4 Dec 2012 /  #203
Before that date any number of Poles could enter the USA.

again, this restriction wasn't meant just for Poles.
TheLox  - | 50  
4 Dec 2012 /  #204
Ironside..........where the hell are you trying to get with this conversation? Into Amerca?
Ironside  50 | 12954  
4 Dec 2012 /  #205
again, this restriction wasn't meant just for Poles.

But still! Anyway the only thing I'm saying the number is not prove!

where the hell are you trying to get with this conversation? Into Amerca?

To the chase!
TheLox  - | 50  
4 Dec 2012 /  #206
I still do not believe that law existed. However, if there was such a law, like I said, America would have a reason for it. Maybe to control the population of so many Eastern Europeans wanting to obtain citizenship in Amerca? Who knows?
Ironside  50 | 12954  
4 Dec 2012 /  #207
Do you think that discrimination occurs for a pure joy of it? There are always some reasons.
What about the WVP and exclusion of Poles? I'm sure there is reason for it but nobody quite agree on what is it!
TheOther  6 | 3596  
4 Dec 2012 /  #208
What about the WVP and exclusion of Poles? I'm sure there is reason for it but nobody quite agree on what is it!

Officially, it's the high visa refusal rate for Polish applicants.
TheLox  - | 50  
4 Dec 2012 /  #209
What I still don't understand is........say that all of the things you mentioned DID occur at some point. What are the Poles trying to get out of it? A medal, money, citizenship? What? I have a voice, but there is nothing I can do, it is, or it was a government decision. I wish I could help you. As far as I'm concerned, America isn't free anymore. What the people say doesn't matter anymore, it's what the American government says. Which is also why America calls itself communist, even know we are not.
berni23  7 | 377  
4 Dec 2012 /  #210
it's what the American government says

If only so, the industrial military complex and Wall Street has had the government by its balls for decades.

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