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Pole claims to be making the royal wedding furniture in the UK

15 Apr 2011 /  #1
It's being widely reported that a Polish firm are making the furniture for this month's royal wedding in the UK
fakt.pl/Polskie-meble-na-slubie-ksiecia-Williama,galeria,1747,1.html photos


Ursula Vonplaten, a spokeswoman for the hotel, today told NPE: "I think this man has got the wrong end of the stick. Yes, we are having renovations done and reopen next week in time for the wedding as we'll be hosting a party - but that isn't for any of the royal family or wedding guests."
Fassbinder and English confirmed the mistake. "It's absolutely not true that this man nor we are making furniture for the royal wedding," said spokesman Peter Carroll. "We have a few contractors in Poland
and Mr Bergier is one of them, but he has completely misunderstood what this is for. We never once told him it was for the Royal wedding. We have tried contacting him after we saw his TV report in Poland, but he isn't answering his phone. We are very angry with him."
Mr Bergier was unavailable for comment.

15 Apr 2011 /  #2
So what? Who cares?
OP Harry  
15 Apr 2011 /  #3
Who cares?

Apparently lots of the Polish media care, as they've written up the story and published it.

Pity that none of them were professional enough to check the claims.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
15 Apr 2011 /  #4
And if some guy was drumming up business by going on TV saying his company was making stuff for, say, Madonna's or Paris Hilton's wedding, the lawyers would be on him within a day.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
15 Apr 2011 /  #5
Pity that none of them were professional enough to check the claims.

the most professional journalist in this country seemed to be kataryna - a political blogger (I don't know if her archive blog entries are available anywhere on the internet) -

kataryna's blog is on kataryna.blox.pl
David_18  65 | 966  
15 Apr 2011 /  #6
Pity that none of them were professional enough to check the claims.


Funny that the furniture dude refuses to comment on the news.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
15 Apr 2011 /  #7
Pity that none of them were professional enough to check the claims.

Professionalism? Dose it exist anywhere? Gone the way of the Dodo. Wasn’t there a story last month that Beverly Hills-based decorator Kenneth Bordewick will design the interiors for the royal couple's new home? Only to be retracted later on when the official statement from Prince William's press secretary came out stating that: "Kenneth Bordewick has not been commissioned to design interiors for Prince William and Miss Catherine Middleton." Much like all other stories that are printed only to have a footnote added few weeks later stating “oops my bad”. The Polish concentration camps stories publish in the english languge papers ring a bell. LOL Tell me who the hell bothers checking out the details these days. No surprise that Polish journalists got lazy as the rest of them, after all they learned the tricks of the trade from the most prestigious papers published and most respected journalists out there.
OP Harry  
15 Apr 2011 /  #8
Tell me who the hell bothers checking out the details these days. No surprise that Polish journalists got lazy as the rest of them, after all they learned the tricks of the trade from the most prestigious papers published and most respected journalists out there.

NPE journalists checked it. Strangely they all work for English papers too.
chichimera  1 | 185  
15 Apr 2011 /  #9
Apparently lots of the Polish media care

Lots of the Polish media? Do you mean "Fakt"? ... lol
16 Apr 2011 /  #10
Pity that none of them were professional enough to check the claims.

Are British media professional enough to check spellings of Polish names and surnames? I see it everywhere, not to mention ubiquitous Russian names pretending to be Polish names... strange, isn't it?

Not only Polish media are of poor quality nowadays but media in general, especially if it goes for tabloid news of little importance (such as who made furniture/flowers/napkins for the Royal Wedding). Heck, I don't even know when is the wedding to be.

But I still don't get it why you have made a whole new thread just to say that it isn't a Pole who is making the furniture for the Royal Wedding. Some could make a thread about the latest dress of Doda as well. So who on the forum cares about such "news"?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
16 Apr 2011 /  #11
So who on the forum cares about such "news"?

some like to talk about the weather.

some like to talk about furniture makers.

some may like to do both.

whatever you're into and the world still turns.
OP Harry  
16 Apr 2011 /  #12
Are British media professional enough to check spellings of Polish names and surnames?

And neither do Polish media spell British names properly.

But wouldn't you agree that there's a rather large difference between getting a couple of letters in somebody's name wrong and running a story which has absolutely no basis in fact just because one is too lazy to make a single phone call?

But I still don't get it why you have made a whole new thread just to say that it isn't a Pole who is making the furniture for the Royal Wedding. Some could make a thread about the latest dress of Doda as well. So who on the forum cares about such "news"?

That isn't actually the whole story, is it? A fairly large part of the story are all the Polish media who ran the piece without doing even the most basic of fact checking.
16 Apr 2011 /  #13
That isn't actually the whole story, is it? A fairly large part of the story are all the Polish media who ran the piece without doing even the most basic of fact checking.

Hardly a uniquely Polish failing. Check out the occasional column 'How Journalism Works' in Private Eye - hardly a fortnight goes by without something being lifted of a spoof news site like The Onion and passed off as fact.

Journalism is increasingly the mortar of which advertising is the bricks. And on a slow news day, you'll do whatever it takes to fill that space.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
16 Apr 2011 /  #14
The build and finish quality of that piece is dissappointing. Screws in the joinery??? That is mixing first half of the 18th century with the first half of the 20th. OK for a town house in Brooklyn, but not a royal couple.

Oh, and they have only a vague idea of the style - it's called Queen Anne, not "English".
16 Apr 2011 /  #15
Funny, when I first saw those pictures of furniture, I thought "Darius will have something to say about it for sure" ;)

Screws in the joinery??? That is mixing first half of the 18th century with the first half of the 20th. OK for a town house in Brooklyn, but not a royal couple.

Yep, it doesn't look like a good fit for a British palace at all. For a hotel, however, it's good enough.

it's called Queen Anne, not "English".

AKZ  - | 5  
3 May 2011 /  #16

I've seen your other posts on this forum and you know what, i think you must really dislike Poland... I'm just wondering why you are still here?

I spent 5 years in England and i must say that don't like that country and its habits, but at least i made a decision to leave the UK.

It's not good for you and healthy to live in a place you dislike so much...
OP Harry  
4 May 2011 /  #17
i think you must really dislike Poland

You know what? You're completely wrong.

You know what else? Your opinion shows me that your opinions are worth less than nothing.
enkidu  6 | 611  
4 May 2011 /  #18
You know what else? Your opinion shows me that your opinions are worth less than nothing.

I have got a right to my own opinion. And my opinion is, that your opinion is entirely wrong one.
AKZ  - | 5  
4 May 2011 /  #19
re making the furniture for this month's royal wedding in the UK
(photos, article, article).


I am actually glad to hear that i was wrong! If you like the place you are in (here i mean Poland) then it's great... It just doesn't look like you do.

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