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Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)?

hairball  20 | 313  
17 Feb 2008 /  #1
It would seem that Poles arn't good enough for America!

Bez Wiz do USA pojadą Czesi i Węgrzy, ala nie Polacy....

Announced that Richard Barth, Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security USA , Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC, at a conference on visa free travel movement - informs " Gazeta Wyborcza" .

This means that in 2009 . Without visas to citizens of the USA will travel the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary , Lithuania, Latvia , Estonia, Malta, Cyprus and Greece .

It's a huge surprise. When more than half a year ago, the Americans adopted a new law to include the countries of the region to the visa-free regime , dominated by the voices of disappointment. To 2007 . On the abolition of visas to the United States may only apply to the countries where the proportion of refusals to issue visas to people who consuls of the United States suspect of being in the States illegally , does not exceed 3 percent . The new regulations have raised this threshold to 10 percent . , But many Central European countries , including Poland , felt that it was inadequate.

Good to know who your friends are!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
17 Feb 2008 /  #2
There are rules and too many Poles break them. Simple.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
17 Feb 2008 /  #3
Pfff who doesn't? I don't follow laws everyday.
plk123  8 | 4119  
17 Feb 2008 /  #4
right but the czechs and magyars go back when they are supposed to.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
17 Feb 2008 /  #5
They are the least of anyones concern. We should be more concerned with the thousands of Cuban and Hatian refugees/Mexicans that enter our country.
espana  17 | 951  
17 Feb 2008 /  #6
2.000 -American states with the largest numbers of Poles and Americans of Polish ancestry are New York (958,893), Illinois (946,241), Michigan (900,335), Pennsylvania (855,526), New Jersey (591,347), California (496,588), Wisconsin (481,779), Florida (430,138), Ohio (404,557), Massachusetts (349,998), Connecticut (278,010), Texas (234,861), Minnesota (222,997), Maryland (186,312), Indiana (164,587), Arizona (140,541), Virginia (112,658), Missouri (104,460) and Colorado (97,420). The city with the highest amount of Poles is Chicago - 1.8 millions. Chicago is the second largest "Polish" city in the world. Warsaw, Polish capital is the only city with more Polish residents. New York is on the second place with about 600,000 Polish American in metropolitan area and Detroit is the third with about a half of million.

We should be more concerned with the thousands of Cuban and Hatian refugees/Mexicans that enter our country.

you are a little cruel if you look this numbers of polish trying to find a better future in america like this cuban ,hatian and mexicans
FISZ  24 | 2116  
17 Feb 2008 /  #7
I see you're showing me numbers of migrants and their ancestors. Yes, we have many PL living here, as well as legal Mexicans-Cubans-Hatians. The PL don't come here boats/modified cars. I'm also not saying who's right or wrong, but it's not as big a concern IMO.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
17 Feb 2008 /  #8
Good to know who your friends are!

I don't understand Americans, they prefere to give no visa movemnt for much poorer Lithuania fck them. Maybe it is good they have this recesion :P

BTW Who goes to USA to find job ? :P nobody 1USD= 2,4PLN

I have heard that EU commision decided that it is not fair and If USA is not going to give us no-visa traveling to their country. USA citizens will have much harder to come to whole europe especialy to members of Schengen (France, Germany, Spain, Italy ...).
Przemas  1 | 101  
17 Feb 2008 /  #9
Wonderful news : )
FISZ  24 | 2116  
17 Feb 2008 /  #10
I don't understand Americans

Americans, or the American government? You have to remember that the majority of Americans don't necessarily agree with what their govt. does.

BTW Who goes to USA to find job

Tons of people still seek employment in the US.This wouldn't be the first time we have to come out of a recession. We'll be ok again...I promise :)

I have heard that EU commision decided that it is not fair and If USA is not going to give us no-visa traveling to their country

I've never heard this. Where did you hear? I don't see this ever happening.

Good thing Georgie boy won't be in office much longer. We may see a lot of change. We're not all creeps Lukasz
slyder  2 | 27  
17 Feb 2008 /  #11
You have to remember that the majority of Americans don't necessarily agree with what their govt. does.

This isn't true. We were all sure Bush wouldn't get elected again - and he did, and even managed a fair majority. Democrats listen to democrats, so they think they're everywhere, when in fact, it's still about 50/50.

And screw the States anyway, come to Canada, we value our immigrants, since we're mostly immigrants/decendants of ourselves - a fact America seems to forget.
plk123  8 | 4119  
17 Feb 2008 /  #12
I don't see this ever happening.

why.. reciprocal punishment has been dealt against americans since post 9-11 as america got a little crazy about security.

