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Pole loses language discrimination case in Germany; Scandalous!

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
27 Jul 2010 /  #31
I just find it funny that the first to blame for you Poles is the german Jugendamt, of course only out to discriminate Poles...even if the father might be a horrible person and the Jugendamt tries to rescue the children from him...

You are such idiots! Hopeless!

Did you just say that?

No...Poles say that...all the time...and the Jugendamt is our new SS...out to steal your precious polish children left and right, didn't you hear that?
Borrka  37 | 592  
27 Jul 2010 /  #32
You are such idiots!

Great arguments.
mafketis  38 | 11288  
27 Jul 2010 /  #33
I just find it funny that the first to blame for you Poles is the german Jugendamt,

I just find it funny that you have such trust int he Jugendamt (which has come in for a lot of international criticism, not just from Poles).

You are such idiots! Hopeless!

You're such a bootlicker! Hopeless!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
27 Jul 2010 /  #34
Great arguments.

With you the best!

You're such a bootlicker! Hopeless!

What boots....not yours, that's for sure!

You Poles have still a long way to go...don't wonder next time why you are so low on the respect ladder.
mafketis  38 | 11288  
27 Jul 2010 /  #35
What boots....not yours,

That's a relief. And I'm not Polish, I'm American (mind who you're talking to, you German rabble!)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
27 Jul 2010 /  #36
So what's it to you...you should know better...but let me guess, a plastic pole?

PS: I wonder what we would find if we google all the disputes youth welfare case of the US...
Ironside  51 | 13127  
27 Jul 2010 /  #37
So what's it to you..

why do you defend them?
mafketis  38 | 11288  
27 Jul 2010 /  #38
1. No Polish ancestory (most of my ancestory is ..... Deutsch including a healthy dose of Schwabian), but I live in Poland. From what I've experienced of Germany, I definitely prefer life in Poland, it's much freer.

2. US child services are horribly corrupt. That's one reason that I don't trust any child service bureaucracy anywhere. The jugendamt has several times already been criticised by european authorities for their treatment of non-Germans (not just Poles)

3. You don't know one bit more about the specifics of this case than I do.

4. Even if the father is scum (which is a possiblity) if he has visitation rights they should be on his terms and not those of a bureaucrat. The burden of solving linguistic problems should be on the jugendamt (_if_ they're acting in good faith).
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
27 Jul 2010 /  #39
why do you defend them?

The Jugendamt does good work and already helped alot of the most needy little ones.
And that Poles are quick to demean german institutions and feel victimized about nothing is an old card....

4. Even if the father is scum (which is a possiblity) if he has visitation rights they should be on his terms

You've got to be kidding!

Even if the father is scum and the health and safety of the children is threatened the visits should be on HIS terms????

Dear god!

I definitely prefer life in Poland, it's much freer.

Define "freer"...Your dollar makes for a good life in zloty-Poland or what do you mean?

3. You don't know one bit more about the specifics of this case than I do.

Well...I also didn't accuse the Jugendamt of being Neo-Nazis...

The jugendamt has several times already been criticised by european authorities for their treatment of non-Germans (not just Poles)

I'm fairly sure Germans complain as often...shows only that the Jugendamt takes their jobs seriously.
The bring the children into safety if their is a risk of them getting hurt. They will given back only
if any doubt is proven wrong. Of course their are complainst...better take good care of your children before hand!
mafketis  38 | 11288  
27 Jul 2010 /  #40
Even if the father is scum and the health and safety of the children is threatened the visits should be on HIS terms????

Choice of language? Yes. And it should be the responsibility of the Jugendamt to supply interpreters if they think such are necessary.

Again, if he's such scum why does he have visitation rights at all?

Your dollar makes for a good life in zloty-Poland or what do you mean?

I live on the local economy. By freer I mean that overall people are freer to live their lives how they want to (partly because of a healthy distrust of authority) than they are in nanny state Germany.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
27 Jul 2010 /  #41
Yes. And it should be the responsibility of the Jugendamt to supply interpreters if they think such are necessary.

I'm sure they sought everywhere...but find someone who speaks Zulu is hard too!

Again, if he's such scum why does he have visitation rights at all?

Again...I don't know....maybe the Jugendamt was lenient and was trying to be nice to not break up the contact between children and father completely - but only under supervision.

How bad of them!

By freer I mean that overall people are freer to live their lives how they want to (partly because of a healthy distrust of authority) than they are in nanny state Germany.

Tell me more about it...right now it's only an empty phrase. You are an American, when, where and how long did you live in Germany to compare?

