Warszawette - | 128
7 May 2012 / #31
to close subject, I have intevened in public because of lack of knowledge made in public about topic most on this thread know nothing about. Some of you don't even know names of candidates. It is NOT Le PenN but Le Pen, which means "the head" in Briton (Celtic language spoken in Brittany) and the Le Pens are not extreme LEFT but extreme RIGHT and Hollande is not a communist but a social-democrat (French socialist party = SPD in Germany, Labour in GB, ... and even close to Democrats in the US) so why talking about a topic on the net one does not know ?
Yes, sarko made 48% but France is a democracy and it's always like that - things are not style ..... 90 to 10 ;). Yes, it's very low for sarko due to his big bucks machine and his friends' owned + controlled media and also as he'd had been running for election for almost 5 years.
Just for info, check who voted for Hollande and who voted for sarko and you'll see who means the future ;)
Why in the world do you make a personal thing out of it? Hollande has won and that's it and because of France's weight in Europe and the world, you'll have to cope with it. Tusk who boycotted him shall have now to meet with him and that's all. This is called .... DEMOCRACY and apparently you have trouble with idea = your problem
fyi, sarko shall lose his imnuity on June 16 and shall start being questioned by several judges (L'Oréal, Karachigate, Kaddafi, etc etc etc..... )
I have just commented upon post since 1. I'm French, 2. I've voted for Hollande and 3. I live in Poland.
Case closed and "Bonne chance François ! :)"
Yes, sarko made 48% but France is a democracy and it's always like that - things are not style ..... 90 to 10 ;). Yes, it's very low for sarko due to his big bucks machine and his friends' owned + controlled media and also as he'd had been running for election for almost 5 years.
Just for info, check who voted for Hollande and who voted for sarko and you'll see who means the future ;)
Why in the world do you make a personal thing out of it? Hollande has won and that's it and because of France's weight in Europe and the world, you'll have to cope with it. Tusk who boycotted him shall have now to meet with him and that's all. This is called .... DEMOCRACY and apparently you have trouble with idea = your problem
fyi, sarko shall lose his imnuity on June 16 and shall start being questioned by several judges (L'Oréal, Karachigate, Kaddafi, etc etc etc..... )
I have just commented upon post since 1. I'm French, 2. I've voted for Hollande and 3. I live in Poland.
Case closed and "Bonne chance François ! :)"