And screw the States anyway, come to Canada, we value our immigrants,

yes the polish guy at the vancouver airport last year, just loved the welcoming committee.
JacekinLAnNY  - | 24  
17 Feb 2008 /  #13
I think most Poles are far better
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
17 Feb 2008 /  #14
And screw the States anyway, come to Canada, we value our immigrants,

Yes this year there will be no visa for Poles comming to Canada.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
17 Feb 2008 /  #15
And screw the States anyway, come to Canada, we value our immigrants, since we're mostly immigrants/decendants of ourselves - a fact America seems to forget.

yeah and who made you the national observer of the day/week?

you know whats so funny.. the cannucks live in canada but shop in the USA>>
work in the USA and Drink in the USA>> maybe you dont live so close to the bridge?
maybe you live way up there in the snowy regions where no man dares to go.. lol

our products are sure good .. I think they get more business in canada by all the
travelers coming across to the US..
Dice  15 | 452  
17 Feb 2008 /  #16
The U.S. government simply looked at the influx of Polish temporary job seekers in GB, Ireland and the rest of Europe and decided that with all the problems we have here with illegals from Mexico we can't afford to have millions of illegals from Poland.

I don’t thing the reasons for it was that they like Poland or not, rather it was the fact that we already have to many illegal immigrants from South America and that they put a significant weight on the economy and other social issues.

BTW, I think this was a good decision - you can come here with a visa if you have a legitimate reason, like a family, and ways of supporting yourself.

The other way we would have many Polish illegals looking for a job who would have no chance of finding one, as the illegal job market here is dominated by the Mexicans.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
17 Feb 2008 /  #17
Dice you are d!ck!

The U.S. government

The U.S governemnt should look on fact that some time ago Poland was one of the last places where sb liked you.

I think I know why only 20% of Polish people want this US shield. 95% wants our soldier back form Iraq (without looking on alliances) and 90% form Afghanstan.

What is more no body cares about your visa, it looks just pathetic.
slyder  2 | 27  
17 Feb 2008 /  #18
Ah Patrycja, sorry to have upset your delicate american sensitivites.

We shop in the USA because things have become so cheap lately since our dollars are par, and your minimum wage is low. And I have never known a Canadian to go to America just to drink, and when they do drink down there, the come back with stories about weak alcohol. You are right about work sometimes however, we have a phenomena dubbed the 'brain-drain' because it's more lucrative for a doctor to work outside of a public health care system, and to become a star in Hollywood - you can have those ones anyway.

But, to be fair, at least you know it doesn't turn into an ice-land when you cross the border (just last week a Brit asked me if Canada was a state ;P) When in Canada, I actually live along the main populated area between Windsor and Montreal, it's about 2 hours drive to get around Lake Ontario and into New York. Where abouts do you hail from in the States?

I should mention that our cultures do bear many similarities though. Still, do you agree that our attitude towards immigration (generally speaking) are different?
Przemas  1 | 101  
17 Feb 2008 /  #19
I don’t thing the reasons for it was that they like Poland or not, rather it was the fact that we already have to many illegal immigrants from South America and that they put a significant weight on the economy and other social issues.

And what South Americans would this be? :P
plk123  8 | 4119  
17 Feb 2008 /  #20
Yes this year there will be no visa for Poles comming to Canada.

actually it's "no need for a visa" as there is no visas to USA.

you know whats so funny.. the cannucks live in canada but shop in the USA>>
work in the USA and Drink in the USA>> maybe you dont live so close to the bridge?


and it's way, way cheaper here.. i know a few canadians that everytime they drive from one coast to the other, they do so through US because the gas is so much cheaper here and it ends up being quite the saving.

The other way we would have many Polish illegals looking for a job who would have no chance of finding one, as the illegal job market here is dominated by the Mexicans.

oh, there are plenty of illegal poles here.. believe you me.. and lately it's probably been about 8/10 that i run into.

I should mention that our cultures do bear many similarities though. Still, do you agree that our attitude towards immigration (generally speaking) are different?

yes, because nobody is running or swimming or driving their junk into canada for work.

And what South Americans would this be? :P

look at the map... there are a lot of countries in central and south americas (both are just the south in the US)
Przemas  1 | 101  
17 Feb 2008 /  #21
look at the map... there are a lot of countries in central and south americas (both are just the south in the US)

Huh? What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? :)
plk123  8 | 4119  
17 Feb 2008 /  #22
now, you're making even less sense.
celinski  31 | 1258  
17 Feb 2008 /  #23
Good to know who your friends are!

Don't speak like this, Poland and USA are very close. I think of Poland as my blood and I hope they see the large community's of Polish in the USA, seeing as the majority were exiled here.

only 20% of Polish people want this US shield.

It was Poland that asked the USA for assistance in the shield in the first place.
Ranj  21 | 947  
17 Feb 2008 /  #24
Visa Waiver Program - How a Country Qualifies

How does a country qualify to participate in the Visa Waiver Program (VWP)?