And what was so wrong with the US that you prefer Poland?
kondzior  11 | 1026  
27 Jul 2010 /  #42
Again, it is not just stupid Poles hating Germans. Here is a story about Jugendamt, the great agency that was set up in year 1939:
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
27 Jul 2010 /  #43
Do you have a less biased source please...

I'm not sure the Neo-Nazi Jugendamt is that much interested in abducting and stealing black children too!
I really think they prefer blonde and blue eyed polish children..
kondzior  11 | 1026  
27 Jul 2010 /  #44
I tried, I really did, but I could not find any English language source describing Jugendamt as something nice. Google something like "jugendamnt", "agency". All I have found was like "jugendamt destroying families" "kidnapping children" and so on. Up until tonight I had no idea how widespread it is.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
27 Jul 2010 /  #45
They do good work! ;)

Here is some info about the works of the Jugendamt.

Alot of little poor fellows owe them their health and lifes, accept that or not!

It surely happens that errors are being made, the social workers are human only, but in the end they do much more good than bad.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
27 Jul 2010 /  #46
Sorry, I dont speak German. I am bad, bad Pole and I have never lernt your language. Probably out of spite?
But keep in mind that I did not post any links in Polish. And there are milions of them. And not a single one say s nice word about it.
convex  20 | 3928  
27 Jul 2010 /  #47
I definitely prefer life in Poland, it's much freer

Move to the Czech Republic, makes this place look like prison camp.

But how is Poland "freer" than Germany? In what sense? It definitely isn't when it comes to speech. It also isn't when it comes to what you want to put in your body (and at what age). Bureaucracy is way less cumbersome in Germany...

Are you confusing lack of enforcement of the rules with being "freer"?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
27 Jul 2010 /  #48
Probably out of spite?

I couldn't find any objective article of the Jugendamt in English.
Nearly all english article come from the same CEE source which seems to be in some kind of witch hunt.
But seriously everybody who calls the Jugendamt NeoNazi and Nazi-Lebensborn institution wanders immediately into the bin as the nutter they are.

To bad you never hear about the good work they do, the children they get out of horrible families, children who get beaten, abused and sexually assaulted by their own parents, whose last and often only hope the Jugendamt is.

But for that you would need to understand german...so...
kondzior  11 | 1026  
27 Jul 2010 /  #49
As I understand CEE is an association of parents wronged by Jugendamnt. Frankly, if my kid was stolen from me by some foreign agency, I would go to the witch hunt too. Nothing bad about that.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
27 Jul 2010 /  #50
As I understand CEE is an association of parents wronged by Jugendamnt.

They SAY they were "wronged". That's hardly objective...and I don't expect them to be.
But sadly for us the Jugendamt takes care to not gush and blather on about the children in their care as open in the internet as those from the CEE do.

They keep quiet and tight to protect their charge!

So it's hardly a fair exchange of arguments as we will not get the needed information to make ourselves an unbiased judgement.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
27 Jul 2010 /  #51
Still, the sheer number of cases is appallig. I refuse to believe that all of them are bunch of liers. And the fact that Poles need to speak to theirs kids in German, even if neither kid nor parents speak German is clear sign of Jugendamt's ill will.

And no, not even half of the articles originates at CEE.

One come to wonder how angels from Jugendamt find the time to do anything good. Harming so many people got to be full time job. German efficacy, I guess.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
27 Jul 2010 /  #52
Still, the sheer number of cases is appallig.

Not really...when you go down to it it's always the same few cases...about 12 I've read, mostly from the same source, CEE.

And the fact that Poles need to speak to theirs kids in German, even if neither kid nor parents speak German is clear sign of Jugendamt's ill will.

What do you think supervision means?
If they don't have a social worker who understands polish maybe they should better forbid the visit at all?

For someone who lived 30 years in Germany and even works as a teacher it shouldn't be a to heavy price to pay for being allowed to visit his children.

That he makes such a bruhaha about it is quite puzzling....maybe he has other reasons for that.
What is it that he wants to tell his children that the social worker and their mom shouldn't know about?

PS: The kids are half german and definitely speak and understand german, as does their father...I really wonder what that is all about, but you not of course. It can only be the mean Nazi-Jugendamt with it's sinister polish-children-stealing-plans who is to blame here...

German efficacy, I guess.