In order to be designated to participate in the Visa Waiver Program, countries must meet certain legislatively established criteria, as set forth in the Immigration and Nationality Act (U.S.C. 1187), the Border Security Act, and the Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act (EBSVERA).


There are rules and too many Poles break them. Simple.

I think Greg hit the nail on the head......Poland is not the only country to not qualify for the VWP.....how many countries are there in the world? 27 out of approximately 200 countries qualify for the VWP (that's only about 7% of the world's counties).....Poland is hardly being singled out.

That being said, I personally would love for Poland to have the Visa Waiver, but unfortunately, I'm not the one who makes the rules.

Also, so many on here have said they don't want to come to the USA....they don't need to since they are now part of the EU, so why would they care whether or not there was a waiver?

oh, there are plenty of illegal poles here.. believe you me.. and lately it's probably been about 8/10 that i run into.

Even the Polish Govt. corroberates what you are saying, PLK!

The main reason for Poland’s exclusion from the VWP is that 30 percent of the 100,000 Poles who apply for U.S. entry visas each year are rejected—a rate 10 times higher than that required for VWP participation. State Department officials attribute the high rejection rate to the large number of Poles seeking illegal employment in the United States. The Polish government itself estimates that 70,000 Poles reside in the United States illegally on expired visas. St. Clair and Komperda, “Missed Moments.”
OP hairball  20 | 313  
18 Feb 2008 /  #25
Georgie boy won't be in office much longer

And the whole world breathes a big sigh of relief!

I think most Poles are far better

Jacek did you fall asleep in the middle of your post? It seems to be incomplete.

influx of Polish temporary job seekers in GB, Ireland and the rest of Europe

I don't think the US would have such a large "influx" as the UK and Eire did simply because of ditance and cost to travel home.

Don't speak like this, Poland and USA are very close

But it would seem not as close as The Czech Republic and Hungary!

It was Poland that asked the USA for assistance in the shield in the first place.

That is simply not true!

so why would they care whether or not there was a waiver?

Because they see Hollywood's version of America on TV and they would like to come and see that grass on the other side of the fence that looks SOOOOOOOOOO GREEEEEN!
Ranj  21 | 947  
18 Feb 2008 /  #26
But it would seem not as close as The Czech Republic and Hungary!

It seems as though these two countries have followed the rules and therefore, they qualify for the waiver.

Unfortunately, a few Polish citizens have ruined it for the masses.

Because they see Hollywood's version of America on TV and they would like to come and see that grass on the other side of the fence that looks SOOOOOOOOOO GREEEEEN!

Well YOU know better, HB, so why don't you just send out mailers to the Polish population to educate them how awful the US really is!

Tell me something, Hairball, what would you have the US do? Why should US bend their own rules? What it comes down to, if we do it for one nation, then we have to do it for others.....I believe eventually, Poland will have a waiver, but it's going to take sometime.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
18 Feb 2008 /  #27
Tell me something, Hairball, what would you have the US do? Why should US bend their own rules? What it comes down to, if we do it for one nation, then we have to do it for others.....I believe eventually, Poland will have a waiver, but it's going to take sometime.

No bending rules and tighter border controls, stricter punishment for those found in the US on an illegal status - Like it's been stated those that went to the states and overstayed, broke the rules and ruined it for the rest....tough! - Pitty we dont do the same for people from countries who enter the UK and stay..
AngelNC  2 | 84  
18 Feb 2008 /  #28
Like it's been stated those that went to the states and overstayed, broke the rules and ruined it for the rest....tough!

ShelleyS is right about that. It's their own fault.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
18 Feb 2008 /  #29
you know whats so funny.. the cannucks live in canada but shop in the USA>>

It all depends on the market. Now it's just so much cheaper for Canadians to shop in the US. Just a few years ago it was Americans who shopped in Canada. This comes and goes in cycles.

Btw. I used to live in the US. I left after 5 years and I'm happier in Canada. Yes, I did work in the US I moved out, but going back to the US to live there? No way Jose!

work in the USA and Drink in the USA>>

work? Yes.
Drink? Ask all those American kids who come to Canada for a booze because in states such as NY the're not old enough to do that.

our products are sure good ..

Do you mean American 'made in China" goods are better than Canadian "made in China" goods? :))
OP hairball  20 | 313  
18 Feb 2008 /  #30
how awful the US really is!

That's not true. I've only visited once way back in '87. Great Falls, Montana.....(I didn't need a Visa!!)..... I had a wonderful time and the people were the friendliest and nicest people I've ever met. I still have a "pen pal", and we do it the old fashiond way, "snail mail". I don't hate Americans Ranj! Just Neo Con policies!

And as you ask, I would give Poland the Visa waiver. I think the fears that you would have 1 mil+ "influx" of Poles is unfounded. They can earn as much and more in the UK an Eire.

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