Oh f*uck off...you seem to be the typical Pole who only expect and thinks the worst of Germany. No rational discussion possible.
Be happy with your prejudices! The Jugendamt is alright!
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
27 Jul 2010 /  #53
Gilla Schindler from the German Family Ministry, admitted that there were certain irregularities in the Jugendamts.

If the above is the case this deserves further examination, and i take it that 'irregularities', sometimes is political code for monumental Fcuk up.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
27 Jul 2010 /  #54
PS: The kids are half german and definitely speak and understand german, as does their father...I really wonder what that is all about, but you not of course. It can only be the mean Nazi-Jugendamt with it's sinister polish-children-stealing-plans who is to blame here...

This single case is just tip of the iceberg. If some rules do not make any sense, one needs to ignore them, or, at the very least, bend said rules just a little. If one has something even remotely resembling heart, that is. Instead Jugendamt workers are showing only hostility towards everything that is Polish. Just like you do:

you seem to be the typical Pole who only expect and thinks the worst of Germany. No rational discussion possible.

Are you related to the Jugendamt or it is just typical German attitude?

Are you familiar with the term "Germanization"? It seems, this is the thing he not wants to be done to his children.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
27 Jul 2010 /  #55
Absolutely, It looks like he wants Germany to become like the UK - the bleeding-hearts would be QUEUEING UP to supply them with interpreters over here!

I'm with BB on this one. We've had enough of this nonsense over here, and it's good that Germany is taking a stand.

I agree with that, Turks are wannabe Europeans.

Please remind our coalition leader about this ;)
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
27 Jul 2010 /  #56
and it's good that Germany is taking a stand.

Yeah, actually I don't understand why ppl call this discrimination or even racism. It's normal regulation. German is the official language of Germany, therefore official institutions speak German. Not Polish, not English, not Dutch not any other language. Très facile.


M-G (yay!)
Ironside  51 | 13127  
27 Jul 2010 /  #57
parent's should be allowed to speak any language they want to their children !
If the institution cannot deal with that, that is the discrimination !
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
27 Jul 2010 /  #58
Well...even if he tells them some sexual abuse or threatens them? Interesting...

PS: The mother and the children are German...so if the father after 30 years living and working in Germany can't deal with it...screw him!

Are you familiar with the term "Germanization"? It seems, this is the thing he not wants to be done to his children.

Well, he should had thought of that BEFORE he himself came to Germany and lived and worked there for 30 years, married a German and got half-german offspring...to f'ucking late I would say!
Ironside  51 | 13127  
27 Jul 2010 /  #59
Well...even if he tells them some sexual abuse or threatens them? Interesting...

If there serious probability of that happening, there should have provided interpretor or recorded what he was saying, if they would have found out the he was doing something wrong, they could use it as a evidence to take away his rights as a father.

I doubt that is the case!
Its not for the institution to arbitrary decide in what language parents are allowed to speaking to their children.
You cannot take away his rights just because he may say something!
It against human rights, common decency and logic - well maybe in Germany is the norm that institution is always right?!
I think that was typical screw up by bureaucrats - they can make such decisions, so they will, just in case, to cover they asses!

Otherwise we should look for more sinister motives ! like this assumption -

The mother and the children are German.

even if that being true, he still can teach his children Polish language !

I-S ( why do you assume that he is a bad father? )
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
27 Jul 2010 /  #60
Because the Jugendamt is involved...

Why do you assume all is peachy? Because the father is polish??
There are millions of polish-german families where there is no problem whatsoever...so don't try
to sell me the Jugendamt hunts poor Poles down and wants to steal their half-german children for sport!

If there serious probability of that happening, there should have provided interpretor or recorded what he was saying

That's what they are doing....the no-polish action is taken only when they can't provide a polish speaking/understanding social worker.

And recording sexual abuse or threats is a tad..erm...to late!

Its not for the institution to arbitrary decide in what language parents are allowed to speaking to their children.

Normally not, but that wasn't an normal case. The man could only meet his children under supervision, the mother has the sole rights, so this case has a background which doesn't look so good for the father.

And if the suspicion is so great that the social worker need to understand what he is talking then you should wonder why that is.

If I were the father and meeting the children would be all what counts for me because I love them so much. Using german (that I know for 30 years and even teach) with my half german children would be the last on my mind.

But instead he makes a case out of it...strengthening all the suspicions about this man I might have, sorry!
He doesn't seem to care about his children or meeting them at all, only that he can speak with them in a language nobody else can understand... WONDER F*UCKING WHY!!!

What the heck does he want to tell them nobody else should know???

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Pole loses language discrimination case in Germany; Scandalous!Archived